Chapter 192: Make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses

Chapter 192 Develop strengths and avoid weaknesses

"Fuck off."

After hearing what the waitress said, Zhuge Luojia got up and looked at the two disappearing figures with resentment in his eyes, and then ran out of the banquet hall in embarrassment.

As if for a while, she could imagine that dozens of people in the audience looked at her back with mocking eyes, making her wish to find a seam to get in.

No matter how dazzling she was in previous owner gatherings, today is ruined.

She will never forget this humiliation today.

"What's the matter? You don't think I'm fierce, do you? I usually don't do anything."

Standing in the upward elevator, Shi Yuxuan noticed that her husband had been staring at her, thinking that she had hit someone earlier, so she said a little embarrassedly.

My husband wouldn't think she was a rude woman, would he?

"Why, I just feel that my wife's domineering side just now makes people have an urge to bow their heads."

Smiling, Xu Renshan talked about his feelings just now.

He really didn't expect that his wife would have such a domineering side.

But think about it, no matter what, his wife also has three companies under her name, how can she manage so many subordinates without dignity.

I don’t know if a wife with that style will have a different kind of stimulation when communicating at night.

If you put on the queen's COS costume, tsk tsk tsk...

Thinking of this, Xu Renshan was a little excited.

"I'm just a little excited, she can splash me, but not my husband."

Not knowing the little secret in her husband's mind, Shi Yuxuan was still a little angry when talking about it.

The conflict between Song Heli and his ex-wife can be handled at home, so why involve her and make her dear husband suffer.

If it wasn't for this, she wouldn't have left the apologetic Zhuge Luojia there.

"Okay, my wife, don't be angry. Didn't you help me throw it back, and you taught the other party to slap me."

Seeing his wife's excited look, Xu Renshan wanted to hold her by the waist, but thinking of the red wine stains on his body, he held his wife's hand to comfort him instead.

To be honest, with the appearance of that Song Heli's ex-wife, I would probably die of shame in my heart at this moment.

"Husband, don't mind what that woman says."

Thinking of Zhuge Luojia's previous slander, Shi Yuxuan said with some concern.

"It's okay, I have the right to let that kind of angry words from a resentful woman be a fart. Don't worry, my wife, how can I listen to those crazy words."

Knowing his wife's worries, Xu Renshan said in relief.

Xu Renshan felt that he should be very honored to be able to secretly envy and hate the boss of Dasong Industry.

However, the only thing he was uncomfortable with was that he was not yet capable enough to protect his wife.

Just like in the occasion just now, if he, the husband, came out to intimidate the other party, maybe the effect would be even better. It is estimated that Liu Tianxian standing next to him would have little stars in his eyes.

Well, why did he suddenly think of that Liu Tianxian?

"I only have my husband in my heart."

Feeling her husband's trust, Shi Yuxuan also expressed her heart with tenderness in her eyes.

Soon, the two returned to the room, and Shi Yuxuan personally chose a suitable short sleeve for her husband.

Just as Shi Yuxuan was putting the dirty clothes into the laundry basket, she felt the figure behind approaching, smelling the mature man's breath, accompanied by a bit of gentleness.

"Tick tock, tick tock..."

At this time, the phone rang not far away, interrupting the charming atmosphere between the two.

"Whose phone?"

Xu Renshan, who was dressed, casually asked his wife who answered the phone.

"Liu Fei's mother called and said she was inviting us to dinner."

Shaking the phone, Shi Yuxuan smiled and said, "I agree."

"Aren't they a little too enthusiastic?"

Hearing that it was the invitation from Liu Tianxian's mother, Xu Renshan questioned it based on the intuition of a dedicated husband.

He is a married man, not suitable for Liu Tianxian, not suitable.

"I guess I want to make friends with your husband, the owner of an entertainment company, and get some good resources for Liu Fei."

After tidying up her husband's clothes, Shi Yuxuan talked about her guess.

"I think it's more likely that I was overwhelmed by the aura of my wife. The boss of my small company should not be able to get in the eyes of that Liu Fei."

Xu Renshan must take care of any minor issues between men and women.

Besides, he felt that his guess was more accurate.

A person who can make even the CEOs of Dasong Industries bow their heads and subdue him, his strength can be imagined. It's normal for the mother and daughter of the Liu family who don't have much background to want to get acquainted.

"I believe that under the leadership of my husband, Qingguo Entertainment will definitely become a top company in the industry."

Hearing that her husband belittled himself, Shi Yuxuan leaned on him and said with certainty.

"That's necessary, who let me have a wife like a good wife."

Lifting his wife's white chin, Xu Renshan smiled slightly and stamped it.

After enjoying the warmth for a moment, Shi Yuxuan pushed the other party out of the room and went to the changing room to pick out clothes.

The two have been in close contact for a long time, but Shi Yuxuan is still a little embarrassed about changing clothes.

"Which one to choose?"

There were seventeen or eighteen sets of spare clothes in the closet, and Shi Yuxuan spent a few minutes making choices.

It's just a dinner at a friend's house, so there's no need to dress as formally as in the afternoon. A simple plain tulle dress is fine, and the price is several times that of the blue dress she replaced.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Shi Yuxuan turned around and found that the outfit was very age-reducing, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Although she thinks that Zhao Linger's figure is much better than that of Zhao Ling'er, and her appearance is comparable, but the other party is better than young, Shi Yuxuan doesn't want to be compared to other women in front of her husband.

"Honey, I'm fine, let's go."

Walking into the living room, Shi Yuxuan said to her husband who had just finished calling.

"Honey, I think about it..."

Seeing the tulle design on his wife's arms and collarbone, Xu Renshan, who has enjoyed all the scenery, is still a little impulsive.

Looming, it has always been a temptation that men cannot resist.

"Bad guy, come back to us at night..."

Feeling her husband's obsession with her, Shi Yuxuan was very satisfied, and said with a slightly red face.

Before the lunch break in the afternoon, the two had just had a crazy time, and now her husband is in a good mood again, which is the best manifestation of her charm.

Of course, she only needs her charm in front of her husband.

"What about us?"

"The time is almost up, let's go."

Ignoring her husband's teasing, Gu Zuo said that his Shi Yuxuan dragged her out.

I don't know if there are countless sets of women's clothes. When meeting Liu Fei in Tan's private kitchen, Xu Renshan found that she also changed into a white short-sleeved and denim outfit, full of youthful and pleasant atmosphere.

Compared to the slightly sentimental ones at the proprietor's party before, this style is more suitable for Liu Tianxian. It highlights her good looks and avoids the less prominent figure.

Comparing his stature in front of his wife, isn't it to exploit weaknesses and avoid strengths.

"Mr. Xu, what would Mrs. Xu want to eat?"

After taking the menu handed over by the waiter, Liu Xiaochen smiled and asked the Xu couple opposite.

"Help me a fish head tofu, abalone in oyster sauce."

Not polite, Shi Yuxuan ordered two delicacies that her husband likes, and the latter can also supplement her husband.

And Xu Renshan saw the dishes ordered by the other party. There were already steamed bird's nest and Shaojiu pineapple that his wife liked, so he added a sample of wine that was fragrant and intoxicating for thousands of years. There were prawns that his wife liked.

"You couple are really enviable."

Noticing the expressions between the two, Liu Xiaochen, who was invisibly fed a mouthful of dog food, said enviously.

Even when she was young, she never had such a romantic and tacit understanding with her ex-husband.

"Does Miss Liu have someone she likes?"

Regarding such compliments, Shi Yuxuan accepted them all, and then asked Liu Fei.

"No, I'm still in the initial stage of my career, and I haven't considered the relationship aspect for the time being."

Regarding this question, Liu Fei answered very honestly.

She is determined to become an international actress, how can she stop because of relationship problems.

What's more, she is only 23 years old now, and she is in the best rising period of her career.

Even if there is, it will help her career, but unfortunately she has not met a suitable one so far.

"Miss Liu is young and promising, and she still works so hard, which is really admirable."

Listening to the other party's answer, Shi Yuxuan toasted the other party with emotion.

Xu Renshan, who was sitting next to him and had a sip of red wine with him, knew clearly that the current Liu Tianxian didn't have a suitable boyfriend because he didn't have a choice to upgrade his status.

It seems that after a few years, the other party will be rumored to have an affair with a foreigner, which really became popular in the international entertainment news.

While several people were chatting, there was a knock on the door, and the figure of a young man appeared at the door.

(end of this chapter)