Chapter 231: Mature beauty and pure beauty ceiling

Chapter 231 Mature beauty and pure beauty ceiling

As a charity dinner led by the propaganda department of Jiang Province, the standard is naturally not low, and it is specially held in the grand banquet hall of West Lake Hotel. Most of the invited guests are the bosses of listed companies in Jiang Province and have assets of more than 3 billion. well-known entrepreneurs.

Song Wei drove the Bentley to a steady stop at the entrance of the banquet hall. Xu Renshan, who was sitting in the back row, held his wife's hand and walked into the banquet hall in a low-key manner.

This, if you want to be high-profile, you can't be high-profile.

Compared to some kind of charity dinner where celebrities gather, this kind of charity dinner celebrating the anniversary of ** seems a bit low-key, there are not many media reporters, and there is no so-called red carpet.

Great leaders will come, so it’s not okay to be solemn.

"Two distinguished guests, please follow me."

After taking a look at the invitation from the handsome guy, the young waitress with a good figure in a blue and white cheongsam led the two of them to the scheduled banquet.

I have to say that this handsome young man is the most handsome guest she has ever seen tonight.

No, it should be the most handsome she has ever seen in her life, even the male star she likes is a bit inferior.

Similarly, the big beauty next to the other party is also outstanding, but following the principle of same-sex repulsion, the waitress who sneaked two more glances at the handsome guy didn't have the mentality to praise the other party.

"There are quite a lot of people today."

After sitting down, Xu Renshan looked around the banquet hall, and found that there were nearly thirty tables, and many people were already sitting sparsely.

Based on a table of five invitees, there are more than 150 successful entrepreneurs.

According to the calculation that an entrepreneur donated at least 500,000 yuan, the charity dinner tonight is estimated to start with hundreds of millions of donations, and even the final figure is far beyond his imagination.

Sure enough, the charity dinners held by relevant departments are relatively large-scale.

"It's been three years since a dinner of this size was held. The last time it was a donation to the disaster-stricken area."

After listening to her husband, Shi Yuxuan explained.

"That's right, the number of times the relevant departments should hold it should not be too frequent."

Nodding his head, Xu Renshan could think of the reason.

Entrepreneurs will definitely be generous to solve problems like this kind of charity dinner, but leaders must also consider the impact.

"By the way, hubby, I saw that there are in tonight's auction"

While Xu Renshan and the two were chatting intimately, Li Yanfei also walked in holding her father's hand. Looking around for a moment, she found someone.

"Dad, go and entertain yourself, I will choose the seat myself."

Li Yanfei, who roughly knew that every table would reserve a vacant seat, said something to her father before going to find Xu Mumu.

I don't know if it's fate, but the color of her long skirt matches Xu Mumu very well.


Just as he was about to say something to his daughter, Li Chengmo saw that her daughter had strode over.

There happened to be two old friends waving to him, and Li Chengmo, who sighed, could only temporarily put this matter aside.

The niece of the teacher's family is also there tonight, so he has nothing to worry about, but he feels that his daughter is a little bit lost if he joins in like this.

However, except for his own father, no one else present knew about it. It would make sense for an old man who was acquainted with him to say that his daughter was a friend when asked.


"Xu Mutou, senior sister, hello."

Came to the table and said hello, Li Yanfei took the initiative to sit next to the big sister next door.

Although she really wanted to sit next to Xu Mumu, the other party's nominal wife was still there, which was a little inappropriate.

Besides, sitting in her position, Xu Mutou's eyes will definitely look this way often, killing two birds with one stone.

The only thing that frustrates her is that the color of the long dress of the sister next door is similar to hers, and the style looks more exquisite. It looks like a private custom version, unlike her ordinary high-end dress.

In addition, even though she specially used the sponge-type protection device, it is still ashamed to feel ashamed when compared with the natural size of the sister next door.

Ordinary people, how can they have such a pretty face, such a tall figure, and that place can still stand out so much?

Simply unscientific! !

"Xiaofei, did you come here with your father?"

Seeing the little sister next door who took the initiative to come over, Shi Yuxuan chatted with her generously.

Looking at the clothes on the other person, she was a little surprised, which seemed to be a coincidence.

Of course, she would not think too much about it. After all, her husband's suit and her long skirt were all decided by herself.

It can only be said that it is a bit of a coincidence.

Xu Renshan, who was sitting on the side, looked at his wife and long-legged female classmate in a long skirt of the same color.

If his wife's custom-made long dress is a perfect illustration of the majestic, dignified, and elegant mature beauty, then Li Yanfei's blue long dress with a little sparkle fully embodies the pure beauty of long legs.

Maybe because of the sponge, today's Li Yanfei looks particularly moving, it can be called a pure ceiling.

Apart from his wife and long-legged female classmate, Xu Renshan looked around halfway around and found that there were quite a few well-dressed young girls.

To be able to attend this relatively formal charity dinner tonight, most of the young girls are rich girls who come with their elders, and a few of them may be the second or even third married couples, no one will bring any "temporary female companion" join.

Of course, some young girls next to rich young men may also be the first wives of the right family.

In general, neither is as perfect as his wife, nor as pure as the long-legged female classmate.

"Little brother, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Qi Zhen from Jiang Province Satellite TV."

While Xu Renshan was observing his surroundings silently, a middle-aged baritone voice sounded beside him.

Turning his head to look at the middle-aged elegant man sitting next to him, Xu Renshan raised his eyebrows and responded with a smile: "President Qi, nice to meet you, Qingguo Entertainment Xu Renshan."

He didn't think that he would be sitting at the same table with the executive deputy director of Jiang Province Satellite TV by such a coincidence.

As for the main leaders of the TV stations in several provinces and cities around, Xu Renshan still has an impression.

As far as he knows, Jiang Provincial TV Station can also be regarded as the co-organizer of today's charity dinner.

"Mr. Xu, what a coincidence, my daughter has been chasing "My Love from the Star" produced by your company for the past two weeks."

Seeing that the other party revealed her identity in one word, Qi Zhen was not too surprised, and took the initiative to chat with the other party.

He specially asked someone to arrange his position, just to get to know each other.

Although it may be luck that Qingguo Entertainment produced a blockbuster TV series, no one can guarantee whether they will have a second high-quality TV series.

Besides, he learned from some sources that Qingguo Entertainment, backed by several big companies, and well-known producers in the industry have jointly established a film and television company, and the picture is not small.

"Then I have to thank Director Qi's family for contributing an extra rating to us."

Since the other party is interested, Xu Renshan doesn't mind getting closer to this powerful deputy director.

One more friend, many paths. After all, the entertainment industry cannot rely entirely on the line of senior girls. Qingguo Entertainment has to have multiple choices in order to go further and more steadily.

It's a pity that I thought there would be a young and beautiful rich girl next to me, but it turned out to be a middle-aged uncle.


After listening to the other party's words, Qi Zhen was a little bit heartbroken when thinking of the recent decline in the ratings of her own TV station. Does he count as an enemy?

"Is that the Xu family kid?"

A middle-aged man sitting in the first few rows looked at a young man who was chatting with the deputy director of Jiang Province, and casually asked his daughter next to him.

(end of this chapter)