Chapter 290: Timely stop loss or...

Chapter 290 Timely stop loss or

"Opening a property company requires not only a business license, but also an account opening permit and a property qualification certificate. The first two are fine, but the property qualification certificate alone is very troublesome."

Receiving a call from this regular customer, the middle-aged intermediary began to complain about the difficulty of handling the procedures of the property company.

The most important thing is to highlight his importance.

It is not easy for customers to do it, so they have a chance to make money.

"How much?"

After listening to the other party's exaggerated performance, Xu Renshan asked a straightforward question.

These days, how difficult is the procedure to start a company?

"It is very troublesome to go through the formalities of the new company. I suggest that Mr. Xu directly purchase the shell of a real estate company. It is simple and convenient, and can start business immediately."

Regarding the generosity of this regular customer, the middle-aged intermediary proposed the best solution with a smile. . .

If you have money, you can handle all procedures easily.

"I'm in Room 05 of Liang'an Coffee on Shuguang Road, can I come over in half an hour?"

After hearing this plan, Xu Renshan asked directly without comment.

"no problem."

It didn't take half an hour at all, and it took only 15 minutes for the middle-aged intermediary to arrive at the place the other party said.

"Boss Fan, drink your saliva first."

Looking at the agent panting heavily, Xu Renshan liked his professionalism very much.

Talked for half an hour, but arrived half the time early.

With this attitude, the price offered by the other party is reasonable, and he will not bargain.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu."

After drinking a glass of water, Fan Xiaogang took out several documents from his briefcase: "Mr. Xu, these are the resources of several shell property companies in my hand."

"How much is this Bahai property?"

After a brief look at the documents, Xu Renshan chose a shell property with a more domineering name.

Moreover, this real estate company has very few industrial and commercial changes, and there is no abnormal operation. It is an empty shell first recommended by the other party.

"Including all procedures, only 13000."

Seeing that this regular customer was so straightforward, Fan Xiaogang also offered a more reasonable price.

Although cheating people enjoy it for a while, there will be no repeat customers afterwards.

"Okay, this Xiao Hujiang is the legal representative."

Nodding, Xu Renshan, who didn't bargain, directly introduced the elementary school students next to him.

"Mr. Xiao, hello."

Looking at the other party's age, he knew that the other party was Mr. Xu's classmate or friend, and Fan Xiaogang shook hands with the other party with the same smile on his face.

As long as it can make him make money, he is the boss.

"Hi, just call me Hujiang."

Shaking hands with the other party very politely, Xiao Hujiang responded with a smile.

He has grown so big, he has never been called 'Mr. Xiao' yet.

"Okay, if you need anything, please contact Hujiang."

After the company registration is settled, Xu Renshan is ready to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Ask Xiao Hujiang to go through the formalities, and then ask the other party to recruit first, which is also a training opportunity for the other party.

Allowing trusted elementary school students to have a place in Hangzhou, Xu Renshan felt that it would definitely be beneficial and harmless to his future, and paying some funds in the early stage was completely harmless.

When his worth reaches the level of one billion, some things are destined to be different from ordinary people.


Sitting back in his Bentley, Xu Renshan looked through the information on his phone, saw the unread message of the long-legged female classmate Wei Wei, and clicked in.

"Xu Mumu, I didn't see you in the gym this morning."

"Xu Mutou, are you okay?"

Regarding these two messages, Xu Renshan thought for a few seconds before replying: "It's okay, Yuxuan is pregnant."

Immediately, Xu Renshan put down his phone and drove back to Xiao Zhao's private hospital.


"Ah ah ah ah ah"

Hearing Weiwei's message prompt, Li Yanfei packed up the documents in her hand, picked up the phone to look at it, couldn't help but stand there, squeezed the phone tightly, and started to shout in her mind.

How can it be, how can it be like this? ? ? ? ?

Before she could take the next step after holding hands with Xu Mumu, the big sister next door became pregnant.

How can she fight like this?

She agreed to marry her, but why did she suddenly become pregnant?

This matter is not scientific at all! !

"Little Concubine, what's wrong?"

Li Hong in the same office got up and poured himself a cup of hot water. Seeing the young colleague in a daze, he asked a question with concern.

"No, nothing."

Hearing the question from the elder sister of her colleague, Li Yanfei, who came back to her senses, was a little confused, and shook her head in response.

After thinking about it, Li Yanfei picked up her phone and walked out of the office.

However, when she wanted to call, she found that she didn't know who to call or what to say.

The fear of losing Xu Mumu was lingering in her mind, Li Yanfei didn't know what to do.

Inexplicably, Li Yanfei saw a certain person's name in the communication, and called him out of nowhere.

"Hello, little concubine."

Receiving a call from the other party on Monday morning, Huang Ziyi thought that the other party had figured it out and wanted to buy shares, so she couldn't help but smile a little more on her face.

"Miss Zi Yi, do you have time at noon to have a meal together?"


It was lunch time at 11:30 noon, Li Yanfei declined the invitation from her colleague and elder sister, changed her clothes, and drove her little BMW to the restaurant that had been booked in advance.

Come to a high-rise western restaurant of a certain building, Li Yanfei walked into the box and found that Sister Huang was already sitting there waiting, her heart was a little warmer: "Sister Ziyi, you came so early."

"It's rare for you to treat me, concubine, I can't be late. Anyway, I'm alone now, and I have plenty of time."

Looking at the young and beautiful little sister in front of her, Huang Ziyi had a gentle smile on her face.

Even if she can't become a partner, the other party can still be a good friend, simple, unscheming, and with a family background that is no worse than her current one.

"Sister Zi Yi, what would you like to eat?"

Putting aside her worries for the time being, Li Yanfei asked.

"Just order me a lighter vegetable salad, you can do whatever you want."

As an early pregnant woman, Huang Ziyi is not easy to eat casually.


Subconsciously glanced at the other party's stomach which was not in any obvious state, Li Yanfei thought of receiving Xu Mutou's Weiwei message in the morning, and couldn't help feeling disappointed again.

"What's the matter, it seems that you are not in a good mood today?"

Wait for the other party to order food, Huang Ziyi looked at the little sister's face and asked with some concern.

"Sister Zi Yi, I invite you to dinner today. I don't want to ask you to cooperate and invest in shares, but I'm in a bad mood."

Talking about the theme of today's dinner, Li Yanfei didn't have the slightest idea of ​​deceiving the other party.

This is how she behaves and does things. She would rather speak clearly than be coy about being a superficial sister.

"It's okay, just tell me."

Hearing that the other party didn't want to buy shares, Huang Ziyi was not too disappointed, but took the initiative to become a listener.

"This morning, Xu Mutou told me that Senior Sister is pregnant"

Speaking of the news, Li Yanfei couldn't help but shed a few crystal clear tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, just wipe it off first."

After listening to the other party's narration, Huang Ziyi, who felt empathetic, handed over a tissue, and couldn't help but feel distressed for this infatuated little sister.

"Sister Zi Yi, tell me, am I really going to lose Xu Mumu completely?"

It was the first time to reveal her heart in front of outsiders. Li Yanfei wiped the corners of her eyes, but found that tears were pouring more and more.

"If you were a friend, I would definitely advise you to give up early and stop losses in time."

After a pause, seeing the heartbroken look of the other party, Huang Ziyi said with some unbearable heart: "But as a best friend, I feel that this might not be your chance!"

Thanks to Prophet Laotie Xiaochong, Wushan Yunqi Canglangshui, book friend 160923101754319, book friend 20210917003219371, book friend 20200314085107974, see more world, book friend 20171205060406108 for their rewards!

(end of this chapter)