Chapter 406: Don't you have no feelings for me?

Chapter 406 Don't you have no feelings for me?

When Hu Chengnian walked back to the box with the two girls, he found that he hadn't eaten a few hot dishes, and there were two extra chairs for no reason.

What does this mean?

"Old Hu, the hot dishes just served, please sit down and eat some of your friends."

Seeing Lao Hu coming back, Su Jianping, who had been prepared for a long time, smiled and extended the invitation.

For this girl Zhang who met once, he is full of sincerity, waiting for her to marry Lao Hu one day, and he can also use this classmate relationship to get on the line of No. 1 City Bureau.

As for poaching the wall, Su Jianping didn't have that thought.

Firstly, the city bureau number one obviously prefers Lao Hu who can be his successor; secondly, he is not on the same line as that one, Su Jianping hopes that he can make some achievements first, and then find a suitable marriage partner .

"Okay. This is Zhang Ying, and this is her friend Niu Chenchen."

Since the hot dishes haven't been eaten much yet, Hu Chengnian didn't say anything about the previous plan of letting the two of them open a private room by themselves, and took the initiative to introduce Zhang Ying to a few students who didn't know Zhang Ying: "These are my college classmates. Renshan, Concubine Li Yan."

"Hello, I'm really sorry, Zhang Ying and I came over to have a meal."

Waved with everyone, Niu Chenchen, who was familiar with him, saw the handsome guy among the many men at a glance.

Whether it’s his attire or his temperament, that handsome guy is so eye-catching, and he is impressive when he sees him. No wonder even Zhang Ying, who usually doesn’t like the second generation, says he’s handsome.

However, looking at the girl sitting next to her, Niu Chenchen felt a very familiar aura.

There must be a mystery in this.

"You're welcome, we and Lao Hu are old classmates."

After pouring red wine for the two girls, Qian Kun smiled and picked up the conversation: "Lao Hu's EQ was only a little better than Lao Xu's when he was in college. I didn't expect Lao Xu to be the first to get married. Seeing that Lao Hu has The goal has been achieved, and the few of us have become the last single dogs."

He was naturally not interested in the daughter of the big boss, but he felt that the new Niu girl had a good figure, which fit his aesthetics very well.

B+ level or above in some places, the back is quite curved, she is not fat, her body is slightly slender, her dress is exquisite, she can be regarded as a rich beauty of the upper middle level.

"Did Brother Xu's EQ really be low when he was in college?"

After listening to what the other party said, Niu Chenchen asked with a smile, but his purpose was very clear.

It was the first time she met such a handsome guy, so she inevitably wanted to know more.

As for poaching or something, that’s not the case. The other party doesn’t have a girlfriend, but a married man.

No matter what, she hasn't reached the point of snatching her husband, she just feels a little regretful.

"It was really low, I liked him for four years in college, and he ended up marrying someone else."

Feeling the eyes of this new girl, Li Yanfei, who was a little uncomfortable, took over the conversation directly, and without hesitation, she revealed the fact that she liked Xu Mutou when she was a freshman.

Looking at the appearance of the other party, it is obvious that he is interested in Xu Mumu from her family, how can this be tolerated.

The big sister next door is not here, so Xu Mumu's 'safety' must naturally be guarded by her.

"Really, then sister Li didn't confess to Brother Xu?"

Hearing these words with obvious meaning, Niu Chenchen smiled and asked actively.

Dressed according to the other party's dress, Fanke's new earrings and a Chanel dress, her family background is obviously good, but she has been in love for many years and finally fell into the sand.

In the few words just now, this ordinary sister Bai Fumei obviously never forgets this married man.

This is quite interesting.

"Why not, I was so obvious that I almost kissed him."

Frowning, Li Yanfei felt that there was something wrong with the other party's words, but she replied without showing any weakness.

"Ahem, since everyone is here, eat the vegetables, or it will be cold."

Unexpectedly, Concubine Li Yan could express herself so bluntly in front of so many classmates, Xu Renshan couldn't help interrupting the conversation between the two women.

Today is just a simple gathering of classmates, he doesn't want to be his own gossip conference.

"Yes, eat vegetables and eat vegetables."

Hu Chengnian, who brought people over, also had the same intention to divert the attention of the big guys present.

If he brings a strange woman with him and makes his old classmates feel embarrassed, the responsibility lies on him.

"Mr. Xu, thank you for your help with what happened just now."

Signaling her friend to shut up with her eyes, Zhang Ying raised her red wine glass and thanked that handsome classmate.

As for the previous Qian Kun joking in her name, she didn't care.

Looking at it now, Qian Kun has a calm personality. Except for a little romance, everything else feels pretty good.

"You're welcome, I don't need to thank you for my relationship with Lao Hu."

Knowing that the other party was talking about the fact that he arranged for a driver to take Lao Hu there, Xu Renshan toasted in response and took a sip.

The relationship is shallow, drink a little, the relationship between the two is limited to the relationship between him and Lao Hu's college classmates.

Xu Renshan will not interfere in whatever step the other party can go with Lao Hu, nor will he treat the other party as the daughter of an old senior.

"Brother Xu, I also offer you a toast."

Seeing his best friend toast, Niu Chenchen, who is lively by nature, raised his glass without hesitation.

"Zhang Ying has already thanked you, so you don't need to respect this wine."

Xu Renshan felt that he should keep a respectful distance from this girl who had been in conflict with Concubine Li Yan since she first came. He has no shortage of carefree female friends.

"I'm not thanking you for what happened just now, I just had a meal with you, and I respect you."

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Niu Chenchen gave his reason.

"If it's about eating, I don't think it's enough to respect me, I have to round up the table."

Hearing the other party's reason, Xu Renshan did not raise his wine glass, but made a request.

Regardless of whether the other party has other intentions, he will not allow himself special treatment.

Talking to a girl with such a personality, there is no need to take too much care of it, and it’s okay to joke openly.

"No problem, after drinking with you, I will definitely respect each of you."

Faced with this handsome guy's difficulty, Niu Chenchen didn't admit defeat, and directly agreed.

Drinking, she was never afraid.

"Miss Niu is refreshing."

Didn't expect this new girl to be so bold, Xu Renshan stopped talking nonsense and drank the remaining one-fifth glass of red wine.

When Niu Chenchen saw this, he drank the remaining third of the red wine in the glass, poured another third, and said to the ordinary girl next to the handsome guy: "Sister Li, I would like to toast you too." .”

After a lap, Niu Chenchen drank two glasses of red wine, except for half of his face being blushed, his eyes were unusually bright.

There is a kind of person who belongs to the kind who drinks more and more sober.

"Old Bai, you work in an investment bank. If there is any investment that is relatively stable, please recommend it. With my salary, I put it in my bank card. I don't know when I can afford an Audi A4."

When everyone was talking about the salary level, Su Jianping asked.

"How can there be any stable investment, and the private equity fund of the tens of billions of tycoons will also suffer losses."

Regarding this point, Bai Jieyang has nothing to hide in front of his old classmates: "If you really want to make a steady profit without losing money, it's better to buy those currencies for financial management, and you can earn about 3 points a year. Old Su, your old man Having been a civil servant for so many years, did you have the money to buy a car, a house, and marry a wife?”

"My old man's money is his own, so what does it have to do with me?"

Waving his hand, Su Jianping said with some dissatisfaction: "3 points of income per year is too little, so there is no such thing as twenty or thirty points?"

"Soros's private equity quantum fund has a compound interest of more than 20 points per year. The problem is that ordinary people can't buy it."

After listening to Lao Su's request for income, Bai Jieyang replied speechlessly: "According to your request, in addition to buying stocks in China, it is only possible to do value investment."

"Stocks? Do you have any suggestions?"

His eyes lit up, and Su Jianping asked more questions.

"No suggestion, I am currently only in charge of futures trading, and have no research on stocks."

Facing his old classmate's questioning, Bai Jieyang shook his head.

His words are naturally an excuse. Even though he is only in charge of futures trading, Bai Jieyang knows a lot of inside information that ordinary retail investors do not know when chatting with his colleagues on weekdays.

There are no stocks in the world that can make a profit without losing money. He doesn't want to cause a rift in the friendship between his classmates because of this.

Moreover, Bai Jieyang knew the identity of Su Jianping's father, so he wouldn't really be short of money.

If he recommends the right stock, he only receives a little gratitude from the other party; if the stock he recommends loses money, Su Jianping may remember him for a lifetime.

People are drifting in society, and they must know their gains and losses.

“That would be a shame.”

Seeing what the other party said, Su Jianping, who was used to being sophisticated in the world since childhood, smiled and didn't ask.

Wang Liti, who had heard Xu Renshan's suggestion to buy Moutai stock and earned half of the profit in a few months, didn't say anything. She has been in the township for more than a year and a half, and she is very clear about the gains and losses.

As for Li Yanfei, who bought 50 million Moutai shares at the same time as Wang Liti, she naturally has nothing to do with her and is hanging on high.

The investment advice that Xu Mumu told her would not be shared with outsiders.

"Brother Su, my family is raising funds to build a gas station. If you are interested, you can invest in a few shares. There is a 10% return every year, and the principal will be returned after 10 years."

As a 'newcomer', Niu Chenchen was not unfamiliar at all, and he invited the other party to invest.

In the chat just now, she has already gotten some information from the words of several people. This brother Su's father is not a small leader.

Otherwise, investment channels like theirs would not easily give people investment opportunities.

"No need, I don't have much savings, and I can't buy a few shares."

After listening to the other party's words, Su Jianping's mind flashed the wealthy families surnamed Niu in the surrounding counties and cities, and quickly locked on one of them.

In today's Jiangxi Province, a certain chemical company and a certain oil company basically occupy more than 90% of the gas station market, and those who can get a share of it must have a lot of energy.

The conditions offered by the other party are attractive, but Su Jianping is aware of the entanglements involved.

Some money is not suitable for people in the system like him to earn, and it is easy to remind people of his father.

"That would be a shame."

Niu Chenchen could tell the truth from the falsehood of this brother Su's words, and knew the other party's concerns, so he tactfully did not continue to pester him.

It's just that what Niu Chenchen didn't expect was that the friend circle of Zhang Ying, the blind date, had a lot of gold.

In order to alleviate the previous embarrassment, Zhang Ying on the other side took the initiative to start a new topic, and naturally did not drink less.

"Old Xu, it's agreed that I will treat you today. Why did you pay the bill early?"

Taking advantage of the excuse of going to the toilet, he found that Bai Jieyang, who had been cut off, returned to the box, and said to the wealthy classmate with a little dissatisfaction.

Today's game, but his group, let the other party pay the bill, how embarrassing.

"We are all old classmates, so why not be polite. My wife has a membership card here, and there is a little balance in it, which can be discounted, and it will be deducted automatically. Be careful, next time I ask you to pay, I will not **** it. "

For this enthusiastic old classmate, Xu Renshan was also very polite and explained with a smile.

He can't say that there is still a six-figure balance in his wife's membership card. If he doesn't spend it early, who knows when the restaurant will be closed.

There is still a waiter waiting next to him. If people hear it, who knows if the soup will be spit on next time they come to eat.

"Okay, don't fight me next time."

Bai Jieyang, who was just complaining casually, didn't say much. Knowing the wealth and character of this wealthy classmate, there is no need to be too polite.

"It's almost time, let's get together next time."

There was not much hot food left on the table, Xu Renshan looked at his watch, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon, so he decided to end the show, got up and picked up the wine glass with a little red wine left.

"Okay, let's meet again next time."

Everyone toasted at the same time, ending today's lunch.

"Old Hu, I'll have someone take you back."

Asking the restaurant to arrange a driver for Lao Bai and others, Xu Renshan said directly to Lao Hu.

Lao Hu's second-hand Jetta is not suitable for a surrogate driver to take the two girls back, isn't it?

"What about yourself?"

After hearing what Old Xu said, Hu Chengnian asked a casual question.

"I asked my wife's driver to drive over and I can see you off."

After the other party returned to the restaurant earlier, Xu Renshan called Song Wei and drove over in a Maybach at home, so he could help deliver it.

As for himself, the driver, You Hua, drove the Bentley, and took Li Yanfei and the other to the cinema first.

"Okay, thanks."

Seeing that Xu Renshan had made an arrangement, Hu Chengnian didn't show any politeness. He first let the two women get into the back seat of the Maybach, and sat in the passenger seat by himself.

"Let's go."

Looking at the back of the Maybach, Xu Renshan walked towards the Bentley in front of him.


With a cry of surprise, Xu Renshan, who was walking in front, turned his head and saw the long-legged female classmate who fell towards him, and took two quick steps to help her up.

At this time, under the hint of someone's eyes, Wang Liti took the initiative to sit in the passenger seat.

She couldn't even figure out why Li Bai Fumei Yanfei, who was wealthy and well-off, was so persistent in attacking a married man named Xu Daguan.

Looking at the other party's appearance, it is obvious that he is not willing to be a secret lover. How could the righteous Xu Daguan let Concubine Li Yan succeed.


Seeing that Wang got into the co-pilot seat, Li Yanfei didn't pretend to have a sore foot, she got up and sat in the back seat naturally.


Seeing the cooperation of the two women, Xu Renshan shook his head, and then sat in the back seat of the Bentley.

"Xiao Ti, here we are."

Take out a bottle of mineral water from the car storage box and hand it to the female classmate in front. Li Yanfei is very satisfied with the other party's cooperation.

If she had such a wingman before, she would have taken Xu Mumu down long ago, and now she can give him a second child.


After receiving the bottle of imported mineral water, Wang Liti was about to say something, but found that the partition in the middle was slowly rising, blocking the sight of the front and rear rows.


After raising the screen partition, Li Yanfei handed the mineral water bottle in her hand to Xu Mutou next to her: "I can't open it, help me."

"Give you."

Unscrewing the cap of the mineral water bottle casually, Xu Renshan also opened a bottle of water and drank it.

"Oops, sorry, sorry."

While drinking water, Li Yanfei shook her hand, and the mineral water accidentally spilled on the other party's pants. She quickly took out a tissue and patted the other party.

While the other party was in a hurry, Li Yanfei took advantage of her long legs and took a step and sat on the other party's body.

"Didn't you say you don't have feelings for me?"

Holding the other party's neck with both hands, after staring at the other party for a while, Li Yanfei, who felt strange, asked as if her cheeks were about to bleed, her voice was low and inaudible.

(end of this chapter)