Chapter 298: The sudden visit of Liu Tianxian

Chapter 298 Liu Tianxian who suddenly visited

Xu Renshan admired Mr. Chen's level of beating rabbits.

The so-called dinner tomorrow was originally a gathering of several industry leaders, and Mr. Chen just invited himself by the way.

Of course, Xu Renshan doesn't care.

After all, this is an opportunity for the other party to help him establish a network, and others can't ask for it.

"Insan, what do you think about export websites?"

While eating afternoon tea, Chen Tianhe, who was in a good mood, was thinking wildly, and casually asked this little brother with a strong sense of business.

"Why, Ahri is going to set foot in this export website?"

Hearing Mr. Chen asked this, Xu Renshan couldn't help but feel a sudden.

If Ari Group gets involved in the cross-border e-commerce business, it will definitely be a huge threat to the fledgling shelove.

Whatever, let Ahri move more gently, so as not to hurt his own people.

"Our Ari originally had import and export business, but limited by the environment and conditions, the benefits were not good..."

Speaking of the import and export business of Ahri Group, Chen Tianhe was also a little embarrassed.

Originally, the senior management of their group had high hopes for this business. After all, it opened a precedent for ordinary people to directly trade with foreign purchasers of finished products, but the effect was not very satisfactory.

The main reason is that the environment is not very good, and there are many problems found in it.

"Brother Chen wants to talk about the logistics problem."

Waiting for the other party to briefly explain the situation, Xu Renshan, who has also done some research on this, directly pointed out the biggest problem. .

When preparing to acquire Shelove, Xu Renshan had a reserve of knowledge and did not make a random move.

The next few years will be the time point for the rapid rise of large logistics.

It is not a traditional domestic small and medium-sized logistics, but a large-scale logistics system with large transfer stations as a link to coordinate the overall situation, including Jingxi Logistics, civet cat mall and sea lion logistics under Ahri.

Even shelove, relying on the large logistics system in North America and South Africa, has gained a firm foothold abroad and is on the rise.

Of course, with Ahri Group’s current size and the scale of products it is involved in, if it wants to quickly establish an international logistics system, it will also be short of funds.

"Yeah, logistics is really a big problem."

Seeing that the little brother hit the point, Chen Tianhe also expressed emotion.

However, he didn't think the other party had any good ideas.

Logistics requires time and money to accumulate, and it cannot be accomplished at one touch.

"When Ahri's funds are abundant, it will be fine to spend money on logistics."

In this regard, Xu Renshan gave a simple and direct answer.

Given Ahri’s future capital, spending money is the best way.

When several major logistics groups take shape in the future, it will be difficult for Ari to intervene, but it will be difficult to achieve results. He can only exchange money for time.

Break through all methods with one force, saving worry and effort, but not saving money.

It’s just that sometimes money is not omnipotent, at least it cannot control people’s hearts.

A few years later, Ahri also wanted to be an empty-handed white wolf, relying on the power of Ahri’s online shopping platform to integrate some small and medium-sized logistics companies downstream, and directly become a logistics giant.

Unfortunately, Ah Li, who wanted to be the leader of the martial arts, found that people's hearts were scattered too quickly, and it was difficult to lead the team.

In the end, the so-called "martial arts" disappeared, and Ari had to spend a lot of money to build a logistics system by himself, wasting a lot of time.

"Why don't you, Renshan, lend me 2 billion first, and then pay you back in installments."

After hearing what the little brother said, Chen Tianhe jokingly said: "Didn't you also invest 300 million U.S. dollars in Jingxi before?"

Previously, Jingxi Mall spent a lot of money to build Liuxijian's large logistics system. As a result, the capital chain was broken, and no other investors dared to continue to invest funds, which spread wildly in the industry.

As a result, a certain rich and powerful Renyu Investment directly invested 300 million U.S. dollars in it, as long as anyone in the industry is familiar with it.

Renyu Investment is also a shareholder of Ahlibao, so Chen Tianhe couldn't be indifferent.

The shareholders and investors of their own company actually spent huge sums of money to bring a potential opponent back to life, which is simply the negligence of Ari and Chen Tianhe.

Of course, he doesn't like asking the teacher for his crimes, so he can only ask this little brother to take a few more classes to make up for it.

"Brother Chen, you were waiting here for me."

After understanding the hidden meaning of the other party's previous words, Xu Renshan smiled wryly, and said helplessly: "The previous funds are the last property of our husband and wife, and we really can't get more out of it."

Renyu spent more than two billion yuan before and after the investment. Xu Renshan can guess that his wife's private account has almost bottomed out without asking too much.

What's more, if he really has that spare money, Xu Renshan will not lend it to the Ari Group with that little interest difference to deploy a large logistics system.

He only owns 5% of Aribao’s shares, and is not a major shareholder of Ari Group, so he doesn’t need to do his best for Ari Group.

Ali Group's development is a little slower, which is more beneficial to Xu Renshan. At least the shelove, Jingxi Mall, and Fenghuang Street, which he invested heavily in before, have a little competition with Ari.

It is self-evident which side I lean towards in the depths of my heart.

"Okay, it seems that our fate is less."

The expected answer, Chen Tianhe sighed regretfully, but the tone was obviously more teasing.

Of course he doesn’t feel that the other party just gave out 300 million US dollars not long ago, and that he can give out more funds in a blink of an eye, just to make fun of this little brother.

With the size of Ahri, if they want to build a large logistics system, at least 500 million US dollars will be spent on domestic logistics alone, not to mention international logistics, and the cost will only increase exponentially.

"Fate let us have afternoon tea here."

Xu Renshan answered calmly without being stimulated by Mr. Chen's words.

Even if my wife takes over the tens of billions of dollars of SS funds in the future, it will still be her own assets, and Xu Renshan will not think about dividing the money.

After ten years, the existing projects of Renyu Investment will be in the harvest period, and the shares of Jingxi Mall alone will be worth tens of billions of dollars, so there is no need to worry about money.

The only thing needed is to take time to wait.

"You kid."

After chatting for a while, Chen Tianhe, who was 80% full, made an appointment for dinner tomorrow, and then got up to leave.

After having afternoon tea with my little brother, his thinking has become more flexible, and he can chat with the company's senior management later.

"This time, just right."

Watching Mr. Chen's Mercedes-Benz drive away, Xu Renshan raised his hand and looked at his watch, just in time to go to the pre-ordered food to take home for his wife.

Those delis are not very hygienic, and the ingredients are not clean. Xu Renshan doesn't want to make his pregnant wife feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, at noon, Xu Renshan ordered some special cooked food with a deli owner he knew.

Driving to Ziwei Tea Tianqiao Store, Xu Renshan honked the horn, and saw Li Chu, the store manager, running out with a bag in his hand.

"Mr. Xu, here are the cicadas, cuttlefish mouth, pig's trotters and squid crisps you want. They are all just made this afternoon and they are still warm."

Handing the prepared cooked food to the big boss, Li Chu had an excited smile on his face.

Who would have thought that his family owns a delicatessen, and he would have the opportunity to become a big boss.

In the past, he still disliked his parents' craftsmanship, and would rather die than go home and inherit the delicatessen's craftsmanship, but now he thinks this skill is quite good.

Based on the fact that the boss personally called to make an appointment for cooked food, Li Chu felt that he was in the heart of the emperor, and his success in the future was just around the corner.

For this reason, he also specially told his parents a lot of precautions, especially not to add medicinal materials that are not conducive to pregnant women, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

"How much?"

Feeling the faint heat coming from the bag, Xu Renshan nodded in satisfaction.

The last time Xu Renshan saw a performance list of the manager of the directly-operated store when he was dealing with affairs at the headquarters of Yuming Company, Li Chu, the manager of the Tianqiao store, ranked first. Record for opening a delicatessen in an urban area.

So when Xu Renshan wanted to buy cooked food, Xu Renshan asked his female assistant to send her the contact number.

To buy cooked food, of course you have to find the boss you know.

"No, no, boss, it's my honor if you want to eat our home's cooked food."

As for collecting money, of course Li Chu can't ask for it.

"Take it, or I won't bother going to your house to buy it next time."

He directly counted 500 cash and stuffed it into the other party's hands. Xu Renshan, who was not short of such a small amount of money, would not take advantage of his own employees.

"Not so much."

Feeling the tough attitude of the boss, Li Chu couldn't refuse anymore, after all, he would have to deliver cooked food to the boss in the future.

It's just that the money is obviously too much, and no matter what, I don't want 500.

"Should be, if there is more, it will be counted as the lost wages of uncles and aunts."

Waved his hand, Xu Renshan drove away directly.

Backing home with a bag of food, Xu Renshan found that Liu Tianxian was sitting in the living room chatting with his wife.

(end of this chapter)