Chapter 237: fallback not enabled

Chapter 237 There is no backhand enabled


After hearing what this little brother said, Chen Tianhe almost forgot that the other party has a very expensive wife.

Although his net worth is much stronger than that of his younger brother, he is really not as good in terms of cash flow.

The Gulfstream G550 worth hundreds of millions, even now he doesn’t have the courage to buy one as a travel car.

I really want to get the online payment license as soon as possible, so that the company's capital flow will be more generous, and it can also flex its muscles. At that time, I will also buy a private jet.

In addition, this private jet can be bought in the name of a private person first, and then subleased to the company for long-distance travel.

"Brother Chen, let me prepare first. When can you leave?"

Seeing that the other side was a bit quiet, he looked at the phone screen and found Xu Renshan who was still on the phone, and sincerely asked the other party about his travel arrangements.

After all, this visit to the headquarters of the US-US Open in the capital city is dominated by the opponent.

In addition, it also shows respect for Big Brother.

"Tomorrow morning."

Feeling full of emotions, Chen Tianhe fixed the original travel time, and asked the secretary to refund the first-class plane ticket.

At any rate, their own platform is related to the airline company, so there is no handling fee for refunds.

No, the secretary's ticket cannot be refunded.

If the secretary sees that he, the boss, wants to take someone else's private jet, what is it like, let the secretary experience the first-class treatment for a while longer!

Thinking of this, Chen Tianhe sent his secretary a message on Alibao's website.

On weekdays, when he chats with his friends, he will use Weiwei, a mobile phone developed by Lao Chen’s company, but for internal communication within the company, Chen Tianhe always uses the Alibao developed by himself.

The head can be broken, the blood can be shed, but the face cannot be lost.

Looking back, when the company stabilizes, people will develop a system, which will be linked with major units and enterprises in Jiangxi Province, and forcibly occupy the market of the mobile phone Weiwei.

Home field advantage, that's how willful it is.

"Then see you tomorrow."

Not knowing what was going on in President Chen's mind, after Xu Renshan hung up the phone, he sent a message to his wife: "Honey, do you have any plans for tomorrow? Let's go shopping in the capital together."

"Okay. 【Hug.JPG】"

Looking at his wife's instant message reply, Xu Renshan smiled, sat in the office and initiated the message.

In a blink of an eye, when Xu Renshan put down his phone and was about to go home, he looked at his watch and found that more than half an hour had passed.

No need to check in, no need to sign in, just come and go whenever you want, Xu Renshan drove slowly towards home.

On days like this, I always feel a little bit uncomfortable.


Back home, took a shower, and took a short nap. After waking up, Xu Renshan stretched comfortably, but found that his arm touched a soft place.

"Honey, when did you come back?"

Turning his head to look at his wife who was sleeping next to him, Xu Renshan asked in surprise.

"I just came back, and saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I took a nap too."

Resting her head on her husband's shoulder, Shi Yuxuan replied with a smile.

In fact, she had received a Weibo message from her husband earlier, so she ended the inspection in the afternoon ahead of schedule and rushed back.

When I was in the company before, everyone was in the same city, and Shi Yuxuan didn't have much longing in her heart, but after leaving Hangzhou, she always felt a little far away from her husband, and the longing came endlessly.

Since I miss you, come back early to be with my husband.

"Then let's get up!"

The left-hand building lived in the thin waist of his wife. Xu Renshan looked at the time and found that it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, so he could just get up slowly, and then he could have dinner.


"However, I think it's better to exercise first."

"don't want."

By the time the two went downstairs, it was already half past five in the afternoon, and the chef had already prepared dinner.

"Honey, if you go to the capital tomorrow, let's go to the headquarters of the US-US website to have a look."

While eating dinner, Xu Renshan talked about the reason for going to the capital tomorrow.

Renyu Investment also owns half of his wife's shares, so it is reasonable to go to inspect together.

What's more, the 20 million US dollars invested in the US US Open was all paid by his wife.

Thinking of this, Xu Renshan sighed inwardly. He only blamed himself for not having sufficient funds.

It seems that it is not a big deal to invest with my wife's money.

After all, he invested his wife's cash in the most promising industries and achieved a substantial appreciation of his wealth.

How to say, it can be regarded as mutual benefit! !

No, saying mutual benefit is too utilitarian, it should be mutual achievement.

"Okay, after visiting the Perfect US Open headquarters, let's climb down the Great Wall together, visit the Forbidden City, and then go to Wangfujing."

Hearing that she was going to inspect the investment company with her husband, Shi Yuxuan felt that this trip was very meaningful, so she agreed without hesitation, and then talked about the follow-up arrangements.

It was the first time I went to the capital with my husband, so I naturally went to the famous scenic spots.

Although I have been there with my cousin before, it feels completely different to go with my husband.

"I heard that Beijing Roast Duck is just like that. How did you feel when you ate it last time, my wife?"

Speaking of the delicacies in the capital, Xu Renshan asked about the famous Beijing roast duck both at home and abroad.

"It should be okay, it's more crispy if you eat it in the dine-in."

Recalling the original feelings, Shi Yuxuan thinks it is not bad.

"Then let's make a reservation in advance, and there is also a cross talk theater in Beijing that is quite famous"

Chatting about the arrangements to go to the capital, Xu Renshan and the two couldn't stop for a while, even if they went out for a walk, they were still planning the itinerary after tomorrow.

Neither of them thought about the need to stay in the capital for a few days this time. They don’t need to worry about tomorrow’s work or the money in their pockets. Everything is so beautiful.

The night was hazy, when his wife was taking a bath, lying on the rocking chair on the small balcony, Xu Renshan felt the natural wind and felt very relaxed.

Without the pressure of life, looking at the starry sky under the night sky, feeling the undissipated heat, but still not feeling any irritability.

Drinking watermelon juice, reading economic newspapers, Xu Renshan, who was immersed in the ocean of knowledge, heard the phone ringing and picked it up: "Hello."

"Shanzi, I'm Hujiang. I've finished dealing with the affairs here in Lizhou. Do you want to come to Hangzhou to help you now?"

Hearing the phone call from his elementary school classmate, Xu Renshan sat up straight subconsciously: "Dajiang, I'm going to the capital for a few days, why don't you come back next Monday!"

A temporary trip to the capital was arranged, and Xu Renshan almost forgot about it.

Before planning about Su Fengnian's "planning case", Xu Renshan was going to use the advantage of a prophet to launch a strike directly from the source, causing the entire Su family to sink completely.

After all, in his previous life, Xu Renshan heard gossip about a high-ranking official from Lizhou from his friends, and specifically looked for relevant reports. The impression was quite deep, and some of them were sharp weapons that could be used now.

Since he wanted to make a move, he had to strike with a thunderbolt and not give the opponent a chance to counterattack. Otherwise, Xu Renshan felt that with his current weak energy, he might be backlashed.

So, Xu Renshan thought of the elementary school classmates who were messing around at home, and he was worried about entrusting others to do that kind of thing.

A few years ago, Xiao Hujiang, who had dropped out of junior high school, was sent in for a few years to be rehabilitated for being a "thug". After he came out last year, his life has not been very satisfactory.

Moreover, Xu Renshan, who was fairly familiar with the other party in his previous life, knows that Xiao Hujiang has completely bid farewell to his previous life of fooling around, and really wants to live the rest of his life well, so he can help if he can.

Now, with Shangguan's family coming forward, there is no need for Xu Renshan to do anything extra.

However, since he had asked the other party to come to Hangzhou to help, Xu Renshan was not willing to break his promise.

Just taking advantage of these few days in the capital, Xu Renshan can think about what is more appropriate for the other party to do.


Knowing that his elementary school classmate is now the boss in Hangzhou, Xiao Hujiang didn't say much, and waited full of anticipation to go to Hangzhou to make money next week.

Hung up the phone, Xu Renshan lay on the rocking chair, tapped the armrest lightly with his fingers, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

(end of this chapter)