Chapter 244: Hurry up to send money (vote two monthly tickets to unlock the episode)

Chapter 244 Hurry up to send money (vote two monthly tickets to unlock the episode)

The address Mr. Chen sent before was in a courtyard in an old-fashioned alley. The car was parked at the entrance of the alley, and we had to walk a few tens of meters inside.

You can know without guessing, this is the so-called high-end private chef in the alleys of the capital. In his previous life, he didn't have the capital to spend in this kind of place.

When he came to the gate of a house with a signboard, Xu Renshan saw the Secretary of General Chen whom he had met during the day, and followed him in.

"Brother Xu, I'll just wait for you."

Seeing Xu Renshan coming in, Chen Tianhe, who was sitting there chatting, stood up and took two steps to meet everyone present, and introduced to everyone present: "This is my little brother Xu Renshan. He is worth a little more than me."

In order to support the younger brother, Chen Tianhe humbly raised him up.

However, what he said was not a lie.

Even if that Mrs. Xu gave half of the assets to the younger brother, the assets are definitely much higher than him.

After decades of hard work, his worth is not as good as that of a young man. While Chen Tianhe sighed, he didn't feel too much jealousy.

After all, the previous generation of the Shi family is a legend among entrepreneurs of their generation.


After listening to Chen Tianhe's introduction, the other five people present couldn't help being taken aback.

Where did this fairy come out?

When they were chatting earlier, they joked about who the little brother Chen Tianhe brought would be even more valuable than Chen Tianhe? ! !

The question is, is there any reason for the other party to be so young and handsome?

It was a chubby young man present with a strange look in his eyes.

"Brother Chen is too good at joking. Brothers, sorry for being late, I will punish myself with a drink."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Chen raised himself up so much. Xu Renshan was a little moved, but also politely greeted the five big brothers present, and took the initiative to pick up a small glass of red wine and take the initiative to accept the punishment.

He didn't know that these people all came so early.

The previously set 6:30, he arrived at 6:20, and it turned out to be the latest one.

As a junior, Xu Renshan must lower his profile.

"Okay, my little brother is refreshing."

Seeing that this young man was so happy, the other people sitting there applauded.

"This is Tao Cheng from Carrara, this is Guan Hua from Xunqian, Wei Chenggong from Pearl Pay, Chen Zhimin from Fuyou, and Li Jin from Digital Technology, the landlord who is the host today."

After the younger brother sat down, Chen Tianhe introduced the identities of the other five people to him.

Xu Renshan, who greeted them, knew in his heart that these are big names in the financial circle, and they are also the big names who can get the third-party payment license this time.

Among them, the one who impressed him the most was naturally the most famous Mr. Carrara Tao.

In his previous life, when he was working in the training department, he often received calls from other salesmen.

To be able to make this credit card payment business go public, Mr. Tao's ability should not be underestimated.

As for the other companies, Xu Renshan has seen them on the list of applications for third-party payment licenses, but he didn't have much impression of them in his previous life.

Since Mr. Chen invited him to join the game, no matter whether Xu Renshan finally agreed or not, he had to understand the background.

What's more, companies with third-party payment licenses will be the darlings of the financial circle in the next few years, and he, a person in the mall, is definitely right to care.

"The above has dragged on for so long, what kind of regulations do you think it is?"

After taking a bite of the freshly served hot dish, Li Jin talked about today's main topic.

The payment license has been delayed for more than two months, but the heart of everyone here, if it continues to be delayed, no one knows if there will be any changes.

"Old Li, you don't know much about the news here in the capital. How do we know?"

Hearing Li Jin talk about this, Wei Chenggong sighed helplessly.

"The new one, what's the plan?"

"It should be to stand up."

"Do you want to brush down how many?"

"I'm not afraid of her brushing people up, but I'm afraid of running aground."

"It's been years, and there's got to be an answer."

"According to the requirements, it must be determined before the end of August."


"Brother Xu, has your company also applied?"

While several people were chatting, Chen Zhimin suddenly asked the new little brother, attracting the eyes of the people around him.

To be honest, Chen Tianhe brought the other party here, but he didn't introduce the company specifically, he only talked about the value of the other party, and they were a little confused.

Could it be, which of the 32 companies that applied this time was acquired?

"No, but brother Chen showed me."

Smiling, Xu Renshan gave a rather vague answer.

It is also the first time for him to sit with so many big names in finance, and he can learn a lot of knowledge by listening quietly, which is something he couldn't learn in the MBA class.

I just didn't expect that someone suddenly asked.

However, Xu Renshan already had a plan for this. Why can't he be a transparent person from the beginning to the end?

After hearing what this little brother said, the few people present didn't have much expression, but felt a little regretful that there was a like-minded traveler missing.

In the market, we still need more capable friends.

"My little brother is modest. Our Alibao is going to transfer 5 points of shares to Brother Xu, and Brother Xu may not necessarily look down on it."

Since he wanted to support the younger brother, Chen Tianhe naturally wanted to help him to the end.


The few people who were indifferent at first were almost stunned after hearing Chen Tianhe's words.

What do you mean, Aribao actually wants to give shares to an outsider, and that outsider doesn't want it?

As we all know, the other companies present together may not have the potential of Alibao, after all, it is a super medium that relies on hundreds of millions of online shopping users.

Once the payment license is obtained, Alibao will definitely expand into a behemoth in a short period of time, making people daunting.

As for the follow-up, everyone can't guess for the time being.

But under such circumstances, there are still people who don't want it?

Of course they wouldn't think that Chen Tianhe was talking nonsense. Everyone knew each other so well, but they knew what the other person was like.

That is to say, this little brother has the capital that Chen Tianhe likes, but the other party doesn't appreciate it.


"Brothers, don't listen to Brother Chen's bragging. I'm just afraid that I don't know much about this business, so I need to think carefully."

Regarding Mr. Chen's flattery, even the thick-skinned Xu Renshan blushed a little. Fortunately, he drank a little red wine just now, so he doesn't have to worry about being seen.

"Why, Brother Xu thinks Alibao is at risk?"

Chen Zhimin, who was feeling a little apprehensive, asked a joking question.

As far as their company is concerned, they want to cooperate with Ahri Group, but the other party is still unwilling, why is this kid?

"Alibao will naturally have no risks, and the money is boundless."

Very affirmed Ah Li Bao’s fortune, Xu Renshan still said euphemistically: “I’m just afraid of delaying Ah Li Bao’s development.”

At this moment, Xu Renshan's cell phone vibrated. He picked it up to look at the screen, and found that it was Mr. Chen's number. After apologizing to everyone present, he got up and went to the side to pick it up.

"Old Chen, what kind of regulation is this?"

After the little brother left, the familiar Tao Cheng asked Chen Tianhe who was next to him.

"Haha, don't inquire about it."

Regarding Xu Renshan's background, Chen Tianhe didn't mind telling it, but he couldn't tell it behind his back.

What's more, that little brother can even hold the shares of Alibao, and if other people want to make friends, they must be liked by the other party.

"Oh, you still have it."

Seeing that Chen Tianhe didn't say much, Tao Cheng was more thoughtful.

"Uncle Chen."

"Renshan, are you interested in taking some of the shares paid by Q?"


Vote for two monthly tickets to unlock the episode, a 5,000-word chapter, which will be gone after tomorrow! !

(end of this chapter)