Chapter 367: Could it be something happened?

Chapter 367 Couldn't be an accident, right?

"The next thing, you talk about."

Having lunch with him, Xu Renshan is ready to go home to see his wife.

The rest is the exchange of interests between the Huachen sisters and two Hollywood companies. He is just a matchmaker, and there is no need to participate.

If he gets involved and makes the two Hollywood companies think that he has something to do with the Huachen sisters, and then make concessions, it will be a complete waste of his face.

The price offered by Sister Huachen was only enough for him to have a lunch with him.

"Thank you Mr. Xu for your hospitality."

Understanding what the other party meant, Lil Laski didn't try to keep him, but only sincerely thanked the other party for his reception.

After all, as the other party, there is absolutely no need to accompany them to this meal in person.

In terms of business and business, although the Huachen sisters are known as the leaders of Huaxia Film and Television Company, the Hollywood Seven, who are born with higher eyes than the top, have never looked down on them.

Regardless of the fact that the Huachen sisters are a listed company with a market capitalization of over 30 billion yuan, Paramount’s revenue last year reached 5 billion U.S. dollars. The two are not in the same order of magnitude at all.

If it wasn't for this hidden rich man with huge capital, they would only send an ordinary representative to negotiate, and they would not increase the chance of personal friendship with the other party.

"I wish you two have a good time in Huaxia."

After shaking hands with two foreign representatives, Xu Renshan simply said goodbye and left.

"Mr. Xu, I'll see you off."

As the representative of the disadvantaged party, Zhou Yanan also felt extremely comfortable with the politeness of this young man, thinking about how to deepen cooperation with Qingguo Entertainment in the future.

During the meal just now, Zhou Yanan really felt the respect of the two representatives of Hollywood companies to this Mr. Xu, and also understood the energy hidden under the surface of the other party.

No wonder the eldest lady of the Ni family was willing to ask her for help at the time. Presumably the other party must know the real background of this Mr. Xu. Zhou Yanan had to admit that she had underestimated the other party at the beginning.

Fortunately, it's not too late for her to understand.

"Sister Zhou, you still have something to do, so don't send it away."

When walking out of the box door, Xu Renshan stopped the other party's courtesy.

Although he has contributed a lot this time, there is no need to make the other party so humble. The two sides are mutually beneficial.

At least, Qingguo Entertainment won the investment shares of "Painting 2" and "Journey to the West".

Being able to participate in the investment of these two movies, how much money you can make is secondary, and the promotion of Qingguo Entertainment's status is very obvious.

Combined with the company's upcoming three films this year, Qingguo Entertainment will immediately become the mainstay of the film and television industry from a small emerging entertainment company.

A film and television company that can produce high-gross movies is a good company, and a film and television company that simply produces blockbuster TV dramas is just so-so. Movie cafes are always higher than TV cafes, which is a natural chain of contempt.

"Okay, then I'll treat you to tea next time."

There are indeed important things to do today, Zhou Yanan did not pretend to be polite, and no longer see him off.

Leaving the West Lake Hotel, Xu Renshan was just about to drive home when he received a call from Liu Tianxian.

"My mother wants to treat you to dinner, or afternoon tea?"

When making this call, Liu Fei deliberately went back to her accompanying car to avoid being overheard by others.

If it was in the past, she must have made this call generously. After all, the relationship between the two is innocent, and there is nothing to avoid.

It's just that from a certain point onwards, when Liu Fei and the young chairman called, they always avoided others, even their mother.

Because she was afraid that she would not be able to control her tone.

Handing over the most precious thing in life, Liu Fei unconsciously became a little psychologically dependent on the young boss.

"Your mother treats me to afternoon tea?"

Hearing Liu Tianxian's words, Xu Renshan couldn't help frowning, subconsciously thinking that the relationship between the two might be revealed.

However, when he turned his head and thought about it, Xu Renshan felt that it shouldn't be.

If Liu Xiaochen knew about his daughter's relationship with him, he wouldn't let his daughter call in private, but call himself.

The industry's rumors about this mother Liu's strength are not groundless.

"Well, Qingguo Entertainment is not going to start filming a new movie recently, my mother wants to treat you to a meal in advance to help me improve my relationship."

Speaking of her mother's thoughts, Liu Fei was a little embarrassed.

What she cares about is not that her mother wants to pave the way for her and take the initiative to entertain, but because she has a bad relationship with the young boss and let her mother know.

As far as the current relationship between the two is concerned, not to mention domestic resources, even foreign Hollywood resources, that Mrs. Xu will also arrange behind the scenes.

"Then this afternoon, I'll make an appointment at the Xishan Cafe next to West Lake Road."

After being reminded by the other party, Xu Renshan remembered that the company had previously signed two contracts with Liu Tianxian.

Among them, the film contract is for starring Liu Tianxian and Hu Ge. Hu Ge declined the schedule because of the filming of "Nirvana in Fire", and the filming will start at the end of this month.

Thinking of this, Xu Renshan casually asked the other party about the costume movie that was being released: "How is the box office of the Hongmen Banquet?"

Before, he and his wife watched that movie in the cinema, and they made a small reservation to support each other's box office.

But the plot and modeling are really hard to describe. My wife fell asleep in his arms when I saw half of it.

The only thing that makes Xu Renshan feel good is that Liu Tianxian's appearance in ancient costumes is still so durable.

"Barely breaking 160 million, not even ranked in the top 20 of the year. Many netizens said that I dragged down the movie box office, saying that I was a box office poison..."

Speaking of this, Liu Fei couldn't help but rippling in her eyes, like a little girl in desperate need of comfort.

Although the film topped the box office two weeks before its release, breaking through 150 million, it dropped sharply in the third week, and only got a total of 160 million in total box office.

Compared to the production cost of the movie and the joining of many big stars, it can be said to be a rush to the end.

In the online comments, many netizens blamed her, the heroine, for the failure of the film's box office and word of mouth. Some remarks made people smash their phones.

However, in order to maintain her own personality, Liu Fei couldn't get off the stage to argue with others in person, and she couldn't compete with so many people, so the pain in her heart can be imagined.

In front of outsiders, she is a fairy who does not eat fireworks;

In front of her mother, she has to try her best to pretend to be a grown-up;

Only in front of this man with an intimate relationship can Liu Fei express the grievance in her heart.

After all, she is just a 23-year-old young girl with her own fragility.

"Okay, don't pay attention to those comments on the Internet. You can't eat grapes and say that grapes are sour. At least the box office of the movie has exceeded 100 million. I have seen that movie, and your role in it is not that exaggerated."

Through the phone, Xu Renshan could feel the helplessness of the other party, so he comforted him with a little distress.

He did not expect that the cost of the film was supposed to be over 100 million, but the actual cost might not be less than 60 million. Calculated according to the box office share, the producer lost his pants.

There is no doubt that there must be a lot of fairy fans contributing to this part of the box office. Excluding some of them, one can imagine how bad this big-budget movie is.

Some people on the Internet put the blame on the heroine, it’s nothing more than some people shirking responsibility, the quality of the movie will only be the fault of the producer and director.

Similarly, Xu Renshan also understood why Mama Liu was so anxious to invite him to dinner.

After hitting the street one after another on the big screen, Rao Yiliu Tianxian's popularity couldn't bear such a defeat, and urgently needed a movie with both word-of-mouth and box office success to restore the decline.

"When you say that, I don't know whether to cry or laugh."

Hearing the encouragement and affirmation from the other party, Liu Fei couldn't help but smile through tears.

Said that she didn't play an important role in the movie, so she avoided the pot of box office poison, but she also said that she was almost a vase.

Being described as a vase by a close person, Liu Fei can be understood as the other party's affirmation of her appearance, but it is also a denial of her acting skills.

"You look better when you smile."

Feeling that there was no cry in the other party's words, Xu Renshan laughed and teased.

"Then let me smile more in front of you."

"I'm afraid that you will cry often."


After hanging up the phone, Liu Fei's somewhat depressed mood eased a lot, and she no longer bothered by the negative comments on the Internet.

This was a very strange experience, and she didn't know why she released the pressure in her heart after a few words with the young boss.

It is really a very happy thing to have someone who can talk too much without any scruples.

Perhaps, this is the so-called magic of emotion! !

No wonder so many girls are crazy about love, regardless of their own lives.

"Boom boom boom."

At this time, there were several knocks on the door of the RV. Liu Fei quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, wiped the traces with a wet tissue, then opened the door, and said to her mother outside the door as calmly as possible: "Mr. We have already made an appointment over there, and we will meet at Xishan Cafe at three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Okay, let's go back and have a rest first."

No abnormality was found, and Liu Xiaochen, who heard that his daughter had made an appointment with the other party, was relieved.

The daughter invited out casually, and the other party agreed immediately, which also shows that the daughter is more important to Qingguo Entertainment.

After Hongmen Banquet failed in both box office and word of mouth, Liu Xiaochen's sense of urgency suddenly increased, and he began to worry about his daughter's future.

It seems that my daughter really can't replicate the success of costume TV dramas in the field of costume movies. I hope that modern urban movie can restore her popularity and reputation.

Rejecting the invitation to the ancient costume martial arts movie before, it seems very wise now.

In addition, it is also necessary to make friends with the boss behind the scenes of Qingguo Entertainment.

With the popularity of TV dramas and variety shows, Qingguo Entertainment has suddenly become an upstart in the entertainment industry. Liu Xiaochen also found out that the other party has many TV dramas and movies approved, with rich resources, it is worth making friends with.

"it is good."

Thinking of meeting that man in the best condition, Liu Fei did not refuse.

Anyway, her roles in the crew are running out, and the occasional half-day break will not affect the crew's arrangement at all.

"Liu Xiaochen invited me to have afternoon tea and talk about the movie. Would you like to have some snacks together then?"

Back home, Xu Renshan took a lunch break with his wife in the bedroom, and casually talked about his itinerary.

Xu Renshan would not hide his contact with Liu Tianxian on the surface, lest the other party think too much.

It’s like meeting in a cafe this time. It’s not good for my wife to drink coffee and tea when she’s pregnant, but it’s okay to have some desserts.

"No, I'm already fat, and you still let me eat desserts, and I won't be able to lose weight if I want to."

After listening to her husband's words, Shi Yuxuan rejected the proposal, and the reason was very legitimate.

"I don't feel that you are fat, some meat has grown to where it should be."

Sitting next to his wife, Xu Renshan measured the redeveloped heart with his hands, enjoying the feel of the hand, and sighing with emotion for God's care for his wife.

Before pregnancy, his wife's capital was not something he could control with one hand, and now she has entered the second stage of development, which is enough to make Liu Tianxian feel ashamed.

"Bastard, you make me sad like this."

Patted her husband's hand lightly, Shi Yuxuan, who did not reject the other's action, was blushing, and the longing in her eyes almost overflowed.

After she knew she was pregnant, she never enjoyed the in-depth communication with her husband. Now, with a light touch, that strange thought occupied her mind.


Regarding his wife's coquettishness, Xu Renshan moved close to the other's ear and apologized gently, but slowly moved one hand down.

Ten minutes later, looking at his wife walking towards the bathroom, Xu Renshan followed cautiously, but was turned back by the other party's eyes.

Between husband and wife, occasionally doing some excessive behavior is beneficial to increase the relationship between the two parties.

However, his wife's symptoms were relieved, but Xu Renshan felt that he was extremely thirsty, and couldn't help but think of the figures of his senior sister and Liu Tianxian, as well as the sound of panting during exercise.

About half an hour later, Shi Yuxuan changed into her pajamas after washing, walked out of the bathroom, lay beside her husband on the bed, and fell asleep beautifully.

"Hey, he also wants to take a cold shower."

Looking at his sleeping wife, Xu Renshan sighed inwardly when he noticed his bodily functions had been excited for half an hour.

At 2:45 in the afternoon, Xu Renshan got up and went to the cafe to attend the appointment after drinking a small bowl of warm fresh milk stewed isinglass with his wife.

"Mr. Xu, long time no see."

Seeing the young boss come in, Liu Xiaochen stood up with his daughter and greeted him with a smile.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, but Ms. Liu still has the same demeanor."

Looking at Liu Tianxian's mother, who was still charming, Xu Renshan also recognized the law of inheritance of appearance, and none of the women in the Liu family was bad-looking.

Because of the heating, Liu Xiaochen, who was not wearing a jacket, wore a tight sweater and black trousers, showing off her good figure that is not inferior to that of a young girl.

In comparison, Liu Fei, who is also wearing a thin sweater, is slightly inferior in stature, and she is scored based on her durable appearance, and then the blue is better than the blue.

As for what he called Liu Xiaochen, calling him 'Aunt Liu' was too formal, and calling him 'Sister Liu' was too intimate, so it could only be regarded as different, and Liu Tianxian couldn't call him uncle.

"Where, Mr. Xu is getting more handsome every day."

Regarding the young boss's compliment, Liu Xiaochen showed a very appreciative look, and smiled and invited him to take a seat.

"What would Mr. Xu want to drink?"

After sitting down, Liu Fei, who hadn't spoken before, took the initiative to ask.

"A cup of black tea latte."

Looking at the menu standing on the table, Xu Renshan casually ordered a drink.

Whether in this life or in the previous life, he is not used to drinking bitter coffee, at least it should be sweet.

This is also the fact that he ran the training department for many years in his previous life. After the age of 30, his figure lost shape and he no longer looked young and handsome.

After returning from rebirth, Xu Renshan insisted on exercising for more than an hour every day, even if he drank sweet coffee occasionally, his body was not affected at all.


Seeing that the other party ordered, Liu Fei pressed the call button and called the waiter to order: "A cup of black tea latte, a cup of cappuccino, and a cup of American latte."

In addition to the three cups of coffee, Liu Fei also ordered several desserts, so that everyone would not be too monotonous just drinking coffee and chatting.

Anyway, she feels that coffee does not match dessert, and there is no soul.

The young boss is not an outsider, so Liu Fei doesn't need to hide her personality too much.

"Eat less sweets, and exercise more later to burn off calories."

Seeing her daughter ordering so many sweets, Liu Xiaochen couldn't help but think that the young boss opposite had some bad thoughts, so she took the initiative to bring it up.

Although her daughter is occasionally greedy, she doesn't give up on training at all, practicing dance, yoga, bodybuilding, and vocal music. This is what makes Liu Xiaochen, a mother, the most gratified.

"Ms. Liu doesn't need to be so harsh, I think Feifei's figure is still in good shape."

Noticing the slight dissatisfaction at the corner of Liu Fei's mouth, Xu Renshan took the initiative to explain it to her.

If Liu Fei eats more sweets to make a certain area develop again, he feels that even if the other party is plump, he will not lose points in the eyes of those otaku born in the 80s and 90s.

"Mr. Xu laughed."

Hearing the young boss's tolerant Chinese, Liu Xiaochen, who was quite satisfied, took the initiative to bring up the business of inviting him to drink tea today: "Mr. Xu"

(end of this chapter)