Chapter 167: Waiting for you is never too long (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 167 Waiting for you is never too long (ask for a monthly ticket)

"Respect all guests, good morning..."

At nine o'clock in the morning, a beautiful hostess came up to the stage and made an opening remark.

For the sharp-eyed investors, someone found out that the other party was a host of a TV station in Jiang Province, and couldn't help talking about it.

The investors who came here today are all investors from several nearby provinces, and they have watched some programs of Jiang Province TV Station more or less.

This also reflects that the strength of Ziwei tea has given everyone a little more confidence.

"The following is our Deputy General Manager of Yuming Group, Mr. Fan Deyi"

After the host's introduction, Fan Deyi in a suit and leather shoes came to the stage and said with a smile: "Hi investors, I am Fan Deyi, the deputy general manager of Yuming Group. Welcome to choose our Ziwei tea brand. Our Ziwei tea .”

"As of yesterday, the turnover of Ziwei tea directly-operated stores has basically become saturated, with a daily sales volume of 1,200 cups and a gross profit of more than 10,000 per day"

After touting the cultural heritage of crape myrtle tea and the excellence of raw materials, Fan Deyi also introduced the current single-store turnover and profit of the directly-operated stores to enhance the atmosphere of the scene.

When they heard about the profits of the Ziwei tea directly-operated store, the investors at the scene were all excited.

Although Hangzhou has strong spending power, the gross profit of a single store reaches 10,000 per day, which is amazing.

They come from small counties or prefecture-level cities. If you discount half of it, you can make millions of profits a year. Basically, you will pay back your capital in half a year.

As for whether the other party will lie to them, the big guys actually went to the two directly-operated stores of Ziwei Tea in advance, and they could see the long queues at that time. profit.

A series of data shows that it is difficult to fake.

In addition, this crape myrtle tea drink has not been developed and franchised in downtown Hangzhou, which is also a manifestation of self-confidence.

"Next, Manager Liu from our marketing department will introduce the specific rules for joining."

After talking for about ten minutes, Fan Deyi handed the stage to Liu Nalan, the marketing manager.

It was the first time for the young Liu Nalan to stand on a stage where so many people were paying attention, but she also knew that she couldn't show her timidity today and lose points in front of her subordinates and franchisees.

To cheer up, Liu Nalan said: "Dear investors, our company's Ziwei tea brand has temporarily set up two franchise agency channels. One is single store franchise, 500,000 per store, of which 300,000 includes Product equipment, employee training fees and some raw materials... One is to join the county-level region, 800,000 agency fees, of which..."

After the initial opening remarks, Liu Nalan spoke more and more smoothly, and the confidence in her heart was born spontaneously.


When he came to Jiangsheng International Hotel, Xu Renshan saw a group of investors signing letters of intent in an orderly manner.

Looking at the busy Liu Nalan and others, Xu Renshan didn't bother, but listened to the investors' discussions.

Among them, the most discussed issue is not the issue of too high franchise fees. Instead, some counties and cities have several groups of investors who can only join a single store, and there are many complaints about this.

Liu Nalan previously proposed the so-called bidding method of the highest bidder, which was rejected by Xu Renshan at the beginning.

It's true that he wants to earn more franchise fees, but he doesn't want to settle for money.

The franchise fee is too high, and many franchisees are likely to use some improper means in order to quickly pay back the cost, which affects the brand's reputation.

He is a principled businessman, a promising young man who wants to lead franchisees to common prosperity.

"What the **** are you doing at Yu Tea, you don't allow the region to join. Didn't our Lizhou bring a few more people to prevent the region from joining? I bought all the franchise stores they wanted to open. It doesn't matter, how many they want to open? home, I will pay the money of a few, and I am not bad at money."

At this moment, there was a noise from the place where the contract was signed. Xu Renshan heard the voice of a middle-aged man with a hometown flavor, very rich and powerful.

"I'm sorry, Boss Chen, we explained it earlier, because there are three investors from Lizhou..."

Seeing someone making trouble, Liu Nalan hurriedly stepped forward to explain that Vice President Fan who came over after hearing the news asked the investor to be invited aside for tea.

Within two minutes, the middle-aged local tyrant signed a letter of intent with satisfaction.

Seeing the middle-aged local tycoon and Vice President Fan shaking hands vigorously with a smile on their faces, you can tell that the other party is in a good mood.

"President Fan, which region did you give him the right to franchise?"

Hearing a familiar voice behind him, Fan Deyi turned his head and saw the boss appeared, and replied with a smile: "It just so happened that there were no investors from Wuyang, so I asked him to sign the Wuyang regional franchise."

Fan Deyi is not surprised that the boss can see his response at a glance, but he has more respect for the young boss in his heart.

Being able to fight for this emerging market at such a young age, his ability should not be underestimated.

"Well, after collecting the franchise fee, we need to do a good job in the follow-up store location inspection and decoration."

Nodding his head, Xu Renshan emphasized the follow-up service.

This wave of leeks, ahem, this wave of investors is just a prelude.

Only by doing a good job in logistics services, so that these people can make money, will there be a steady stream of franchisees in the future, which will provide impetus for Yuming Company to develop into a group and continue to provide red tickets for his wallet.

"Yes, I will focus on supervising these two areas later."

Even if the boss doesn't remind him, Fan Deyi will not focus on these two tasks.

If not to mention that the boss is still young, the publicity work before joining is in full swing, but the logistics support is extremely weak.

Just talking about the location inspection of the store, there are at least hundreds of franchisees today, and the company's existing marketing staff alone have to run their legs.

Not to mention the unified decoration, except for a dozen contracted labor teams, none of the outsourced labor teams are available.

All of this will take a lot of energy.

As the vice president, when he thinks of these two big problems, his head goes all over the place.

However, as a vice president, I was supposed to do these things, otherwise the annual salary of 700,000 yuan would not be so easy to get.

"President Fan is doing business, I don't worry."

Didn't stay any longer, as the boss, Xu Renshan just looked at the final result.

For other pioneering and innovative things, Xu Renshan may feel that Fan, who was born in a large company, is somewhat limited, but these logistical arrangements must be no problem.

It's really comfortable to have the feeling of subordinates doing things.

After leaving the hotel, Xu Renshan drove home, looked at the computer and flipped through books, and half a day passed.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Xu Renshan waited in the VIP waiting room of the airport for half an hour, and finally saw his wife coming out of the VIP passage.

"Honey, it's been a long time."

Seeing her husband's figure, Shi Yuxuan trotted two steps and hugged her husband's neck.

I haven't seen her for three days, and her thoughts have flown over half of the earth.

"Not long. Waiting for you, never too long."

Holding his wife's slender waist, Xu Renshan replied softly.

"Sister, then I'll go back first."

Seeing the concubine love between her cousin and that stinky boy, Shi Qingxue kept a cold face, and left after saying a word.

During this trip to England, they did not successfully open the gap in the management of the SS Foundation, all because the cousin did not agree to the conditions of the management.

If it wasn't for her cousin's serious reminder in advance, Shi Qingxue would have wanted to ridicule that brat.

The main condition for the management of the SS Foundation is

(end of this chapter)