Chapter 170: Try to get closer to my wife (ask for a monthly ticket)

Chapter 170 Trying to get closer to my wife (seeking a monthly ticket)

After meeting with the two right-hand men, Xu Renshan walked to the deputy general manager's office, just in time to meet Vice President Fan discussing work with Bai Xinyuan, the manager of the finance department.


"Hi boss."

Seeing the big boss coming, both Fan Deyi stood up and said hello.

"Well, you are busy with your work, so I'll just come and take a look."

Xu Renshan is still very satisfied with the work of Vice President Fan.

"We've finished talking about performance issues and reward and punishment systems for new and old employees."

After listening to the big boss, Fan Deyi took the initiative to talk about the work content discussed earlier.

"We really need to pay attention to this issue. Our company has made money, and we have to let all employees feel empathy and improve their sense of identity with the company. Remember, every employee, including the clerks of our directly-operated stores, cannot be left behind."

In this regard, Xu Renshan put forward his own opinion.

Originally, he wanted to mention this matter to the finance department, but Manager Bai happened to be there, so Xu Renshan mentioned it casually.

Let every clerk feel the happiness of their boss making money, which is the atmosphere that a boss should have. Xu Renshan doesn't want to see those low-level employees who are defeated by the company's cold system and have nowhere to go in a certain audio and video in his previous life.

Since he has achieved a little wealth and freedom, there is no need to hold on to a small amount of money and be reluctant to let go.

As for the reward and punishment system, he just depends on the result, and doesn't need to intervene in the specific formulation.

Anyway, when the final bonus is distributed, the employees all know that it is the boss's good.

"Yes, I will definitely implement the boss' instructions. After the system is revised, I will report to you in detail."

Nodding vigorously, Bai Xinyuan no longer had the casualness she had when she joined the job, and was full of energy all over her body.

Just yesterday, a company that only relied on two directly-operated stores to contribute 30,000 to 40,000 to 40,000 a day in revenue, earned 128 million in a single day, which refreshed her understanding of tea companies.

With such a promising enterprise, how could Bai Xinyuan not try her best to keep her current position.

Before she was only a deputy in a certain company, she needed to study hard in private to keep up with the company's development speed.

No way, after the company expands, as a middle-level employee, she will also be able to receive option rewards and become an elite management with an annual salary of one million in the future.

"President Fan, how do you feel these two days?"

Waiting for Manager Bai to leave, Xu Renshan smiled and asked the newly appointed deputy general manager.

"very energetic."

Hearing the big boss's question, Fan Deyi gave a very vivid word.

"How do you say this?"

Regarding Deputy General Manager Fan's evaluation, Xu Renshan half understood, waiting for the other party's explanation.

"Let me tell the boss about the last ** group I worked for"

Before explaining the term, Fan Deyi first talked about what he saw and heard when he was the regional manager of an old private enterprise.

As the share of domestic milk powder is gradually occupied by imported milk powder, the operating conditions of domestic milk powder private enterprises are naturally declining. This is not a situation that the sales department can reverse by advertising, promotion and other marketing methods.

This also led to the slackness of the sales department, sales fell, corporate profits decreased, and bonuses decreased. This slackness gradually spread from the top management to the entire enterprise, and there was a feeling of lifelessness and lifelessness.

When he came to this newly established Yuming Tea, although Fan Deyi felt that the linkage efficiency between various departments was not high, the whole team was full of energy and busy, full of vigor and prosperity.

There is a stark contrast between the two.

An enterprise, no matter how busy or chaotic it is, as long as it is full of vitality, it will have the source of power and hope to move upward.

Yuming tea is undoubtedly the best among them.

Fan Deyi is very fortunate that he can get the current position.

"Vigor and drive, I think these two words are very good. When Mr. Fan is free, discuss with Manager Liu and the others how to ensure that our company's employees maintain these two atmospheres."

After listening to the deputy general manager's explanation, Xu Renshan nodded thoughtfully, and assigned an additional task to the other party.

In his previous life, he ran the training department, and the entire team was not many, only thirty or forty people, and he didn't consider this level at all.

Now that Yuming Company is in a period of rapid expansion, the existing dozens of employees will definitely increase to hundreds or even hundreds of people. At that time, the problems mentioned by Vice President Fan need to be paid attention to.


After listening to the big boss's order, Fan Deyi nodded with a smile.

Didn't stop at the company, Xu Renshan drove home, stealing half a day's leisure.

"Honey, how do you think a company can stay alive forever?"

While eating dinner at home, Xu Renshan asked his wife for advice on the problems of the day.

Compared to him who has just started his business for two months, his wife has been in charge of the three companies for many years and has maintained profitable growth, which is a clear manifestation of vitality.

Vitality = profit growth, well understood.

"This should consider the corporate culture and salary system, and the most important thing is the salary system. The world is full of hustle and bustle, all for profit, and most people work hard to see their salary increase and job promotion. It is the corporate culture, easy work and stable wages are not the main factors, it is necessary to make employees feel a sense of belonging.”

Hearing her husband's question, Shi Yuxuan answered it honestly.

"Wife, did your three companies do it?"

Nodding thoughtfully, Xu Renshan asked a question instead.


Shaking her head, Shi Yuxuan analyzed it to her husband with a smile: "The situation I am talking about is the ideal state of the company's development. When a company is at a certain bottleneck, or reaches an absolute height, the management will realize it within a certain period of time. Without the growth of wealth, it will slowly slack off. This is why the high-level turnover of many large groups is frequent. For a company, no progress is the most dangerous regression. There is only a fast-growing company. Only by providing a future of wealth growth and providing enough opportunities for promotion and salary increase to low-level employees can employees have a real sense of belonging.”

In Shi Yuxuan's view, her husband's current Yuming Company is in a stage of rapid development and can fully achieve this goal.

"Listening to what your wife says is better than reading for ten years."

After carefully understanding what his wife said, Xu Renshan said with emotion.

For a small boss who only had dozens of employees in his previous life, Xu Renshan never had the opportunity to consider this level. Now that his wife said this, he felt relieved to see the true face of the world through the clouds.

It’s no wonder that those big companies plan the channels for employee appreciation in such a detailed way. This can be regarded as an incentive for employees and is part of the corporate culture.

"Husband, how about I help you apply for an MBA from Jiangda University and study."

Facing her husband who is open-minded and eager to learn, Shi Yuxuan smiled and made a suggestion.

The MBA class she mentioned is naturally not a full-time postgraduate course, but a part-time study class for working people.

This so-called corporate management training class is of course the most professional at Harvard. Shi Yuxuan is also capable of applying for a place for her husband, but the distance is too far.

Again, the more professional ones in China are the MBA programs set up by universities such as Peking University, Magic University, and Jiangnan University. Occasionally, some professional professors and successful entrepreneurs are invited to give lectures. Very useful.

However, the best is naturally the MBA program of Jiangda University, which is just here in Hangzhou, so there is no need for the couple to be separated.


After listening to his wife's suggestion, Xu Renshan nodded in approval.

Learning is endless, and learning occasionally is of great benefit to him in managing the fast-growing company in his hands.

The establishment of corporate culture can be the business of the vice president and management, but it is also the business of his boss.

It would be a bit ridiculous if his boss's abilities couldn't keep up with the speed of the company's development.

Besides, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

A man must realize his shortcomings, especially his current married status, and must work harder to match his wife who will be worth hundreds of billions in the future.

"Zi Zi, Zi Zi"

After dinner, Xu Renshan and his wife were sitting in the living room on the second floor watching TV. When he turned on his phone, Weiwei, he found a reminder of unread messages.

"Registration +1."

"Registration +1."

"Registration +1."

"Registration +1."

(end of this chapter)