Chapter 421: It turned out to be such a person! ! !

Chapter 421 Turns out to be such a person!

"Did you drink today?"

Looking at Liu Tianxian's beautiful blushing face, Xu Renshan asked with a smile.

Not to mention, Liu Tianxian, who is wearing a white diamond-encrusted dress today, is indeed so beautiful that other girls have to avoid her.

The only shortcoming is that under the effect of the waist of the dress, it becomes stylish.

Xu Renshan, who had measured it on the spot, also felt a little dry.

"Drank a little. After the drinking party, my mother and I told Xiao Di and the others that we would go back later."

Leaning close to the other party, Liu Fei raised her head and said.

Perhaps because of the alcohol, she was much more courageous than before, and there was a bit of bewildered charm in her eyes.

"I remember you released a record two years ago, is that white dress still there?"

With a charming smile on the corner of his mouth, Xu Renshan asked a more meaningful question softly.

Occasionally, he browses online social media, but he sees many sand sculpture netizens commenting on the music MV shot by Liu Tianxian in his early years. Xu Renshan also appreciates and judges it several times.

When he thought of a certain scene, his blood flow rate increased by another 30%.

"Yes, just a few days ago I sorted out those old clothes in the house here in Hangcheng. Wait a minute, I'll show you how to wear them."

After listening to the other party's request, Liu Fei blushed even more, and readily agreed to the other party's 'unreasonable request'.

She has preserved all the commemorative clothes.

Unexpectedly, the young rich man turned out to be such a person!

If it were someone else, she would definitely cast aside some disciple in her heart, but now hearing the other party mention it, Liu Fei only felt shy in her heart.

"it is good."

With one hand in his trouser pocket, Xu Renshan felt that he needed to drink a glass of ice water to cool down his anger. He couldn't wait for the celebration party to end soon.

At 8:30 in the evening, the two-hour celebration banquet ended, Xu Renshan reported to his wife the itinerary to go out for supper, and came to a certain house to eat a special 'night supper'.

"Shocking news! What is the hundreds of millions of gambles for?!"

"Shocked! Mr. Zhen of Xishi Group and the chairman of Qingguo Entertainment signed a gambling agreement worth hundreds of millions!"

"The 500 million celebration banquet of "Charlotte Annoyance", the CEO of Xishi Group came to smash the scene in person!"

"President Zhen of Xishi Group boasted that the annual revenue will exceed 10 billion in three years!"

"The chairman of Qingguo Entertainment predicted that Xishi would go bankrupt in five years!"

"Anecdote about capital, the grievances between Xishi Group and Qingguo Entertainment!"

"The past and present of hundreds of millions of gambling agreements!"

February 9th, Thursday, an ordinary working day, the headlines of the major entertainment media were all about the big news of the billion-dollar gambling agreement between Xishi Group and Qingguo Entertainment, which directly overshadowed the box office of "Charlotte Annoyance" The news of breaking 500 million.

On the contrary, the mainstream media treated this matter coldly.

After all, in their eyes, it is inappropriate for capital to make random publicity to the public. The news they publicize must have positive energy.

However, it is precisely that netizen who prefers such legendary news, which has caused all major online media to enter an inexplicable state. They dig deep into this matter one after another, insisting on writing an article about the two companies A series of grievances and hatreds with a million words.

No way, since the big melon in the Hong Kong entertainment circle in the middle of last year, there has been no big news worth talking about recently, and the online news writers are a little itchy.

Everything is for bonus.

"Let them control public opinion and try to downplay my name."

Received a report from the female secretary early in the morning, Xu Renshan didn't care, but didn't want his name to appear in the news.

He can make major news media move in such a short period of time, and there is no push behind him. He does not believe it a hundred times.

Whether President Zhen of the Xishi Group wants to take the opportunity to restore his reputation, or someone behind the scenes is planning a conspiracy, Xu Renshan only needs soldiers to cover the water and soil and sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

As for downplaying his own name, Xu Renshan didn't think it was difficult. After all, he had some relationship with the bosses of TX, Qiandu, Yahu and other websites.

"Okay, I've made arrangements."

As for the low-key of the big boss, Jiang Jingwen, who is well aware of this point, has already notified the personnel of the public relations department to downplay it. Now the boss's full name does not appear on the news of major websites.

Although Qingguo Entertainment only made a sudden rise last year, it was reported on the Internet that it has a deep background, and the major online media are very generous, and did not mention the real name of the chairman of Qingguo Entertainment.

From those news, netizens only know that the chairman of Qingguo Entertainment is very good, but they don't know the other party's name.

Of course, those who have good intentions dig deep into the person, and even find out the name of the other party from the industrial and commercial registration information, but under the suppression of the people who care about it, they can't make any waves.

Everyone just watch the fun and find out what someone is doing.

If no one deliberately guides, there will be no topic. The forgetting nature of the Internet is great, so it will automatically ignore this problem.

At the same time, Song Heli, who was eating breakfast in a villa restaurant in Shanghai, held a local morning newspaper in one hand, his eyes were solemn, and the other hand holding a spoon did not move for a long time.

'It involves a local private enterprise giant in Shanghai, and the construction workers have nowhere to ask for salary. '

After carefully reading this article, Song Heli picked up another daily newspaper again, and the headline of the second edition was astonishingly "The top three giants of the local private enterprises in Shanghai are subcontracted layer by layer, shoddy as good." '

His eyes shrank slightly, and instead of reading the article, Song Heli opened the third city newspaper, and the headline on the first page read, "The market value of 100 billion was accumulated with the hard-earned money of migrant workers!" '

After a brief moment of anger, years of business career made him calm down quickly, and Song Heli ate his breakfast slowly at his usual speed.

After rinsing his mouth, he walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down. Song Heli picked up his mobile phone and called his assistant: "Before I arrive at the company, I will find out the ins and outs of today's local morning news."


Putting down the phone, Song Heli tapped the armrest of the leather sofa with his left index finger, thinking about the message it represented in his mind.

"Mu Mu, that Boss Zhen of Xishi Group is so annoying, why don't we snipe their group's stock?"

Li Yanfei, who was walking slowly on the treadmill, waved and shouted out of righteous indignation when talking about the Internet news she saw this morning.

She doesn't have much money, but as long as she can vent her anger for Xu Mumu, it's worth losing money.

"How much money do you have? Sniping their company's stock, what impact can it have on the top management."

Glancing at the black tight sweatpants of the long-legged female classmate, Xu Renshan took the initiative to persuade the other party: "If you have spare money, you can buy some stocks in their company in the past two years. When their company's market value exceeds 100 billion, then you can buy some stock in their company." Stock cash out."

Speaking of this, Xu Renshan is also planning to secretly buy some shares of Xishi Group, and make some profits before the opponent's cowhide is broken.

According to the normal trajectory, Xishi Group will show explosive growth in the next two years.

Even though the notice he released inside Qingguo Entertainment influenced the decisions of many stars, their funds were not enough to change the original course of Xishi Group, and the **** would eventually be blown to the sky.

In less than three years, more than 20 times the income, selling steadily in the last crazy period, it is not too beautiful.

As long as he doesn't take the last stick, he will have no psychological burden at all to pit those grapefruits and speculators who took over.

Of course, he will definitely not start in his own name, otherwise he will be ridiculed if it is spread out.

In the name of Yushan Fund, first cash out part of the long-term development stocks and buy some shares of Xishi Group.

Anyway, as long as the shareholding does not exceed 5%, no one will care if there is no need for an announcement.

After two or three years, sell according to the situation, and then repurchase those long-term investment stocks.

"The current market value is 5.8 billion. If you sell it for 100 billion, wouldn't it increase by 20 times?"

After listening to Xu Mutou's words, Li Yanfei turned her head, calculated the profit, and opened her mouth in surprise.

You know, the 50 million Moutai stocks she bought at the other party's suggestion before, have increased by 30 to 40 million in a few months, and Li Yanfei already feels incredible.

As a result, the other party now tells her that a stock can rise 20 times in two or three years.

If she bought all the money in her hand now, wouldn't it be able to become about 3 billion.

After Xu Mutou left the big sister next door, she also has the ability to help the other party make a comeback!

"Why, don't you believe me?"

Glancing at the pretty face of the long-legged female classmate, Xu Renshan glanced down twice. The waves in his heart dissipated in an instant, and it was rare for him to take the initiative to explain to the other party: "According to the previous method of the other party, it will definitely Non-stop financing, investing in several current subsidiaries. With a lot of financial support, and the brains of the decision-makers are not smart, the revenue of Xishi Group will definitely grow rapidly. After that, the other party will continue to raise funds based on this increased performance Invest in new industries. If we really want to achieve tens of billions in revenue, the stock market value of Xishi Group will definitely be pushed to more than 100 billion by those who are interested."


When she was about to say that she believed it, Li Yanfei listened to Xu Mutou's detailed explanation, but she was not so eager to end the topic, and asked actively: "Then you will lose the bet with him?"

At the first moment, Li Yanfei was not happy about the possible 20 times profit, but worried about Xu Mutou's possible compensation and apology after losing.

"If a company with a market value of 100 billion yuan does not increase but declines in revenue, do you think it can continue to raise new funds? If it is revealed that the financial statements are fraudulent, what do you think will happen?"

Smiled, Xu Renshan asked two questions in succession.

“That company will probably collapse with a bang!”

Following Xu Mutou's analysis, Li Yanfei immediately stated the result.

If others hear this, they will definitely have doubts, but Li Yanfei has 100% trust in her Xu Mutou, and it is easy to follow the other party's thinking.

"So you have to buy the stock of Xishi Group, and you have to sell it in time, so as not to make the last wave of profits."

Give the other party a look of approval, Xu Renshan reminded the other party again.

Although the two of them work out together every day, if the other party buys the stock of Xishi Group, Xu Renshan will let the other party stop in time based on the friendship of old classmates.

However, no one knows what the relationship between the two parties will become in two or three years.

"Okay, remember to remind me when the time comes."

After listening to the other party's reminder, Li Yanfei added with a smile.

The female personal trainer who followed her kept quiet all the time, but she was silently attracted to Xishi Group in her heart.

Last year, she heard the two talk about Moutai stock, and bought 50,000 yuan, making a small profit of 30,000 to 40,000 yuan. Now she still regrets buying less.

This time, Bao Jiahui decided to buy all the savings.

As for asking parents to borrow money, forget it, what to do if you lose money, the stock market has changed too much.

What's more, all her savings now add up to 200,000 yuan. If it really increases by 20 times, it will be 4 million yuan, which is enough to buy a house of her own in the metropolis of Hangzhou.

"Husband, come and watch the news."

Just as Xu Renshan went home after washing up and went downstairs to have breakfast, Shi Yuxuan, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room looking at the tablet, waved to him.


Watching his wife's movements, Xu Renshan, who was a little curious, leaned over and saw a news report about a medical dispute on the video.

An old man was seriously ill, and his children took him to a certain hospital for treatment. The other party prescribed imported medicine that could not be reimbursed, and there were a lot of unnecessary examinations.

As a result, the old man's illness did not improve, he stayed in the hospital for more than two months, and finally passed away sadly, leaving behind a lot of unfinished imported medicine and high bills.

The seven-figure medical expenses on the bill cannot be saved by ordinary migrant workers for more than ten years without eating or drinking.

Perhaps after consulting other relevant people, the elderly and children felt that the hospital was prescribing indiscriminately, so they invited media reporters to interview them, and they made a fuss outside the hospital.

“Those whose virtue is not close to Buddha cannot be a doctor; those whose talent is not close to immortals cannot be a doctor.”

Looking at the series of medical expenses listed by the elderly and their children, Xu Renshan frowned and expressed his inner evaluation.

With the acceleration of economic development, the distribution of resources will show a disproportionate ratio, and a serious illness of an immediate family member is likely to make the already poor family worse.

Although relevant departments have vigorously promoted rural medical insurance in recent years, imported drugs needed for the treatment of some diseases are not covered by medical insurance.

The problem reflected in this video is not only the problem of medical insurance reimbursement, but also the factors that the attending doctor may randomly increase inspections and import drugs for the sake of performance.

As far as the imported medicines on the list are concerned, there are so many types that they can be eaten as a meal. How can an old man who is seriously ill be able to eat it.

After all, an old man from an ordinary family only spent two months in the hospital without any major surgery and spent millions.

In the end, the old man passed away, and no one could accept it.

"How about we also invest in opening a hospital to treat patients from ordinary families at the most favorable price."

Shi Yuxuan, who was in the late pregnancy, was sentimental, and immediately made a suggestion.

Meeting her beloved husband, and about to have a baby belonging to them, Shi Yuxuan feels that she has encountered the most beautiful thing in the world, and wants to return her kindness to the world.


Didn't say anything frustrating about the heavy responsibility and long way to go, Xu Renshan nodded with certainty.

As long as the wife is happy, all the troubles behind the scenes will naturally be taken care of by him, the husband.

"At that time, we will find a few more people to be honorary directors, and the first one is your eldest sister Shangguan."

Knowing the troubles involved, the sober Shi Yuxuan smiled and talked about one of the plans.

Finding a group of high-level figures can effectively resist troubles in the dark and allow the hospital to operate normally.

It's true that she wants to do good deeds, but it doesn't mean she and her husband are causing trouble.

"The wife is far-sighted, and she is not as good as her husband."

Helping his wife up from the sofa, Xu Renshan praised with a smile.

"Ha ha."

Hearing her husband's usual admiration, Shi Yuxuan couldn't help but smile coquettishly.

Being with the one you love, every little thing, every ordinary love word can make people feel happy.

After breakfast, it was raining lightly outside, Shi Yuxuan wanted to go for a walk by the West Lake on a whim, Xu Renshan naturally had no objection.

As for company affairs, we can handle them at any time.

"Boss, Zhang Hangying, deputy manager of the marketing department, made an appointment with me and wants to see you."

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Jingwen reported to the young boss next to her with her eyes closed in the back seat of the Bentley that had just driven out of Sanxia Technology's headquarters.

Looking at that handsome side face, she didn't feel sleepy in the afternoon, and she was in a good mood every day.

(end of this chapter)