Chapter 256: envy...what?

Chapter 256 What do you envy?

"Cousin, I only have 200,000 on me, what do you think?"

After the defeat of Mingyi's cousin, Wang Pan was not to be outdone, and opened his mouth to curry favor.

Just now Shangguan Mingyi wanted to be an empty-handed white wolf, but he has already failed. He has to increase his "savings" a little bit, so as not to lose everything.

Besides, in his opinion, this so-called investment fund is more profitable than investing in that illusory Jingxi Mall.

This is based on his own understanding of economics.

"Renshan, Wang Pan invested 500,000 yuan."


"Sister, why can I only borrow 70,000?"

Now, Shangguan Mingyi asked unconvinced.

Others add hundreds of thousands at every turn, which is clearly discrimination.

Even if he remained steady on weekdays, he couldn't continue now.

It is about nearly one million funds, and it may become tens of millions in the future. It is impossible for Shangguan Mingyi to remain indifferent.

"Who told you to be prudish all day long and pretend to be an adult. You have not graduated yet, so you look old-fashioned?"

Regarding this, Shangguan Mingyan's reasons are very legitimate.

She had long felt that this cousin was imitating her younger brother's mistakes. He was obviously at the age when he spent his youth wantonly in college, but the result was the same as a young adult.


After some frolic, Xu Renshan got 206 million investment funds from the Shangguan family's siblings. Shangguan Mingyan alone took 200 million, Shangguan Mingli 3 million, and the other three each had 1 million.

It can be seen from this that Shangguan's tutoring is still very strict.

Born in this top-level big family, Shangguan Mingyi and others only have five figures of money, which is really a bit shabby.

Shan Youwei, who is about the same age, can buy a luxury car worth millions, which is completely different.

Of course, this is also because they are still studying.

If you enter the society, um, Shangguan Mingli’s entire property is 3 million, which is not too much, and you can’t afford a 100-square-meter three-bedroom and one living room in the third ring road of the capital.

During the fundraising process, Xu Renshan could have taken this opportunity to send millions of investment funds to several young people from the official family, but he didn't say it.

Given the families of the other parties, giving them 1 million is purely insulting.

If they really want money, it is estimated that if they ask, many people will come to their door eagerly, fearing that they will not want it.

How to put it, ten times the income in ten years is considered a favor.

Regarding this, Xu Renshan felt that it was not bad to get in touch slowly.

"Sister Mingyan, do you really think about investing in Jingxi with me?"

Shaking the red wine glass in his hand, Xu Renshan persuaded again: "It is very likely that your income will be hundreds of times in a few years."

"Yuxuan, your family is too good at deceiving people. If this continues, I will be tempted."

Taking a blank look at the Xu family brother who has changed a lot, Shangguan Mingyan joked to his friend instead.

Originally, she had a somewhat mature and charming temperament, but it became a little more charming invisibly, and overwhelmed the somewhat green Shangguan Mingxin next to her.

In Xu Renshan's eyes, only the powerful aura of a big beauty like his own wife can be immune to the influence of the other party, and even better.

"It's okay, I don't mind."

Smiling and shaking her head, Shi Yuxuan didn't have any worries.

Even the little sister next door can't make her husband fall in love with her, and this friend who is about her age is even more impossible.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that I am old."

Hearing how confident her friend looked, Shangguan Mingyan couldn't help but sighed, and touched her face with some self-pity.

Seeing this Shangguan sister gossip about him, Xu Renshan didn't bring up this problem, but felt a little pity.

If you can win the other party to invest in Jingxi together, it will be an irresistible temptation and help for both Jingxi and Liu Chuanxi.

Perhaps, the logistics system of Jingxi Mall can be built more quickly, and it can also be listed as soon as possible, so that his investment income can be realized quickly.

At this moment, Shangguan Mingxin, who was in high spirits, took the initiative to step onto the stage, and took the microphone from the resident singer: "Today, sisters are very happy, and I specially sang a song "Grateful Heart" for my sister Mingyan."

"This little girl, really"

Looking at the ordinary cousin singing on the stage, Shangguan Mingyan was in a happy mood, feeling that the previous hundreds of thousands were not in vain.

Not to mention, this little girl is now in college, and she looks a lot more iconic, with an oval face and long legs, and she can be regarded as a beauty in the eyes of boys in school.

If her classmate friend didn't get started, the old man would still want to marry one of the two of them to Xu's younger brother as his wife.

Of course, this kind of thing has always been opposed by her parents and uncle.

At that time, the parents of the two families had made an agreement with the old man that if the Xu family siblings did not leave Lizhou County, they would let it go.

It is also because of this that the father who could have gone to Pengcheng was arranged by the old man to work in Wuzhou. Shangguan Mingyan herself developed in the Wuzhou area, and occasionally secretly paid attention to the Xu family siblings.

At that time, Shangguan Mingyan felt that she was really going to be the daughter-in-law of the younger brother of the Xu family, more likely a younger cousin, and felt a little regretful.

As a result, the younger brother of the Xu family left Lizhou, but got married directly, which made the old man's wish come to nothing, and neither she nor the cousin got anything.

"I'm coming too"

After the cousin finished singing, Wang Pan, who let go of his hands and feet, couldn't wait to go on stage and sing for the grand cousin, directly treating the bar as a KTV.

Don't look at him as a good boy in front of others, even though he is quiet in front of teachers and classmates at school, but there is a little bit of rebellion in his bones, and he is forcibly suppressed by the majesty of his parents.

Now that there is such a good opportunity to be presumptuous, it is natural to have a good time.

There are big cousins ​​and big cousins ​​around, and the father will not beat him if he knows.

"The **** the opposite side, look here."

When Wang Pan spoke on the stage, Shangguan Mingyan and the others covered their mouths and laughed.

Although it is not incomplete, Wang Pan's singing voice can only be said to be ordinary, not even the level of KTV wheat master.

"Shall we go up and sing a song?"

Seeing that several people were so enthusiastic, Zong Xiaoyu leaned into Shangguan Mingli's ear and whispered something cautiously in his eyes.

She knew that she was unlikely to marry into Shangguan's family, but she was reluctant to leave this man, preferring to hide under the other's wing.

At least, it is enough that the other party has not concealed his identity from his family members of the same generation.

"it is good."

Noticing the other party's expression, Shangguan Mingli felt a pain in his heart, and agreed to the other party's 'unreasonable request'.

Holding hands on the stage, Zong Xiaoyu chose the song "Intimate Lover", with an undisguised sweetness on his face.

Xu Renshan, who was sitting there chatting with his wife, could see the relationship between the two of them, and he admired the ability of that Shangguan eldest brother.

That Zong Xiaoyu is superior regardless of her looks, figure, and temperament, and she was above a "beauty" in college, but she can hide behind her back without complaint or regret, how can she not be enviable.

That's it, she is worthy of being a role model for my generation.

Look back and find an opportunity to ask the other party how to cultivate such a touching confidante.

"Why, are you envious?"

After drinking some red wine, Shi Yuxuan leaned into her husband's ear and asked softly with a playful smile on her lips.

"Envy. What?"

After hearing what his wife said, Xu Renshan, who was not aware of it for a while, almost froze. Fortunately, his strong psychological endurance kept his speech speed unchanged.

(end of this chapter)