Chapter 320: looks familiar

Chapter 320 looks familiar

On the way here, Xu Renshan talked to his wife about his preparations in his hometown.

Jinjiang Huating’s new house has only started to be renovated this year, and it’s definitely not possible to move in during the Chinese New Year. What’s more, the wife is pregnant and has higher requirements for air quality. The newly renovated house can’t breathe for a few months.

And this year I will definitely go back to my hometown in Lizhou several times, and it is not suitable to live in a hotel. Xu Renshan asked someone to look for a quasi-new house that has been decorated but no one has lived in it yet.

In the past few years when housing prices in Lizhou have skyrocketed, investors have a lot of houses in their hands, and there are also a lot of houses that have been renovated but have not been moved in.

After checking the information of several houses sent by the agent, Xu Renshan chose a high-rise residence in Longyu Tiancheng. The decoration style is not bad, the area is about 140 square meters, and the price is around 2.2 million.

The original owner has been renovating the house for more than two years, but they haven’t moved in yet, and they can almost move in with their bags.

Seeing the house at that time, Xu Renshan immediately paid the full amount without any intention of haggling.

It's hard to buy a good heart with money, anyway, the eight-figure balance in his bank card is also depreciated.

"When did you buy it?"

After hearing what her younger brother said, Xu Jiaoqian asked in surprise.

The housing price in Longyu Tiancheng is only higher than their current Jinshuiwan community, and a house costs 15.6 million.

For such a big matter, my younger brother doesn't even discuss it with her.

"I bought it a few days ago, so I won't tell you about it right away."

Noticing the elder sister's eyes that seemed to be holding a knife, Xu Renshan replied seriously.

To be honest, he bought a house worth two million yuan and bought it. He didn't even blink his eyes when he invested more than one billion yuan before.

In addition, this can be regarded as a pavement for sending my sister a house at the end of the year.

The profit of Yuming tea company alone is enough to explain all the sources of funds.

"Yuxuan, a man's pocket money can't be too much, or he will spend it carelessly."

Seeing her younger brother's indifferent appearance, Xu Jiaoqian said to her sister-in-law earnestly.

Women are in charge of money, but this is the tradition of their old Xu family.

Although she knew that the milk tea chain company opened by her younger brother had made a lot of money, she couldn't spend it like this if she had money. Usually, the younger brother and the younger brother didn't come back to live often, wouldn't it be too wasteful.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. It is right to be diligent and thrifty in housekeeping.

"I see, sister."

Nodding in affirmation of her sister's classic quotation, Shi Yuxuan also explained to her husband: "However, we may often go back to Lizhou in the future, and buying a house for a while is better than staying in a hotel."

Shi Yuxuan still likes the little surprise her husband concealed from her.

The house is not expensive, but the decoration style is the simple European style that she likes, which shows her husband's intentions.

"Sister, Yuxuan is pregnant, so she can't come back and stay in the hotel, and the sanitation environment is not very good."

After his wife assisted, Xu Renshan gave the most powerful reason.

They all went back to their hometown in Lizhou for the Mid-Autumn Festival. He couldn't keep this happy event from his elder sister anymore, otherwise he might lose his ears in the future.

Just right, take this opportunity to speak out, kill two birds with one stone.


Hearing what her younger brother said, Xu Jiaoqian looked at her sister-in-law next to her in surprise, and then asked excitedly, "How long has it been?"

For Xu Jiaoqian, she now has a stable job, has both children, and a happy family. If there is anything she is most concerned about now, it is the issue of her younger brother's heirs.

As the only male in the old Xu family, the younger brother shoulders the important task of inheriting the blood of the old Xu family, but the other party has been married quietly for more than half a year, and there is no news from the sister-in-law.

This time it’s all right, the sister-in-law is pregnant, and their old Xu family doesn’t have to worry about their offspring, and they won’t be blamed by their ancestors in the future.

Although as a new youth in the 21st century, Xu Jiaoqian should not be so traditional, but she has an unusual sense of responsibility since she was young and depended on her younger brother.

The eldest sister is like a mother, but she has raised her younger brother as a half-child since she was a child.

"About a month and a half."

Seeing her sister's surprise appearance, Shi Yuxuan was also very happy.

After other women are pregnant, they have parents and elders who can share their happiness, but Shi Yuxuan, who has a bad relationship with her cousin's family, has no one to share her happiness with except for her cousin.

Now that her husband's sister is with her, Shi Yuxuan can be regarded as having a taste of the happiness that ordinary women share with their families after pregnancy.

"Is there something wrong with your body?"

At this point in time, Xu Jiaoqian bluntly hid her younger brother's glance, but she didn't have time to educate him, so she immediately cared about her sister-in-law's physical condition.

The most important thing now is to let the sister-in-law have a good pregnancy.

"I just went to the medical examination this morning, everything is fine."

Feeling her sister's concern for her from the bottom of her heart, Shi Yuxuan replied with a smile.

"Really, then you usually"

Xu Jiaoqian, who was a little excited, asked a bunch of questions, and almost forgot that it was meal time.

As a sister-in-law, Shi Yuxuan also answers every question.

Although her sister is not a doctor, Shi Yuxuan still has a lot to ask for advice as a person who has given birth to twins.

"Brother-in-law, what have you been up to lately?"

Xu Renshan, who was ignored by the elder sister, ate food casually, and asked his brother-in-law sitting beside him.

"What else can I be busy with, that is, to manage the appearance of the city and manage the stalls and vendors. Recently, there are several documents on the top of my head every day, and I am so busy that I can't keep my feet on the ground. Nun, the focus of next week is to rectify the road-occupancy business on Nanyuan Road. "

Speaking of his own work, Xu Baoguo no longer complained in the past, but began to gradually adapt.

As a qualified public servant, Xu Baoguo will not slack off because of his busy job position. At the beginning, he chose the post transfer.

At least, he doesn't have to work so much overtime on weekends now, but he can spend time at home with his wife and children, and the family relationship is much more harmonious.

"That's really busy."

Nodded, Xu Renshan agreed with what his brother-in-law said.

To be honest, the urban management brigades in other first- and second-tier cities have been established for many years, with mature teams and management mechanisms, while the urban management brigade in Lizhou, a small county, has only been established for two or three years, and the higher-ups don’t pay much attention to team building. It’s just dirty work. All the hard work goes to the city management.

Seeing his brother-in-law's headache, Xu Renshan thought, should he find an opportunity to help her and let her brother-in-law change to a slightly easier position.

You shouldn’t have to bother Uncle Shangguan with this matter, and you should be able to ask Shangguan’s sister for help.

Of course, before the matter is done, Xu Renshan can't talk nonsense.

When the order comes down, brother-in-law can naturally move this brick wherever he wants.

"Baoguo, Yuxuan and I will go to the living room to talk for a while, you clear the table."


Half an hour later, looking at his brother-in-law who was driven to the kitchen to wash the dishes, Xu Renshan also took the initiative to help.

The night breeze was gentle, and Xu Renshan, his wife, his sister and his family walked out from the gate of the community, and arrived at Longyu Tiancheng Community, 500 meters away.

"Mr. Xu, hello, here is your room key."

Called the property manager in advance. Xu Renshan and his wife walked to the gate of the community holding hands, and saw a female staff member running from not far away.

The two little guys, Lele and Xuanxuan, had already taken the lead and ran to the small fountain not far away, Xu Baoguo and Xu Jiaoqian followed.

"Thank you for your hard work."

After taking the key, Xu Renshan smiled and thanked him.

Not to mention, the property management in this community is pretty good.

He bought this house before, and by the way, he deposited a management fee of 50,000 yuan in the property, part of which was used for the cleaning expenses of the hourly workers.

"Should be."

Looking at the handsome face of the other party for a moment, the female staff asked with a smile: "Do you need me to take you there?"

"No need, we can go there by ourselves."

"Then if you have any questions in the future, you can call our office at any time."


Nodding his head, Xu Renshan took his wife's hand and walked forward unsteadily.

Soon, the two walked to the fountain in the middle of the community. Seeing this, Xu Jiaoqian shouted to the couple of children: "Lele, Xuanxuan, let's go, let's go to see uncle's new home."


Hearing that they were going to play at their uncle's house, Lele and Lele, who felt more novel, quickly recovered from the attraction of the fountain.

Compared to Xu Jiaoqian's house of about 120 square meters, this 140-square-meter four-bedroom apartment is obviously much more spacious, and the minimalist European style makes people feel that there is a lot of space.

"Wow, my uncle's house is so big."

Among other things, Lele and Xuanxuan's first impression is that they are much bigger than their family.

"That's right, Yuxuan, the decoration of your house is pretty good."

After lamenting that her younger brother spends money like water, Xu Jiaoqian also has to admit that the layout and structure of this room are very reasonable, and it can be regarded as a high-end decoration.

"They were all chosen by Renshan."

At this time, Shi Yuxuan did not forget to praise her husband for his contribution.

Compared with the pictures I saw before, the real house looks not bad at all. Shi Yuxuan thinks that the two million that her husband spent is worth it.

After all, it is really rare that no one has ever lived in a house with such a decoration style.

"Have you ever dried your quilts?"

After looking at the bedroom, which was fully equipped and looked like a new home, Xu Jiaoqian asked a detailed question with concern.

My sister-in-law is just pregnant, if the bedding is too damp, it will be bad for her health.

"It's already been exposed to the sun during the day."

As soon as Shi Yuxuan's words fell, Lele leaned in front of the quilt and smelled it, and replied happily: "Mom, it smells like sunshine."

"That's good."

Satisfied with her sister-in-law's carefulness, Xu Jiaoqian looked around the house, feeling relieved.

Next, the whole family went for a walk in the small park by the river, and then went back to their respective homes.

"Are you tired today?"

Back to Longyu Tiancheng's house, Xu Renshan gently pressed the shoulder of his wife on the sofa, and asked softly.

"Not tired."

Smiling and shaking her head, Shi Yuxuan held her husband's hand on her shoulder with one hand, with a gentle smile on her lips.

Although her sister kept pulling her to chat, Shi Yuxuan didn't feel tired. On the contrary, she felt that such a family atmosphere was exactly what she was looking forward to.

"Then wash and go to bed early."

"it is good."

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival falls on Monday, and all units except those on duty are already on holiday. Naturally, Xu Jiaoqian and Xu Baoguo are no exception. Their duty is not on this day.

Early in the morning, Xu Jiaoqian called her younger brother and sister-in-law to have breakfast.


Xu Renshan, who had just returned from running by the river, returned home and found that his wife, who hadn't woken up before, was fully dressed.

Just wearing a simple blue long dress, Shi Yuxuan, who didn't wear makeup after pregnancy, is still bright and charming, and she can't tell that she is nearly 30 years old.

Even if he meets his wife every day, Xu Renshan still feels a little surprised.

Having money can really slow down the years.

"Husband, my sister called us over to have breakfast, hurry up and wash and change your clothes. I asked Song Wei to buy some fruit just now. I can't go to my sister's house empty-handed for the Mid-Autumn Festival today."

Feeling the love in her husband's eyes that was about to overflow, Shi Yuxuan, who was very useful, smiled and talked about the next arrangement.

I heard my sister talk about this last night. Shi Yuxuan, who always sleeps until she wakes up naturally, set the alarm clock and got up half an hour earlier to get ready to meet her husband's family in the best condition.

Sister and brother-in-law have good personalities, but it doesn't mean that she, the sister-in-law, can be too slack. What should be prepared is still to be prepared.

After all, she is indeed at a disadvantage in terms of age. She is a little older than her sister, so she can't be too casual in her image.

"it is good."

Nodded, Xu Renshan, who knew what his wife was thinking, was in a comfortable mood, and his scrubbing movements were a little quicker.

Came downstairs in the community, Song Wei was already waiting there in a Bentley.

Because there were things to take, even though the distance between the two neighborhoods was only a few steps, and it would be sweaty to walk there on a hot day, Xu Renshan and the others chose to go by car.

Relying on Bentley's card, the security guard at the entrance of Jinshuiwan Community asked a simple question, and then let it go casually.

"You come to have breakfast and get something, don't you treat yourself as an outsider?"

Opening the door and seeing a lot of things in her younger brother's hands, Xu Jiaoqian reprimanded the two of them.

"The Mid-Autumn Festival is a family reunion, so don't tell me about us."

As if she had already guessed that her sister would say this, Shi Yuxuan held her husband's hand and replied with a smile.

"Okay, don't buy so many things next time, I can't finish it at home."


Looking at his wife and sister who had a harmonious relationship, Xu Renshan seemed relaxed and at ease.

On this day, Xu Renshan and his wife were with their sister and their family. The time for playing and playing passed quickly, and it was night in a blink of an eye.

"Husband, let's come back next Mid-Autumn Festival."

After dinner, Shi Yuxuan took a walk with her husband by the river alone. Looking at the round moon in the sky, Shi Yuxuan smiled and began to look forward to the happy days next year.

By this time next year, she and her husband's baby will be born, so it will really be a family reunion.

"The Mid-Autumn Festival is back, how about the Chinese New Year?"

Listening to the happiness in his wife's words, Xu Renshan clasped fingers with each other and asked with a smile.

"Of course I'll be back. Could it be that the two of us spend the New Year alone in Hangzhou?"

Regarding her husband's teasing question, Shi Yuxuan said with certainty.

After getting along with her sister's family so many times, she can be regarded as a part of the family.

"Okay, listen to my wife."

At this moment, Xu Renshan naturally wouldn't say anything to spoil the scenery.

"Didi, Didi."

Just as the two of them were walking on the promenade, there was a sound of a horn next to them.

Turning his head and looking around, Xu Renshan found a Porsche 911 slowly driving by the side of the road. The retractable roof had been lowered. The young man in the driver's seat obviously wanted to attract the attention of his beautiful wife beside him.

It's just that the young man looked familiar.

(end of this chapter)