Chapter 410: buy dog ​​life

Chapter 410 Buying the Dog’s Life

"It's okay, it's just a trivial matter, Ren Shan mentioned it to me before."

As if she didn't hear the hidden provocative meaning in the words of the little sister next door, Shi Yuxuan took the initiative to advise the other party: "If you want to expand the business of the clothing store, it is best to design your own brand and use similar foreign brands. Name. You can hire someone to design the style, and find our company to process it on behalf of you.”

Having operated a clothing company for many years, Shi Yuxuan is still very familiar with the concept of expanding a clothing store.

Of course, some of the methods she proposed are based on the premise of investing a lot of money, and it is not her problem whether the other party listens or not.

It happened that I had been idle at home for a long time, and it was rare to encounter something related to work. Shi Yuxuan was very talkative.

Fighting a little love rival who secretly covets her husband is not to use barbaric means, moistening the rain quietly is the highest state.

"Sister, what should I do in terms of brand promotion?"

After listening to Mrs. Xu's teachings, Jin Yinghui, who seemed to be enlightened, followed the name of the partner and asked the other party with bright eyes.

Although some of the ideas of the other party are not in line with the capital reserves of their clothing store, they can still be applied to actual operations with a little simplification.

In the past, Kim Young-hye always felt that something was missing in the management of clothing stores, but now hearing such real materials is like the sound of nature.

It was rare to meet such a knowledgeable expert. She was a little embarrassed, but she couldn't help asking.

"If only from the perspective of a clothing store."

Facing the short-haired girl's question, Shi Yuxuan was very patient and answered the other party while eating lunch.

And Jin Yinghui also ignored the delicious lunch, and asked out the doubts in her heart one by one.

Even Li Yanfei, who was about to demonstrate next to her, heard a lot of things she hadn't considered, and listened to it.


Seeing Concubine Li Yan and the junior high school female squad leader impressed by his wife's erudition, Xu Renshan, who was eating lunch quietly, smiled slightly.

Just kidding, on this occasion, how could he bring food to the other party.

Even in private, he has to think about it.

After eating lunch for nearly two hours, it was Xu Renshan who saw his wife's fatigue and took the initiative to end the chat between the three women.

At this point in time, it's time for my wife to take a lunch break for an hour.

"Sister, if I have any questions in the future, can I ask you for advice on Weiwei."

Before parting, Kim Young-hye, who had eyes full of admiration, boldly asked each other a question.

During the meal, Jin Yinghui was impressed by this dignified, beautiful, well-mannered, and knowledgeable elder sister. No wonder Xu Renshan, who is as good as her, would also be overwhelmed by her.

If she were a man, she wouldn't be able to stand it.

Back then, she still thought about Xu Renshan a little bit, but now she feels ashamed compared to this Mrs. Xu, and that little thought has long since vanished.

"Of course, but the time I use the tablet is limited by my husband. If you have any questions, you can send me a message from nine to ten in the morning, or you can come to my house directly."

Shi Yuxuan still had a good impression of this young and innocent girl with short hair, so she took the initiative to send out an invitation.

Seeing the other party is like seeing myself who worked hard to change the operating conditions of the clothing company back then, with longing and hard work for a better future in my eyes.

She sincerely hopes that girls who work so hard can get what they deserve.

"Thank you, Senior Sister."

Received the other party's promise, Kim Young Hye thanked her with a bright smile.

Li Yanfei, who was on the side, had twinkling eyes, and some small ideas were brewing in her heart.

Such as accompanying the partner to Xu Mutou’s home to ask questions, taking the opportunity to get close to Xu Mutou, or secretly asking Xu Mutou out while the partner is going to ask questions, etc.

Investing in this clothing store is really a good choice.

Brave concubine, not afraid of difficulties.

"You're welcome, see you next time."

Waving goodbye, Shi Yuxuan, escorted by her husband carefully, walked to the Rolls Royce parked not far away, but Li Yanfei walked to the other side.

When paying the bill, Xu Renshan specially asked someone to pack a piece of meat porridge that his wife drank a few more mouthfuls during lunch, and planned to take it home for the chef at home to study.

As long as it is the food that his wife likes, he will pay attention to it, so that he can increase his wife's appetite on weekdays.

Just as Xu Renshan was helping his wife into the car, and he was about to get in the car himself, a yellow shadow suddenly rushed over from the side.

"Be careful."

Shi Yuxuan, who was sitting in the car, couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw this, her heart jumped into her throat.


Xu Renshan, who had quick eyesight and quick hands, thought of the teachings of the bodyguards on weekdays, and quickly clicked the button on the door of the car, and a special umbrella popped out.

Quickly pulled out the umbrella, Xu Renshan, who was blocking the entire rear door, had already seen the yellow shadow clearly, and swung forward vigorously, but his body did not give way at all.

If he takes a step aside, he may be able to avoid the big dog, but the big dog is likely to rush into the car and cause damage to Shi Yuxuan.

This is something Xu Renshan absolutely cannot allow to happen.

He would rather get hurt himself than let his wife and the baby in his wife's womb suffer even the slightest chance, even if it's only a one in ten thousand possibility.

It was too late, but the black umbrella bone of Rolls-Royce hit the neck of the big golden retriever.

The big golden retriever that was hit continued unabated, and its mouth opened wide, biting directly on the sleeve of the coat worth tens of thousands.


Feeling a stabbing pain in his right arm, Xu Renshan couldn't help taking a breath, but he didn't forget to close the car door to prevent his wife from being hurt.

After that, Xu Renshan quickly stretched his legs and kicked towards the big dog's body.


Sensing the danger, the big golden retriever let go, jumped to the ground, grinned and bared its sharp teeth, sending a threatening signal to the humanoid creature in front.

"Song Wei."

When the danger was approaching, Shi Yuxuan called out to the driver and bodyguard in the driving seat. Shi Yuxuan got up from the seat and wanted to go out, but found that the car door was closed.

Shi Yuxuan, who understood her husband's thoughts, immediately lowered the window glass, and saw the big golden retriever biting her husband's arm jumping to the ground, and asked with tears in her eyes: "Husband, are you okay? Where are you?" injured?"


Enduring the tingling pain in his arm, Xu Renshan turned his head and showed his wife a reassuring smile.

Looking at the coat that had been bitten to the surface, Xu Renshan specially turned his hands at an angle, so as not to let his wife see the sadness, and then looked warily at the big golden retriever that was crawling on the ground with its forelimbs, and might attack again at any time.

Looking at the clean and smooth hair of the golden fur, it looks like it weighs twenty or thirty kilograms, and it is obvious that there is a "dog boy" taking good care of it.

It's just that this **** is too stupid to go out for a walk with the dog. He doesn't even hold the dog on a leash. Isn't he afraid of being taken to stew dog meat hot pot?

At this time, Song Wei, who was wearing sportswear, flashed by, without thinking about the status of this golden retriever at all, and slammed a whip leg towards the golden retriever's side.

Things happened too fast just now, Song Wei, who was always vigilant, took two seconds to observe the situation, and after realizing that it was an ordinary threat, he quickly got out of the car to protect the employer's husband.

If there is a threat of hot weapons, she may drive away from the scene as soon as possible, with the priority of protecting her employer.

Now, it is natural to take both into account.

As for whether the injured big golden retriever should lose money, that is not within her scope of consideration.

Even, if she thinks that this is an evil animal that bit Mr. Xu, Madam will be overjoyed and give her a bonus.


The big golden retriever who was blown to the side flower bed let out a scream, staggered up from the ground, looked at the fierce woman in black opposite, and grinned in fear.

At this time, two guards who were in the dark rushed over to guard the employer.

Seeing that there were so many people on the other side, even after the big golden retriever threatened, he didn't dare to move forward any more. He stood cautiously on the spot and opened his mouth from time to time.

If you are afraid of returning home, you cannot lose your momentum.

Just now it just smelled the familiar aroma of meat porridge, so it ran over to look for something to eat, but it didn't expect the process to be so dangerous.

Compared with eating, life is still more important.

"Honey, let me come down first."

With three bodyguards in place, Shi Yuxuan, who felt that she was safe, got out of the car to check her husband's injuries.

"You stay inside first, we will deal with it soon."

Did not agree to his wife's request, Xu Renshan, who was afraid that the big golden hair would go crazy, didn't want his wife to be in danger, even if it was a little bit dangerous.

This big golden retriever weighing twenty to thirty pounds is not weaker than an adult.

Just from the bite, Xu Renshan's arm still ached.

If it wasn't for his wife's worry, he would have rolled up his sleeves to see if he was bitten.

"No, you were bitten just now, you must be injured."

With mist in her eyes, Shi Yuxuan, who was pushing the door of the car, was about to get out of the car, but was pressed hard by her husband.

She saw very clearly when she was sitting in the car just now, the big dog bit her husband's arm.

Although the winter clothes are not too thin, the dog is not small and has sharp teeth. It is likely that it has bitten my husband's arm.

"Labrador, Labrador."

At this moment, a young woman with heavy make-up in a gray cashmere coat from Chanel ran over. Seeing the dirty appearance of the big golden retriever, she stepped forward to check with a sad face: "Labrador, how are you? Are you there?" Injuried?"

A middle-aged man who followed closely behind, well-dressed and well-dressed, saw the formation of the other party's three bodyguards and the rare stretched Rolls-Royce, and said with apologetic expression: "Several, no I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't hold the golden retriever at home, which caused you trouble. I don't know if the golden retriever bit someone just now, I will be responsible to the end."

"Can you afford it?"

Shi Yuxuan, who was stopped in the car, was a little impatient. Hearing the man's apology, he didn't care about his usual demeanor, and shouted directly.

If her husband is injured, no amount of money can be paid.

"Yu'er, don't be angry, I'm fine."

In order to appease his wife, Xu Renshan called out the other person's nickname, held the hand that pushed the car door, and then said to the middle-aged man not far away: "You walk the dog without a leash, how much is it?" I lack public morality. If you bite children and the elderly, no amount of money can make up for it. In this way, the dog just bit my arm and scared my pregnant wife. You will pay as much as the dog is worth. ?”

Being bitten on the arm by this dog, Xu Renshan felt that it was not a big deal, just biting the skin and getting a rabies vaccine.

But just now he almost jumped at his wife, and even frightened her, that is a big deal.

Of course, he couldn't directly take the life of the big golden retriever, that would seem very unreasonable.

As a reasonable person, Xu Renshan felt that it was a polite request for the other party to buy the life of the big golden retriever with money.

If not, it is not something that can be solved with a little money if you directly sue the other party with a lawyer's letter.

When a lawsuit is filed, it is inevitable that there will be anger, and subsequent things will become less controllable.

His baby is about to be born, Xu Renshan doesn't want to add some troubles.

"Why should I pay you money? You beat my Labrador like this, and you still want to lose money. You paid my family almost the same amount of money."

Hearing the other party's 'unreasonable request', the woman with heavy make-up immediately straightened up and shouted after inspecting her pet. She didn't care about the situation at all. The excited expression on her face seemed to be that her child was being bullied: "You know our family How much is Braddo worth? He is a pure golden retriever imported from England, and he can’t afford to sell your car. You injured my Labrador just now, and you should pay at least 1 million for medical expenses.”

"Since the lady said that the dog is worth more than my car, let's calculate according to the price of my car."

Holding his wife's hand with more strength, Xu Renshan, who comforted her, smiled and said to the sensible middle-aged man.

He didn't know the price of the golden retriever either. Since the other party said so, Xu Renshan thoughtfully 'reduced' the compensation for the other party.

"Can't you understand human language?"


Seeing that the other party wanted to take advantage of the large number of people to demand compensation, the woman with heavy make-up who was not afraid directly pointed at the other party and cursed, but unexpectedly slapped her on the face.

Looking at her husband who beat her in disbelief, the woman with heavy makeup covered her blushing face, and was about to start spitting: "You hit me!"

"Shut up, talk to me and get the **** out of here."

After cursing viciously, Lou Qingtian was angry with his beloved third-married wife for the first time, and then said to the handsome young man in front of him with a kind smile: "I don't know how much your car costs, I'll write it down right away." Check to you."

This young wife is really ignorant at all. She is an ordinary person who drives a Rolls-Royce special extended version and has three bodyguards.

Although Qingtian Decoration, which he founded, has an annual revenue of several hundred million, but it is not enough to compare with those real wealthy families who do not show their talents in the dark.

Those who work in the decoration industry know how deep the water is for rich and noble families.

The life savings of an ordinary family may not be worth a koi in their pond.

Based on the other party's car price to measure the dog's life of this big golden retriever, the huge compensation is certainly painful, but if he really offends those real rich, his company will disappear in minutes.

Besides, given the money, I can also get to know this rich man if I have the opportunity. Whether the deal will be a loss or not is uncertain.

"18 million."

As for the custom-made Rolls-Royce newly purchased at home, Xu Renshan still knew the price, and said a number lightly.

At this time, a group of tourists had already been watching, and they couldn't help but exclaimed when they heard the price mentioned by this handsome young man.

At this time, the people who come out to shop are basically young people, but there are no stereotyped old men or old women who stand up to be peacemakers, and they all quietly watch the progress of things, at most they whisper to each other.

Although the '18 million' said by this handsome guy is a bit exaggerated, the young man who knows the Rolls-Royce logo just laments that there are too many rich people and has no doubts.

No way, that handsome young guy has such a good temperament.

The plain tone of the other party talking about the huge sum of money, coupled with the bodyguards of a woman and two men driving next to him, makes people feel a kind of rich and powerful atmosphere that can only be found in novels, as if being bitten by a dog to compensate such high medical expenses It's a very normal thing.

Young son of a wealthy family, nothing more than that.

"You are blackmailing"

(end of this chapter)