Chapter 310: Xu Renshan's reputation

Chapter 310 The Prestige of Xu Renshan


Hearing the female boss's surprised rhetorical question, Li Yanfei, who was a little careless, immediately paid attention to it.

Looking at this, the other party really knows Xu Mutou.

"Xu Renshan and I are high school alumni, junior high school classmates, do you know him too?"

I didn't expect the world to be so small, Kim Young Hye replied with a smile.

If she had just graduated and opened a store, she would be ashamed to speak, but after being a store owner for nearly a year, Jin Yinghui felt that she could get closer to the female customers, so she was willing to speak.

"We are college classmates with him."

Glancing at Concubine Li Yan next to her, Wang Liti replied with a smile.

"Really, what a coincidence."

Seeing that both of them are Xu Renshan's college classmates, Kim Young-hye said with bright eyes: "I was last time"

With a common topic, the chat atmosphere of the three became intense in an instant, and the relationship quickly heated up.

Friendship between women comes so quickly.

"Yinghui, you have nothing to do in the morning, why don't you have lunch together?"

I really want to know about Xu Mutou's youth, and Li Yanfei warmly extended the invitation.

Although the other party's figure is not bad, some places are only a little worse than the big Tizi, but Li Yanfei knows that the other party's short hair will definitely not be Xu Mu's favorite, and there is no threat.

I think she wanted to cut her hair short at the beginning, but because of Xu Mutou's saying, "Long hair looks good", Concubine Li Yan no longer wanted to cut her hair short.


The first time she received an invitation from a female customer to treat her to dinner, Jin Yinghui inevitably hesitated. .

Those so-called male customers invited her to dinner for other purposes. Naturally, Jin Yinghui declined politely, but this female VIP in front of her was different.

Whether it is to maintain the relationship between the two, or the speculation of the chat just now, she seems embarrassed to refuse.

"Yinghui, let's have a meal together."

Wang Liti, who also wanted to hear about the past of Mr. Xu, tried to persuade him.

"That's OK."

Seeing that both of them said that, Jin Yinghui agreed.

Locked the glass door, put up a sign that the business was suspended, and the three of them sat together in Li Yanfei's white 5-series BMW, and went to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

"Mr. Xu, good afternoon."

Sitting in the box of the Chinese restaurant, seeing the young chairman come in, Liu Fei greeted with a smile, with an inexplicable blush on her face.

After going back last night, she thought a lot.

Liu Fei didn't tell her mother about what Mrs. Xu talked with her in private.

Firstly, if she guessed wrong, wouldn't it be embarrassing; secondly, if she really guessed right, her mother would not agree with her idea.

Subconsciously, Liu Fei didn't resist that sudden idea deep in her heart.

In this entertainment circle, expecting the so-called love of two hearts in one life is like a dream in a mirror, unless she quits the circle one day.

However, Liu Fei didn't want to waste her time in her prime youth. If she really had to pay something for it, she felt that this young chairman was not unacceptable.

"Feifei, Ms. Liu, good afternoon."

and Liu Tianxian mother and daughter nodded, Xu Renshan sat beside his wife and asked with a smile: "How does the house look in the morning?"

"It's okay, I booked a house at Ziyu Mountain Villa, which is next to Liu Fei and the others."

Speaking of this, Shi Yuxuan is still very satisfied with the inspection in the morning.

"It's my honor to be neighbors with Mr. Xu and Sister Yuxuan."

When it came to the large flat set that was ordered in the morning, Liu Fei also felt very good, and said something with a smile.

Compared to her and her mother picking and choosing, this Mrs. Xu is really straightforward enough to buy a house.

For such a wealthy family, buying a multi-million dollar house may be as casual as buying vegetables, which makes people unbearably envious.

However, compared to wealth, Liu Fei prefers to shine on the star road under the spotlight and enjoy the glory that everyone is looking at.

"It's too polite. Feifei, you should let me know when you are moving to a new house, so we can go over and be a guest."

smiled, Shi Yuxuan responded politely.

"That's for sure. But the house still needs some soft furnishings. Does Sister Yuxuan have any suggestions?"

Looking at the dignified and beautiful Mrs. Xu, Liu Fei nodded in affirmation.

And Liu Xiaochen, who was sitting on the side, was also happy to see his daughter coping well.

But my daughter had a good chat with that Mrs. Xu, and she didn't want to neglect that Mr. Xu.

Raising his wine glass, Liu Xiaochen took the initiative to toast the other party: "Mr. Xu, please take care of me in the future."

"Ms. Liu is polite."

Also toasted in response, Xu Renshan took a sip and explained embarrassingly: "I have a party tonight, so I won't drink much at noon."

"Should Mr. Xu go by himself, or with Sister Yuxuan?"

Suddenly, Liu Fei asked the young chairman.

After asking the question, she realized that she was a little presumptuous. It was all because she thought too much last night and was a little confused.

"Yuxuan is pregnant, so I won't go. Anyway, I will have a meal with a few elders."

Hearing Liu Tianxian's question, Xu Renshan didn't find it strange, and answered it casually.

Liu Tianxian has been a guest at their house, knowing that his wife is pregnant, Xu Renshan doesn't need to hide it.

What's more, he didn't agree to bring his family with him for dinner with Mr. Chen, so Xu Renshan wouldn't do anything extra.

"Just in time, Renshan and Ari's Mr. Chen went to have dinner, and Feifei and Aunt Liu came to my house to have dinner together, and talk about house decoration by the way."

Following her husband's words, Shi Yuxuan invited Liu Tianxian and her daughter.


After listening to Mr. Xu's answer, both mother and daughter Liu Fei couldn't help showing a strange look in their eyes.

Sure enough, he is young and promising, and his entertainment is at the same level as the boss of the Ahri Group. Entering the entertainment industry with such energy, he will definitely not be mediocre.

In Liu Xiaochen's view, making friends with this young chairman is absolutely beneficial and harmless.

Compared with her mother's simple thoughts, Liu Fei obviously thought more, and her eyes were a little brighter.

After eating a meal for more than an hour, Xu Renshan and his wife bid farewell to Liu Fei's mother and daughter, and went back to their villa to rest.

As for the dinner invitation, it was still very early.

Because of her pregnancy, Shi Yuxuan's body was as usual, but she snoozes a lot at noon. After all, what she provides is not her own nutrition.

"Husband, there is no problem with your company."

Leaning in her husband's arms, Shi Yuxuan, who was about to take a nap, casually asked him about going to the company in the morning.

"It's okay, I've taken care of everything."

"Well, my company is next week"

While chatting, Shi Yuxuan fell into a deep sleep with a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, when Liu Fei's mother and daughter came over, Xu Renshan received him for a while, and then went to the banquet in Song Weikai's Bentley.

"I'm in Room 101."

After looking at the friend information received by Ali Baoli, Xu Renshan who was sitting in the car shook his head, got up and got out of the car.

I don’t know if it’s the last restraint of a big boss. Except for face-to-face chats with Mr. Chen these days, the only few online contacts he has are in Ahlibao’s friend information.

Compared to Alibao's entry into the chat business, Weiwei's cross-border entry into the payment business is obviously much smoother.

In the era of big data, whoever controls traffic will have the right to speak, so easy to develop across borders.

However, Alibao also has a commendable benefit.

That is, after a few years, Weiwei needs to be confirmed by the other party to transfer the money, but Aribao is directly credited to the account. change'.

Thinking about what was there, Xu Renshan walked into the box of the restaurant under the guidance of the waiter.

Some bigwigs like low-key private kitchen restaurants, and some bigwigs like high-end star-rated restaurants. No matter which one is the same, the dishes are expensive and the wine is expensive.

The address Mr. Chen mentioned today is in the restaurant box of the West Lake Hotel, and you can see the scenery of the West Lake not far away through the window.

"Come on, let me introduce this little brother to you. Brother Xu Renshan, the shareholder of our Alibao, none of the companies under his name is less than one billion."

Seeing Brother Xu coming in, Chen Tianhe first introduced to the five friends present, and made an impression.

"This is Mr. Xu who closed Tianpeng Mineral Spring and Hangdu Ramen overnight?"

As soon as Chen Tianhe finished speaking, a middle-aged man present with a curly hair asked a question without any kindness in his voice.

(end of this chapter)