Chapter 174: Fate with the mentor

Chapter 174 and the mentor's fate

"Oh, really. Then you arrange a time as soon as possible. I am free except on weekends."

Xu Renshan, who was originally concerned about missing a director with high ratings, raised his eyebrows in surprise when he heard Vice President Li's words.

Compared to Director Yu who fights alone and has almost the same style, Director Sun is the real master.

In the next few years, a series of producers and directors headed by Director Sun, Zhengtian Film and Television produced a lot of classic films with great reputation, and some netizens even ridiculed that Zhengtian produced must be a boutique.

When Xu Renshan gave the task to Vice President Li, he thought it was impossible for Director Sun to cooperate. Director Yu had a chance to cooperate, but the result was the opposite.

Unexpectedly, I really lost sesame seeds and a bunch of watermelons.


Seeing that the chairman attaches so much importance to that director Sun, Li Husu also took this matter to heart.

During this period of time, Li Husu sometimes couldn't figure out the young chairman's unconstrained ideas, but he also implemented them 100% and perfectly performed the duties of a vice president.

"By the way, why don't Qiao Yu and Zhang Yunhan have full-time assistants?"

After talking about this business, Xu Renshan asked another question.

He saw it just now. It seems that both Qiao Yu and Zhang Yunhan share the same manager and assistant. It seems that they are a bit petty in Qingguo Entertainment.

After all, Qiao Yu and Zhang Yunhan are now the only two well-known artists in their company, and Zhang Yunhan is being cultivated especially. When the time comes to participate in commercial performances to make money for the company, wouldn't it be very embarrassing.

"Xu Dong, our company's current financial situation needs to control expenses."

Listening to the rich and powerful arrangement of the chairman, Li Husu reminded tactfully that there was a kind of helplessness of "not being in charge of the family and not knowing how to lose money".

Now the company is carrying out two projects at the same time, and bought a series of copyrights, all of which are 'borrowed' from the chairman's personal funds. None of the projects have yet made a profit, so it can be said that they cannot make ends meet.

If the two projects are finally stranded, the company may not be able to repay the chairman's personal debts and go bankrupt.

"How much money is left on the books?"

After hearing Vice President Li's words, Xu Renshan was stunned for a moment, thinking of the current situation of the company, he asked a little embarrassedly.

Indeed, the company doesn't seem to have any income yet, and still owes him a large sum of money.

"After deducting the retained funds of the two projects, the working capital is less than 1 million. I am preparing to propose to you to borrow from the bank with the project as collateral."

Speaking of this number, Li Husu also had a headache.

You must know that this 1 million is an up and down expenditure to maintain, and the monthly salary of employees alone costs hundreds of thousands.

The problem is that the company does not have any source of income now, and it is all supported by part of the balance borrowed by the chairman.

Of course, if the company borrows from the bank for two projects with an investment of more than 100 million yuan, it will be no problem to get a loan of 40 to 50 million yuan.

"There is no need for a loan. I will lend another 10 million to the company to support our company's artist structure first."

Xu Renshan was naturally reluctant to mortgage the company's two high-quality projects.

Although many companies use bank money to complete their own projects, and the interest paid is not very high, it is completely unnecessary for Xu Renshan.

Anyway, he has no better short-term investment at present, and the money in Renyu's investment account cannot be left to depreciate.


Seeing that the big boss doesn't care about money, Li Husu naturally won't object.

After all, it is of great benefit to the company's image to support the contracted artists.

Even signing a new artist will not be as strenuous as it was two days ago.

With the current popularity and achievements of Qingguo Entertainment, well, they have no reputation and achievements at all, and some basic artists will not consider it.

"Okay, you guys are busy, I'm going first."

After watching for a long time, Xu Renshan saw that it was time for lunch, so he didn't eat any boxed lunch in the crew, but went to Jiangda's flavor restaurant.

"You really don't want to apply for a full-time master's degree? You want to choose financial management, and I can help you get a place."

Eating a lunch of four dishes and one soup, Qian Qingmu said with a smile.

Back then, he also owed this proud student a favor, and he didn't mind using his relationship to pave the way for him.

"Thank you, teacher, I may not be able to adapt to the school life of three points and one line now."

Hearing the mentor's kindness, Xu Renshan declined with a smile.

He is living a fairly comfortable life now. There is no need to get a full-time master's degree to gild himself and tie his time to school.

Xu Renshan didn't expect that after he had just signed up for a part-time MBA course, his tutor found out about his whereabouts and invited him over for lunch.

Unfortunately, he can only feel embarrassed about the mentor's kindness.

"It's okay, society is a more training school."

Seeing that the students were unwilling to accept his kindness, Qian Qingmu didn't say much, everyone has their own fate.

"By the way, teacher, how do you know my registration status?"

While chatting, Xu Renshan asked his own question.

"I also have a course in this corporate management class recruited for the society, and I was also assigned as this year's head teacher. Naturally, I can see your name."

After listening to the students' questions, Qian Qingmu smiled and talked about the reason.

In order to expand its influence and provide some self-operated funds for Jiangda University, Jiangda University now opens six MBA courses to the public every year. The leaders of each department serve as the head teachers, and the tuition is expensive.

Among them, the enterprise management class of Xu Renshan Newspaper is jokingly called the president class. This year, Qian Qingmu happens to be the class teacher.

"Then I can be a student under the teacher for one more year."

Unexpectedly, the fate of the two is so deep, Xu Renshan joked with a smile.

"You, go and see Nannan when you are free. She has been nagging you for almost a year, saying that you don't like her anymore."

Looking at the experienced students in the society, Qian Qingmu was a little relieved, and then talked about his granddaughter, with the warmth of an elder on his face.

"Okay, my daughter should go to kindergarten in the second half of the year, right?"

Speaking of the little girl, Xu Renshan asked with a smile.

At the beginning, he saved the little girl by accident, and he forged a deep bond with his mentor.

However, he has never been a person who asks for favors. Even when he encountered ups and downs in his previous life, he never thought of asking for help from this mentor.

I still remember that when he was reborn in his previous life, this mentor had already been transferred from Wen to Zheng, and he was No. 6 in the provincial capital of a neighboring province, in charge of education and culture.

"It's going to kindergarten"

Mentioning his lovely granddaughter, Qian Qingmu opened up the topic and said a lot of interesting things.

Intergenerational relatives are not just among ordinary people.

Farewell to the tutor, Xu Renshan thought about it, and went to a relatively high-end baby store nearby to buy some imported snacks and a big doll that little girls like.

Driving to the shoreside Jiayuan community next to the Jiangda West Lake campus, Xu Renshan stopped in front of a certain villa with ease, and just got off the car when he saw a three-year-old girl playing on the grass in front of the door.

On a bench next to the grass, a young woman in a blue silk dress was looking tenderly at the little girl, with a soft face and a slim figure, full of mature amorous feelings.

The gentle breeze blew up the long black hair, bringing with it a thousand tenderness, as if dispelling the scorching heat under the sun outside.

(end of this chapter)