Chapter 341: Aunt Xue's energy

Chapter 341 Aunt Xue's Energy

"I'm going to Gusu to look at the clothing company. If Aunt Xue has anything to do, I can change the itinerary."

Hearing Aunt Xue's question, Xu Renshan answered honestly.

Go to Suzhou to see the progress of shelove's transformation. This is the itinerary he discussed with his wife last night.

Renyu's investment business, after his wife became pregnant, was taken care of by Xu Renshan himself.

Said that the management was a bit overdone. Xu Renshan, a hands-off shopkeeper, only looks at the results, and the process is supervised by the management team.

However, if Aunt Xue has arrangements, she will definitely give priority to the other party's itinerary.

Go to shelove company for inspection, anytime.

"No need, I just want to have a meal with your sister and the others, let's do it another day."

Seeing that the other party had serious arrangements, Hu Qingxue didn't force it, and took the initiative to transfer this matter to the back.

Anyway, meeting her son-in-law's family will take a long time, and she will stay in China for at least a year or so.

In other words, after Shi Yuxuan gave birth, she still needs half a year to recuperate, and children also need someone to help and take care of them carefully. Hu Qingxue just described the time she stayed in the country in a vague way.

"Aunt Xue, my sister and brother-in-law have to go to work. How about we go to Lizhou on Saturday and treat them to dinner."

After hearing what Aunt Xue said, Shi Yuxuan took the initiative to take over the topic and proposed a more appropriate solution.

Today is Wednesday, my sister and brother-in-law are both working at work, so I suddenly told them to have dinner together, which was a bit too sudden.

It would be good to arrange it on Saturday. Let my husband and sister say hello in advance today, so that everyone will be prepared when the time comes.

"Okay, you can arrange it."

After listening to Shi Yuxuan's words, Hu Qingxue smiled and nodded.

My daughter has grown up, so she doesn't need to worry too much.


Seeing that his wife and Aunt Xue had made an agreement, Xu Renshan didn't say much, and acquiesced to their arrangement.

He doesn't need to express any opinion on this kind of thing.

After breakfast, Xu Renshan had a conversation with his wife, and then flew to Gusu by helicopter, accompanied by three people from Renyu Investment Management Team.

After the capital injection from Renyu Investment, shelove, which is well-funded, has initially built a sales network in North America and achieved certain results.

Up to 100 new products every day, direct sales from the place of origin, cheap and good quality, no middlemen to make a difference, the shelove North American website gained 300,000 subscribers in two months, and the highest daily sales exceeded 200,000 US dollars.

Of course, Amazon’s drainage is indispensable.

Under the contact of the SS Foundation, which owns Amazon shares, Amazon became the third largest shareholder of shelove with US$500,000. Naturally, Amazon has to play the role of a shareholder and attract traffic to the new website on the homepage of the website.

Compared to the shelove in the previous life, the start of shelove in this life is far beyond a lot, and it can even be said to be a king bomb start.

Today, shelove has signed OEM agreements with more than 20 small and medium-sized garment factories in the surrounding area, specializing in the production of new styles.

In addition to making a website, shelove has stripped off the original manufacturing workshop. Its main business is to design new styles of women's clothing, covering all age groups, whether old, young or young.

"Mr. Xu, now our website sells more than 5,000 clothes every day, and the sales are stable between 40,000 and 60,000 US dollars."

Listening to the introduction by Xu Jiangche, general manager of shelove, Xu Renshan had a general understanding of the development of this website. After the other party finished speaking, he asked a key question: "Mr. Xu, how much is the current daily loss, and how much is the funding gap?"

With Amazon’s help, although shelove’s orders have grown explosively, thousands of items are sold for a few items each, and the processing cost is not small.

Even if there is a dollar exchange rate difference, the company is basically at a loss after deducting shipping costs and website operating costs.

Only when the base increases in the future, can this fast-selling model be truly profitable.

"At the beginning, I lost a lot, but now the daily loss is about 200,000 yuan, and the funding gap in the first half of next year will be about 50 million yuan."

Speaking of this, Xu Jiangche, the general manager of the company, also had a headache on his face.

Who would have thought that soon after the website revision, it would be booming, but it turned out that the surface was beautiful, and the mainland suffered serious losses.

Of course, on online shopping platforms, traffic is king.

The current shelove has attracted the attention of many investment institutions, and they have called to invest in the group, but as the founder, Xu Jiangche can't make the decision.

After Renyu Investment and Amazon’s shareholding, he and his management team’s shareholding has been reduced to 30%, and they can’t decide the amount and object of financing at all. They only have the right to make suggestions and limited decision-making.

"I have communicated with Amazon and will inject 100 million yuan into the company this month."

The amount mentioned by the other party was similar to that estimated by the Renyu investment management team, and Xu Renshan did not pretend to be pretentious, saying the planned investment amount.

Since it is a capital injection, the shares of Renyu Investment and Amazon as old shareholders will definitely increase, and the shares of the founding team will decrease accordingly.

However, when Renyu Investment acquired 60% of the shares, the valuation of sheling was around 66 million, and now the valuation of shelove has reached 200 million.

In addition, the special circumstances of the founding team must also be considered.

Therefore, the additional 100 million yuan only reduced the shares of Xu Jiangche and the management team by 8 points.

These are the results calculated by the Renyu Investment Management Team, and the specific increase or decrease of shares still needs to be discussed in detail.

It's just that Renyu Investment and Amazon have already occupied 70% of the shares and have absolute control over shelove. Xu Jiangche and others have no ability to resist the capital injection.

Either follow the investment, or reduce the shareholding, or be out, there is no fourth possibility.

"Thank you Mr. Xu for your support."

Knowing the meaning behind the capital injection, Xu Jiangche thanked the other party with a smile.

Things have come to this, even if he knows that the shares of himself and the team will be reduced accordingly, what can he do.

I just hope that before this new fund is exhausted, the company can turn around and turn a profit.

In that case, whether it is continued financing or capital injection, the share reduction rate of their founding team can be reduced.

Strength is an important element for a mall to gain a foothold.

"President Xu, you are welcome. I hope that one day, the entire industrial park will be produced around shelove."

Smiling, Xu Renshan expressed his expectations.

He knows that if the development follows the historical track, this expectation will inevitably become a reality.

Now with the support of him and Amazon, shelove will surely be even more brilliant without many detours.

"Borrow a good word from Mr. Xu."

Hearing the other party's expectations, Xu Jiangche shook off the sadness in his mind, with a cheerful smile on his face.

If there is such a day, he, the general manager, can be regarded as a proper business boss.

Besides, the major shareholder did fulfill the original promise. Apart from sending a deputy financial manager, he never interfered with the daily operation of the company, which made people feel comfortable working together.

Sitting in the office and drinking some tea, Xu Jiangche saw that the time was almost up, and sent an invitation to the major shareholder: "Mr. Xu, it's almost noon, why don't you allow me to treat you to a meal?!"

"Okay, but no alcohol."

Looking at the time, I found that it was already 11:15. Xu Renshan, who originally wanted to invite his senior sister to have lunch, followed suit and agreed.

Anyway, he's going back to Hangzhou this afternoon, so it's definitely not suitable for him to talk about more in-depth topics with his senior sister, at most it's just a simple meal.

Otherwise, if you deal with it in a hurry and be spotted by the shrewd mother-in-law, it is easy to cause problems.

Xu Jiangche said that a simple lunch is quite conservative.

He chose a high-end Chinese restaurant with an elegant environment on the outskirts of the city. The prices on the menu are expensive, and many of them are four-figure dishes.

In addition, in addition to the vice president of shelove, the female manager of the public relations department and a beautiful female subordinate accompanied her.

How could Xu Jiangche be negligent when inviting major shareholders to dinner.

"Mr. Xu is too polite, let's just eat something."

Looking at the dazzling array of dishes, and looking at the two charming female managers, Xu Renshan couldn't help joking.

Of course, Mr. Xu has spent so much time and effort, which can be regarded as the importance he attaches to the major shareholder. Xu Renshan did not criticize the other party in this regard.

People can't help themselves in shopping malls.

"Mr. Xu rarely comes to the company, we can't let you have a rough meal, can't we?"

After hearing what the big boss said, Qi Ziyu, the public relations manager with a graceful figure and outstanding demeanor, laughed and joked, adjusting the atmosphere in the box.

Such words are naturally not suitable for the general manager.

"Mr. Xu, I'll toast you with soup instead of wine."

After Manager Qi finished speaking, Xu Jiangche picked up his teacup and said to the major shareholder.

The other party said before that you can't drink alcohol, so he naturally asked people to replace the wine with tea and mung bean soup.

Just now, the major shareholder poured a cup of mung bean soup by himself, and he also poured a cup with the other party.


Toasting to signal, Xu Renshan briefly clinked a glass with the other party, and took a small sip.

Without drinking, the lunch was relatively simple, at most, it was Manager Qi and the subordinate girl who kept praising her.

In this regard, Xu Renshan, who has achieved something by standing on the shoulders of giants, does not have any swell at all, at most, he just feels a little more excited.

Men, facing the flattery of young and beautiful girls, are inherently weaker in resistance.

"Mr. Xu, I wonder if I can add you as a Weiwei friend?"

Looking at the handsome and wealthy major shareholder in front of her, Qiao Lili from the public relations department had an unconcealable admiration in her eyes.

She is aware of the company's recent rapid development, and its valuation has exceeded 200 million. The wealth of this major shareholder can be imagined.

"No, I will contact Mr. Xu if I have something to do."

Hearing that female subordinate with winking eyes like spring asked him to be friends with Weiwei, Xu Renshan naturally refused.

Just kidding, what if the other party sends some ambiguous messages in the middle of the night and the wife finds out.

Wildflowers on the roadside should not be picked casually, as they may be poisonous and thorny.

It's fine if you start the fire yourself, but Xu Renshan doesn't want to take the blame for the fire started by others.

"President Xu, see you next time."

"Goodbye, Mr. Xu."

After lunch, Xu Renshan parted ways with the others, and went directly to Suzhou TV Station in a helicopter.

The newly-built Suzhou Radio and Television Building has a special apron for storing helicopters for aerial shooting, but the volume and size cannot be compared with Sikorsky at all.

Xu Renshan had made an appointment with her in advance when he came to see the senior sister this time, so he was above board.

On the contrary, if he avoids it, he will show that he has a ghost in his heart.

For this reason, a deputy director of Suzhou Satellite TV led a team to greet them, and the two sides sat down and chatted for a while.

Now that Qingguo Entertainment's TV dramas and variety shows are popular on Suzhou Satellite TV, they have already become the guests of the other party, and the two parties have become strategic partners in a certain sense.

"President Xu, I heard that your company is planning a new variety show?"

After the two sides got a little familiar, Deputy Director Liu talked about Qingguo Entertainment's new variety show.

Compared to TV dramas, the income of popular variety shows is definitely far beyond, after all, variety shows are king.

Now they have "Feicheng" and "Running Man" on Suzhou Satellite TV, which can be said to be leading the country, temporarily suppressing Nanhu TV, the original variety show hegemon.

If there is another popular variety show, Suzhou Satellite TV will establish itself as the top three local TV stations in China. Well, the best thing is that their TV station can participate in the production.

"Our company's "Running Man" has just finished recording the first season, and the new variety show is just a concept, and we are not ready yet."

Knowing the thoughts of Deputy Director Liu, Xu Renshan quietly exchanged glances with the senior sister sitting next to him, and politely rejected her.

Xu Renshan is not surprised how the other party knew about it. After all, the production of variety shows must be filed with the relevant departments. As the deputy director of Suzhou Satellite TV, it is not surprising at all.

It's just that one can do two but three.

Now that Qingguo Entertainment is well-known in the industry with its two works, the Shangxing TV station that can cooperate is not Suzhou Satellite TV.

If the next variety show is still on Suzhou Satellite TV, it will be easily bound by the other party, and the cooperation price will be reduced, which is not in line with the interests of Qingguo Entertainment.

Moreover, this is also what Queen Ni meant.

"That's such a pity. If your company intends to produce a new variety show, you must give priority to us."

As the old elite in the workplace, Deputy Director Liu naturally understood the meaning of the other party's words, and smiled to expose the trouble.

At that time, if the new variety show of Qingguo Entertainment is promising, at worst, the highest price will win.

Moreover, not being able to participate in the production, for him, the meaning behind it is not that great.

"Why, the schedule is so fast, don't you stay in Gusu for a night?"

After Deputy Director Liu left, Ni Shuyan took his junior to the cafe next to the TV station, enjoying the warm sunshine in late autumn.

"One of Yuxuan's elders came back from abroad, and I'm going back for dinner."

Briefly ignoring the seductive eyes of the senior, Xu Renshan didn't hide much when talking about the reason for his return.

So far, he has not been officially approved by Aunt Xue.

Although he has a good relationship with his wife and does not need outsiders to comment, Aunt Xue is the closest elder to his wife, not an outsider.

Aunt Xue's opinion is enough to determine 30% of his wife's opinion.

"Okay, then sit with me for a while."

Hearing the junior's answer, Ni Shuyan, leaning on his face with one hand, said in a charming voice, with a faint light in his eyes.

Actually, when she learned that her junior had informed their TV station, she already knew what the other party meant.

Some things cannot be forced, and she will not act like a little girl. With the character of a junior, it will only backfire.

If acting like a baby was useful, that little sister Taiping would have gotten her wish long ago.

"By the way, this is a little thing I saw in Shanghai, do you like it?!"

Xu Renshan, who has a deep understanding of the senior sister's understanding, didn't say any more words of comfort, and took out a small box from the previous briefcase and handed it over.

Took the box and opened it. Ni Shuyan's eyes brightened slightly. He took out a string of crystal necklaces inside and looked at them in the sunlight.

Women always lack resistance to shiny things, and Ni Shuyan is no exception.

Moreover, she also knows that this crystal necklace is a new limited edition style from Chanel, and the price is around five figures, and the unit is US dollars.

"Put it on for me."

After admiring it for a while, Ni Shuyan said to the student in front of him.

"As ordered."

Get up and come to the senior sister, Xu Renshan put the necklace on the other party's tender and slender neck.

He had seen this necklace in his spare time when he was shopping on some brand's exclusive websites, and bought a pair of earrings for his wife, but he had someone help him purchase this necklace.

It is not appropriate to ask a female assistant to help with this kind of thing.

details make a difference.

After drinking coffee with his senior sister for an hour, when Xu Renshan rushed back to Hangzhou by helicopter, it was still 4:30 in the afternoon.

It's just that Xu Renshan was the first to realize the energy of Aunt Xue during dinner.

(end of this chapter)