Chapter 390: a little network

Chapter 390 A little relationship network

Coming in front of several people, Huang Po warmly greeted the young rich man: "Mr. Xu, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Having worked as the director of the office for many years, he has received many donors, but he has never met one with too much generosity, and his achievements are hard to say.

After all, the annual ticket revenue of the scenic spots around Fangyan Mountain is also tens of millions, plus some film crews’ scene selection and shooting expenses, donations of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands are not eye-catching.

Now that I meet such a mysterious rich man, it is hard to say that his position can go up.

"Director Huang, please run for a while."

After shaking hands with the other party, Xu Renshan simply stated his decision: "My husband and I have both been to Fangyan before, and we think it's a pity that this teahouse is deserted. We want to donate a sum of money to renovate it , including subsidized costs for follow-up staff stationed.”

Since he wanted to donate money, Xu Renshan naturally wouldn't give up halfway.

The teahouse in this location is likely to lose money all year round, and there will be no merchants to bid for it. It may be necessary to have special staff stationed there.

Since the teahouse is going to be rebuilt, he naturally has to consider the subsequent operation, so as not to waste the repair costs in the early stage.

As long as the wife is happy, even if the family only comes here once a year, it is worthwhile to come here for a rest.

"Thank you for Mr. Xu's generosity, we will definitely calculate the relevant expenses as soon as possible."

Hearing the other party's request, Huang Po felt a little disappointed, but he also thanked him with a smile.

As for the other party's donations, there are designated goals, which have some effect on his work performance, but it is not obvious.

The repair cost of a teahouse is at best hundreds of thousands.

Of course, it is better than nothing.

"In this way, we will donate 5 million in advance, and we will add more if there is not enough follow-up."

As if knowing what the other party was thinking, Xu Renshan directly stated the amount of the first batch of donations.

His donation is not only to restore the teahouse to its original state, but also to design more, add some books, newspapers, cafes, and small theaters.

With the unique geographical environment of Fangyan Mountain, it is not difficult to spend some money to turn this teahouse into an Internet celebrity attraction, especially in the next few years when the Internet celebrity attractions will explode.

By that time, it would be more meaningful to have an exclusive place for him and his wife in the bustling teahouse.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu, we will find someone to design it as soon as possible, and make this teahouse a new special attraction in Fangyan Mountain."

Hearing the number given by the other party, Huang Po, who had been lacking in interest before, was refreshed and said solemnly.

Unexpectedly, the opponent received 500 W as soon as he made a move.

Several staff members next to them were also a little excited about this sudden high donation.

The boss's work performance is good, and their grades are naturally indispensable.

As for Xu Jiaoqian and the others, their eyebrows still twitched despite having been hit a few times before by Xu Renshan and his wife's big hand.

5 million, their salary for most of their lives was not so much, but they donated it lightly.

She can't even see her brother's grade.

"I trust Director Huang."

He didn't express his own thoughts here, Xu Renshan turned around and asked the person in charge to give his opinion.

A donation is a donation. It would be utilitarian to talk too much about the purpose at this time.

After talking about the donation, Xu Renshan walked back with his wife and the others after getting to know the other heads of the office.

After a long walk, everyone returned to the Temple of the God of Wealth on the overpass.

Although with Shi Yuxuan's wealth, there is no need for the God of Wealth to increase his holdings, but everyone still offered incense and added 1,000 incense.

At nearly eleven thirty, a group of people boarded a helicopter and headed to the farm for dinner.

For the two children, Lele and Xuanxuan, the farm with many recreational facilities has become their paradise, and even the usual afternoon nap is dispelled by the uplifting spirit.

After dinner at the farm, everyone returned to the city by helicopter.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, "Charlotte Annoyance" with a box office of 29.8 million beat Sherlock Holmes' 10.9 million, Reverse War's 8.8 million, The Great Magician's 6.8 million, and Joyful's 6.6 million.

The total box office total of 86.5 million that day, "Charlotte Annoyance" accounted for one-third, which greatly squeezed the box office share of the rest of the movies.

The large amount of subsidies provided by the US-US Open in the early stage has initially demonstrated its power.

In addition to word-of-mouth fermenting for two days, many viewers have actively promoted the movie, and even the remaining tens of thousands of subsidized movie tickets on were all scrambling for one on the first day of the new year.

Presumably, the box office in the next few days will not be cut in half.

"Yes, Mr. Li has worked hard. When the movie is released, I will give you a week off."

Xu Renshan, who was running by the river, was in a good mood after listening to General Manager Li's report.

According to this posture, 200 million box office is definitely appropriate, and 300 million box office will not be too difficult, it is nothing more than a question of how much it exceeds.

"I will remember your words."

Hearing the big boss's promise, Li Husu smiled and agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Renshan continued to run for a while in high spirits before strolling back to the community.

"Seeing that you are in such a good mood, what's the good news?"

Shi Yuxuan, who was sitting in the living room, saw her husband coming back from a run, noticed the joy on his face, and asked with a smile.

"The box office of "Charlotte Annoyance" performed well yesterday, approaching 30 million."

"It's really good news. Are we going to visit my aunt's house today?"

A simple answer, the sweaty Xu Renshan did not approach his wife, but stood a few steps away and talked about today's plan: "Yeah"

According to the customs of Lizhou, the first day of the new year is basically to play at home, and visiting relatives starts from the second day of the new year.

Xu Renshan's sister and brother lost their parents when they were young. Except for the relevant staff of the orphanage and the community, they are basically taken care of by their aunt's family and have little contact with other relatives.

Strictly speaking, it should be the cousin aunt, the relationship is neither far nor close, but these years, she has become one of the few relatives of Xu's siblings.

After becoming an adult, Xu Renshan followed his sister to his aunt's house to pay New Year's greetings, and other relatives seldom moved around.

Starting this year, when Xu Renshan came to pay New Year's greetings, he would naturally bring his wife with him, and next year he would be able to bring his baby to receive red envelopes.

"Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

It was the first time to visit my aunt's house for New Year's greetings, and it was also the first time her new daughter-in-law visited. Shi Yuxuan was still a little nervous.

Even though she asked her sister a lot about Lizhou's local customs in the past two days, she was still a little flustered.

"My aunt and uncle are both very kind, but my aunt is more enthusiastic. You just need to cooperate and chat more."

Speaking of this matter, Xu Renshan repeated the old tune and didn't say much.

"All right."

Sighing, Shi Yuxuan turned her attention to Lizhou TV on TV, watched the news of the local dialect, and learned about the customs.

"Aunt (aunt), happy new year."

"Xiaoqian, Xiaoshan, you are so kind."

In the morning, Xu Xiuqin, who was waiting at home, saw her niece and nephew, and warmly invited everyone into the house.

Xu Xiuqin and his wife are both public employees of the unit. In the early years, they had a house assigned by the unit. In the past two years, they have replaced it. They bought a house in Qianjin Community next to the farmer's market. The space is quite spacious.

"Auntie, this is my wife Shi Yuxuan."

Xu Renshan, who entered the door, first introduced his pregnant wife, and Shi Yuxuan followed suit: "Happy New Year, Auntie!"

"Happy New Year."

Looking at the celestial girl in front of her, Xu Xiuqin nodded repeatedly in praise: "Xiao Shan is really lucky to marry such a beautiful girl as you."

"Auntie, you praise me too much."

Embarrassed by her aunt's praise, Shi Yuxuan followed her to the sofa in the living room and sat down, chatting with her aunt together with Xu Jiaoqian.

"Renshan, where do you work now? Are you still a substitute teacher at school?"

While the women were chatting, Uncle Zhang Jai also accompanied Xu Renshan and Xu Baoguo to drink tea and chat.

"I opened a company in Hangzhou, and the development is not bad."

Having never talked about his career with his aunt before, Xu Renshan simply replied.

"It's good to start a company, and you're still young, so it's good to venture out."

Nodded, Zhang Jai, who is about to retire from the unit, expressed his affirmation, and then chatted with Xu Baoguo about the work in the unit, but he didn't worry about the topic.

Not long after, my cousin and cousin-in-law came back home, and with their one child, the house suddenly became lively.

"Cousin-in-law, what company do you usually work with?"

While drinking tea and chatting, Xu Renshan heard his cousin-in-law mention his carton factory and asked casually.

He remembered that the carton factory opened by the other party in the past two years had a good business, but after a few years, it transformed into OEM and printing, and the business was greatly reduced.

Logically speaking, these two years are the peak period for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Lizhou.

"As for the orders of some small factories, I dare not accept orders from big factories like Qunshang. The advance payment in three months will cost several million."

Listening to the other party's question, Lu Zhen answered casually, the original smile on his face was a little forced.

"Sigh, the business of the carton factory has not been good in the past two years. Your cousin-in-law was cheated out of millions of money just a few days ago. That person seems to have lost money in Macao City, and he disappeared."

Speaking of her husband’s business, her cousin Zhang Yumin, who works in the unit, interjected, and specifically reminded her cousin: “Xiaoshan, you have to pay attention to some risks when doing business outside.”

"This is too bad luck. If my cousin-in-law is short of funds, I still have savings."

Unexpectedly, his cousin's husband would encounter such a thing, Xu Renshan frowned, and asked about the other party's funds.

He remembered that at this time in his previous life, he didn’t come to pay New Year’s greetings with his elder sister because he was in a rush to decorate the new opening of the training department. He didn’t know about the change in his cousin’s husband’s business, and the elder sister didn’t mention it to him afterwards.

In the past two years, local small businesses in Lizhou have developed rapidly, but there are also many problems.

Especially the unique local three-month settlement period, which daunts small factories with weak funds.

If you are not careful, you may suffer heavy losses due to the default of the payment, and small factories cannot bear it and have to go bankrupt. Such incidents are not uncommon.

Now that he knows, Xu Renshan can't stand by and watch, even for the sake of his aunt taking care of the siblings when they were young, he has to do his best to help.

"It's okay, I can still turn around."

Waved his hand, Lu Zhen, who knew that the other party was still a substitute last year, would not ask the other party to borrow money.

Besides, with the support of my father-in-law, the current financial problem has been alleviated to some extent, and it has not yet reached the point of borrowing money from relatives I don't know well.

"In this way, I get to know people from Qun Shang and Bu Yan, and my cousin-in-law can take care of their orders. Regarding the issue of payment, I will ask them to shorten the payment deadline as soon as possible."

Seeing the other party's firm attitude, Xu Renshan could guess what this strong cousin was thinking, so he talked about his own network resources.

In fact, carton factories only need to advance funds for one month in most areas. Only Lizhou, a small county with fierce competition and full of family-style workshops, has been trained by those small factory managers who do not care about the cost and hurt people for three months. The bad habit of advance money.

If the payment deadline is only one month, many people can accept orders from large factories such as Qun Shang and Buyan.

"Don't bother, those big factories have fixed payment deadlines, and it doesn't count if the factory manager says so."

Receiving the other party's kindness, Zhang Zha shook his head noncommittally.

In his opinion, it is useless for this little cousin, who was still a substitute teacher in school a while ago, to know someone from two big companies.

Even if the other party takes a beautiful wife and her family conditions may be good, she is from Hangzhou and has nothing to do with Lizhou.

"I'll try to ask."

This cousin-in-law, who was a little too cautious, was thinking too much, Xu Renshan didn't plan to help secretly behind his back, but called Yang Yan in front of the other party.

"Brother Xu, Happy New Year!"

At this time, Yang Yan, who was accompanying his father to pay New Year's greetings at a certain leader's house, received a call from Xu Dafuhao, and hurried to the side to answer it.

"Mr. Yang, Happy New Year."

After being polite, Xu Renshan also directly started to talk about the business: "Mr. Yang, is there any space for the packaging carton business in your anti-theft door factory? I just chatted with my cousin-in-law, and he just opened a carton factory. .”

"I'm free, of course I'm free. Our carton factory has outsourced several carton factories, and the contract will be re-signed after the first month. I don't know how big the factory of brother-in-law Xu is?"

Hearing the young rich man's question, Yang Yan quickly answered.

Even if the outsourcing contract has not expired, it can expire temporarily, and it is not a matter at all to even out some business.

"About 1,000 flat, what about the payment deadline?"

Not surprised by the other party's answer, Xu Renshan talked about the most important part.

"It's really hard for me to interfere with the payment. According to our company's rules, the payment of the current month is basically settled on the last day of the month. I don't know what Brother Xu thinks?"

Since they agreed, Yang Yan temporarily changed the company's 'rules'.

Although he is only a vice president, Yang Yan still has the power to change the company's regulations on this issue.

The payment for packing cartons is not much, and the monthly payment is negligible for their company's pressure.

"Thank you so much Mr. Yang, I will ask my cousin to contact you when the time comes."

Seeing that the second generation of Yang gave face so much, Xu Renshan, who understood, smiled and thanked him.

"Brother Xu is too polite, it's just a small matter, just let my cousin contact me when the time comes."

Yang Yan was very grateful for the young rich man's gratitude. After chatting casually for half a minute, he made an appointment for tea next time before hanging up the phone.

"Brother-in-law, I have discussed with Yang Yan, the vice president of Buyan Group, and the monthly payment will be settled at the end of the month."

Putting down the phone, Xu Renshan smiled and said to his cousin-in-law next to him.

"Payment at the end of the month?"

His eyes widened a little, and Zhang Jai, who had roughly heard the name of the boss of Buyan Group, asked uncertainly: "The Yang Yan you mentioned is the son of Yang Bugao, the boss of Buyan Group?"

"Well, I am familiar with him, basically there is no problem."

smiled, Xu Renshan couldn't go into too much detail, but just made a simple promise.

"Xiao Shan, thank you very much."

Swallowed, Zhang Jai, who didn't expect this little cousin to have such a relationship, was almost knocked out by the surprise, and thanked him again and again.

Even my cousin Zhang Yumin, who was sitting not far away, followed suit with a smile on her face.

They didn't expect that the little-known little cousin would know the son of the boss of Buyan Group. This network is too powerful.

"We are all a family, so why not be polite."


Stayed at the aunt's house for more than an hour, and declined the aunt's repeated requests to stay. Xu Renshan, his wife and the elder sister's family still did not have lunch at the other party's house.

Because there are many relatives in the brother-in-law's family, and there are many places to pay New Year's greetings, Xu Renshan didn't talk too much, and took his wife home to rest.

Lunch question, because there is no food in stock at home, Xu Renshan personally went to Lizhou Hotel to pack six dishes and one soup, which was simple and convenient.

"What happened just now?"

Going out of the leader's house, Yang Bugao, who returned to the car, asked his son.

"President Xu of the Yuming Group called me. His cousin's family runs a carton factory. I told him that there is still some business in the factory, and the monthly payment will be settled at the end of the month."

Hearing his father's question, Yang Yan answered concisely.

"That Mr. Xu?! Well, you should move around more in the future."

Heard his son mentioned this mysterious rich man before, and knew that the other party had helped the group a lot earlier, Yang Bugao affirmed his son's actions.

Associating with that kind of person, such a small matter is nothing at all, I am afraid that the other party will not ask his son for help.

Regarding his son's abilities, Yang Bugao was very relieved.

The children of the other family are all rich and rich after graduation, but his son has begun to share the worries of their family business and has made a lot of contributions. Yang Bugao expressed a little pride.

Because the weather was too cold and there was no local scenery in Lizhou, and the villas in Hangzhou had more space for activities, Xu Renshan decided to go back earlier.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, after having breakfast with his elder sister's family, Xu Renshan took his wife back to Hangzhou.

After a simple day's rest, Xu Renshan boarded the Gulfstream G650 alone and headed to the capital to pay New Year's greetings to Mr. Shangguan.

(end of this chapter)