Chapter 358: The complacent You Buqun

Chapter 358 The complacent You Buqun

After lunch in the restaurant of West Lake Hotel, Ni Shuyan had a brief meeting with the two directors.

"Xiao Ni, what do you think of those TV series?"

While drinking tea, Master Wang asked his competent subordinates for their opinions, and his tone was very easy-going.

The other party's father and he used to be colleagues, but that brother Ni is outstanding, and the speed of promotion is far behind him.

In view of this relationship, Director Wang also took good care of this niece.

However, a tiger father has no dog daughter, and Ni Shuyan sat in this position at a young age, all thanks to her own ability and hard work.

"The themes of the other films may not be suitable for broadcasting on our satellite TV, but the glory of Tang Dynasty has some potential."

Ni Shuyan, who had been prepared for a long time, answered very skillfully, and then added: "Also, I think Qingguo Entertainment didn't give us all the TV series to try. As far as I know, they formed a TV series with some producers. Zhengtian Film and Television has submitted quite a few projects for shooting, Langya Bang and Glory Datang are just two of them."

As the director of Suzhou Satellite TV Program Trading Center, Ni Shuyan must analyze from the perspective of the TV station, and will not be biased because of the special relationship with his junior.

Qinguo Entertainment has a lot of TV dramas in reserve, so they definitely want to sell them for a price, but their Suzhou Satellite TV is not short of money.

Under the same conditions, Ni Shuyan will not be stingy with the reserve funds of the TV station.

"Director Ni's analysis is very reasonable. According to the information I got, Jiang Province Satellite TV and Nanhu Satellite TV have private contacts."

Vice Director Liu, who was drinking tea at the side, interjected.

Their Suzhou Satellite TV acquired "Star" and Running Man Variety Show from Qingguo Entertainment this time.

On the contrary, this also pushed the production platform Qingguo Entertainment to the front, and the interested David TVs will naturally not let this fragrant bun go.

Taking the lead, they Suzhou Satellite TV can't be overtaken by others, isn't it?

"Then win Langya List and Glory Datang first."

After deciding on the range of TV dramas to buy, Director Wang added: "Xiao Ni, in terms of variety shows, you should pay more attention, and don't let others get ahead of you."

"Okay, Director."

Nodding his head, Ni Shuyan had a calm smile on his face.

In the lazy afternoon, Ni Shuyan leaned in the arms of her junior in a soothing way, with a blush on her face after exercising: "The stage is going to buy Langya Bang and Glory Datang. If the price is high, you can raise it."


Listening to the information revealed by the senior sister, Xu Renshan smiled and hugged her tightly.

With the two major platforms of Suzhou Satellite TV and TX Video, the TV series produced by Qingguo Entertainment are not worried about selling, and they are full of confidence to spend a lot of money on filming.

Moreover, the payback cycle will be greatly shortened, and the approval of new script projects will be accelerated, so that Qingguo Entertainment can expand in the fastest time.

I have to say that the senior is really his lucky star.

"Let's change positions."


After finishing the celebration banquet in Qingguo Paradise, on the weekend, Xu Renshan, his wife and Aunt Xue took a helicopter to Lizhou to attend Xu Jiaoqian's birthday banquet.

"Sister, happy birthday."

Seeing her sister in the suite of Jinshuiwan Community, Shi Yuxuan smiled and gave her the birthday present she had prepared.

Because there is no reference from her husband, Shi Yuxuan just chose a suet jade pendant, the price is around six figures, lest her sister think it is too expensive and refuse to accept it.

"Thank you, Yuxuan, you are too kind."

After receiving the gift from her sister-in-law, Xu Jiaoqian looked at the size of the box without thinking too much.

"Sister, you and brother-in-law have to pick up my gift in person."

After his wife finished speaking, Xu Renshan handed over a document bag.

"What did you buy?"

After hearing what her younger brother said, Xu Jiaoqian opened the file bag curiously, and found that there were actually two car purchase orders inside, and looked at each other in amazement: "Xiaoshan, why are you buying us a car?"

Xu Baoguo on the side also came over and found that the car still belonged to him. He also said embarrassedly: "Xiaoshan, if you have money, you can't waste it like this. The car in our family can still drive."

"Brother-in-law, your car is a bit old, and there is not much space. I have paid for the two cars in full, and the car has been transported from Hangzhou to Wuzhou, and the money cannot be refunded."

Regarding this, Xu Renshan's answer was straightforward.

If you don’t want it, the money will be wasted.

"Sister, brother-in-law, this is Ren Shan's wish, so please accept it."

As a competent and virtuous housemate, Shi Yuxuan helped out at the right time, persuading the two sisters to accept her.

However, after her husband's troubles, her gift was delivered safely.

"This is too expensive."

Xu Jiaoqian still couldn't accept her brother's extravagant gift.

It took several days for her to not dream at night about the house she gave to their family last time, accepting the fact that her brother got rich and gave her millions.

It was only two days late, but my brother gave away two more cars in a big way.

Audi A5, Volkswagen Tiguan, the above prices are clearly written, the total cost is more than 800,000, and it will take six or seven years for the couple to save their salaries.

If she accepted it easily and made her sister-in-law think about it, which would affect the family relationship between her brother and sister-in-law, wouldn't it be a small loss for the big.

"Xiaoqian, let me say something as an elder."

As a bystander, Hu Qingxue interrupted and said: "Ren Shan was raised by you, he has achieved something now, and it is only right for him to repay you. Besides, he is only improving your life, so don't refuse gone."

After the previous contact, Hu Qingxue had a pretty good impression of Xu Jiaoqian's family.

In addition to observing Xu Renshan during this period of time, she has already recognized this 'son-in-law'.

Besides, with the earning ability of the son-in-law, it is not a problem for the other party to spend the money he earned himself.

"Sister, Aunt Xue is right."

Seeing that Aunt Xue, an elder, was assisting, Xu Renshan stopped with a smile, and gave Lele and Xuanxuan two big toys, teasing them to play.

"Okay, I won't be hypocritical. But, Yuxuan, you have to watch Xiaoshan in the future, and don't let him spend money indiscriminately."

Seeing the younger brother and sister, the elder spoke up, and Xu Jiaoqian didn't refuse any more, and accepted the younger brother's heart.

Not to mention, because they need to arrange soft furnishings for the new home and don't sell the old house, their family will not buy new cars in a short time.

For a family of four, the husband has a car, and the two adults have to go to work and send two children to kindergarten. Xu Jiaoqian sometimes finds it inconvenient.

Now, this problem is solved.

Because her younger brother and her family were coming, Xu Jiaoqian specially set dinner at Baiyunju, which has a good environment and delicious taste.

Although the price of Baiyunju is a little lower than that of Lizhou Hotel, the special dishes and tastes are unique, and the rockery and flowing water in the venue are quite artistic.

"By the way, sister, is the decoration design of your new house good?"

While preparing tableware for his wife, Xu Renshan asked his sister about the house decoration.

Before, in order not to say anything about the quality of life of the old sister and their new home, Xu Renshan just had people arrange hard decoration, and left the soft decoration for them to decide.

On the contrary, the large flat floor that Shi Yuxuan bought earlier is already finished with European-style fine decoration.

However, because of his wife's pregnancy, Xu Renshan won't be living in a new house for the time being, so he needs to breathe for a year or so. It's more comfortable to live in Longyu Tiancheng.

"The designer you recommended to me last time, I have already determined the soft decoration plan, and I can arrange to start construction in a few days."

Speaking of this, Xu Jiaoqian suddenly regained her spirits.

That is their new home, and the large space is destined to become a warm residence for their family of six for many years to come.

"How's the budget?"

Helped his wife pour a bowl of warm corn juice, Xu Renshan asked casually.

"About 600,000 yuan, Yuxuan, please give me a reference."

Bringing up the nearly 600,000 yuan decoration plan, Xu Jiaoqian was still a little murmured, and asked her younger siblings for their opinions.

No way, the house is worth more than 3 million. If the decoration is not good enough, you can’t change it if you regret it later.

"I feel it's ok."

After looking at the pictures on her sister's phone, Shi Yuxuan gave some advice.

As the topic deepened, the conversations of several people gradually increased, and the atmosphere during the meeting was very harmonious.

"Dilili, dilili"

The cell phone rang. Xu Renshan, who was eating, looked at the display screen, said something to his wife next to him, and then went to the private room to pick it up: "Sister Qinglan, good evening."

"Handsome Xu, have you had dinner yet?"


"Then I won't bother you anymore. To make a long story short, I wonder if Yuming Company is willing to accept the capital injection from our Nongjiashanquan?"

The two sides are considered to be somewhat friendly, but Sheng Qinglan was not too polite, and asked the other party's decision directly.

She knew that the equity of Yuming Company was in the hands of the other party alone, and no matter how many negotiations there were, the final decision was still in the hands of this friend's husband.

Late changes, Sheng Qinglan doesn't want other organizations to enter the market, the Waka Ka Group is already difficult enough.

Although Yuming Company proposed a plan for the two companies to inject capital together, no one knew the result until the end. After all, the size of the Wakaka Group is much stronger than their farm spring.

The best opportunity to get involved in new tea drinking may only be this time.

"Sister Qinglan said so, I can't refuse."

Xu Renshan already had some guesses about the other party's intentions, and when he saw the other party asking directly, he didn't hide it.

Anyway, in a few days, Yuming Company and the two companies will formally sign a capital injection agreement, so there is no need to pretend to be mysterious.

"With your words, I feel relieved. Since that's the case, I won't disturb your dinner."

Receiving the affirmative answer from the other party, Sheng Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and hung up the phone.

"It's really simple."

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Xu Renshan let out a laugh and walked back.

"Xiaoshan, who is it?"

Xu Jiaoqian, who was sitting there, saw her younger brother coming in, and asked casually.

"A friend, ask me about the company."


It took about two hours to eat a meal. When Xu Renshan helped his wife go home, it was already 8:30 in the evening.

Winter nights are a bit cold, so late, it is not suitable to go for a walk after dinner.

"Husband, I installed floor heating in Jinjiang Huating's new home, so it won't be cold next year."

The central air conditioner was turned on for a while, and Shi Yuxuan, who no longer felt cold, leaned in her husband's arms and talked about her vision for the future life.

"When the baby is born, he will be able to crawl on the ground."

Smiling, Xu Renshan calculated the time and estimated that the baby would be more than seven months old by then.

"Well, I saw a video on the Internet, saying that the baby is wearing a fluffy panda suit, which can not only crawl on the ground, but also mop the floor."

Talking about the future baby, Shi Yuxuan's face is full of happiness.

"Where did you see this video?"

Hearing this 'strange' idea, Xu Renshan asked with some amusement.

"Aren't you a new shareholder of a balabala website, some of the videos on it are quite funny, I'll watch them occasionally."

"Look less, I don't want my wife to become more and more girlish."

"Is the girl's heart bad?"

"Okay, as long as you are a wife, everything will be fine."

After staying in Lizhou for two days, Xu Renshan and his party returned to Hangzhou. The ordinary and leisurely life passed quickly, and it was New Year's Day in the blink of an eye.

Because of some people's suggestion, Xu Renshan specially invited the entire MBA class old students to have supper at his Nanshan Bamboo Garden at home, as an early congratulations on the arrival of the New Year.

Nanshan Bamboo Garden implements the private room system. A class consists of 4-6 people, who eat and drink in their respective private rooms, and drop in from time to time.

Undoubtedly, Li Yanfei, who ate and drank, made up her mind to stay in the same room with the class monitor, plus Huang Ziyi, Zeng Fengqi, and Zhou Huaian. Huang Ziyi, who was many months pregnant, deliberately stayed away from the barbecue grill.

If she didn’t know that the barbecue restaurant opened by the squad leader has a smoking design, Huang Ziyi would not have attended this party.

"Squad leader, Fenghuang Street has been online for 3 months, why don't you come to the company for inspection?"

Sitting in the private room, Zeng Fengqi, who was grilling a chicken wing, smiled and said something to the handsome monitor.

After the other party invested 30 million in their website, the website has been online for more than three months, and the largest shareholder with 49% of the shares did not come to the company to take a look.

If it weren't for the opportunity of this MBA class, Zeng Fengqi would never have had the chance to meet her.

"I don't understand the operation of the website, so I won't direct it blindly. Anyway, as long as I know that the website will eventually make money and go public, that's fine."

After hearing what this young female classmate said, Xu Renshan replied with a smile.

Professional affairs are entrusted to professional people. He has always pursued not to intervene in layman's affairs in investment. The specific situation of Fenghuangjie website is naturally checked and supervised by Renyu Investment's management team regularly.

With the ability of the former Shiyuan team, Xu Renshan is not worried about the future of Phoenix Street.

At that time, as long as the peak is reached after the listing on Phoenix Street, cash out and leave the market.

"Squad leader's words have greatly boosted my confidence."

Seeing how trusting this handsome monitor was, Zeng Fengqi smiled and toasted him.

The few people on the side knew roughly the net worth of the squad leader, so they were not surprised by it.

"Hey, monitor, you are all here."

At this time, a young man pushed the door in with a glass of beer, and said to everyone in the box with a smile.

"No group, do you want one?"

Put the freshly baked chicken wings on the plate, Xu Renshan said to You Buqun who entered the door.

He didn't have much ill feeling towards this rich second generation who laughed and acted lewdly.

"it is good."

Took a chicken wing and ate it, You Buqun held a wine glass and toasted everyone present: "Come on, let me toast everyone."


The five people present were very face-saving, and took two sips of beer.

"Squad leader, my dream bicycle has received 150 million investment from Qiandu and Hardyin, and plans to cover the entire southern colleges and universities, and then lead the northern colleges and universities, and go public in three years."

Sitting down to eat and drink for two minutes, You Buqun talked about the property under his name, his face was full of complacency, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on Li Yanfei, who had white silk and long legs.

(end of this chapter)