Chapter 202: can't wait

Chapter 202 can't wait


Thinking that Lizhou is only 70 to 80 kilometers away from Yong'an, and the helicopter flight took less than half an hour, Xu Renshan thought it would be okay to go back and see the two little guys.

"Then let's pick more."

Hearing that her husband agreed, Shi Yuxuan hurriedly asked the boss to take two more baskets.


Seeing that the big customer wanted to increase the quantity, the middle-aged boss quickly brought two baskets over.

The three of them worked together and quickly filled all five baskets.

After picking the red bayberry, Xu Renshan and the two came to Shenxianju to play for more than two hours, had lunch at the farmhouse, and then took a helicopter to Lizhou.

The helicopter was parked on the tarmac of Lizhou Lixiao Farm. Xu Renshan drove the new BMW 3 Series bought by the owner of the farm and rushed to the city with his wife.

"It's so sweet, thank you aunt, thank you uncle."

Eating the big red bayberry, the sweet-mouthed Lele immediately began to look cute.

As for why I thank my aunt for putting it in front of my uncle, there is no way, who made the toys my aunt brought look better when she came.

"Thank you, Uncle and Aunt."

In contrast, Xuanxuan, who patronizes to eat, is somewhat coping, eating the big red bayberry in his hand, and looking at the several big red bayberries in the bowl.

You can play with toys later, but you must not let Lele take away the food.

"Lele, Xuanxuan, you are so good."

Patting the heads of the two little guys, Shi Yuxuan's eyes were full of love.

"Yuxuan, seeing that you like children so much, have a baby with Xiaoshan as soon as possible!"

Xu Jiaoqian on the side saw it and joked with a smile.

Although my younger brother has just graduated for a year and is still young, it is better to have a baby sooner rather than later.

But, now that her younger brother is in the start-up period, Xu Jiaoqian is not in such a hurry, it is better to let nature take its course.

"I'm also preparing."

After hearing what her sister said, Shi Yuxuan responded with some embarrassment.


Seeing the appearance of her sister-in-law, Xu Jiaoqian, who felt that she was playing, came over and taught her secret: "I'll tell you."

"How is your tea company doing?"

On the other side, Xu Baoguo asked about his brother-in-law's entrepreneurial project while eating red bayberries.

"It's okay, there have been a few franchisees recently, and the company is on the right track."

Before the showdown with his sister and brother-in-law, Xu Renshan felt that he had to be more modest, and vaguely concealed the word "hundred" among hundreds of franchisees.

"That's good, is the living cost high in Hangzhou?"

"It's not too high, food and other things are not much higher than ours in Lizhou. By the way, brother-in-law, you are quite free on weekends, and you can change the city management."

I still remember that Xu Renshan used to come over on weekends, and his brother-in-law, who was the backbone of the police station, was often not at home, but it is much better now.

It is all about serving the people, and being able to take care of the family is of course the best of both worlds.

"I don't need to work overtime on weekends, the usual little things are annoying."

Speaking of the changes after the job transfer, Xu Baoguo was full of emotion.

With the improvement of Lizhou City's appearance requirements, the affairs of their urban management brigade are not very annoying. They are not said to be poked in the back by those small vendors, and the leaders above make demands every day.

Among other things, the most obvious thing is that there are two regular employees who have been admitted, and their family background may be better. After working for less than two months, they resigned directly.

This is unimaginable in other public officials.

"When the order stabilizes in the future, your work should be easier."

In this regard, Xu Renshan is helpless.

This is the pain that a small county must go through in the development. After this period, the city's appearance will stabilize, and the work of urban management will be greatly reduced.

At that time, the urban management positions of the public participation system will become the sweet buns in the eyes of graduates.

"Oh, I don't care."

After chatting for a while, until the two babies were about to take a nap, Xu Renshan took his wife and left the Jinshuiwan community to rest at the Jinjiang Huating next door.

Yong’an is cloudy, but here in Lizhou, the sun is hot, and there is no place to go on a hot day, why don’t you go home to exchange feelings and take a nice nap.

As a 'guest' who rarely returned to his hometown, Xu Renshan couldn't resist his sister's kind invitation, so he accepted the other party's dinner treat, and had dinner at the relatively popular but ordinary A Qing's restaurant.

"Xu Renshan?!"

Just as Xu Renshan came out of the bathroom in the restaurant, he ran into his old classmate for many years, and subconsciously called out his name: "Xia Jiangliang, are you eating here too?"

Same dormitory for three years in junior high school and in the same class for three years in high school. The relationship between the two can be regarded as a short one. Xu Renshan was one of the few friends in his previous life.

"Well, I'm having dinner here with a few colleagues. By the way, where do you work now?"

Xia Jiangliang was very enthusiastic when he saw his old classmate from junior high school for six years. After all, the high school reunion has not been held for many years, and the two have not seen each other for a long time.

"I'm in Hangcheng, and I just came back today to see my sister and the others when I was free. What about you, which unit do you work in?"

Although he knew that Xia Jiangliang now worked in the pharmacy of the People's Hospital, Xu Renshan hadn't seen him for many years in his life, so he just pretended not to know.

"I work in the pharmacy of the People's Hospital. I didn't expect you, a top student of Jiang University, to stay in Hangzhou in the end."

Xia Jiangliang, who also went to university in Hangzhou, heard this, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

For their generation, they yearn for the prosperity of the metropolis, but because of the reality, they have to return to their hometown to develop in a small county.

However, Xu Renshan graduated from Jiang University, so it is not difficult to find a comfortable job in Hangzhou.

Unlike him, it is just an ordinary book, not even 211, 985. It is very difficult to find a professional counterpart job in Hangzhou.

"It's all work, and it's nothing to do in Hangzhou. Let's have dinner together next time when we have time."


Both parties had something to do, so they didn't talk much, and they separated soon, and went back to their boxes.

After dinner, Xu Renshan and his sister and their family parted at the entrance of the restaurant, and he and his wife walked to the parking lot holding hands.

"This car is too poorly parked."

Came to the parking space where the BMW was parked, Shi Yuxuan looked at a black Porsche Cayenne parked behind the car, and couldn't help but say something.

Although the dinner business at Mrs. Ah Qing’s restaurant is very good, and it is not easy for everyone to find a parking space, this way of parking is too unreasonable.

"Don't be angry, I'll ask the waiter in the restaurant to shout. By the way, let's go for a walk in the park."

For this kind of thing, Xu Renshan, who had been in Lizhou for many years in his previous life, was used to it, and said to his wife with a smile.

There are many small factory owners in Lizhou, and there are many luxury cars, so the quality is naturally uneven.

The other party did not leave the owner's number in the car, and there is no phone number to move the car. It is most appropriate to ask the restaurant waiter to urge it on the radio.


Looking at her husband who wasn't angry at all, Shi Yuxuan's anger dissipated inexplicably. She took her husband's hand and went to the front desk of the restaurant, and then went for a walk in the park.

By the time the two came back from a stroll, the black Porsche had already moved to the empty parking space next to it.

This is a trivial matter, so there is no need to get angry about it.

Maybe, if you use anger to deal with problems, there will be more troubles and conflicts in the future.

Life not only has the twists and turns in front of you, but also the open-mindedness and beauty of the soul.

Honestly speaking, there really isn’t much fun in this small county town of Lizhou.

Early on Sunday morning, Xu Renshan took his wife to Yong'an again, climbed up to the Immortal Residence, and broke out in a sweat.

Back to Hangzhou, it was already sunset.

The fulfilling weekend just passed as promised.

"Sister, hurry up, I won't be able to catch up with the new product launch later."

Standing by the side of the helicopter, Shi Qingxue looked at the handsome and naughty cousin not far away, and interrupted the atmosphere without any psychological burden.

She is still a single young woman, and she simply cannot understand what is so boring about this kind of separation of less than a day.

"Honey, see you this afternoon."

"See you in the afternoon."

Watching the helicopter fly into the sky, Xu Renshan turned his head and drove his BMW 5 Series, and went to the highway intersection to meet the senior sister.

Today is Suzhou Satellite TV's inspection day. As long as the first three episodes meet the other party's expectations, the drama "Star" will be broadcast on Suzhou Satellite TV at 10 o'clock on weekend nights in advance, which greatly advances the broadcast time.

Xu Renshan heard from his senior sister that the ratings of the two TV dramas that Jiangsu Satellite TV bought heavily recently have dropped their ratings, and several stable and large advertisers are about to be pulled away by Jiang Provincial Satellite TV and Northern Anhui Satellite TV. The situation is rather embarrassing.

As a last resort, the leaders of Suzhou Satellite TV decided to adopt the suggestion of a deputy director of the program trading center, and planned to learn from the Southern Dynasty's weekly drama mode, broadcasting one episode each at 10 o'clock in the evening every Friday and every Saturday.

It can be said that Suzhou Satellite TV put the burden of turning around this time on the TV series produced by Qingguo Entertainment.

In other words, this is a battle where a deputy director of the program trading center blocked his future. If he succeeds, he can easily make further progress in a short period of time, and if he fails, he will stand still for a while.

For such an important meeting, Xu Renshan, the chairman, will naturally go to meet him, express his importance, and also express his gratitude to the senior sister for her previous help.

"Why, are you so impatient to see me?"

Asked the driver to stop at the expressway exit, and Ni Shuyan, who got off from Alphard, sat in the co-pilot seat of the BMW car, smiled and raised his eyebrows and said to the elementary school boy.

(end of this chapter)