Chapter 276: Men's Desire to Survive (2 in 1)

Chapter 276 A man's desire to survive (two in one)

"Damn it."

The long black silk legs in flat shoes slammed on the accelerator, and the fiery red Bentley rushed out the moment the red light turned green.

Of course Shi Qingxue knew that her cousin deliberately avoided her in order to be alone with that brat.

The degree of fading of this family relationship is really too fast, with all the calculations, the cousin and that brat have known each other for only four months.

No, she can't just admit defeat so easily!

As if she could see the mocking smile on that brat's handsome face, Shi Qingxue's eyes flashed with determination.

"If you say that, aren't you afraid that your cousin will be sad?"

Xu Renshan, who was sitting next to him, listened to the whole conversation between his wife and the black-haired female lawyer. He really didn't expect his wife to have such a playful side.

Presumably, the expression on the face of that black-haired female lawyer must be wonderful, but unfortunately he can't see it now.

"No, Xiaoxue's tolerance is still very strong."

Regarding this, Shi Yuxuan felt nothing.

You must know that the cousin’s stepmother did some excessive things behind her cousin’s back, and the cousin just endured it silently. When she became an adult and had the ability to be independent, she directly moved out of that seemingly luxurious home.

After that, Shi Yuxuan helped her cousin get out of the influence of her cousin step by step, and truly became a female lawyer who could decide her own life plan.

Because of this, the cousin worked hard to help her truly inherit the SS Foundation, and Shi Yuxuan also walked forward side by side with peace of mind.

However, compared with her husband, Shi Yuxuan still knows which side she leans in her heart. Her husband is the only family member she can choose independently in her life.

Even her and her husband's baby is passive, and whether it is a boy or a girl depends on God's will.

"hope so."

Seeing that his wife and adults don't care, Xu Renshan naturally doesn't care about the thoughts of that black-haired female lawyer, and it has nothing to do with him.

After eating a meal of grilled fish that tasted pretty good, Xu Renshan took his wife's hand and strolled in the shopping mall. He arrived at the cinema ten minutes before the movie started.

Standing in the line waiting to enter, Xu Renshan could feel the eyes of the surrounding audience betting on him, which is why he took the time to come here.

No way, my wife is too beautiful, so there is pressure.

At least, the envy and hatred in the eyes of those male compatriots gave Xu Renshan a strong sense of satisfaction.

"I don't know if this movie is better than the first one?"

Sitting in the couple seat in the last row, Shi Yuxuan, who was waiting for the movie to start, said something casually.

In order to come to watch this newly released movie today, she and her husband reviewed the content of the first movie in the home theater last night, which was not bad.

It was her husband who specially asked her to change into a black lady's dress, which looked like the secretary's dress in a Hong Kong TV drama. The set was worth more than 10,000 yuan, but it was damaged during the movie screening.

"The styles of these Hong Kong movies are similar. If the leading role remains the same, it should be good."

Xu Renshan, who had watched "Eavesdropping 2" in his previous life, naturally would not spoil it in advance, and he also somewhat forgot the specific plot.

However, the style of Hong Kong films is consistent. A qualified series of movies will basically not disappoint the audience, but it will not surprise the audience either.

Speaking of Hong Kong movies, apart from the Wiretapping series, in the next few years, only the Chilling series will do well at the box office.

It seems that the first part of the chills hasn't come out yet, so I asked Vice President Li to contact the film company in Hong Kong City to see if there is any possibility of cooperation.

In addition to stable income in the future, it can also provide Qingguo Entertainment with some experience in film production.

Presumably, now that the Hong Kong film industry is in decline, Jindu Film and Television, who does not know the future, should not refuse the cooperation of mainland funds.

"That's good."

Shi Yuxuan has no opinion on her husband's point of view.

Both parties in a love relationship should support each other's views, and there is no need to argue because of what they think is right or wrong.

Besides, in terms of film and television dramas, her husband's vision is indeed unmatched by her.

"What's so good about this kind of action movie? It's the same if you wait until the high-definition version is released on the Internet."

At this time, a dissatisfied female voice sounded from the lover seat next to her.

"Action movies have to have the atmosphere of a movie theater, and the sound effects are also incomparable. Your romance movie, which is directed by Taiwan and Island Province, is definitely not very good, and the box office is so bad. It will not be the same when you watch it on your home computer."

After hearing his girlfriend's point of view, the man was unwilling and began to refute.

"How can it be the same, we have the atmosphere of this movie theater when we watch romance movies."

"Isn't it a waste of money to go to the cinema to watch romance movies?"

"It's hard for me to take a rest, and you don't respect me."

"I respect you, but it's really a waste of money to go to the cinema to watch a romance movie. This movie ticket costs 30 yuan a piece."

"Why, don't you love me anymore?"

"How does this have anything to do with whether you love you or not?"

"You just don't love me anymore. Before you caught up with me, you would always accommodate my choice. Now, woo."

"Okay, okay, there are so many people in the cinema, I can't apologize to you. I'm sorry, baby, don't cry."

"I don't care, you just don't love me anymore, woo"

"Baby, let's talk about it when we get home"


Hearing the sound of arguing next to him, Xu Renshan and his wife looked at each other and laughed tacitly.

Actually, the quarrel between the couple is completely unnecessary. At worst, after watching this wiretapping 2, it would be good to watch that romance movie again.

The root of everything may lie in financial freedom.

If the man didn't care about the ticket price of the movie, he could have solved this problem in a better way, but unfortunately he didn't.

A few taels of silver in this world can really make people have a different life.

"Husband, if I like to watch romance movies and you want to watch action movies, what will you do?"

Wait until the crying of the female audience next to her stopped, Shi Yuxuan leaned into her husband's ear and asked softly, so as not to be heard by others.

"The romance movie that is showing now is really not very good. If you like to watch it, I will ask the company to make a better romance movie. When it is released, I will accompany you to watch it."

Xu Renshan answered the question suddenly raised by his wife without thinking.

Others may be able to answer with the solution of accompanying his wife, but he has a better way.

The love movie in Taiwan, which has not yet sold over a million dollars since it was released, obviously hit the market. Xu Renshan didn't think his wife would like to watch that kind of literary movie.

Besides, what he said was not a lie. Qingguo Entertainment is preparing a literary romance film, "Huajing Meets Seattle" has been approved, and Tan Ruowei, who had met once before, was invited to be the heroine.


After listening to her husband's answer, Shi Yuxuan felt very satisfied, hugged the other's arm, rested her head on Duo's shoulder, and waited for the movie to start.

The style of Hong Kong films has not changed much since it began to decline more than ten years ago, and the only Infernal Trilogy has passed away like a flash in the pan.

It may be that the previous generation of Hong Kong film directors have always insisted on the so-called inheritance, or it may be that they are unwilling to bow their heads in front of emerging mainland directors and maintain the remaining dignity.

The plot is so-so, brotherhood and family love always have a teardrop, and the explosion scene is like a free special effect from beginning to end.

After watching the whole film, the impression score of the first guess can be maintained, 7.5 points, which is very stable.


The movie ended, and Shi Yuxuan, who didn't like this type of action movie very much, stretched her waist.

"There will be a North American sci-fi film released at the end of the month, and then we will watch it together."

Seeing his wife's actions, Xu Renshan said with a smile.


Shi Yuxuan certainly has no other objections to her husband's thoughtful arrangements.

"Honey, you promised me that I will see that love to the end at night."

"Why don't we wait until the end of the month next time and let's look at the source code together?"

"What source code?"

"A science fiction film."

"What, I don't like sci-fi movies, I just want to watch it to the end. You promised me just now, don't you want to go back on it?"

"I just think it's really a waste to go to the cinema to watch a romance movie. How about watching The Frightful Island?"

"What? It's a horror movie, do you want to watch the female star of Yang Qian?"

"How is it possible? You think too much."

"Are you really not in love with me anymore? Woohoo."

"Baby, don't cry, I'll accompany you to watch that movie about love at night."

"You can't even remember the name of the movie, and you say it so reluctantly, you must not love me anymore. Huh"

"Really not, I swear."

Not knowing about the problems between other couples, after watching the movie, Xu Renshan took his wife to the undeveloped wetland for a walk, and it was time for dinner as agreed with Li Yanchen.

"Sister, Xiaoyu and I will go there first."

"Okay, I'll go home and change my clothes."

Hung up the call with her younger brother, Li Yanfei parked the BMW 5 Series in the garage of her villa, and quickly returned to her room to change clothes.

I’m going to have dinner with Xu Mumu, how can I not dress up a bit, I have to put on a little makeup, right?

Sitting in the box of the revolving restaurant on the top floor of the five-star Wanbao Hotel, Li Yanchen, who had been waiting with his girlfriend for a few minutes, saw Brother Xu who was on his appointment, and then looked at the beautiful woman holding hands with him, and was speechless for a while.

On such an occasion, it seems a little inappropriate for his elder sister to come over to have dinner together!

Although he really wanted to see the embarrassment of the old lady, Li Yanchen, who still wanted to get pocket money from the old lady, quietly picked up his phone and sent a message to the old lady.

Hope, my sister can see it sooner! !

"Yan Chen, let me introduce you, this is my wife Shi Yuxuan. These two are Li Yanfei's younger brother Li Yanchen, and his girlfriend Lan Fengyu."

Come to the round table, Xu Renshan smiled and introduced to both parties.

"Sister Shi Yuxuan, hello, long time no see."

After Brother Xu finished his introduction, Li Yanchen greeted that beautiful woman.

He didn't expect that Brother Xu's wife turned out to be the big sister next door to their house.

This world is really small.

However, this elder sister seems to be quite old. He remembered hearing from her elder sister two years ago that she was 25 or 26 years old.

Calculating the ages of Brother Xu and his elder sister, Li Yanchen couldn't help but give Brother Xu an admiring look.

"Long time no see, I didn't expect you, Xiaochen, to have a girlfriend."

Smiling, I remembered Shi Yuxuan, who was on the other side, took out a small box from her bag and handed it to the little sister with dyed hair: "Sister Xiaoyu, it's the first time we meet, I hope you will like this little gift. "

"Sister Shi Yuxuan, this is really unnecessary, you are too polite."

Unexpectedly, this big sister with an enviable temperament would give gifts as soon as she came, and Lan Fengyu, who was rewarded for nothing, waved her hands again and again.

Two days ago, Lan Fengyu didn't mind accepting the gift from her boyfriend's own sister. This big beautiful sister definitely couldn't accept it either because she was related or not.

What's more, with the obvious LV logo on the small box, one can guess that this little gift is worth a lot.

"It's okay, Xiaochen and I have known each other for many years, you can treat it as a meeting gift for a sister, and I will wait until you get married in the future."

Looking at this innocent little girl, Shi Yuxuan smiled and tried to persuade her.

"Since it was given by my senior sister, you can accept it."

In order to avoid embarrassment, Li Yanchen persuaded his girlfriend to accept it.

Although he looked at the LV logo and felt that this so-called small gift was worth a lot, it was nothing to this big sister next door who opened several companies by herself.

Besides, with Brother Xu around, it’s hard to refuse, isn’t it?

"Then thank you, Senior Sister."

After changing names with her boyfriend, Lan Fengyu accepted the meeting gift with a smile.

"Yanchen, have you ordered your dishes yet?"

After Li Yanchen's little girlfriend accepted the gift, Xu Renshan asked.

"Not yet, I'll ask the waiter to come over."

After hearing Brother Xu's words, Li Yanchen couldn't believe that his elder sister would also come to eat, so he asked the waiter waiting outside to come in and order.

I just hope that my sister will see his message soon.

However, Li Yanchen's prayer was obviously useless.

While Li Yanchen and others were ordering food, Li Yanfei, who was wearing Fendi's new summer yellow dress, had already pushed the door and walked in, led by the waiter.

Seeing that the big sister next door was also present, the smile on Concubine Li Yan's face disappeared immediately, and then quickly raised the same smile again: "Senior sister, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Xiaofei, please sit by my side."

Looking at the little sister next door who was smiling a bit reluctantly, Shi Yuxuan grandly invited her to sit beside her.


While talking, Li Yanfei glanced at her younger brother who was ordering food, with a hint of murderous intent.

If eyes could kill, Li Yanchen would have been hacked into pieces.

Li Yanchen, who was secretly paying attention to the elder sister, naturally felt the murderous look in his eyes, and felt a little funny while being nervous.

Sure enough, the walls of other people's houses are not so easy to dig.

For one dinner, Concubine Li Yan didn't have much taste, but she chatted happily with the elder sister next door and the younger sister Xiaoyu.

"Li Yanchen, do you want to die?"

After dinner, seeing the big sister next door leave holding Xu Mutou's hand, Concubine Li Yan directly pinched her younger brother's ear regardless of Lan Fengyu being beside her.

If it wasn't for her timely response, she would have almost embarrassed herself in front of the big sister next door.

Concubine Li Yan doesn't mind being embarrassed in front of Xu Mutou, but she minds very much in front of the big sister next door who she regards as a rival in love.

"I sent you a message a long time ago, but you didn't see it yourself. Xiaoyu is still there, sister, give me face."

Not daring to resist the elder sister's anger, Li Yanchen argued aggrievedly.

"You won't call me."

Letting go of her younger brother's ears, Concubine Li Yan still spoke angrily, taking it as a way to save Lan Fengyu.

"I can't walk away."

The situation is stronger than people, Li Yanchen explained with some humility.

"I'll settle the score with you later, Xiaoyu, do you have anything to do later, let's go shopping. I heard from my colleagues that there is a clothing store next to the Fairview Center, and the styles in it are not bad."

Not planning to teach her brother a lesson outside, Concubine Li Yan turned to the little sister next to her and said.

I'm not in a good mood tonight, so I just went shopping and bought something for my brother's girlfriend by the way.

When we met for the first time a few days ago, Concubine Li Yan only gave a string of bracelets worth a few thousand yuan. Who would have thought that today the big sister next door would just give her a necklace from LV, worth at least five figures.

My own family, how can I be compared by others.


After listening to her boyfriend's sister's invitation, Lan Fengyu smiled and agreed.

"Sister, Xiaoyu and I agreed to go to the movies, and the movie tickets are all bought."

Seeing that his girlfriend was about to be taken away by his elder sister, Li Yanchen said something hastily.

"When is the movie not good, why don't you go to the movie by yourself, and Xiaoyu and I will go shopping."

Waved her hand, Concubine Li Yan didn't give her younger brother a chance to choose, so she dragged her younger sister away.

"I'll get you bags."

Li Yanchen, who was very sensitive to this proposal, saw his girlfriend looking back, and hurriedly followed, his desire to survive was overwhelming.

The old lady's words are obviously a bit of politeness, he can't take it seriously!

At this time, a flight from North America back to Shanghai slowly landed. Liu Fei and her mother came out from the VIP channel in a low-key way, boarded the Mercedes-Benz car that picked up the plane, and headed straight for Hangzhou.

Thanks to the old iron book friend 160311225343454 for the reward!

(end of this chapter)