Chapter 414: In the future, the short video double pride is in hand【Online humble order

Chapter 414 Future short video with double arrogance in hand【Online Humble Seeking Subscription】

"President Xu knows me?"

After hearing what the other party said, Gong Mingshan touched the silver mirror frame on the bridge of his nose in surprise.

He didn't expect that this noble son actually knew his identity.

"I have a little understanding of the Internet industry. Mr. Gong previously worked on the Jiujianfang website, so I have heard a little bit about it."

Picking up a lychee, Xu Renshan talked about the way he met each other.

Before he came to this party, he had done his homework, and he knew very much about Mr. Gong's life experience.

"It is my honor to be in Mr. Xu's eyes."

Although the specific identity of the other party is not very clear, Gong Mingshan knows that the other party's identity is both rich and noble from the atmosphere of the other party's investment of 10 million funds just now.

After a while, Gong Mingshan began to introduce his new entrepreneurial project: "The information on the Internet is complicated now, which is very unfriendly to smartphone users. Data-based discovery and recommendation"

"Your idea is very good, how much money do you need?"

After listening to the other party's narration, Xu Renshan maintained his personality as a local tyrant, and asked about the other party's investment amount.

This kind of project worth several trillion yuan in the future, he will never let it slip away from his hands.

"At present, I have found an investment of 2 million yuan. Another 5 million yuan is needed, and I can give 35% of the shares."

Gong Mingshan, who was prepared, talked about the specific shares.

Although his original resources were not small, as a prudent entrepreneur, it is impossible to invest all his net worth unless he can clearly see the future prospects.

Now, the company has not yet been established, and no one knows what the future holds.

Using investors' money to start a business is a qualified Internet rookie.

"In this way, you don't need to find outsiders for your 2 million funds. I will invest 10 million funds, and I want 49% of the shares."

After expressing his request, Xu Renshan continued to add: "In terms of related resources, I can help you contact TX,, and Jingxi Mall."

In order to win more shares in Tomorrow Toutiao, Xu Renshan showed off his muscles.

Although he does not have an Internet industry under his name, and he is not considered an Internet giant, he still has a lot of resources at his disposal.

This is also the reason why he invested in several other projects before, and those managements were willing to accept Renyu Investment as a shareholder.

In these days, in the Internet industry, there are no resources but only funds, and those new entrepreneurs with high expectations will ignore you.

If not, the coal bosses would have smashed the industry to the ground.


Unexpectedly, the other party valued his entrepreneurial project so much. Gong Mingshan went through his mind quickly and agreed to the other party's request.

Sure enough, this is a hidden boss, the spokesperson of a mysterious consortium, and the resources are simply too great.

"Pleasant cooperation."

Seeing that the other party agreed, Xu Renshan handed over a personal business card as before.

"Thank you Mr. Xu."

Taking the business card with both hands, Gong Mingshan couldn't help feeling a little bit of unconcealable excitement in his heart.

Li Mengxiu, who had not yet left, listened to the entire conversation between the two, and felt extremely fortunate that she was able to get the investment from the other party.

After discussing the investment, Xu Renshan continued to chat with the future short video Shuangjiao for more than half an hour.

During the period, several young entrepreneurs came to introduce the project. Xu Renshan listened carefully, but only accepted the other party's business card and did not give out his own personal business card.

As an angel investor standing on the shoulders of giants, Xu Renshan has a very rare vision, and ordinary projects simply cannot catch his eyes.

Maintaining a friendly attitude towards these unknown little people is just a necessary demeanor for a God investor.

When the reputation is good, more people will know about it. Maybe, at any time, there will be a lost pearl automatically delivered to the door.

"Let's talk first, I'll go over there and sit down first."

Feeling that it was almost time to win over the relationship, Xu Renshan got up and returned to the circle where Mr. Chen was.

"How about it, I see that you have gained a little bit?"

Chen Tian, ​​who occasionally paid attention to the other party, saw the eldest niece's partner come back, and asked with a smile.

The other party was so lively before, it was obvious that they had voted for the project, which made the Internet rookies in this hall move.

"The harvest is not bad, I invested in two small projects."

Talking about what he had gained this time, Xu Renshan did not hide the joy in his eyes.

Who would have thought that in the future, the famous short video duo will appear together at this party, and even take the initiative to deliver it to his door, which really makes him unable to refuse the gift of fate.

In his last life, he only played Douyin video under Tomorrow Toutiao, but never paid attention to Kuaixiu video. Naturally, he didn’t know the founder of the other party.

Even though he knows that Kuaixiu Video has a good future, he knows that now is not the best time to enter the market, and he can wait another year or two before talking.

The next two years will be a period of great waves for the short video industry. Whether it is Douyin, which has not yet appeared, or Kuaixiu, which appeared earlier, they have not shined during this period.

On the contrary, it was after most of the capital retreated that the two emitted an incomparably dazzling light.

In just a few years, the shares of the two short video platforms he holds will bring tens of thousands of times the return.

The title of angel investor can no longer describe him, no matter what, he must be a **** investor.

"I also took a fancy to a website just now. Didian, which was launched at the beginning of last year, currently has more than 5 million registered users. The fourth round of financing needs 50 million US dollars. Are you interested?"

Didn't ask the other party what project they voted for, Chen Tianyi talked about the project he liked, and asked the other party's opinion instead.

" What do you do?"

Hearing the name of this website, Xu Renshan, who had no impression, asked about the other party's business.

"You young people don't even know it, it is the largest micro-customer community at present."

Seeing that the other party had never heard of DiDi, Chen Tianyi took the initiative to introduce him.

"This model sounds very attractive. Why didn't Lanshan Capital, which previously invested, follow suit?"

Frowning, Xu Renshan knew that this website basically had no future, so he directly found a tricky angle to ask.

As far as he knows, Mr. Shen of Lanshan Capital has amazing eyesight. He will follow up with two or three rounds of investment in projects that are valued. He will continue to increase his holdings if the prospects are good, and he will reduce his holdings in due course if the future is unknown.

Projects like this one that don’t follow after investing in the A round are obviously not very good.

What's more, 50 million US dollars of funds is destined to make no noise. Unlike him, he has gathered two projects with unlimited potential for only 20 million.

“.Wait a minute, I’ll go to the side and make a phone call first.”

After the other party asked such a question, Chen Tianyi couldn't help shrinking his eyes, got up and walked to the side.

As the leading capital of the A round, Lanshan Capital must know a lot of inside stories about He and Shen Fang are also familiar with each other. It is normal to ask each other.

50 million US dollars of funds, even if they TX leads the investment and invites other capital to join, at least 20 million US dollars is needed, which is not a small amount.

"Brother Xu, do you have any good projects to recommend?"

While Xu Renshan was chatting with the boss of Yahu, Zhang Fengtai, another founder of S Tiger, came over and asked with a smile.

"Brother Zhang was joking, I'm just a novice in the Internet field, and I have to rely on you, the old man, to lead me."

Hearing what Mr. Zhang said, Xu Renshan replied very modestly.

He seems to remember that the stock price of S Tiger exceeded 100 US dollars last year, and the peak market value was close to 5 billion US dollars.

Even if the market value of TX listed in Hong Kong City exceeds 100 billion, it cannot hide its beauty.

Who would have thought that in ten years' time, the S tiger would be less than a fraction of the market value of TX.

The cruelty of the Internet industry can be seen.

Now, Mr. Zhang is proud of himself, and he seems to be planning to vigorously develop a video website. He even made contact with Qingguo Entertainment before, but unfortunately, TX Video has already taken the lead.

"Brother Xu is too modest, isn't he? I heard that you have just invested in two projects, and those young people are eager to try, and they want to turn you into gold."

The thin face is full of smiles, Zhang Fengtai wants to make friends with this fast-rising upstart in the capital market, so as to pave the way for the company's future development.

According to his understanding, the three companies under the other party's name are just the tip of a golden mountain, with huge capital hidden behind them.

You can feel the majestic power of the Yuming Group, which has swelled to a valuation of tens of billions in just eight months.

No one can refuse to make friends with such an upstart.

"I'm also meeting at the right time. I'm going to enter the industry in the future. I wonder if Brother Zhang is interested in cooperating?"

Taking shares in two short video platforms with unlimited potential, Xu Renshan's trip has been worthwhile, and there will be no better opportunities to toss in this Internet field in the future, so he might as well aim at the industry.

As many people have said, no matter how powerful the internet bigwigs are, no matter how expensive they are, they have to obediently shake hands when they meet local industrial leaders.

The three companies in his wife's hands belong to the scope of the industry, but their influence is limited. Among the three companies under his hands, only Yuming Group barely counts as half of the industry.

Now, he has almost won the shares of some of the most brilliant Internet companies in the next ten years, and it is time to transfer from the Internet industry with no fixed foundation to industrial investment.

Investing in industry can not only help the development of people's livelihood, but also secretly increase one's own influence and **** huge wealth.

A truly successful entrepreneur is one who has money and status, who listens to what he says, and who is safe and secure.

Unfortunately, the Yuande era was founded at the end of last year. When Xu Renshan remembered this, he had already missed the opportunity to become the founder.

However, Yuande Era is not a start-up team, but the power battery department of YTL, which has been developed for many years, was established with strong capital and not short of money at all.

However, after several rounds of financing, it became a unicorn in the field of new energy technology many years later.

Instead, he can buy some shares at the beginning of the other party’s listing a few years later, and cash out at a high point in two years. As for the financing process in the middle, forget it. He would rather spend money tinkering with a new energy vehicle brand.

"Industry?! Let's forget it. I don't have much money, so I can't afford industry. It's okay to buy a building."

After listening to the other party's invitation, Zhang Fengtai shook his head and declined.

In these days, the industry cannot make money as fast as the Internet.

Just like his company’s stock, its video website set up a high-definition film and television channel, and attracted some registered users of the website without charging, and the stock rose by half;

The headquarters of the branch company is completed, and there can be a daily limit;

Publicized the acquisition of one or two game companies outside, and the stock rose again;

In a few days, I will learn from the founder of Xishi and build an ecosystem, and the stock will not fly again.

Like those listed companies that do business, they struggle to make hundreds of millions of profits every year, and the stock price does not move at all. It is too tiring to make money.

What's more, the investment in doing business is huge, and the capital return cycle is long. If you accidentally lose your money, you can't get out easily.

Unlike the Internet industry, where investment risks can be quickly withdrawn, Zhang Fengtai does not want to get bogged down in the industrial field.

“That would be a shame.”

Seeing that the other party was not interested, Xu Renshan, who successfully changed the subject, shook his head and sighed.

At this moment, Chen Tianyi, who finished the phone call, came back, saw someone else was there, and gave his niece and son-in-law a look: "What are you talking about?"

"I said I wanted to invest in industries, but Mr. Zhang said that Internet companies are more profitable."

Regarding the previous topic of the two, Xu Renshan summed it up in a relatively short sentence.

“The internet loses more money.”

Hearing this topic, Chen Tianyi raised his eyebrows and added a sentence with emotion.

There are still a few of the leading figures who stepped into this industry with him back then.

Just now, he learned from an old friend that DiDi’s difficulties cannot be solved by funds.

If fails to transform in a short period of time and maintain user loyalty, it may be a waste of money.

However, no one can say for sure what the future holds.

The risks involved, he did not exaggerate.

Of course, investment is impossible to reinvest.

If the founder of could find new investors, it would be one willing to fight and one willing to suffer.

Breaking people's fortunes is like making a deadly enemy, even if the status is as Chen Tianyi, he will not rashly break this rule.

"That's right, I think back then."

With Chen Tianyi talking, Zhang Fengtai began to recall the past, with embarrassment and pride in his eyes.

After all, after the big wave washed the sand, he is still active in front of the winner. He is worth more than tens of billions, so how can he not be proud.

This small gathering of the Internet industry started at 1:30 in the afternoon and continued until 5:00.

"Okay, my brother Xu treats you to dinner, let's all go to his restaurant to join in the fun."

As the lead organizer, Hong Yanchou of Qiandu talked about the dinner arrangement.

Have had afternoon tea at West Lake Hotel for half a day, and then have dinner here, which is somewhat boring.

Coincidentally, Chen Tianyi contacted a barbecue restaurant before, so don't make any supper, just have dinner directly, how lively it is.

"it is good."

As soon as they heard that it was the restaurant owned by the noble son who had a good chat with many bigwigs, everyone present couldn't help being more interested.

Led by several bigwigs, a group of luxury cars drove to Nanshan Bamboo Garden on Zijin Road.

"It's reserved, I'll call and ask."

At this time, Shangguan Mingyan, who had just brought a friend over for dinner, was told that the bamboo garden was occupied by Xiaodi Xu himself, and immediately called.

"Sister Mingyan, what's the matter?"

Receiving the words from the Shangguan elder sister, Xu Renshan, who was chatting with Mr. Chen next to him, asked a little surprised.

Originally, Mr. Chen came here in a Mercedes-Benz S series. The TX headquarters is in Pengcheng, but there is also a branch in Hangzhou, and the pick-up is naturally a luxury car.

It’s just that Mr. Chen came out of the hotel just now and insisted on getting into his Bentley. He said that Mr. Chen’s Rolls-Royce was a class higher than the Mercedes-Benz S series, which made Xu Renshan very helpless.

The rumors in the rivers and lakes must be believed, and you must not believe them all. There are still signs in the dark between Mr. and Mrs. Chen.

"I just want to come to Nanshan Bamboo Garden with my friends for dinner, and I heard that you have reserved the place by yourself."

Everyone has arrived at the door, so Shangguan Mingyan naturally doesn't want to make an extra trip.

"There are still boxes, I'll tell the store manager."

Hearing about this, Xu Renshan immediately agreed.

There are only about forty people in their group, seven or eight boxes are enough, and it is definitely no problem to reserve one for the eldest sister Shangguan.


Hung up the phone, Shangguan Mingyan said to the female friend next to him: "Let's go, I'll take you in to taste the specialties here."

"What kind of person is that little brother Xu you mentioned?"

Following the other party, the young woman in Hermes jacket asked with a smile.

"He, he already has an owner."


When they came to Nanshan Bamboo Garden, Xu Renshan sat in the same private room with two Mr. Chen, Mr. Qiandu Hong, Mr. Yahu Liu, and Mr. S Hu Zhang. The rest of them found their own small circles.

The status in the circle is thus invisibly divided.

For this dinner, Xu Renshan had someone prepare 200,000 high-end ingredients, and also took out 20 bottles of Lafite and Conti from his wife's private wine cellar, with a potential value of more than 600,000 to 700,000 yuan. million.

The organization of this kind of gathering is not something ordinary people can afford.

Eating the delicacies prepared in advance by the restaurant, Xu Renshan, who was half full, did not invite a professional barbecue chef to come over, but took the initiative to take charge of the barbecue in the private room.

The people at the scene are considered to be the most beautiful group of people on the Internet in recent years. At this time last year, he was still a dispensable substitute teacher, but now he is chatting and laughing with these people at the same table.

The world is really changeable.

"Xiao Chen, the video website under your group has developed rapidly recently. How many registered members have been added to the several online dramas exclusively cooperated with Qingguo Entertainment?"

After eating barbecue and drinking Romanee-Conti, Zhang Fengtai, who was quite comfortable, asked Chen Tianyi next to him.

His age is about the same as Old Chen, and he is six or seven years older than Chen Tianyi. With his status as an Internet senior, there is nothing wrong with calling him Xiao Chen.

"Not much, just an increase of more than 7 million."

(end of this chapter)