Chapter 419: Corporate Culture and Uninvited Guests

Chapter 419 Corporate Culture and Uninvited Guests

"Brother Xu, I will trouble you with this matter."

Having received the other party's promise, Chen Zhimin, who rashly called the young rich man who had acquainted with him, was relieved.

He was really afraid that his face would not be enough, and he would not be able to handle the matter of his niece asking him for help.

"Brother Chen is polite."

Hung up the phone, Xu Renshan sent a message to the female assistant, telling her to go downstairs and wait for that Jin Jingjing to come over.

Jin Jingjing participated in the "Glory of the Tang Dynasty" produced by the company before, and had some contact with some artists of the company. I don't know where I heard that today is the internal resource allocation meeting of Qingguo Entertainment, so I asked her uncle to call. I want to participate in today's audition.

Although there is currently no contact with Mr. Chen of Modu Fuyou Group, since the other party called in person, Xu Renshan must give him face.

Anyway, based on the company's current resources, there are simply not enough female artists to sign contracts, and the rest of the resources will have to be contacted with artists from other companies.

These days, my uncle still cares about his niece's affairs, and even calls to ask for help because of her hobby.

"let's start."

Several film directors on the side saw the big boss hang up the phone, and after getting the other party's approval, they started today's audition.

Relatively speaking, Qingguo Entertainment's approach is still very enlightened, and it does not randomly direct the filming of the movie.

Even if the artistes of the company are arranged, it is after the audition of the male one male two and the female one female two to see if they are suitable.

As a result, there will definitely be a role as a company artist.

In addition, they don't have to worry about too much demand from the management, because the company has money and occupies a dominant position.

Filming here is really blissful.

"Boss, good morning. Dear directors, good morning..."

Looking at Yang Jinxi who was the first to come in, Xu Renshan secretly looked at the other person's body characteristics, and did not disturb the directors' questions and audition requirements.

Because it is only the role assignment within Qingguo Entertainment, the directors are also very tolerant to the artists, giving each artist enough time to perform, and asking very specific questions, trying to find common points between the artist's image and role.

When the third female artist, Chen Liusu, was auditioning, Xu Renshan saw the female assistant at the door. After nodding, he spoke to Director Xu next to him, then got up and walked out the door.

"Mr. Xu, hello."

"Miss Jin, hello."

In the chairman's office, Xu Renshan saw Jin Jingjing in a white dress, and had a polite chat.

Perhaps it was because he had been prepared for a long time. It was only half an hour after he received the call from the other party's uncle, and the other party arrived at the headquarters of Qingguo Entertainment.

It's very possible that the other party came at this time, lest it would appear presumptuous to appear too soon.

In contrast, Jin Jingjing, who was sitting there, was a little apprehensive.

Although the other party was a few years older than her, it made her feel a lot of pressure.

Before she didn't know the result, she rushed from Shanghai to Hangzhou, really afraid that her uncle's face would not be enough, so she would be rejected by the other party.

"Jingwen, take Miss Jin to the independent lounge and arrange for the staff to do auxiliary work."

After chatting, Xu Renshan called the female secretary and asked her to arrange the relationship.

Since looking at that Mr. Chen's face, he should be treated equally and let the other party enjoy the treatment of a female artist within the company.

As for whether you can be selected by the director, it depends on the other party's acting skills and abilities.

However, Jin Jingjing is still very serious about acting now, and with her background in a major, it is not a problem to win a few roles under her conditions.

"Okay. Miss Kim, please follow me."

Understanding what the boss meant, Jiang Jingwen, who was wearing a black lady's suit and short skirt with shredded meat, walked gracefully and led the beautiful female artist from outside to the independent lounge.

Having been with the boss for so long, Jiang Jingwen knows very well that the boss still gives preferential treatment to the company's female artists, especially beautiful female artists.

If it were someone else, she might feel that she had some other purpose; but if it were her own boss, Jiang Jingwen would only feel that the other party was sympathetic.

It's a pity, after so long, none of the company's female artists have received special treatment, and they haven't attracted the handsome young boss.

As long as the boss hooks his fingers, he guesses that many female artists are willing to flatter him.

I can only say that the boss is so loyal to that stunning lady.

Soon, Jiang Jingwen brought the foreign female artist to a 20-square-meter lounge, and arranged for a young female staff member to cooperate.

"Special Assistant Jiang, can all these roles be chosen?"

After taking a folder handed over by the other party, Jin Jingjing, who opened it and looked at it twice, couldn't help calling the chairman's secretary who was about to leave, and asked in surprise.

"Of course. If Miss Jin has anything to say to Xiao Li, or ask Xiao Li to pass it on to me."

Nodding her head, Jiang Jingwen replied affirmatively, she was not surprised by the surprised expression of the female artist.


Reducing the surprise in his eyes, Jin Jingjing sat on the sofa and looked at the contents of the folder.

Those entertainers who estimated the outside world would go crazy when they saw this document.

Perhaps, the agency company her uncle founded for her is completely unnecessary, she can join Qingguo Entertainment, or open a small studio under the other company's banner.

Sometimes, capital can invite those big-name artists to cooperate, but they cannot get high-quality resources.

Because high-quality resources are in the hands of other capital.

Soon, Jin Jingjing put aside those unnecessary thoughts and carefully looked through the list of resources.

After staying at the headquarters of Qingguo Entertainment Company for half a day, Xu Renshan came to Yuming Company to deal with daily affairs.

However, on a resignation report, the pen in his hand hesitated for a moment, and then pressed the call button on the landline next to him: "Let Manager Liu from the marketing department come to my office."


Within a few minutes, Liu Nalan, who was wearing a decent blue lady's suit, walked into the chairman's office led by Special Assistant Jiang, and said hello respectfully: "Boss, good afternoon."

Suddenly called to the office by the big boss, Liu Nalan felt a little uneasy, afraid that she might not do well.

She is younger than the middle management of any department, and her qualifications are shallow, so she is likely to be unstable in her position.

These days, she not only signed up for weekend refresher courses, but also worked hard to read related books on weekdays to improve her inner ability.

"Sit, coffee or tea?"

Looking up from the document, Xu Renshan saw the nervousness of the other party, and asked with a smile.

"I'd better drink tea."

Looking at the coffee cup at the boss's hand, Liu Nalan, who was thinking quickly, chose tea.

As a subordinate, how can he drink the same thing as the boss? Isn't it offside.

However, it must not be a bad thing for the boss to ask her what to drink with such a smile, which made Liu Nalan feel relieved.


Give the female secretary a look, Xu Renshan smiled and asked about the business: "Your deputy manager of the marketing department, Zhang Hangying, why are you suddenly resigning?"

Although Mr. Fan has been fully authorized, the change of positions above the deputy manager of the department requires his signature as the chairman to take effect.

In Xu Renshan's impression, the deputy manager Zhang was only in his thirties, and he resigned within four months of joining the company. There must be something strange about it.

In his previous life, he was in his thirties, and now he has been in charge of several companies for more than half a year. Xu Renshan is not easily fooled by his subordinates.

"Boss, there is something wrong with Deputy Manager Zhang's family, and her five-year-old daughter is sick"

Hearing the boss asked about this matter, Liu Nalan, who was completely relieved, began to tell what happened to her right-hand deputy.

There are two things that can make a young woman in the rising career period give up a well-paid job, one is love, and the other is family.

The story that happened to the deputy manager Zhang is very old-fashioned, but also very realistic.

Her daughter has a disease that is difficult to cure, and it will not be cured for a while. She needs an adult to accompany her to the provincial capital where her hometown is for treatment.

Both the husband and wife work here in Hangzhou, Zhang Hangying can only sacrifice himself, resign and take her daughter to the provincial hospital for medical treatment.

Compared with her daughter's health, work is naturally the option that Zhang Hangying is willing to give up.

The joys and sorrows of ordinary people are so simple and revealing.

"Her daughter's illness, can't the Provincial Children's Insurance here in Hangzhou cure it?"

Unexpectedly, it was a child's disease. Xu Renshan, who had heard of the reputation of Jiang Provincial Children's Hospital, asked.

After knowing the reason, he felt a little paranoid.

"Her daughter doesn't have medical insurance here in Hangzhou, and the cost may not be affordable."

Speaking of this question, Liu Nalan also sighed.

"Well, let's keep the other party's position and treatment for now. If the daughter of Deputy Manager Zhang comes to Hangzhou for treatment, the company will be responsible for her daughter's medical insurance reimbursement."

Xu Renshan, who fantasizes that he will have a daughter in the future, also feels sympathy for this sad parent's experience, and temporarily puts the other party's resignation report on hold.

As an entrepreneur with a sense of social responsibility, Xu Renshan feels that an employee's immediate family member has an accident and must be taken care of.

Making money is the purpose of doing business, but not the only purpose.

If you are poor, you will take care of yourself alone;

"Okay, I will thank the boss on behalf of Deputy Manager Zhang."

Hearing such a humane arrangement from the boss, Liu Nalan excitedly got up and saluted.

She knows how reluctant the deputy who is in the rising stage of his career is for the current working environment.

"Okay, what's the mood of the company's ordinary employees recently?"

Waved his hands, Xu Renshan and Manager Liu chatted about the working conditions of ordinary employees of the company.

He is not responsible for the daily operations of the company, but occasionally he still needs to care about it, see the details, and control the general direction of the company.

As one of the founders of the business, Liu Nalan can be regarded as his hard-core confidant, and also a channel for supervising Mr. Fan.

It is one thing to know people and make good use of them, but it is another thing to have a heart.

After chatting for half an hour, after Manager Liu left, Xu Renshan came to the deputy general manager's office in person: "President Fan, are you busy?"

Actually, Fan Deyi is the vice president in name, but in essence he has the same authority as the general manager.

When the group reorganization is completed, Xu Renshan will also hand over the position of general manager to the other party and retreat behind the scenes.

"Boss, please sit down."

Seeing the big boss coming in person, Fan Deyi put down the documents in his hand, greeted him personally and sat on the sofa, and asked his assistant to bring him tea.

"Just now I saw the resignation report of the deputy manager of the marketing department."

After sitting down, Xu Renshan directly talked about what happened to Deputy Manager Zhang, and then extended to the issue of the treatment of employees.

Put yourself and others in mind. Any employee who encounters a problem with his immediate family member will choose to temporarily give up his job.

Now that he knows about this, Xu Renshan is going to put this medical benefit on the agenda as soon as possible, so that all employees of Yuming Group have a sense of belonging and happiness.

"Boss, I didn't pay enough attention to this problem. I will review it with you."

Hearing that the big boss mentioned the deputy manager who voluntarily resigned, and incidentally brought up the issue of medical insurance services for employees, Fan Deyi quickly started a review.

This kind of routine matter should have been thought of by his subordinate, but now it is brought up by the boss.

"Mr. Fan has been busy recently, so don't take it to heart. Taking advantage of this opportunity, our company will improve the protection of employees' immediate family members."

Waved his hand, and didn't ask Vice President Fan to do any review, Xu Renshan talked about the implementation of this work in a matter-of-fact manner.

Basically, the employees who previously signed contracts with Yuming Group have three social insurances and one housing fund. After receiving 3.5 billion funds from two bottling company bosses, they have been upgraded to five insurances and one housing fund, but this coverage does not include immediate family members.

According to Xu Renshan's plan in mind, their group will spend 100 million each year to establish a medical assistance fund within the group as medical subsidies for employees and their immediate family members.

He wants to let the employees of Yuming Group feel the warmth of the company and enable them to take care of the young and old at home.

Even, the annual medical assistance funds have a balance, which can also be extended to the housing subsidies for employees.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to formulate relevant plans and subsidy standards."

Fan Deyi, who has long been accustomed to the behavior of the big boss throwing money, has no objection and nods directly.

If he refuses this task, it is estimated that the employees of the entire group will be flooded with saliva, and he will never even think about leading a team in the future.

"Thank you, Mr. Fan."

After finishing the order, Xu Renshan left the deputy general manager's office without disturbing the other party's work.

The general policy has been set, and the remaining specific affairs are handed over to the subordinates to execute.

As the saying goes, the boss speaks. Ahem, the boss only needs to grasp the direction of the rudder, and the giant ship can sail to the beautiful shore.

Back home, while having dinner, Xu Renshan casually mentioned this matter to his wife.

"Husband, didn't you ask me what the culture of a company is. Now, what you are doing is the best corporate culture."

Hearing her husband's bold words and feats, Shi Yuxuan's face was full of pride.

It is conceivable that after this measure is implemented, the employees of the entire Yuming Group will be grateful to their husband and work harder.

Moreover, the authority of the chairman, husband, will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

“There is no absolute standard for corporate culture, but it is the real corporate culture that can increase employees’ sense of belonging. Renshan’s move makes me feel great.”

As the owner of a wine estate with over one billion dollars in assets, Hu Qingxue naturally has a deep understanding of business operations, and she also approves of this son-in-law's behavior.

Actually, it’s not that other entrepreneurs don’t know about this practice, but they just don’t want to.

What they want to do more is to invest limited funds into production to create more value and achieve greater profits.

And this kind of medical assistance fund for employees has no return on production value at all, and it cannot even be canceled halfway, otherwise it will cause a vicious rebound.

Many successful entrepreneurs can do it for a year or two, but it is difficult to keep doing it.

As the saying goes, easier said than done.

This son-in-law from an ordinary family has such a heart, which definitely impresses her.

"Aunt Xue, you praise me like this, it's easy to make me proud."

Hearing the praise from his wife and Aunt Xue, Xu Renshan replied with a modest smile.


On February 8, 2012, the night of the 17th day of the first lunar month, Qingguo Entertainment held a large-scale celebration banquet to celebrate the box office of the company's first independent film "Charlotte Annoyance" breaking through 500 million.

Obviously, "Charlotte Annoyance", which was released in theaters for 18 days, has shown signs of decline. The daily box office has fallen below 10 million. Although it occupies the throne of the daily box office champion, it is difficult to break the shackles of 600 million.

Simply put, Qingguo Entertainment didn't wait until the film was released, and regarded the 500 million box office celebration reception as a celebration banquet for the entire movie.

"President Xu, congratulations."

Just as Xu Renshan was chatting with Mr. Zhou, who came to congratulate Huachen, a strange baritone sounded beside him.

(end of this chapter)