Chapter 114: How $2 Billion Turned into 3 Billion (Subscribe)

Chapter 114 How $2 Billion Becomes 3 Billion (Subscribe)

"Then Shuyan can call me Yuxuan. I am a little embarrassed to hear Mrs. Xu's name."

Although she liked the title 'Mrs. Xu', Shi Yuxuan responded in a timely manner in order to show her closeness.

"Yuxuan, I heard from Xu Renshan that you run a company?"

Sitting in the small space in the car, Ni Shuyan took the initiative to start the topic.

She has no intention of attacking the handsome junior, but it doesn't mean she is not curious about the identity of Mrs. Xu.

Besides the body, appearance and temperament, Ni Shuyan, who considers herself not bad, felt that she was not wronged, but it is definitely not just this point when it comes to the choice of the handsome junior.

In college, among the girls who coveted handsome juniors, it wasn't that there was no one with a better figure than her, but they all met with cold faces to deal with it.

"Well, I own a clothing, cosmetics, paper products company."

Hearing the other party's question, Shi Yuxuan stated her property directly.

There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing. As for the inherited fund, there is no need to talk about it.

"A large conglomerate across industries?"

After thinking for two seconds, Ni Shuyan asked a question.

If this is the case, it makes sense for the other party to have such a luxurious million-dollar car.

"No, it's three companies."

“. I didn’t expect you, Yuxuan, to have such great achievements at such a young age. Compared with you, I really feel ashamed.”

"Shu Yan, you are also very good. Most of the civil servants of your age are still at the bottom."


Xu Renshan, who was sitting there drinking water, listened to the conversation between the beautiful wife and the beautiful senior, and always felt that there was a slight hint of rivalry in those plain words.

However, there should be nothing to target between the two of them. Is it because both of them are beauties that there can only be one hero between men?

Forget it, he is still a quiet listener, and when he is free, he can appreciate the different beauty between the beautiful wife and the beautiful senior.

"I'm here. Sister Yuxuan, Xu Renshan, see you next time."

When the Rolls-Royce stopped at the entrance of the hotel, Ni Shuyan smiled and said to the two.

After the brief chat before, she and this Mrs. Xu had a preliminary understanding, and their names became a lot closer.

It's just that she didn't expect that this Mrs. Xu was a little older than her, no matter in age or in some aspects.

That is to say, the handsome junior married a rich and beautiful woman who was at least three years older than him.

Logically speaking, this is not the style that the handsome junior likes. If she had already defeated the opponent a few years ago, could it be that the method she used was wrong?

Is the background not in place, or the money not in place?

"Sister Shuyan, see you next time."

Waved her hand, and when the car restarted, Shi Yuxuan, who was a little drunk, took the initiative to lean into the arms of the handsome husband next to her, and whispered, "Husband, how am I doing today?"

Tonight's dinner, she didn't disturb the process of the handsome husband entertaining the beautiful senior sister, and she thought it was very generous.

Of course, this is her self-confidence and her trust in her handsome husband.

"very good."

Holding the slender waist of the beautiful wife, Xu Renshan looked at the beautiful face close at hand, and naturally moved closer.

Back to raw and second to familiar, Xu Renshan's movements are much more natural than before, and the progress is much faster.

"Don't be here, go home first."

Feeling the fiery flames of the handsome husband, Shi Yuxuan, who was also excited, said with winking eyes.

"it is good."

Seeing the state of the beautiful wife, Xu Renshan's mind flashed with ecstasy, and then he was calmly suppressed.

At critical moments, don’t be impulsive, lest you fall short.

However, although he let go of the tempting lipstick, he didn't stop moving his hands, maintaining the sudden escalation of enthusiasm between the two.

"By the way, did your senior sister like you before?"

Calm down a little, Shi Yuxuan, who didn't stop her handsome husband from moving, changed her sitting posture, and asked a cute question.

"No, we used to be friends from the student union."

Regarding this point, Xu Renshan, who had been drinking, was not dull at all, and denied it without hesitation.

This kind of thing has to be said to be false even if it is true.

"Oh, I think she looks at you strangely."

"You are my wife now, except for you, other women are vulgar fans in my eyes."

"Hmph, your hand should be lighter."

The Rolls-Royce parked safely at the entrance of the villa. Xu Renshan picked up his beautiful wife as soon as he got out of the car, and quickly went straight to the second floor without giving her a chance to escape.

Encountering such an opportunity, the original 20-day small goal plan will definitely be cancelled. Xu Renshan is not the kind of steel straight man who insists on going according to the plan

In the early morning of Saturday, the early summer sun came in through the cracks in the curtains and fell on the faces of the two on the bed.

Xu Renshan, who had been awake early, did not follow his biological clock to get up for morning exercise, but let his beautiful wife's head rest on his right arm, quietly waiting for her to wake up.

By using the light, Xu Renshan looked at the pretty face that was close at hand, and recalled the aerobic exercise last night, and there was a rush of excitement in his heart wandering all over his body.


As if feeling some strange experience, Shi Yuxuan's eyelashes trembled, she opened her eyes, and immediately saw the handsome husband she missed in her dream, feeling very happy.

"Good morning, wife."

Seeing the other party woke up, Xu Renshan greeted him with a smile.

"Honey, good morning."

Recalling the experience of last night, Shi Yuxuan, a new wife, put on a sweet smile, put her arms around her neck, and offered a sweet kiss.

"If you wake up, let's have breakfast first."

"Okay. What are you doing?"

"That's what I call breakfast."

"Bad guy."

By the time Xu Renshan helped his beautiful wife go downstairs to have breakfast, the clock on the wall had already set at half past nine.

"What's wrong?"

While eating breakfast, Xu Renshan saw his wife looking at her phone, eating a little slower, and immediately felt that the other's mood was affected.

"The fund under my name has already cleared its silver futures positions. Except for last week's $560 million gain, it only earned less than 10 million in the next few days."

Speaking of this matter, Shi Yuxuan was a little bit emotional.

If I had listened to my husband’s suggestion and tried my best to do blank silver, I might have easily met the requirements of the management of SS Fund.

I missed that opportunity. These days, silver futures are ups and downs, and I made less than 10 million US dollars, which is still far from the goal of 3 billion US dollars.

"I have a stable investment here, but the return is not high. If you want to achieve your goal of 3 billion, you may need to invest all the funds."

Knowing that his wife didn't care about the inheritance of the $30 billion fund, but that he didn't want to admit defeat to that uncle's conspiracy, Xu Renshan revealed one of his few investment methods.

If it was the relationship between the two that hadn't broken through the last layer before, Xu Renshan really didn't want to say it, lest the beautiful wife have other ideas.

(end of this chapter)