Chapter 263: private fund

Chapter 263 Private Foundations

No wonder, Xu Mutou, who used to run well in the community, would suddenly apply for a fitness card.

After getting in touch with her during this period, Li Yanfei is sure that Xu Mutou came to this club to exercise, definitely not because the female personal trainers here are more attractive.

Then there is only one truth. Old Li secretly found Xu Mumu behind his back.

This doubt has been lingering in Li Yanfei's mind. From Xu Mutou's reaction today, it can be seen that the one she guessed is the correct answer.

"Concubine Li Yan, in fact, girls live a simpler life, which is quite good."

Having known each other for more than ten years, Xu Renshan naturally wouldn't doubt Li Yanfei's IQ, so he couldn't help sighing and said something meaningful.

"No, I live a very simple life now."

smiled, Li Yanfei was not so sentimental, but her smile was a bit forced.

Now, what she does most every day is breathing and thinking about wood, how simple.


Seeing that the smile on the face of the long-legged female student didn't look like a fake, Xu Renshan didn't continue to say more, but he always felt that there was a bitterness in the smile, a bit of a forced smile.

"Then it's settled, I'll send you the location later."

Seeing that Xu Mutou didn't speak, Li Yanfei directly assumed that the other party had acquiesced, but suppressed the joy in her heart.


Feeling a little guilty, Xu Renshan didn't refuse.


Nodding her head, Li Yanfei suppressed the smile on her lips and ran slowly.


Giving herself a thumbs up in her heart, Li Yanfei gave 365 praises for her previous acting skills.

There is no way, in order to make Xu Mutou agree, she can only use a little trick.

Regarding this point, Li Yanfei could only silently apologize to Xu Mutou in her heart.

After she takes the other party back from the big sister next door, she must make up for the other party.

"Insan, come have a cup of tea."

"it is good."

After exercising, Xu Renshan listened to Mr. Chen's words, and casually sent a Weibo message to his wife, asking her to eat first.

Last Friday, the shares of Alibao and QPay have been transferred to Renyu Investment. Strictly speaking, Xu Renshan is a minority shareholder of the two companies.

It is also normal to drink tea with the major shareholder of Alibao.

"According to the information we have received, several companies may be brushed down this time."

After eating breakfast, Chen Tianhe talked about the third-party payment license.

In this regard, he has more confidence in pulling this little brother into the game.

Although Aribao, as a giant of online shopping, will basically not be out of the game, but just in case, the newly appointed Shangguan Ziyi wants to use Ari to make him famous.

Woods are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them.

Once the first batch of online payment licenses is missed, no one knows when the second batch will be issued. After missing the opportunity, Alibao is likely to be overtaken by a latecomer.

In this game, Ah Libao can't afford to lose, and they can't afford to bet on the eventuality.

"Brother Chen got the news so soon?"

Recalling a strange text message he received from Aunt Shangguan last night, Xu Renshan, who knew it well, smiled and asked back.

Even though he and this big Chen finally have a cooperative relationship, there are still some things that cannot be said clearly.

After all, the aunt revealed some information to him, which also means that she helped him indirectly.

"You knew already?"

Hearing what this little brother said, Chen Tianhe raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.

"I guess, there may be a dozen or so houses that have been brushed down."

Regarding this issue, Xu Renshan was rather vague.

In his previous life, he was still in the initial stage of the training department at this point in time, so he had never cared about this topic at all, so naturally there was no way to prove it.

However, 10 of the 32 companies that applied for licenses were rejected. This elimination rate is really high.

"so much?!!"

Unexpectedly, the final result was so cruel. Chen Tianhe was a little surprised. Fortunately, he found an insurance company.

Since the other party's tone was so flat, Ah Libao would definitely not be eliminated, and Chen Tianhe did not question the authenticity of the other party's words.

It's a knock on the mountain, it's a bit powerful.

Presumably, Alibao needs to be more cautious in this area in the future. It is worthwhile to work hard to weed out foreign capital.

"I wish Ahri Group a prosperous future!!"

Raising the teacup in his hand, Xu Renshan said with a smile.

His words are not false at all. With the support of Aribao, Ari Group will become one of the top 100 companies in the world in the next few years.


Seeing that the little brother didn't say much, Chen Tianhe didn't ask any more questions. He took a sip of tea with a smile, and then talked about the rumors in the circle: "A few days ago, I heard that Jingxi Mall got a strategic investment of 300 million US dollars. I wonder if brother Xu has heard of it?"

"I know this, I was the one who invested the money."

Hearing Mr. Chen's question, Xu Renshan admitted it directly.

This kind of thing can't be hidden for long in the circle.


Feeling this little brother's arrogance, Chen Tianhe silently ate a steamed bun, and then asked: "Brother Xu is so optimistic about the big logistics system?"

"It's not too bad. It just so happens that Yuming Company under my name wants to set up a small logistics company, so it simply attaches to Jingxi Logistics to save trouble."

Regarding the original intention of investing in Jingxi Mall, Xu Renshan did not hide it. It is indeed that Yuming Company needs a faster logistics system.

However, he also saw Mr. Chen's intentions, but Xu Renshan was helpless.

"You still have a long-term vision."

After hearing the other party's words, Chen Tianhe could only let out a sigh of helplessness.

Based on the current capital flow of Ahri Group, it is indeed capable of completing the construction of its own logistics system within a few years, but those investors will not agree.

If Ahri is launched into a large logistics system in Malaysia, it is likely that there will be no profit dividends for a few years, and even losses. How can it support the listed stock price.

Ari Group, it’s not what he says it can count on.

Once trapped by capital, it is difficult to get out of it.

However, there is no way.

If Alibao develops well, and when the group’s capital flow is sufficient, it can also directly acquire several logistics companies and establish a new express delivery giant to catch up.

Not sure about Mr. Chen's inner plan, Xu Renshan had breakfast with the other party, then went home to wash and change clothes, and then sent his wife to the company.

"Boss, a manager from the Swiss bank is already waiting for you in the reception room."

Taking the time, when the young chairman stepped out of the elevator, Jiang Jingwen, who was waiting there, gave a quick report.

After hearing what the secretary said, Xu Renshan glanced at the long gray silk legs under the other party's skirt, nodded and said, "Well, bring them to my office."


Sitting in his office and waiting for a few minutes, Xu Renshan saw a young woman in a black lady's suit and trousers walking in after the secretary, carrying a black briefcase in her hand, with a shrewd and capable look all over her body. the taste of.

"Mr. Xu, hello, I'm Lin Junrou from Swiss Bank, I've called you before."

Come to the desk, the young female manager introduces herself with a smile.

"Manager Lin, hello, let's talk over there."

Inviting the other party to sit down on the leather sofa in the rest area, Xu Renshan praised the coffee delivered in time by the female secretary.

"Mr. Xu, this is the fund management contract we formulated based on your requirements and the operation team carefully selected by our bank!"

After sitting down, Lin Junrou didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly took out two documents from the briefcase, and handed them to the other party with both hands.

(end of this chapter)