Chapter 172: Lanshou, shiitake mushrooms

Chapter 172 Lanshou, Mushroom

"Yeah, why, don't you welcome me?"

As if she could guess the expression of the little sister next door, Shi Yuxuan asked a funny question, but she was soon attracted by her husband's movements after paying attention.

"No. Why don't you welcome it. Everyone must be envious when they see Xu Mutou has such a beautiful wife as your sister."

The heartache was so painful that she couldn't breathe, but Li Yanfei pretended to have no bad intentions and complimented the other party.

No way, if she asks someone, she can't turn her face temporarily.

Blue skinny, shiitake mushrooms.

"Concubine Yan, I'm a little embarrassed when you say that. Okay, then we'll see you then."

Originally wanted to chat with this cute little sister next door, but Shi Yuxuan, who was harassed by her husband, could only hang up the phone hastily, hugging her neck with both hands, and releasing the hormones in her body.

She wants to use practical actions to punish her mischievous husband.

Unfortunately, things backfired.

For some reason, Shi Yuxuan found that her husband was a bit fierce tonight, and she couldn't stand it at all.

In the end, it was still her who begged for mercy.

It has to be said that the management of Qingguo Entertainment is very efficient in execution. Xu Renshan remembers that just a week after the copyright purchase and director were settled, the entire team has been formed, and the first phase of location shooting has even begun.

Just spent a pleasant and fulfilling weekend with his wife, Xu Renshan came to the first location on Monday, a scenic spot to be opened in Xixi Wetland.

I had seen several episodes of Running Man in my previous life, and now I have such free time, I happened to come to the scene to watch the live shooting up close.

"How about the filming of the TV series?"

When he came to the shooting location, Xu Renshan happened to meet the guest members taking a break, so he handed a cup of fruit tea he brought over to the resident female guest Zhang Yunhan, and asked a casual question.

To balance TV dramas and running men, the pressure on this company's female artist is still not small.

After all, before this, the other party had been away from the real entertainment industry for several years.

"I can keep up, thank you Mr. Xu for your concern."

Hearing the care of the young boss, Zhang Yunhan, who was drinking fruit tea, smiled and said that she could do it.

After a few years of silence, Zhang Yunhan, who worked hard behind the scenes, is ready at any time. After finally having such a good resource, she must go all out.

Especially, she couldn't live up to the care of the young boss.

"That's good, but you still have to pay attention to your body."

Looking at the other person's face, Xu Renshan didn't see any haggardness, and he still said uneasy: "Eat more, don't deliberately compress your diet, you'd better look rounder."

He heard that many female artists in this circle forcibly reduced their diet, resulting in some clavicle beauties, which greatly affected the perception of some male audiences.

Among the male audience, he definitely does not include himself.

Since he has the opportunity to take charge of an entertainment company, Xu Renshan feels that the female artists under the company don't need to be so deliberate, as the real beauty is naturally.


After being scrutinized by the young boss, and listening to the words that should not cause ambiguity, Zhang Yunhan blushed and nodded, thinking about going back and eating two more pieces of meat to supplement her nutrition.

This handsome boss' vision is definitely not wrong.

"Xu Dong, would you like to enter the game to experience it?"

Li Zhenhui on the side saw that the boss only brought a cup of milk tea for the female star, so she couldn't help joking.

The male and female protagonists of today's TV series all came to participate in the first episode of the variety show recording. As the producer, she came over to join in the fun and find inspiration when she had nothing to do.

Although she used to be the daughter of the company's big boss, and is now a small shareholder, she hates certain unspoken rules in the industry, but now that a big shareholder is young and handsome, Li Zhenhui can only turn a blind eye .

Everyone in the company knew that the big boss looked at this female artist differently, and the crew discussed behind his back, but on the surface he was polite to that female artist.

This is the reality of the entertainment industry.

"No, I'll just watch from the sidelines."

Xu Renshan politely declined Manager Li's proposal.

He participated in a micro-movie before, except for the fact that the situation forced him to add 1.5 million remuneration, he was also happy, but he didn't want to really enter the entertainment circle, even though the micro-movie was released for seven days and received 50 million hits and 2 million comments.

Now, he is the major shareholder of the company. The so-called salary is worse than left-handed and right-handed, but he has to pay a lot of tax if he does it.

After the success of the micro-movie, investors came to Yuming Company to consult and join in an endless stream. Xu Renshan didn't need to show himself in front of the camera. His goal had already been achieved.

"Really not going? There are several beauties among the female guests today!!"

Listening to the tactful refusal of the big boss, Li Zhenhui thought that the other party was too embarrassed, so she continued to seduce her.

"Indeed, they are all a little prettier than Manager Li."

Seeing the small shareholder's smirk, Xu Renshan sincerely expressed his affirmation.

For the first episode of the program, in order to ensure the effect of the program, in addition to Qiao Yu, the program team also invited other leading actors from a certain love apartment. All the female characters from the first two seasons were present.

The most important thing is that these guests are quite popular, with their own traffic, but the appearance fee is not expensive.

At this point in time, the actresses in a certain love apartment are at the peak of their beauty, including Lisa who still has a charm.

Xu Renshan, who was sitting on a chair, looked from a distance, and the female artists Yingyingyanyan gathered in a small group formed a unique landscape.

A certain love apartment spans 12 years from the first season to the fifth season. Every time a new drama is released, it arouses heated discussions among netizens. Xu Renshan, who loves historical dramas only, has also been chased by his girlfriend several times.

When chasing dramas in the previous life, when Xu Renshan communicated with his little girlfriend, some deliberate hallucinations would inevitably appear in his mind, replacing the girlfriend under him with a certain heroine, which greatly increased his combat effectiveness.

Now that he has the opportunity to get in close contact, Xu Renshan is very indifferent in his heart.

Vision determines psychology.


I didn't expect the big boss to answer in such an 'insincere' way. Li Zhenhui, who knew that the other party had made up her mind, didn't continue the topic, but asked the boss for advice.

You must know that although Li Zhenhui has both the status of a minority shareholder and the producer of the star crew, her real main business is still supervising the company's screenwriter team.

The quick completion of the running male script this time is mainly due to the ready-made templates in South Korea. In addition, the outline of this variety show is relatively simple, and more tests are on the on-the-spot adaptability of male and female guests.

But in the task column of the company's screenwriter team, there are several variety shows with exclusive copyrights, and there is only a novel outline given by a big boss, and everyone is completely confused.

As a "senior screenwriter", Li Zhenhui also has a big face when facing subordinates asking for advice.

After finally catching this opportunity, she naturally would not let it go and divert her troubles.

"Hey, Brother Zeng, is that handsome guy the male lead of the recently super-popular Sansei III micro-movie?"

While chatting with friends whom she hadn’t seen for a long time, Zhao Weiqi asked about the resident male guest Zeng He.

"Which microfilm?"

Zeng He, who recently received the announcement of this variety show, heard the question from his previous partner, and looked curiously at the resident female guest not far away, and saw a handsome young man who made people a little jealous.

Seeing the rapt attention of the resident female guest, the man's sixth sense told Zeng He that there might be a little story in it.

"Brother Zeng, are you out? Recently, the micro-movie of Sansheng III has become popular on all major websites."

"Hey, only us little transparent people have time to follow dramas and watch entertainment news."

"Brother Zeng has left our low-interest group."

"Yeah, we're just small artists on the 18th line."

"What, I'm just a little busy recently."

Listening to the ridicule of his friends, Zeng He felt a sky full of beasts flying over his head, and he was a little helpless to defend himself.

"Which company does that handsome guy belong to? Is he also an invited guest like us?!"

Seeing the other party chatting with the handsome guy who seems to be a high-level crew member, Zhao Weiqi had a twinkle in his eyes.

"Why, Qiqi, you won't be fascinated by the handsome guy."

"Qiqi, come on, go and take down that handsome guy."

"Brave Kiki, not afraid of difficulties, go up, Pikachu."

"Just go, what am I afraid of."

Facing the ridicule from her companions, Zhao Weiqi felt a little overwhelmed, got up and walked over there.

(end of this chapter)