Chapter 108: My female classmates are all over the world

Chapter 108 My female classmates are all over the world

"Switch corners? Why?"

Hearing Manager Li's words, Xu Renshan asked in astonishment.

The filming of the micro-movie is finished, the script has been finalized, the male and female protagonists have signed a contract, and the heroine has to be changed for no reason. This is too casual.

"Fengtian Entertainment called my dad and said that they will continue to use Zhang Yunhan, so they will use their relationship to prevent the TV series produced by our company from being broadcast on Shangxing Satellite TV."

Regarding this, Li Zhenhui also looked helpless.

She said it very euphemistically. To put it plainly, if Qingguo Entertainment wants to use Zhang Yunhan as the heroine, Fengtian Entertainment will block this TV series.

As for Fengtian Entertainment's ban, Qingguo Entertainment, which is not in the same order, has no ability to resist.

"Fengtian Entertainment? The company Zhang Yunhan signed with before?"

After hearing this explanation, Xu Renshan raised his eyebrows and asked a question.

A few years ago, Zhang Yunhan faded out of the music scene and disappeared in the entertainment industry for a few years. Rumors of being banned spread all over the Internet. Xu Renshan also saw a lot of leftovers, but he didn't know if it was true or not.

"No, the company that Zhang Yunhan signed with has gone bankrupt. Fengtian Entertainment was the company that banned her back then. It is said that the son of Fengtian Entertainment's boss fell in love with Zhang Yunhan, but Zhang Yunhan did not agree to the other party. Her former company was also under pressure from the other party. , causing Zhang Yunhan to be immersed in it for many years."

Seeing that this outsider didn't know much about the ins and outs of Zhang Yunhan's ban, Li Zhenhui briefly explained.

"Fengtian Entertainment? The other party is very good?"

Having never heard of this company, Xu Renshan asked curiously.

"Simply put, although Fengtian Entertainment has not produced any major productions, several large domestic entertainment companies have his shares, and what he said is still very useful in the circle."

"It sounds a bit arrogant."

After listening to Li Zhenhui's introduction, Xu Renshan knew a little more about this unknown entertainment company, but said with certainty: "If I can guarantee that the TV series produced by your company can be broadcast on Star TV, Zhang Yunhan's heroine Can I not change it?"

Seeing the uneven road, someone shouted.

As a former partner, Xu Renshan felt that it was necessary to help that inspirational and hardworking beauty star.

There is no way, he has already signed a five-year endorsement contract with the other party, if Zhang Yunhan cannot be reborn early, his 2.5 million endorsement fee will be in vain.

"No problem at all."

After hearing what this handsome boss said, Li Zhenhui nodded affirmatively with bright eyes.

If it can be broadcast on Shangxing Satellite TV, even if there is a threat from Fengtian Entertainment, they will temporarily change the heroine when Qingguo Entertainment's brain is broken.

In that case, not only will you lose face, but you will also lose time. In addition, you will have to pay part of the liquidated damages, which is completely detrimental to others.

"wait for me."

Now that this is the point, Xu Renshan walked to the small room next to him, found a name from the address book, and dialed it immediately.

"Hey, Xiaoshanshan, what wind brought you here?"

Sitting in the office of Suzhou TV Station, a young woman in a black lady's suit picked up the phone and asked a question with a smile.

"Senior sister, are you working at Suzhou Television Station?"

Hearing the other person's tiresome address, Xu Renshan, who is full of immunity, still couldn't help but tremble.

Xu Renshan still has some impressions of this senior girl with a deep background. After all, the other party's father will be a provincial official in the future, and he is likely to join the cabinet.

As for why Xu Renshan knew the other party, it was only because when he entered Jiangda University, he was pursued by this senior who was two years older, and was finally disturbed by an ordinary long-legged female classmate.

It's a pity, when I was young and ignorant, I missed a good time.

In the past few years in the previous life, the two of them would send messages of greetings from time to time, which is not unfamiliar.

"Yes what's the matter?"

"My friend's entertainment company has launched a TV series, which is generally not bad, but someone threatened to change the heroine, otherwise she will not be allowed to broadcast on Star TV. No, I want to ask you to do a favor!"

"Small matter, what is the name of your friend's company, I'll ask someone to contact him."

"Qinguo Entertainment here in Hangzhou."

"Okay, remember to treat me to dinner."

"no problem."

Hung up the phone, Xu Renshan, who was thinking alone for two minutes, returned to the office next to him, and said to Li Zhenhui, "I contacted Suzhou Satellite TV, no problem."

"Su Province Satellite TV?"

Hearing about this rapidly rising TV station in the past two years, Li Zhenhui asked in surprise.

"One of my seniors just happens to work there."

Seeing the surprised look of the other party, Xu Renshan simply explained without comment.

"Oh, sure?"

Nodding her head, she could guess why it was related to the female senior, Li Zhenhui asked with some uncertainty.

After all, this is related to their company's tens of millions of investment.

If it loses the opportunity to be broadcast on satellite TV and offends Fengtian Entertainment, it will be even worse for Qingguo Entertainment, which is not very good.

"Didi Didi..."

At this time, Li Zhenhui's cell phone rang, and seeing that it was the number of the vice president's aunt, she immediately picked it up.

"Ooh, ok, I see."

Hung up the phone, Li Zhenhui looked at the handsome boss in front of him in astonishment, and replied in disbelief: "Mr. Xu, are you so good?"


'Unable to understand' what the other party meant, Xu Renshan raised his eyebrows knowingly.

"Just now the Suzhou Satellite TV Program Trading Center contacted our company, saying that they are negotiating the acquisition of a customized drama, and will send someone over tomorrow."

Speaking of this news, Li Zhenhui's inner gossip ignited: "Mr. Xu, what is the position of your senior sister?"

In just a few minutes, the acquisition of a TV series can be decided, which is a lot of energy.

Even among the local satellite TVs, Suzhou Satellite TV can be ranked among the top five. They Qingguo Entertainment rarely have the opportunity to cooperate with each other, and this handsome boss contacted them casually?

They Qingguo Entertainment have been in the industry for many years, why not be as handsome as a cross-border boss? ? ? ! !

No, she can’t be included in this matter. The development of Qingguo Entertainment for many years has been supported by her father and aunt. It can only be said that the two of them have been together for so many years.

If she is in charge of Qingguo Entertainment in the future, she will definitely make the company a step a year, a step in two years, and catch up with large domestic entertainment companies within ten years.

"Well, I didn't ask just now."

After pondering for a second, Xu Renshan gave an answer.

Although he had a lot of contact with the other party in his previous life, he probably knew that the other party's promotion route was from the Jiangsu Provincial Program Center to the deputy director, and then transferred to the Suzhou Provincial Propaganda Department and then became the youngest deputy director level in Suzhou Province, but Xu Renshan really didn't know The other party's current position.

It will be on the shelves tomorrow, and I hope that the veterans will make a first order, thank you very much! !

(end of this chapter)