Chapter 343: toast

Chapter 343 Toast

"Zhong Jimei?"

Hearing the actions of the Waka Ka Group, Xu Renshan remembered the dinner he had two days ago.

I didn't expect that Mr. Zhong would act so fast. He not only sent the vice president of the company to discuss the matter of buying shares, but also sent the eldest lady of the Zhong family who is the president of the branch and will be the head of the family in the future. It can be seen that he is full of sincerity.

It's just that the price offered by the other party is much worse than that of Nongjiashanquan, only about half of it.

According to the external evaluation of Yuming Company, the overall valuation is only about 4 billion, and the other party cannot say that it is not sincere.

Not everyone can be as decisive as that young lady from the Sheng family.

"Boss, do you want to consider cooperating with Nongjia Spring?"

Looking at the big boss's expression, Fan Deyi asked about the cooperation.

Undoubtedly, if you combine the quotations of the two, as long as you don’t think about it, you will choose the Nongjiashanquan whose quotation is more than twice as high.

About the company's transfer of shares, it was not mentioned in the management meeting just now. After all, the entire company's shares are in the hands of the big boss, and the other party can make a decision.

What's more, the company's current cash flow is abundant, and it is not in urgent need of financing.

It has only been established for half a year, and it may be far away from being listed. The middle and senior management of many companies do not have much idea.

You must know that except for Vice President Fan and the new chief financial officer, the rest of the company has not yet received stock option awards, and it is useless to worry about them.

"Do you think we can cooperate?"

On this issue, Xu Renshan was indeed hesitant.

For Xu Renshan, who is not short of money now, it is naturally best for the company not to go public. It is enough to provide him with a stable income of several hundred million every year.

However, Xu Renshan has to consider the emotions of the management.

This point can be solved with dividend incentives. Xu Renshan is most concerned about the reputation brought by a listed company.

He may not care about the opinions of outsiders, but Xu Renshan doesn't want those insiders to think that he is a man who relies solely on his wife for food.

If you own a listed company with a market value of billions or even tens of billions under your name, you can shut up all the jokers, and the value of the shares owned by Renyu Investment is suitable for making a fortune quietly behind your back.

After all, after the baby in his wife's womb was born, Xu Renshan didn't want any bad gossip in her ears.

The head of the family must have the character of the head of the family.

Without the pressure of life, Xu Renshan's focus is naturally on the family, and everything is based on the harmony and stability of the family.

"If it's purely for making money, I don't think it's necessary for the boss to sell the shares."

Hearing the big boss asking for his opinion, Fan Deyi thought for two seconds, and then answered from the perspective of the other party.

With the current capital flow of the company, it does not need financing and can develop rapidly. It is nothing more than the development speed of new brands or the progress of entering the rest of Asia.

From the perspective of his vice president, he naturally hopes that the company can raise funds and develop as soon as possible, and go public after it grows, so that the options in his hands will be valuable.

Otherwise, just taking the salary of the deputy general manager, it would be several million a year, and the tax deduction would only be a little more than half.

But as a qualified deputy, Fan Deyi needs to be considered by the big boss.

"In this life, besides making money, there should be other ideals, right?"

Xu Renshan, who had a deep understanding of the vice president's slick face, smiled and said another meaning in the other party's words.

After unraveling the entanglement in his heart, Xu Renshan relaxed a lot, and instead handed over the task of financing to the vice president: "You can contact Nongjiashanquan. Of course, you can also disclose the information about Wakaka. a little."

Since it is necessary to choose a financing target, it must depend on whose conditions are more generous.

If Wakaka Group can also offer considerable conditions, then Yuming Company will definitely choose the other party first. After all, the convenience brought by joining an industry giant is hard to ignore.

In terms of volume alone, Nongjia Spring is only one-tenth of Wakaka Group.

Even if the eldest lady of the Sheng family is a friend of his wife, in business, it cannot be said that he is disregarding feelings.


Hearing what the big boss said, Fan Deyi, who understood the other party's thoughts, was overjoyed.

Thinking that he will become an executive of a listed company in the future, with shares worth hundreds of millions, he is full of motivation.

It was really wise to reject the invitation of Boss Song.

"2 billion points for 20 points?"

He was eating dinner at home, when Zhong Huasheng heard his daughter's return, he couldn't help but stop the chopsticks in his hand, looked at the other party and asked, "Do you think the price is high?"

The tone set by their group’s previous management meeting was to value Yuming Company at a premium of 5 billion yuan, and to acquire 30% of the shares at 1.5 billion yuan, indirectly entering the field of new fast food and tea drinks.

However, after hearing the information disclosed by Yuming Company, it is not a question of whether it is worth it or not when Nongjia Spring offers a valuation price of 10 billion.

The ambition of Nongjia Spring is clearly revealed.

Behind that little Mr. Xu, there is a wife worth tens of billions of dollars, who is not short of money at all.

Regardless of why he was listed as the richest man by a certain rich list last year, he is more than one grade behind that unremarkable Shijia girl.

"If we follow the conclusions drawn from our research, the market for new-style tea drinks in the future will not be less than 100 billion yuan, and Yuming Company's current valuation of 10 billion yuan is also based on it. If Yuming Company maintains its leading position in the new-style tea-drinking industry, it will cost 2 billion yuan to buy a piece. Tickets are also worth it."

Hearing his father's formal question, Zhong Jimei also put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, and approved the other party's bid.

What's more, the development of Wakaka Group has begun to enter a bottleneck. If no new profit growth point can be found for a while, then things will probably turn against each other.

Since their family reached the top of a certain rich list last year, it is true that the fire is flourishing, and there are many flowers, but there are not a few people who secretly want to see a joke.

In the process of the rise of a new industry, every step is wrong.

"anything else?"

Knowing his daughter's character, Zhong Huasheng continued to ask.

"Dad should know that the admission ticket I'm talking about is not just Yuming Company."

Zhong Jimei, who has long been accustomed to his father's teachings of testing anytime and anywhere, replied skillfully, and specially added: "However, according to my investigation, Sheng Qinglan from Nongjia Spring is a good friend of Mrs. Xu. If we want to win this game, we have to overweight.”

Hearing his father talk about the background of the Miss Shijia, Zhong Jimei naturally understands the energy in it.

Another layer is that the farm spring should not be allowed to take the lead.

"For a stake in a new industry leader, no amount of money is worth it."

After hearing his daughter's conclusion, Zhong Huasheng confirmed with a smile.

On Saturday afternoon, after half a day of MBA class, Xu Renshan and his wife accompanied Aunt Xue to her hometown in Lizhou.

The helicopter landed on the tarmac of Lixiao Farm. Song Wei, who arrived early, was already waiting there in a Bentley. Xu Renshan and his wife got into the back seat, and he sat in the co-pilot seat.

"The scenery here is quite unique."

Looking at the rapidly receding scenery outside the car window, Hu Qingxue was not dissatisfied with the backwardness of this small county town, on the contrary, she admired it with great interest.

Her hometown is also a small county. She hasn't returned to her hometown for many years, but she misses it a little.

Besides, as long as Xu Renshan and Yuxuan have a good relationship, it doesn't matter what their background is.

"Aunt Xue, the biscuits here are very special. I'll take you to try them tomorrow morning."

Speaking of the characteristics of her husband’s hometown, Shi Yuxuan immediately thought of her favorite food.

A sesame seed cake, a bowl of wonton, and a fragrant tea egg, the taste of breakfast is still fresh in her memory.

As for places to visit, there are more mountains in Lizhou, but she is not suitable for mountain climbing now, so I can only feel a little regretful.


Seeing her daughter's comfortable appearance, Hu Qingxue's face was full of tenderness.

Since that man left, Shi Yuxuan is still the same on the surface, but Hu Qingxue knows that she is lonely in her heart.

Even Hu Qingxue spent many years exchanging sincerity for sincerity before gaining the other party's approval and becoming a family member and elder.

Based on this point, Hu Qingxue is very satisfied with this son-in-law who hasn't checked carefully.

Whether it is to make money or not is second, making Yuxuan happy is the most important thing.

"Aunt Xue, that is the Lizhou River."

Introduced by Shi Yuxuan, Bentley and several black Volkswagens soon drove to Lizhou Hotel. Xu Jiaoqian's family, who received the call a few minutes earlier, were already waiting at the door.

It was the first time that Xu Jiaoqian had a meal with the elders of her younger siblings, so it was hard for Xu Jiaoqian to let the other party treat her. Instead, she took the initiative to set a table at the Lizhou Hotel.

Currently, the grade and taste of Lizhou hotels are among the top in Lizhou, and so are the prices.

"Sister, this is my Aunt Xue. Aunt Xue, this is Renshan's sister, brother-in-law, Xuanxuan and Lele."

As the heroine, Shi Yuxuan took the initiative to introduce both parties.

"Auntie, why did you talk about Xuanxuan first and not about me?"

Lele saw that her aunt said the younger brother's name first, and asked immediately.

Already in kindergarten, Lele has heard from the teacher that children should not be left behind, even younger brothers.

"Okay, next time Auntie will say Lele's name first."

Looking at the cute little guy in front of her, Shi Yuxuan smiled and bent over to touch the other person's head, her eyes full of love.

She hopes that her future child will also have such a lively and lovely character as Lele.

Instead, it was Xuan Xuan, the boy was a bit too introverted.

"Aunt Xue, hello."

Hearing her younger brother talk about the relationship with Aunt Xue, Xu Jiaoqian, who held the two little guys together, greeted each other very politely.

Although the identity of the other party is similar to that of her in-laws, she still calls them along with her younger brother.

"Sister Renshan, brother-in-law Renshan, let's go in and talk."

Nodding kindly in response, Hu Qingxue, who felt at first glance that her son-in-law's family has a good temperament, smiled and made a suggestion.

The group of them stood at the door, but they attracted the attention of many people.


The restaurant of Lizhou Hotel is on the first floor. After a few steps, they arrived at the box. Xu Jiaoqian asked the waiter to hand over the menu to her mother-in-law.

She had already ordered a few special dishes before, and the rest naturally depended on the wishes of her mother-in-law, which is called respect.

"Then come again"

Taking the menu, Hu Qingxue generously added five dishes, plus the six dishes that Xu Jiaoqian had originally ordered, it was almost the same for them.

However, after Hu Qingxue finished ordering, Xu Jiaoqian ordered two additional dishes.

It was the first time I met my mother-in-law, so I definitely couldn’t order less dishes.

"Sister Renshan, I heard from Renshan that both of you and your husband work in the unit, are you usually busy?"

As the only elder during the dinner, Hu Qingxue took the initiative to open the topic, lest the other party be too restrained.

"It's not too busy, but there are too many trivial things"

Seeing that the mother-in-law was very kind, Xu Jiaoqian also let go a little, and chatted with the other party about the family's troubles and customs.

Xu Renshan, who was sitting next to his wife, picked up a dish for his wife from time to time, and teased the two little guys on the right, but he didn't forget to observe the situation in the box.

From the point of view of him, a "bystander" who occasionally said a few words, the rhythm of chatting in the entire box was under the control of the mother-in-law.

As expected of a lady who runs a multi-billion dollar winery, she has a good temperament.

It seems that he should pay more attention in the future, so as not to make a bad impression on his mother-in-law.

"Aunt Xue, eat another biscuit."

The second plate of small biscuits came up, and Shi Yuxuan picked one for Aunt Xue beside her.

There were ten small biscuits on the first plate, but they disappeared quickly. Aunt Xue also ate one, full of praise.

"Second brother, do you know who I saw at the door just now?"

In the No. 1 large box of Lizhou Hotel, Yang Shu, who had just entered the door, said to his cousin.


Looking at his cousin's mysterious appearance, Yang Ting, who has always been prudent, didn't try to guess the riddle, but asked a question directly.

"During the Mid-Autumn Festival last time, Wuzhou Lao Zhou met a man and a woman on the road, and even gave away all the mooncakes in the car. I glanced at that time and saw the couple at the door just now."

After pouring a cup of tea, Yang Shu talked about his experience.

Don't look at everyone calling Brother Zhou for face, but that guy's temper is too arrogant, and those who disagree behind his back call him Old Zhou.

Even so, the identity of Lao Zhou's father is there, so that Lao Zhou can see people who are subdued, and the strength behind him must not be underestimated.

For the Yang brothers, who are entrenched in this square inch of Lizhou, it must be said that it is a good opportunity.

"It was so late at that time, you can't read it wrong?!"

Hearing what his cousin said, Yang Yan also got serious, and confirmed a sentence repeatedly.

"Absolutely not mistaken, I will never forget their appearance."

Regarding this, Yang Shu patted his heart and promised.

It's really that the beautiful woman has such a good temperament, and the man is also a little bit more handsome than him. A quick glance is also very impressive.

"What box are they in?"

Seeing that his cousin was so sure, Yang Yan also believed the other party's statement, and asked about the couple's whereabouts.

"I also asked the hotel manager about the box No. 6. It is the box reserved by Xu Baoguo from the Urban Management Brigade. Just now, I have asked someone to investigate Xu Baoguo's background."

Without his cousin's orders, Yang Shu had already made his arrangement.

Don't look at them as the rich second generation in the eyes of others who have nothing to do, but their observation skills are far sharper than ordinary people, and they have a good understanding of the world.

"Well, I didn't expect our small county to be full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers."

After listening to his cousin's actions, Yang Yan nodded and said something with emotion.

The two young beauties who accompanied him were confused by what they heard, but kept smiling.

Half an hour later, Yang Shu, who received a message, looked at it, and then handed the phone to his cousin.

Because of the rush of time, the feedback is very simple, and the background behind it is very vague.

However, several companies under the names of Xu Renshan and Shi Yuxuan have well-documented records in the system, and the scale is not small, which shows that the status of the two is either rich or noble.

Combined with Lao Zhou's flattery and afterwards pretending to be unfathomable, we can know that these two people are both rich and noble.

"Xu Renshan?"

Seeing the name marked in the message, Yang Yan muttered, without entanglement in the simplicity of the information, but said directly: "Go and settle the bill for their box, and let's go over and have a toast later."


Yang Shu didn't have any doubts about his cousin's arrangement.

"Boom boom boom."

While Xu Renshan and the others were eating, there was a knock on the box door. Xu Baoguo, who was sitting relatively close, heard it and got up to open the door.

"Captain Xu, hello."

Seeing Xu Baoguo, Yang Yan, holding a red wine glass, greeted him with a smile. With short hair, slightly thin cheeks, and a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, he has the demeanor of a rich second generation.

"Mr. Yang."

Looking at the appearance of the other party, Xu Baoguo, who knew the son of the top few richest men in Lizhou, shouted in surprise.

As the rich second generation of the top few local private enterprises, as the captain of the urban management brigade, he also met two or three times.

He didn't expect that the other party would come to toast in person. What kind of operation is this?

He, the face of the captain, should not be so big!

(end of this chapter)