Chapter 347: Men's jealousy is about the same

Chapter 347 Men's jealousy is roughly the same

"Mr. Yang, what a coincidence."

Seeing the two brothers Yang Yan again two days in a row, Xu Renshan smiled and nodded in response.

He didn't expect that the wedding of his old classmate would attract these two rich second generations from the top of Lizhou. It seems that the Hu family's business is not small.

Lizhou is sometimes quite small.

"The Feng family makes lock cylinders and has some business contacts with our two families. Mr. Xu is the groom's high school classmate?"

Glancing at the small sign of 'the groom's high school classmate' that had not been removed on a certain table, Yang Yan asked with a smile.

It's really unexpected. I was asked by my father to come over for a wedding banquet, but I met yesterday's mysterious couple. I don't know if it is lucky.


Nodded, Xu Renshan didn't really want to talk to these two rich second generations on this occasion.

"That's really fate, I wonder if I can add Mr. Xu Weiwei as a friend, and drink tea together when I have time?"

It is rare to encounter such an opportunity, Yang Yan took advantage of the opportunity and proposed to add a friend to shorten the relationship between the two parties.


Facing the request of the rich second generation of Lizhou, Xu Renshan did not refuse, and added a friend with the other party.

"I won't bother, Mr. Xu, see you later."

After adding friends, Yang Yan didn't say much, and led his cousin to the reserved seat.

"Old Xu, who are these two?"

Chen Jiangjun next to him listened to the conversation between the two sides, and asked curiously.

The temperament of those two young people was very unusual, they looked like rich people, but they were so polite to their old classmates, which made him unable to restrain his inner gossip.

"Two unfamiliar friends."

Not wanting to talk about the identities of those two in the circle of high school classmates, Xu Renshan quickly changed the subject: "By the way, I heard that you are developing in Shanghai, how are you?"

"Don't mention it, I was transferred to Hangzhou by the company, and my salary has also dropped a lot."

"Is the market in Hangzhou not good, and the wages have dropped?"

"No, it's just that the business volume in Hangzhou is not much. By the way, you are also in Hangzhou now?"

"Well, let's go out for dinner together when we are free."

"That's not what I said."

Although Xu Renshan had previously appeared in a micro-movie advertisement for Ziwei tea, but the pseudonym "Xu Xian" displayed on it, plus some makeup, no high school classmates mentioned this.

After all, for ordinary people, celebrities are still too far away.

While everyone was chatting, it was six o'clock in the evening soon, and the wedding was about to begin.

Like most of the wedding process, during the enthusiastic introduction of the host, the lights in the sky flickered non-stop, and finally only a row of small white lampposts were left on each side of the stage, which looked a bit beautiful.

"Please invite our bride"

The love theme song sounded, and the bride walked in from the door holding her father's hand under the light beam.

I have to say that the bride's appearance and figure are good, and under the lighting and white wedding dress, it adds a bit of unspeakable charm.

Several male classmates were praising Hu Dengfeng for his good fortune to be able to marry a famous beauty in high school back then.

Even Xu Renshan has to say that the bride is really beautiful today, half as beautiful as his own wife.

"Now ask the father of the bride to give his daughter's hand to the groom's hand"

"Please follow me."

The bride and groom drank a cup of wine, offered tea to their parents, and the bride threw a bouquet. After a series of procedures, the banquet hall was brightened again.

Xu Renshan just thinks the menu of the Pearl Hotel is so-so, similar to the level of ordinary restaurants. It is nothing more than a few more seafood dishes. The only bright spot is the abalone and bird's nest soup for each person.

"This tastes pretty good."

After taking a sip, Xu Renshan smiled and said to his wife beside him.

Some things are not suitable for pregnant women, he has filtered them in advance, and only recommend them to his wife if they taste good.

Moreover, there is no concept of serving chopsticks and spoons on the dining table now. Xu Renshan always picks up some for his wife when the dishes are just on the table, and he is the most focused person in the whole banquet.


Shi Yuxuan, who is not picky about food, also tasted it and nodded in approval of the taste of this special dish.

By comparison, the vermicelli lobster, herbal steamed black-bone chicken, steamed turbot, lotus-flavored beef ribs, etc. that other restaurants have are a bit ordinary.

However, what this wedding banquet eats is an atmosphere, and whether the food is delicious or not is secondary.

It is rare to encounter such a lively scene, but Shi Yuxuan feels that she has a good appetite, and there is still a small half of the food that has not been served, and she is almost full by her husband.

Everything that is delicious, her husband will pick it up in a bowl for her, and Shi Yuxuan can't help but eat too much.

"Ren Shan, I would like to offer you a toast. We have bunk beds for three years in high school, and we should keep in touch in the future."

The banquet was getting better and better, Chen Jiangjun picked up a glass full of beer and started to make a sample.

Although I don’t know what Xu Renshan does, but I heard from a female classmate that the wife is holding the famous Hermès bag in her hand. A bag is cheap for tens of thousands of yuan, but hundreds of thousands for it.

Based on this, Xu Renshan and his wife are worth at least several million.

As for why the word 'couple' was added to measure it, it was only because he had heard that Xu Renshan was still a substitute teacher in the first half of the year, and it could not be said that it was mainly because of the worth of the other's wife.

With Xu Renshan's capital, finding a rich girl from a rich family is a matter of minutes. The difficulty may be whether the rich girl is pretty or not.

Obviously, the most difficult point has been perfectly solved by Xu Renshan.

With Xu Renshan's wife's beauty and money, almost no normal man can resist.

"Okay, please treat me to dinner when you are free."

Gradually became familiar with the friendship among high school classmates. Xu Renshan, who had graduated from high school for many years and had few friends in his previous life, enjoyed the atmosphere quite a bit.

In the society, intrigues, everyone has their own goals, and most of them are ordinary friends with a combination of interests. If you want to make true friends, the probability is basically non-existent.

On the contrary, these high school classmates who have just graduated for more than a year and have not yet been completely assimilated by society still have a little bit of the friendship of classmates back then.

With fewer interest entanglements, there will be more sincerity.

After another two years, everyone will have more topics to talk about. Except for their own lives, most of the other topics are inseparable from money.

On the surface, he is calm and expressionless, but in his heart he has already divided the circle of classmates into several circles of friends with distinct layers.

"Sister Yuxuan, I offer you a toast."

At this time, Wen Xiaohan, who was sitting next to Shi Yuxuan, picked up the red wine glass and said something.

"My wife is pregnant and cannot drink, so I drank this glass for her."

Xu Renshan, who was always paying attention to his wife, took the glass of wine unceremoniously.

"Xu Renshan, your speed is fast enough."

Hearing Xu Renshan's words, the girls at the same table couldn't help but look strange.

In the first half of the year, this handsome Xu was still single, and in a blink of an eye, he got married and had a baby, and the speed also blinded everyone.

At first, everyone thought that Hu Dengfeng was already very fast, but this handsome Xu is not slow at all.

"This is God's will, and I can't help it."

Responding to the female classmate's ridicule, Xu Renshan replied with a smile, and then readily drank a small glass of red wine.

"Xiaofeng, you and Zijing first pay respects to Chen Ju and Mr. Yang's table."

Seeing his son and daughter-in-law who came back after changing their clothes, Father Hu whispered a word of advice.

Although according to the principle of toasting, it was originally the second table, but this is not because he is afraid that his son is not ignorant of the world, so he specially asked him more.

"Dad, I see."

By the way, Hu Dengfeng has no objection to Dad's arrangement.

Accompanied by two bridesmaids in charge of serving wine, Hu Dengfeng and his wife started the toast journey.

According to the customs of Lizhou, the toast of the newlyweds also has connotations.

For example, there are two liquor bottles in the hands of the bridesmaids, one of which is half wine and half mineral water, and the other is pure mineral water with the smell of alcohol.

Under normal circumstances, what the groom drank was basically mineral water. Otherwise, the groom who can’t drink will have to be sent to the ICU.

This can only fool those single men and women who have never been married.

"Ju Chen, Mr. Yang and District Li"

Came to the second table banquet, Hu Dengfeng shouted in a circle, holding a small wine glass with real baijiu in his hand, smiling.

You must know that the guests at this table are considered high-end in Lizhou, not to mention those from Chen Bureau and Li District, just the two young bosses are enough to save face.

"Little Hu, are you familiar with that Xu Renshan?"

Xiao Mian took a sip of red wine, Yang Shu pointed to the banquet table in the distance, and asked softly.

"Xu Renshan?"

Seeing the rich second generation who was several levels higher asked, Hu Dengfeng, who had just drank liquor and blushed, was stunned for a moment, and then affirmed: "Very familiar, I shared a dormitory with him in high school."

The first reaction in his mind, Hu Dengfeng naturally didn't think that it was the old classmate who offended the other party, but what about the old classmate deserved the attention of this senior rich second generation.

Could it be because of that beautiful wife?

It shouldn't be, Mr. Yang is worth a lot of money, and he doesn't want any beautiful women.

"If you are free, invite him out for a meal. I want to make friends with him."

After listening to the other party's answer, Yang Shu didn't say much, and made a suggestion with a smile.


Hu Dengfeng naturally responded to the request of the Second Generation Yang.

When leaving the second table, Hu Dengfeng and his wife in cheongsam next to him looked at each other without saying anything.

Soon, Hu Dengfeng and his group came to the side of their high school classmates. Because they all drank mineral water, their faces were flushed, but their minds were very clear.

"Come, thank you all for coming to my wedding with Jingjing."

When he came to his high school classmates, Hu Dengfeng generously changed into half wine and half mineral water.

"Old Hu, is this real wine?"

Seeing Hu Dengfeng's full posture, Li Zhi laughed and joked.

The two meet more often on weekdays, and occasionally get together for dinner, but their relationship is much closer than other high school classmates.

"Li Zhi, what you said. Come on, listen, is it true?"

While talking, Hu Dengfeng put the wine glass full of alcohol in front of the other party, not worried about showing his feet.

"Okay, how could my buddy not believe you."

Seeing what the other party said, Li Zhi, who knew the inside story, didn't expose it, and toasted the other party with a smile.

"Old Xu, do you know that Yang Shu?"

After chatting with everyone, Hu Dengfeng came to Xu Renshan and asked a casual question.

"Meet once."

Hearing the other party mention the cousin of the Yang family, Xu Renshan's tone was casual.


Without asking any further questions, Hu Dengfeng took his wife on the toast journey.

Just a few minutes after seven o'clock, the guests who had already toasted at the previous tables began to leave one after another, especially some small leaders and not very familiar relatives, basically just going through the motions.

After all, the host was working **** the stage, and the gift he gave was just a big doll, which was not attractive to adults.

If the grand prize was awarded with an Apple 4S or iPad, there would definitely be fewer people leaving the venue early.

Obviously, Hu Dengfeng was not prepared for this.

"Let's leave early later."

Seeing Hu Dengfeng in the distance returning to the main table after toasting, Xu Renshan, who was afraid of his wife being tired, took the initiative to mention something.

As for the K singing after dinner that the big guy said just now, he definitely won't participate.

"That's not good."

After listening to her husband's words, Shi Yuxuan said with some embarrassment.

Both are my husband’s high school classmates, and we all chatted well, and no one has left yet. The couple took the lead in leaving, and I always feel that something is not good.

It's rare for my husband to have a high school class reunion, and Shi Yuxuan doesn't want to let her husband not have a good time because of her own reasons.

"It's okay, there will be more class reunions in the future."

Guessing what his wife was thinking, Xu Renshan gave a word of relief, then picked up the red wine glass and said to the old classmate at the same table: "Everyone, I have something to do, so I will go first."

"Old Xu, you are wrong. Our high school classmates finally got together so well, how could you leave the stage halfway through?"

A male student from the next dormitory at the next table saw this and joked with a smile.

For Xu Renshan, who attracted many girls back then and now married a stunning wife, he didn't say anything on the surface, but he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Liang Jianbo, you think everyone is single like you, but Xu Renshan has a wife."

Wen Xiaohan at the same table couldn't see it, and smiled to help the other party out.

"From what I've said, Xu Renshan is not a person who values ​​sex over friends."

Another male student saw this and poked at the right time.

"Old Xu, you can't marry a daughter-in-law and forget us old classmates."

"That's right, it's rare that everyone is so together, just singing a song."

"Old Xu, you don't want to listen to your wife!"

Seeing that someone started to hate Xu Renshan, several male students who had been drinking followed suit, including several female students.

The sorrows and joys of human beings may be different, but the jealousy of men has been from ancient times to the present.

"Why don't you send me back first, and come back later to have a reunion with them."

Seeing her husband being teased by so many people, Shi Yuxuan, who knew that there was not much malice in their words, was also reasonable and said to her husband.

"Old Xu, your wife has already spoken, so you can't shirk."

After listening to the words of this beautiful woman, Mrs. Xu, several male students became more energetic.

"Okay, then I will send my wife back first, and come back later."

Thinking of Aunt Xue at home, Xu Renshan knew that his wife was accompanied, so he didn't insist, and promised to come back later.

Anyway, none of the female students present can compare with his wife, who is at ease at home.

"Then it's a deal."

"Okay, then you should pay attention to safety on the road."

Hearing that Xu Renshan wanted to send his wife back first, Hu Dengfeng would naturally not force him to stay, and smiled to remind him to be careful.


Nodding, Xu Renshan took his wife and was about to leave, but a set of quilts and a red envelope were forced by the elders of the Hu family at the door.

He can also be regarded as someone who has given gifts, so naturally there will be many gifts in return.

"Husband, when singing later, drink less wine."

Sitting in the back seat of the Bentley, Shi Yuxuan held her husband's hand and reminded her gently.

"Well, is there anything else you want to order?"

Holding his wife's warm and soft hands behind his back, Xu Renshan asked with a smile.

"temporarily unavailable."

Hearing this strange question, Shi Yuxuan thought for a moment and shook her head.

"You are not afraid of me and female classmates"

Halfway through speaking, Xu Renshan had a smile in his eyes.

Those words of "Old classmates get together, break up a pair is a pair", you can't say it directly.

Jokes between husband and wife can be made occasionally, but enough is enough.

"I trust my husband."

To this, Shi Yuxuan hugged her husband's neck, replied very affirmatively, and then added: "However, don't come back too late, pay attention to your body."

If the female classmate she saw today could make her husband fall in love, the little sister next door would have already succeeded.

Regarding her own charm, Shi Yuxuan is still confident.

"Follow my wife's teachings."

Enjoying the tenderness for a moment, Xu Renshan let go in moderation, lest he couldn't help himself.

After sending his wife home, Xu Renshan talked with his wife and Aunt Xue for a long time, sobered up a lot, and then took the car back to the Pearl Hotel.

It was already past eight in the evening, the wedding banquet was basically coming to an end, and there were not many guests in the banquet hall.

At the suggestion of the groom officer Hu Dengfeng, the big guy walked to the No. 1 mansion not far from the hotel. Hu Dengfeng had already booked a box and prepaid a basic box fee of 3,000 yuan.

Xu Renshan, who received a call from Chen Jiangjun, also asked Song Wei to drive directly to the door of Mansion No. 1.

(end of this chapter)