Chapter 334: The Face of Qingguo Entertainment

Chapter 334 Qingguo Entertainment's Face

"Basically, it has been dealt with, and the other side has also verbally apologized and is willing to pay the medical expenses."

Speaking of this matter, Li Husu's tone was not so sure.

The big bosses have all rushed over from Hangzhou, and the result of the matter now obviously does not meet the expectations of the other party.

The final episode of Running Man produced by Qingguo Entertainment was filmed in Hucheng. It went smoothly, but something went wrong the night before the filming ended.

A young man surnamed Qi from a local real estate developer saw Yang Qian, the special guest who participated in the recording, and insisted on inviting him to dinner, but was stopped by the person in charge of the production team.

As one of the hottest actresses this year, Yang Qian has become popular all over the country with "Palace" released at the beginning of the year, and she has a good figure and face, which is indeed easy to attract people.

However, Qingguo Entertainment has always adhered to the teachings of the boss, absolutely not allowing the so-called unspoken rules to happen to their own family members, including the special guests who came to participate in the recording of the program.

As a result, several main persons in charge of the crew accidentally knocked their heads that night, including Director Min, which caused the crew to shut down. Vice President Li Husu heard about this and hurried over to deal with it.

Through Li Husu's relationship, the young master also inquired about the background of Qingguo Entertainment, he already called to apologize, and sent a sum of medical expenses.

"A verbal apology?!"

Hearing the result of the matter, Xu Renshan couldn't help squinting his eyes.

You know, the director and assistant director of "Running Man" are still recuperating in the hospital. How can an apology and a small medical bill solve the problem.

Of course, Xu Renshan also understood Vice President Li's difficulties.

Despite the fact that Qingguo Entertainment has been booming recently and has cooperated with several major capitals, but its background is still a bit weak, and its network of relationships is still in the initial stage of expansion.

It is already a good result to make the local son of Hucheng apologize in a short period of time.

It's just that Xu Renshan himself is not satisfied.

If the news spreads, Qingguo Entertainment won't even be able to keep co-stars, and there will be no one willing to cooperate with the company in the future.

"I have investigated the background of the young master of the Qi family, and there should be no other people's calculations behind it."

Sitting in the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz S series, Li Husu continued to report the results of his investigation.

The most fearful thing about this kind of thing is that there are opponents' calculations behind it. If it spreads, it will deal a big blow to the reputation of Qingguo Entertainment.

Until now, apart from the popular "Stars", Qingguo Entertainment is only supported by the variety show "Running Man", which has a very good start. The rest of the projects are still in progress without too many achievements.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest.

Once the negative news breaks out, it is likely to affect many follow-up projects under the hype of interested people. The newly launched Qingguo Entertainment cannot withstand too much storm.

To be in the entertainment industry, you still have to use your fists hard.

"I hope that someone is scheming behind the scenes."

Xu Renshan didn't care about Vice President Li's rejoicing.

Sometimes, the enemy hidden in the dark depths is the most dangerous.


Listening to the domineering speech of the big boss, Li Husu, who knew the opponent's energy, didn't have any objection.

A Mercedes-Benz and four Audis parked steadily at the gate of Hucheng Central Hospital. Xu Renshan, who got off the Mercedes-Benz, entered the inpatient department under the **** of bodyguards.

"Director Min, how do you feel?"

Came to a VIP personal ward, Xu Renshan greeted the program production director with concern.

Although the other party just kowtowed, the company still sent Director Min to the hospital for examination, which fully reflected the company's attention and care.

"Mr. Xu, I have nothing to do, and I am so sorry to have you come here."

Seeing the big boss coming to greet him in person, Director Min, who was reading a magazine, got out of bed quickly and responded with a feeling.

In fact, he was not injured at all. The assistant director and the field manager helped him block several punches. Director Min just accidentally fell down and hit the edge of the flower bed with his head.

If it weren't for the strict requirements of the company, he would have wanted to return to the crew as soon as possible to finish filming the last point of the ending plot, so as to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

"Whatever Director Min said, your business is the biggest business of the company."

After saying some words of comfort, Xu Renshan went to see the other two injured employees one after another, and sent them substantial condolences, no less than five-figure red envelopes.

"Tick tock, tick tock"

Just as Xu Renshan walked out of the entrance of the inpatient department, the phone rang.

Looking at the number displayed on the phone screen, Xu Renshan picked it up with a smile: "Brother Wan, good morning."

"It's almost lunch, it's still early. How about it, I ordered two fish at the farm by the lake, and we will have a meal together."

"Okay, I'll come over later."

Hung up the phone, Xu Renshan immediately asked the driver to drive to the hotel where the crew is located.

Because of the minor accident that happened the day before yesterday, although the police were not alerted, the hotel has obviously strengthened its security. Otherwise, if there is a problem with the security of the four-star hotel, after the news spreads, no big names will dare to come and settle down.

For this reason, the hotel even took the initiative to advance the medical expenses of the three of Director Min, with an extremely good attitude.

"Miss Yang, this is Mr. Xu from our company."

A group of people came to the executive suite of the hotel. Li Husu personally introduced the big boss around him to the special guest Yang Qian.

"Mr. Xu, hello, hello."

Seeing the big boss of Qingguo Entertainment, Yang Qian, who is so popular this year, didn't dare to put on the airs of a big star, and nodded repeatedly to say hello.

After receiving the recording invitation of "Running Man", she naturally knew the background of Qingguo Entertainment, and knew that there were a few big capital shadows in it. How dare she play big names as an actress.

What's more, this incident was originally caused by her and should be handled by their company. Instead, the crew of "Running Man" took the initiative to take the pressure, which caused the three directors to be injured.

"It surprised Ms. Yang. Please don't worry, Ms. Yang, we will definitely help you recover your claim."

The handshake with the other party was instant, and Xu Renshan expressed the attitude of Qingguo Entertainment loudly and loudly.

Now this situation, no matter what the reason is, they must carry it to the end.

"Mr. Xu, you are serious. I am the one who caused trouble for your company."

Seeing a big boss with such a sincere attitude, Yang Qian also replied with some trepidation.

She was really afraid that things would make a big splash and affect her stardom, which had just exploded, and she hoped that this matter would settle down.

After all, she was rated as the Four Little Stars two years ago. She seems to be very popular, but she doesn't have any outstanding masterpieces. "Gong" at the beginning of this year is considered one.

Qinguo Entertainment wanted to stand up for its own face, and Yang Qian couldn't stop it. As a young actress, she didn't have the capital to influence the decision of the big boss, so she couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Don't worry, Ms. Yang, what our company does will not affect you."

Perhaps seeing the anxiety in the other party's expression, Xu Renshan comforted the other party.

Regarding the decision to invite the other party to appear in a certain Xianxia drama, Xu Renshan didn't say it on the spot, but wanted to wait until noon to solve the trouble before inviting the other party.

Not to mention, when seeing this girl Yang up close, Xu Renshan felt that the plot in a certain bandit's horror was somewhat fictional and exaggerated.

Not to, not to.

"Thank you Mr. Xu."

Hearing the other party's implication, Yang Qian, who felt that she was a bit of a villain, thanked her repeatedly.

After meeting with several guests from the film crew, the comforting Xu Renshan went to the lunch invitation of Brother Wan.

As Xu Renshan expected, it was a farm with only one table of guests.

In addition to Wan Ruhui, there is also a pair of father and son.

"Brother Xu, let me introduce you to Qi Gong, the chairman of Qifeng Group, a local real estate tycoon in Hucheng."

He shook hands with Xu Renshan and greeted him. Wan Ruhui introduced the middle-aged man, but ignored the young man.

"Boss Wan, you are being polite. Compared with you, we are just a small company, not worth mentioning. Mr. Xu, hello."

Hearing Wan Ruhui's introduction, Qi Gong hastily responded with trepidation.

Although they Qifeng Group ranks among the top three local real estate developers in Hucheng, but compared with Wanshi, which has a nationwide presence, it is simply not the same size.

Seeing the attitude of the head of the Wan family towards this young man, Qi Gong thought that the other party's status was so prominent that they couldn't afford to offend him.

Thinking that his son had provoked such a big shot, after he received a call from the other party this morning, he wanted to beat him up with a stick.

But who told him that this was his only son, he couldn't do it, so he could only bring his son over eagerly, and let the other party hold his hand high.

"Chairman Qi, nice to meet you."

Seeing the other party's groveling appearance, Xu Renshan was not too polite, and nodded his head.

He came here today to ask questions, there is no need to pretend to be polite.

Now that his wife has taken over more than 30 billion US dollars of capital, Xu Renshan unconsciously felt that his spine was a little stiff.

Of course, when it’s time to keep a low profile, you still have to keep a low profile.

"Brother Xu, let's sit down and talk."

Inviting Xu Renshan to sit down, Wan Ruhui, the host, naturally asked the waiter to serve the food.

The most embarrassing thing on the scene was the usually arrogant Young Master Qi.

Qi Li, who has been rampant in Hucheng for many years, once saw his father who was leaning on the mountain bow his head like this, one can imagine the impact on him.

Until he sat down, Qi Li was a little dazed, his mind was buzzing, and he didn't dare to speak.

Who would have thought that just a small star would be involved in a big boss that his father couldn't afford to offend? He had done a little research beforehand.

"Mr. Xu, the dog is confused and interrupted the recording of your company's program. I also ask you to be generous and show your hand high."

Wait until Wan Ruhui had almost finished chatting with the other party, Qi Gong, who had been quiet for a while, finally found an entry point for the chat, and pleaded for his son, but also for himself.

"Mr. Qi, I heard that Young Master Qi has spoken to the outside world. Without his permission, no one in the entire program group will be able to leave Hucheng."

Speaking of this matter, Xu Renshan put down the chopsticks in his hand and said something lightly.

The contracted director and crew leader of the company were threatened with words and even admitted to the hospital.

"It's because I can't teach well that the dog doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

Apologize again, Qi Gong knew that empty words are useless, and immediately took out a bunch of keys and put them on the table and pushed them in front of the other party: "This is a villa in Hangzhou Lake View Garden, I hope Mr. Xu will accept it."

"Tonight, Young Master Qi invited my company's crew to dinner and apologized. Is there any problem?"

Did not look at the set of villa keys worth tens of millions, Xu Renshan talked about his additional conditions.

To him now, the tens of millions of villas are nothing at all, what is important is the cards of Qingguo Entertainment, which cannot be exchanged for any amount of money.

"no problem."

Before his son spoke, Qi Power first agreed.

As long as the other party can hold their hands high, losing face is nothing.

Besides, with his son's mentality, it is a good thing for him to lose some face now, it is better than losing his life later.

"Yes. Brother Wan, thank you for being the host today, and I would like to toast you."

After finishing the business, Xu Renshan smiled and offered a glass to the peacemaker Wan Ruhui.

To solve this matter satisfactorily today, it still depends on the extremely dark cards. Otherwise, with his own energy, maybe he can only use the relationship between the Shangguan family or his senior brother.

Of course, looking at it from another perspective, owed Wan Ruhui a favor, which can be regarded as bringing the relationship between the two closer and deepening their friendship.

"Brother Xu said this, next time I go to Hangzhou, I will wait for your treat."

"no problem."

Backing in the Mercedes-Benz, Xu Renshan exhaled, and then said to Vice President Li next to him: "After the ownership transfer of that villa, the money from the sale will be donated to the SS Charity Fund."

For this kind of easy-earned money, Xu Renshan didn't even think about spending it on his own. It was a good choice to change hands for charity.

With the strict review system of the SS Charity Fund, all the funds can be used in practical ways to benefit children in poor mountainous areas.


Knowing the character of the big boss, Li Husu has no opinion.

"Dad, who is that man?"

Backing to his Rolls-Royce, Qi Li, who seldom spoke during the dinner, finally couldn't help asking.

It wasn't that he was reluctant to apologize, but he just wanted to know what the other party was from, and he was willing to die.

If the boss of Hucheng Legend Wanda can come forward, the other party is definitely a giant dragon.

"Didn't you investigate the background of the other company?!"

After listening to his son's words, Qi Gong didn't teach him a lesson, but asked a question flatly.

"I just know that Qingguo Entertainment and the Huachen sisters have a cooperation, but I don't know the background of this behind-the-scenes boss."

Speaking of this, Qi Li also felt that he was a little stupid. He didn't understand clearly before investigating the background, so he was slapped in the face hastily.

Fortunately, the old man helped him survive the disaster.

"This Renyu investment under the name of Young Master Xu is a shareholder of Ari Group and TX Group. Moreover, someone saw him contacting people from Shangguan's family in the capital."

Qi Gong, who spent a lot of money to do his homework in advance, took the initiative to tell his son about the background of the other party, and then educated him: "Qinguo Entertainment and TX Video cooperated, did you find anything wrong with it?"

A filial son is born under the stick, but more is a rebellious one.

The sons are already at this age, Qi Gongyong is persuasive, and hopes that the only seedling of Lao Qi's family can learn from this incident and grow up quickly.

Otherwise, this huge family business can only be taken over by professional managers in the future.

"I didn't think much of it."

"now what?"

"Dad, I'm going to work in the branch office tomorrow."

"Okay, you go to be a department manager first"

(end of this chapter)