Chapter 416: The difference between seizing the day and night and eager for quick success

Chapter 416 The difference between seizing the day and night and eager for quick success

"Oh, my sister-in-law wants to come over, so I won't order."

Regarding this question, Xu Renshan also replied with a toothache.

He just sent a message to his wife to report the itinerary, but he didn't expect that the black silk sister-in-law was nearby, saying that he would come to see and get some business for her office.

In order to show his magnanimity, Xu Renshan agreed unceremoniously.

What a ghost business, just relying on Auntie Heisi and her foreign beauty partner, it is too late to handle the business of the company under the name of their husband and wife, and they still want to get business from these Internet tycoons.

Not to mention whether the business volume is enough, but based on their qualifications and actual level, which Internet giant can trust their business to their firm.

Obviously, that sister-in-law Heisi came to find fault with him.

"Xiao Xu, you have to take it easy, you are still young."

Hearing this, Hong Yanchou made a meaningful point, his eyes full of understanding.

The rest of the people listened and nodded in agreement.

Wine is really a good thing. After drinking it, the friendship between men quickly heats up, and the topic is naturally released.


Knowing that this kind of thing is getting darker and darker, Xu Renshan doesn't bother to defend himself.

Others say that my sister-in-law is half of my brother-in-law’s padded jacket, but for his sister-in-law in black silk, it would be nice not to regard him as an enemy.

Soon, five young ladies with proud figures and sensual clothes walked in, and the five battle-tested internet bosses praised in their hearts one after another.

Little brother, he is also a member of my generation! !


Perhaps it was because several big bosses have always kept a low profile, only Mr. Chen was recognized by the five young ladies at the scene, and their eyes were full of love when they looked at him.

Even the handsome guy who makes people fall in love at a glance is not as charming as Mr. Chen at this time.

Who can refuse a man who can empty the shopping cart anytime, anywhere, no matter how old that man is, his body is still full of incomparably shining light.

The people in this place are all good people, and they quickly guessed that the rest of them are worth a lot of money, and the smiles on their faces are unprecedentedly sincere.

With the participation of several young ladies, the atmosphere in the box quickly heated up.

However, the bosses refrained from ordering wine, but simply ordered tea drinks and fruits, so as not to get really drunk and make a joke.

You know, the identities of these people and any indecent news can make the company's stock price drop by several points.

When the stock price of a listed company is several points, the valuation is hundreds of millions or billions, and the members of the board of directors will call to ask for accountability, which has become a joke in the industry.


Within a few minutes, a young and beautiful girl wearing a certain brand of coat came in, came to Xu Renshan's side and yelled sweetly.

Before sitting down, Shi Qingxue naturally took off her coat and handed it to the waiter, revealing the casual black knee-length skirt and the conspicuous Balenciaga black silk on the calf, which was a bit dazzling.

Even though the other five singing assistant girls are even more impressive in stature, they are all overshadowed by the dazzling light of Miss Shiguang Group who pays equal attention to appearance, figure and temperament.

A woman’s perception of a man is comprehensive in many aspects. Even some girls with a particularly prominent heart can only make men’s eyes shine again and again.

However, to finally form a specific impression in a man's heart, it still depends on the comprehensive quality of various aspects.

That's why there is a distinction between amazing life and gentle years, as well as the classification of white moonlight and cinnabar mole.

Shi Qingxue, who grew up in a wealthy family, has an aura that the other five girls can't compare to whenever she stops there.

However, it’s just a quick glance, the bosses have already passed the state of calmness.

"This is Shiguang Group's Shijia girl?!"

Chen Tianhe, who had grown up in Hangzhou for many years, asked about the other party's identity.

Hangcheng said that it is not small, but it is not big. He has heard about the Shiguang Group that spans many industries, and even the subsidiaries of the Ahri Group have cooperation with each other.

"Hello, Uncle Chen, my father Shi Shiliang often mentions you to me, saying that your achievements are beyond his reach in this lifetime."

Seeing this famous entrepreneur in Hangzhou and even the whole country, Shi Qingxue's attitude was very respectful, but also decent and generous.

The Shiguang Group founded by her father is not small in size. Shi Qingxue knows more billionaires, so her vision naturally increases.

Anyway, no matter how rich she is, she is not as rich as her cousin.

Looking at the rest of the internet giants, as the founder of a law firm, Shi Qingxue can still recognize them all.

It seems that when I received a message from this cousin's husband at the cousin's house before, the other party really did not lie, and he did not take the opportunity to come out and flirt.

It's just that the other party knew she would come, so they didn't order a so-called 'princess', obviously wary of her.

Being so cautious, there must be deceit later.

Man, after having money, there is no one who does not steal outside.

Even if she values ​​money and career like her father, she still didn't raise a young woman outside, but her 'stepmother' guessed it and pretended not to know it, and acted sensiblely as the hostess of a rich family.

This is also the reason why Shi Qingxue has never found a boyfriend. If she finds someone who is not as good as her, she may even use her money to raise a lover. Thinking about it makes people feel sick.

"Haha, your father has won the prize."

Hearing this outstanding young girl's praise, Chen Tianhe was very grateful.

However, when he mentioned the president of Shiguang Group, he only used the name of the other party's father.

Chen Tianhe, who knew some inside information, was very displeased with that Shi Shiliang, especially the younger brother's wife was the protagonist of that anecdote.

"Uncles, I offer you a toast with tea instead of wine."

Didn't see any wine in the box, Shi Qingxue picked up a cup of warm tea, smiled and said to several Internet bosses, the overall image is dignified and generous, showing the demeanor of the eldest lady of the family.

"it is good."

For Brother Xu's sister-in-law, Chen Tianyi and the others raised their teacups and took a sip with dignity.

In just a few minutes after entering the door, Shi Qingxue, who was calm and breezy, completely stole the limelight from the other five girls.

However, the atmosphere in the private room was still warm, and Chen Tianhe even pulled the girl beside him to sing "Lovesickness in the Rain and Rain". The pitch was basically not accurate, and the other singing assistants shook their faces. Rattles and little slaps that lift the mood.

Even Xu Renshan, at the inexplicable invitation of his cousin, sang the song "I Want to Sing Me to You", and always felt that the other party's eyes were a little strange.

"By the way, Ren Shan, did your company come out with an inside message to make people not buy shares in Xishi Films?"

After taking a sip of tea, Chen Tianyi, who had just finished singing a song with the ultra-short cheongsam girl beside him, asked about his nephew and son-in-law.

"Where did Uncle Chen hear about it?"

I didn't expect that the internal news of my company had only been out for a few days, and this little Mr. Chen had heard about it. Xu Renshan was a little surprised.

He didn't intend to hide the news, and he couldn't hide it, so he naturally didn't issue a password to the company's internal staff, but it was unexpected that it spread so quickly.

"Where else do I need to hear, most of the film and television circles know about it."

After explaining a sentence, Chen Tianyi directly asked the other party's thoughts: "Are you not optimistic about the development prospects of the entire ecosystem of Xishi Group?"

"It's not that I'm not optimistic about the development prospects of the entire ecosystem, but I'm not optimistic about Xishi Group. There is an essential difference between Xingtian dancing with relatives and wielding a big stick with children."

Seeing this uncle ask, Xu Renshan was outspoken and expressed his true thoughts.

Even if the funds are as large as the Ali Group and TX Group, it will take a lot of effort to develop multiple subsidiaries in the future, and it will take more than ten years to slowly complete the layout of the semi-ecological chain.

Now, the Xishi Group, whose annual revenue is only a few hundred million, is claiming to complete the layout of the entire ecological chain within a few years and create a closed-loop kingdom of self-production and self-sale.

The Mr. Zhen from Xishi gave speeches everywhere and asked people to invest in shares. Every presentation was full of enthusiasm, which set off the atmosphere of the audience to the extreme.

It can only be said that the dreamer has been dreaming for a long time, and even the dreamer himself believes it.

"With the size of Xishi Group, it is really impossible to complete the construction of the ecosystem in a short period of time."

After hearing what the little brother said, Hong Yanchou affirmed the other party's statement.

If it was that easy to complete a complete ecosystem, they would have completed it long ago at Qiandu, and it would be the turn of the up-and-comer Xishi to jump around there.

"Another point is that Mr. Zhen from Xishi's speech in front of investors includes investment in various industries. Among them, the industries that Xishi Group focuses on development will never tell outsiders how to ensure investors' returns. The profit and loss of the company depends solely on their mouths. I don't deny that Xishi Group may usher in a glorious period in a short period of time, but the risks will only increase. Once there is a problem in one of the links, it will be the collapse of the entire company. Group industry chain."

Perhaps because he drank some wine today, Xu Renshan talked a little too much, pointing out the risks of ordinary people investing in Xishi Group.

In his impression, Xishi did have a glorious period in the next two or three years. The revenue was extremely inflated, but the profit was tepid. Basically, it was a false prosperity accumulated with investors' funds.

It’s like a house of building blocks that are piled up in a mess. They are piled up very quickly, and one of them starts to shake, which can cause the whole house to collapse in an instant.

However, a few years later, Mr. Zhen lived a very good life abroad. His family held hundreds of millions of trust fund interest, and they didn't have to worry about food and drink. The only ones who cried were those investors who lost their money.

"The supervision in this area is really difficult to achieve."

Zhang Fengtai, who deeply sympathized, nodded in approval.

S Hu is now at his peak, he is proud of himself, and he hates some chaos in the industry.

"I was in a group chat just now, and I saw that old Zhen was talking about you Qingguo Entertainment, saying that you have shallow eyes, and that sister Huachen is operating behind the scenes to suppress dissidents. I guess many people in the entertainment circle know the news , His newly established Xishi Film Industry is in a hurry to raise funds, and you are directly poaching his corner."

Did not deny the statement of the eldest niece and son-in-law, Chen Tianyi smiled and talked about the news he just saw in Weiwei Group.

At the end of last year, Xishi Films was just established, and Xishi, which had no extra funds, naturally aimed at stars in the entertainment industry who had money but no place to invest.

That Mr. Zhen has a good eloquence, and he attracts celebrities to join him by using the cakes that will be listed separately in the future. There is an example of the Huachen sisters who are the first film and television companies, which really attracted many people.

It's just that at this juncture, Qingguo Entertainment, which is booming, suddenly issued an internal announcement, asking their company's artists to cautiously participate in the investment of Xishi Films.

As Qingguo Entertainment is now cooperating closely with the Huachen sisters, those who are concerned will certainly think that the industry giants intend to suppress the newly established Xishi Films and exclude dissidents.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, not to mention the entertainment circle that is open to the wind on all sides. In just a few days, it has spread to most of the entertainment circle.

"The expression on Mr. Zhen's face must be wonderful."

With a word of emotion, Xu Renshan also showed a little wind: "I didn't force the company's artists to invest in Xishi Films, but I said that the company's virtual share subscription will be opened at the end of the year, so they might as well save more money and buy their own company at that time." shares."

Xu Renshan didn't care about the possibility of offending Xishi Group.

The Xishi film industry has just been established, and it is targeting the big screen market, and there will be no outstanding masterpieces in the future, so it is not worth mentioning at all.

Even the Xishi Group itself has a market value of several billion now, and the Yuming Group in his hands can overwhelm the other party.

He has more than money, he has more than resources, and he has more than connections. Xu Renshan doesn't know why he has any reason to be afraid of him.

If they really want to launch a ruthless attack, with the current scale of their Qingguo Entertainment, it is not a big problem at all to attack the development of Xishi Films.

"What, your Qingguo Entertainment wants to raise money?"

Hearing what the other party said, Chen Tianhe asked in surprise, and the rest of the people looked sideways.

Although Qingguo Entertainment has only risen for less than a year, it has already revealed the trend of entertainment aircraft carriers. Buying a ticket to board the ship at this time is absolutely guaranteed to make money.

"No, the company is not short of funds for the time being, and I don't plan to let Qingguo Entertainment go public."

Shaking his head, Xu Renshan, who knew what these bigwigs were thinking, spoke bluntly and dispelled the idea of ​​these people getting involved in the shares of Qingguo Entertainment.

Different from Yuming Group, Qingguo Entertainment mainly focuses on artists, and the rest of the staff are also well-paid, and they are not under the pressure of being pushed forward to go public.

What's more, now that Qingguo Entertainment's various projects are on track, and the funds are collected in a timely manner, there is no need to worry about the shortage of funds.

Xu Renshan, who is not short of money, does not need to go public to collect money.

"Ha ha."

Listening to this little brother's rich and willful behavior, the rest of the people also shook their heads and laughed, feeling in their hearts that the waves behind the Yangtze River will push the waves ahead.

"Brother Renshan, according to your opinion, it is still feasible to speculate in the shares of Xishi Group in a short period of time."

Not concerned about the future prosperity of Xishi Group, Liu Yuan smiled and asked a relatively superficial question.

For everyone present, making money by speculating in stocks is indeed a bit superficial, especially speculating in competitors' stocks.

"When building blocks, there must be a certain height at the beginning. The faster you build, the more unstable the foundation will be. When you reach a certain height, there will definitely be a risk of collapse."

After listening to the other party's question, Xu Renshan didn't answer clearly, but used a more vivid metaphor.

Undoubtedly, if Mr. Zhen fought steadily, he might not be able to survive ten years later, but his methods were too radical and he was eager for success.

Things in the world are like this, coupled with the impetuous social atmosphere, seizing the day and night has become the reason for those young entrepreneurs to forge ahead bravely, and in the end they all become eager for quick success.

Just like him, last year he continued to withdraw his wife’s spare funds, just to get all the fancy projects in his pocket. Renyu’s investment expanded to nearly 3 billion in just half a year.

Of course, unlike those entrepreneurs who are eager for quick success, Xu Renshan is standing on the shoulders of the giants of the sky. Any investment of tens of millions may return billions in the future.

"Brother Renshan, with your speaking skills, you can become a stock analyst."

Regarding this little brother's cryptic expression, Liu Yuan smiled and picked up his teacup to respect him.

“I don’t buy stocks myself, I only let professionals operate my investment.”

Regarding this point, Xu Renshan is very modest.

If he is asked to actually operate stocks, it is estimated that he is no different from retail investors, chasing ups and downs, and he has no ability to earn from 20,000 to 10 million in a year like those masters.

He buys long-term stocks, invests in value, and is a friend of time.


Shi Qingxue, who was sitting next to her cousin-in-law, couldn't help but a strange look flashed in her eyes when she saw this brat who was once prejudiced, and now he was chatting and laughing happily with Internet bigwigs who were worth no less than her father.

I have to admit that this fast-growing young handsome guy is indeed worthy of the crazyness of ordinary girls, but her cousin should not be an ordinary girl.

As for the singing assistants, they sat obediently aside, listening to industry anecdotes that had nothing to do with them, their eyes full of little stars.

In a job like theirs, they often meet local tyrants, but the chance to meet such an Internet boss is very rare, and it can even be said that this may only happen once in a lifetime.

Get some inside information, not to mention showing off in front of the little sisters, even investment has a way.

For example, the stock of Xishi Group is likely to skyrocket in the next two years. Going back and buying the money in the bank card is definitely right.

"Should I take you back?"

Late at night, Xu Renshan, who had finished singing K, asked his sister-in-law Hei Si beside him.

(end of this chapter)