Chapter 281: Sister Flower's Ambition (2 in 1)

Chapter 281 The Ambition of Sister Flowers (Two in One)

"Why, Lao Li, is there someone you know?"

Zhou Yiyong, who was sitting there drinking red wine, was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and looked a little fat. When he smiled and asked questions, he looked a bit like Maitreya Buddha, which could easily confuse others.

But the friends in Hangzhou, no one dared to underestimate him when they heard his name.

"There's a friend, I'll go over and say hello."

Without answering the other party's question in detail, after Li Renzong said something, he got up and walked over there.

Among the people present, apart from Huang Cong, who had a more prominent family background, maybe Zhou Yiyong whose father is No. 2 in Hangzhou is stronger.

And Li Renzong knew that the other party was closer to Shangguan Mingyan, and the father of the elder sister of Shangguan was directly promoted from Wuzhou No. 1 to Hangzhou No. 1, crowding out Zhou Yiyong's original promotion position, and there were inevitably some conflicts between the two.

Some things, if you can't say it, don't say it.

"Brother Xu, Mrs. Xu, it's a pleasure to meet you..."

While Xu Renshan and the others were looking at the scenery and waiting for the dishes to be served, Li Renzong, who was a little thin and straightforward, came to the side and greeted him proactively.

He didn't directly say hello to Mrs. Xu, who was most directly related to Shangguan Mingyan, just to avoid suspicion.

"Hello, Mr. Li."

Xu Renshan still remembered the second generation of Wuzhou who had met once, but was a little unfamiliar when addressing him.

The last time I went back to Lizhou to see my sister and the others, I met several people on the way. Although Shangguan Mingyan came forward to suppress them, Xu Renshan still got to know their backgrounds afterwards just in case.

Among them, Li Renzong is considered to be the most outstanding person in that group, and his name is also outstanding.

Grandpa is Wuzhou No. 3 who is about to retire, and his father is the second-in-command in a certain county, but he is just a younger brother to Shangguan Mingyan who came forward before.

Xu Renshan didn't expect to meet so many acquaintances when he casually came for a meal.

"I happened to be eating over there, and I saw you guys were there, so I came over to toast. If I have a chance, I'll invite you two to drink tea."

Feeling the sense of distance hidden by the other party's smiling face, Li Renzong didn't say much, but just accepted it as soon as he saw it.

His grandfather will retire to the second line next year. It is conceivable that his status in the circle will plummet at that time. It is always right to make friends with some people in advance.

As the new generation of the Li family, he still has to share the family's worries.


Picking up the freshly squeezed watermelon juice in his hand and drinking the remaining half of the glass, Xu Renshan maintained his superficial politeness.

A character like this, when he was single before, he would probably have enough qualifications to speak.

Now with the support of his wife and adults, and the close connection with Shangguan's family, Xu Renshan is already qualified to have an equal dialogue with the other party.

It's just that Xu Renshan is not familiar with the other party's temperament, so Xu Renshan will not easily make friends with such an identity. He doesn't have the name of the other party's father or even grandfather in his memory, and he probably won't be so prominent in the future.

Glory and abyss may be just one step away.

Watching the other party drink down the red wine glass in his hand, Xu Renshan reminded out of the principle of good intentions: "You drank, it's better not to drive later."

After all, drinking and driving really went wrong, and it wasn't just a broken family.

When sitting down just now, Sheng Qinglan suggested to drink some red wine, but Xu Renshan refused on the grounds of driving, and his wife followed suit.

Don’t drink and drive, start with me.

".Thanks for reminding."

Hearing the other party's reminder, Li Renzong, who hadn't felt his pulse, was taken aback for a moment, and thanked the other party for his kindness.

"When others come to toast, you remind them not to drive, huh."

Waiting for the unknown young man to leave, Shi Qingxue, who seized the opportunity, sneered and made a mocking comment.

With such communication skills, if it weren't for the support of his cousin, no one who is capable would become friends with him.

"Why, is there something wrong, Lawyer Shida?"

Unexpectedly, this female lawyer with black silk would start to taunt when she found an opportunity. Xu Renshan asked back with some amusement.

A dignified female lawyer who graduated from Harvard Law School, she speaks aggressively like a little girl. If others don't know, they think that the other party likes him.

"Drunk driving has been punished this year. Handsome Xu reminded the other party that there is nothing wrong with it. I see that the men at the table were basically drunk. It is still very dangerous to drive on the road later."

Not sure about the relationship between a certain female lawyer and the handsome guy, Sheng Qinglan agrees with the handsome guy very much.

The principle of being a human being is indeed necessary, especially when it comes to safety.

The starting point of these people is higher than others, and it is normal to work harder than others, but many failures are often caused by unnecessary willfulness.

"Xiao Xue, as a lawyer, you should know better than Ren Shan."

As a cousin, Shi Yuxuan didn't blame the other party, but just said something lightly.

Outsiders affirmed what her husband said, how could she, a wife, disagree.

"Of course, I just think there is something wrong with his communication style."

Just said a word, and the two sisters responded. Shi Qingxue was a little anxious, and her heart couldn't help but fluctuate, but she had no choice but to change her meaning.

Originally thought that having an extra sister, Sheng Qinglan, would be able to more effectively combat the brat's arrogance, but it turned out to be the opposite.

Are the older leftover girls these days only looking at their faces?

Subconsciously, Shi Qingxue attributed Sheng Qinglan's reaction to the superficial confusion of the brat.

"I think it's okay."

Once again, Shi Yuxuan spoke up for her husband, but Shi Yuxuan didn't say anything about her cousin, lest the other party have other thoughts in her mind.

Actually, she could feel the hidden meaning in her husband's words.

When the two returned to Lizhou, although this Li Renzong was different from the other second generations, no one knew the character behind the scenes.

Appropriately extending the distance is definitely beneficial and harmless.

If the other party is really annoyed by such words, it is not worth making friends with, and you should stay away in advance.

Based on the situation of their family, there is no need to curry favor with each other.


Looking at the sideways cousin, Shi Qingxue knew that it would be useless to say more, so she could only cast a fierce glance at the somewhat complacent brat, and put her anger on the dishes on the table.

While picking up a piece of grouper meat for his wife, Xu Renshan didn't notice someone's eyes at all, and said with a smile, "I heard that this grouper was grown in the Grand Canyon. It tastes good and is nutritious."

"I'll try it."

Feeling her husband's thoughtfulness, Shi Yuxuan took a sip, and her heart was full of sweetness.

"Lao Li, do you know that person?"

Waiting for Li Renzong to come back, Huang Cong, who paid attention to the other party, asked with a smile.

Although he didn't have much interest in that big beauty, he was rather curious about that man.

I don't know what kind of person is able to take the big beauty of the Shi family into his pocket.

"I've met twice, I still know each other, but I'm not familiar."

With Zhou Yiyong around, Li Renzong couldn't say much, but simply explained.

"A Cong, do you know that pair of sisters?"

Glancing at Li Renzong, Zhou Yiyong turned to ask Huang Cong who had just greeted him.

Not to mention the big intellectual beauty with a boyfriend, even the somewhat similar young beauty sitting next to her is heart-wrenching.

"Yes, do you know Shiguang Group? The one in black silk is the daughter of the chairman of Shiguang Group, and the other is her cousin."

Seeing Zhou Yiyong's question, Huang Cong briefly introduced the two of them.

"People from Shiguang Group?!"

After listening to the other party's introduction, Zhou Yiyong became more interested.

It is difficult for the old man in his family to go up for the time being. Taking this opportunity, if he can find a girlfriend or wife who is worth a lot of money, it is not impossible.

As for the other ordinary-looking woman, he subconsciously ignored her.

To find a wife, you must find someone who is rich and beautiful, let alone a sister.

After having this idea, Zhou Yiyong looked at the beautiful girl sitting beside him, and instantly lost his scent.

As long as you have money, there are not many pretty ordinary girls like this.

On the contrary, Li Renzong, who was sitting next to him, noticed the light shining in the other party's eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He can't afford to offend both of them, so it's better to sit on the sidelines.

"Handsome Xu, can I trouble you?"

Eating the dishes, Sheng Qinglan, who got acquainted a little bit, smiled and said to the handsome guy whom he had known not long ago.

"Sister Qinglan, please tell me."

Just picked a fragrant snail meat for his wife, Xu Renshan wiped his hands with a wet towel, and responded with a smile.

"Our Nongjia Spring just released a bottled tea drink in the first half of the year. I want to expand the publicity. I wonder if you can place advertisements in the "Star" produced by your company?"

When Shi Yuxuan mentioned that the other party is the boss of Qingguo Entertainment, Sheng Qinglan had some ideas.

Those who are in the catering industry, as long as they are larger companies, know that in the past month or so, Ziwei tea and Han Zhibao have become popular all over the country with the blessing of the TV series "Star".

In the past few days after returning to China, Sheng Qinglan has heard the company team mention the influence of this TV series more than once, and also knows that "Star" adopts the synchronization of the Southern Dynasties production and broadcasting. If advertisements can be placed in this phenomenal TV series, Definitely brings a lot of traffic.

However, Nongjia Spring had contacted Qingguo Entertainment before, but the reply he got was somewhat perfunctory.

Although the other party did not refuse, the implication of the contact person was not very interested.

In addition to insufficient advertising expenses, the marketing department of Nongjia Spring has concluded that competitors of the same type have already contacted each other, which is not good news for Nongjia Spring.

Although the domestic market is huge, the market for bottled beverages is still limited.

As one ebbs and the other rises, the sales volume of the opponent increases, which will definitely squeeze out their company's share.

Meeting the chairman of Qingguo Entertainment today, Sheng Qinglan will naturally not miss this opportunity.

"Sister Qinglan is talking about the oriental tea series?"

After hearing what the other party said, Xu Renshan immediately thought of a product.

Qingguo Entertainment naturally wouldn't report this trivial matter to him, but in the investigation report of Yuming tea, it was mentioned that this new product of Nongjia Spring was mainly researched on the taste.

Of course, there is no direct competition between the two. Anyway, Yuming tea is not going to cross-border to make bottled drinks.


Seeing the other party mentioning her company's products in one word, Sheng Qinglan's face became a little more smiling, and her ordinary face became a little more touching and beautiful.

"I'll make a call and ask."

Regarding this question, Xu Renshan couldn't agree directly to the other party.

Vice President Li is in charge of the placement of TV advertisements. Xu Renshan doesn't know if there is any bottled beverage advertisement.

While talking, Xu Renshan directly called Vice President Li: "President Li, is the advertisement for bottled drinks in "Star" confirmed?"

"We have already signed an advertising cooperation agreement with Wakaka Group. Do you think there is a problem, Mr. Xu?"

Received the call from the chairman, Li Husu was a little surprised, but also quickly answered.

"Okay, it's all right. A friend just asked about it. Mr. Li has worked hard."

Hearing that the contract has been signed, Xu Renshan hung up the phone quickly, and said to the new Miss Sheng with some embarrassment: "Sister Qinglan, I'm sorry, "Star" has already signed an agreement with Wa Kaka."

It's about the reputation of the company, Xu Renshan will not directly tear up the agreement because of this new lady.

In the future, Qingguo Entertainment will have to rely on the placement of advertisements of these large groups to earn a lot of money.


Getting this expected answer, Sheng Qinglan responded with some disappointment.

This kind of signing of the contract cannot be forced.

Wow Kaka's Zhong Jimei took the first step, and their farm spring can be regarded as a big loss, and they have to give some refresher courses to the management of the marketing department and the public relations department.

Shi Qingxue on the side opened her mouth, but didn't interrupt.

She had better not say anything that would harm the professional ethics of a lawyer, lest she be caught by that brat and lose face.

"Lan Lan, you've been in the Federal Republic of Germany for so long this time, how is your self-employment project going?"

Seeing the disappointment of her friend, Shi Yuxuan started another topic with a smile.

It's about her husband's company business, she won't intervene easily, so as not to make things difficult for him.

Besides, she knows her husband's character well, and knows that he is safe in doing things.

"It's okay, I've already negotiated with Paulina."

Talking about her entrepreneurial project abroad, Sheng Qinglan couldn't help but look a little brighter, and then asked her friend: "How is it? Are you interested in investing? I'll give you 20% of the shares."

"No, I have invested in a lot of projects recently."

For the friend's invitation, Shi Yuxuan smiled and refused.

"Sister Qinglan, you don't know yet, my sister has already invested more than one billion yuan in Renyu, and basically doesn't have much spare money."

At this time, Shi Qingxue, who had seized the 'opportunity', said something.

Although she is not directly responsible for the legal affairs related to Renyu Investment, Shi Qingxue, as a partner of the firm, can still know the specific investment amount from those contracts.

Thinking of this question, Shi Qingxue felt a toothache.

I don’t know what ecstasy soup the stinky boy poured into his cousin. He actually injected more than one billion yuan into Renyu Investment, and even invested all the funds in each project.

Even though she had signed a matrilineal agreement in advance in order to prevent the stinky boy from doing bad things, stating that the cousin's funds belonged to her personally, but the owners of Renyu's investment were the cousin and the stinky boy, and the subsequent income from the investment project It must be divided in half.

As for the joint property of husband and wife, the agreement she signed before is not too restrictive.

Alas, who would have thought that my cousin would fall so fast and so deeply.

"Really, I didn't expect our safe Xiaoxuan to have such a radical side."

Hearing Shi Qingxue's words, Sheng Qinglan's eyes flashed with surprise, and she said something jokingly.

"It's not radical, the projects we invest in."

"A Cong, let's go over and toast together."

Dinner was halfway through, and Zhou Yiyong, who drank a lot of red wine and blushed, got up and said to Huang Cong.

(end of this chapter)