Chapter 423: Earned more than 50 million for nothing

Chapter 423 Earned more than 50 million for nothing

"President Xu, Mrs. Xu, what a coincidence, you live here too?!"

Walking with his wife on the promenade in the community while supporting his wife, Dou Yinhe greeted in surprise when he saw the Xu couple walking towards him.

"Coincidentally, Dou always buys here?"

Seeing Mr. Dou, whom he had met several times, Xu Renshan was a little surprised, but not too surprised.

The largest asset in the hands of the other party, Yinfeng Group, is held by a number of overseas companies with more than 70% of the shares, and those companies are all controlled by someone who is suspected to be Song.

In other words, the other party is only Song Qianyi's agent.

As for why the other party 'just happened' to buy in this community, there is no need to delve into it.

"Yeah, the high-rise we lived in before, Mr. Shu's stomach is getting bigger and bigger, and it is inconvenient to take the elevator upstairs. It happened that there was a villa for sale in this community, so I bought it. Unexpectedly, I became the same community as Mr. Xu Neighbor."

smiled, and Dou Yinhyuk, who happened to meet the other party, explained briefly.

There are quite a lot of villas in Taohuayuan Community, but not many of them are listed for sale by the original residents. In order to buy the villas of the first phase, he also spent a lot of thought.

"It's really not suitable for pregnant women to live in high-rise buildings."

Nodding to confirm what the other party said, Xu Renshan walked side by side with his wife, chatting casually about some irrelevant topics.

On the contrary, Shi Yuxuan and Fei Shujun were quite eager to talk about children, so there was no need to worry about silence.

For women, a child is the continuation of their life, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a second life.

Talking about the baby, the conversation between two expectant mothers can never stop.

After walking for more than half an hour, Xu Renshan helped his wife back home, and talked about the couple he met today.

"Husband, do you feel that Mr. Dou's attitude towards his wife is a bit weird?"

Speaking of the woman she met during the pregnancy test in a private hospital, Shi Yuxuan paid attention and found some problems.

"What's weird?"

After hearing what his wife said, Xu Renshan didn't react for a while.

When he was chatting with Dou Yinhe, he didn't notice the state of communication between the other couple. He just felt that the other party was also carefully protecting the slightly intellectual Fei Shujun, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Xu Renshan is more concerned about the deep meaning behind the other party's sudden move to this community. This is the enemy's spies suddenly entering his own community, so he has to be cautious.

In terms of more details, he didn't see it.

"The way he looked at Fei Shujun was not as bright as when my husband looked at me."

When it comes to this somewhat illusory feeling, Shi Yuxuan's face is very serious.

As a pregnant woman's intuition, it is obvious whether there is light in a man's eyes.

"That may be because I always wanted to be my wife's Ultraman."

Unexpectedly, his wife was so emotional, Xu Renshan smiled and cooperated.

A normal man must have light in his eyes when looking at his wife who is pregnant with his own child.

It can only be said that after pregnancy, the wife's seventh sense becomes more and more miraculous.

However, this also reminded Xu Renshan that he must be more careful in his actions in the future, and there should be no mistakes.

"My husband must be the Ultraman who protects me and the baby!!"

Listening to her husband's love words, Shi Yuxuan leaned in the other's arms, affirming foolishly.

In contrast, after Dou Yinhe helped his wife Fei Shujun back to the newly bought villa, he was not as sweet as it appeared on the outside.

Letting his wife rest in the living room, Dou Yinhyuk walked to the study on the second floor to work alone.

"Boom boom boom."

A few minutes after her husband entered the study, Fei Shujun, who had finished using the bathroom, asked his aunt to make a pot of tea and brought it into the study himself.

"Let the nanny do this kind of thing."

Noticing his wife who brought tea in, Dou Yinhe put down the newspaper in his hand, got up and took the tea tray, his tone was soft.

"I'm afraid I'll disturb you when someone else comes over."

Wait for the other party to put away the tea tray, Fei Shujun poured a cup of tea for her husband himself, and casually glanced at the newspaper headlines on the table.

Discovered something, but she didn't say much.

"Go back to your room to rest first, I'll be over soon."

Dou Yinhe is quite satisfied with this wife who knows Shudali, but he is only satisfied.

The real achievement of a man comes from the success of his career.

What's more, with his unresolved knots, it is impossible for him to truly relax and fall in love with a woman thoroughly.

"Okay, you also go to bed early, don't be tired."

After hearing her husband's order, Fei Shujun stopped talking, quietly exited the study, and went back to the bedroom to rest.

Waiting for his wife to leave, Dou Yinhe's eyes fell on the newspaper on the desk, and he took a sip of the warm tea, with a strange light shining in his eyes.

The news of the gambling between the CEO of Xishi Group and the CEO of Qingguo Entertainment did not become a thing of the past in a short period of time. On the contrary, it stayed on the headlines of various forums for several days under the propaganda of interested people.

Until the Monday morning of the fourth week of February, Dasong Industry led a strategic investment of 2 billion in Xishi Group with Hard Bank, Civic Investment and other capital, which caused an uproar in the capital market.

At the same time, the stock of Xishi Group, which has been ups and downs for more than ten trading days after the year, suddenly rose by more than 30 points, and its market value has reached nearly 8 billion from the original 6 billion.

"Mu, why has the stock of Xishi Group risen so strangely these days?"

In the early morning of Saturday, while slowly walking her long legs on the treadmill, Li Yanfei was a little surprised by the stock price rise this week.

Before, at the suggestion of the other party, Li Yanfei bought nearly 100 million shares of Xishi Group. Under the operation of the professional Bai Jieyang, it did not cause too much ups and downs. Overall, it only rose a little by 3 points.

However, her money just happened to be bought last week, and the stock price of Xishi Group began to skyrocket.

During the five days of this week, she earned more than 30 million yuan for nothing. Li Yanfei did the math and felt that she didn't earn that much wages at work in her life.

Even her father, based on the efficiency of making money this week, may not necessarily make money like her.

"It's normal. A company with a market capitalization of only 6 billion suddenly received 2 billion in investment. It's no wonder the stock didn't go up."

Xu Renshan was not surprised by this.

Originally, he was still thinking about where Xishi Group’s boss Zhen had such confidence, but he didn’t need to investigate much, and the people behind the scenes jumped out of the water.

Unfortunately, Yushan Fund bought less than 150 million shares of Xishi Group before this wave of profits soared by more than 30%, making a profit of more than 50 million for nothing, which is a little less.

It’s not that the operation team of Yushan Fund is not strong enough, it’s because there are quite a few people who secretly bought shares of Xishi Group.

In addition to Li Yanfei's 100 million funds, several big pomelo companies are secretly raising funds, and they probably got the news of Xishi Group's financing in advance.

Maybe, among those so-called grapefruits, there are shells held by Mr. Zhen and someone Song.

Those guys with ulterior motives must have operated in secret, unlike him and Li Yanfei, who were completely blind cats and dead mice, and earned tens of millions by luck.

It can be said that in this wave of surge, few retail investors can hold on and really enjoy all the benefits.

For Yushan Fund, which is going to be held for two to three years, after this increase, it is completely possible to sell a part of it to make a profit, wait for a period of time to fall back to the low point, and then continue to buy, and wait quietly for the craziest time in three years. sell off.

These are the tasks of the fund management team. Xu Renshan has already shown them the curve he estimated. If they can’t make enough profits, the traders can go home and grow sweet potatoes.

"Then tell me, should I sell some of it first?"

It is rare to encounter such an interesting thing, so Li Yanfei naturally wants to discuss it with Xu Mutou.

Even though she is not interested in stocks, she has a little understanding of some of the rules of stocks when she suddenly encounters such an exaggerated increase, and chatting with Xu Wood is not jerky.

The female personal trainer Bao Jiahui, who was standing aside, was also listening attentively.

Last week, she also bought all her deposits. This week, she earned 80,000 to 90,000 in just five trading days, which was worth half a year's salary.

For a few moments, Bao Jiahui regretted not asking her parents to borrow some money to buy more.

However, after calming down, Bao Jiahui was full of awe for the stock market again. She saw many people on the Internet scolding the dealers who made money, obviously they didn't make any money.

With this little capital, she still quietly followed a certain rich man to operate, and stopped when she earned a house.

"The rise is too sudden this time, and there may be a pullback. But you are planning to hold it for a long time, and you don't need to care about short-term ups and downs. It's okay to let it go. Or you can ask Bai Jieyang to sell part of it for you. When the time comes Buy it at a lower price."

After listening to the long-legged female student's question, Xu Renshan recalled the previous analysis of the fund management team and gave reasonable suggestions.

According to the rumors about the gambling between him and Mr. Zhen two weeks ago, it took less than 10 trading days for those who wanted to plan to buy the shares of Xishi Group, and there were not many floating stocks in their hands. The second increase will not be too rapid.

Yuzi and institutions are not charities, and they will not carry sedan chairs for retail investors in vain.

Of course, there may be exceptions.

For example, some people have known the inside story of Dasong Industry's plan to inject capital into Xishi Group very early on, and have obtained enough outstanding shares early on, hoping to take advantage of this wave to make a fortune; or, some grapefruits and institutions that have been lurking for a long time, With enough ammunition ready, just wait to cash out and make a profit.

The stock market is changing, and no one can accurately control the entire market.

Even the Ding Crab in the big era. Well, the invincible luck type doesn’t count.

No matter what you say, the expansion of Xishi Group in the next two or three years is an inevitable trend. As a large retail investor, Li Yanfei's long-term holding is the best response.

"Okay, then I won't sell it."

Believe in Xu Mutou's analysis, Li Yanfei didn't plan to sell it and buy it back, which is really troublesome.

In addition, she still has 40 million Moutai stocks that she has not sold. After three years, she will sell the shares of Xishi Group, and then buy back Moutai stocks, and put them away for seven or eight years.


Doing a random calculation in her mind, Li Yanfei found that she might have tens of billions of Moutai stocks in the future.

Well, raising Xu Mutou is not difficult at all!

Subconsciously, Li Yanfei ignored many practical problems.


After hearing the long-legged female student's decision, Xu Renshan didn't say much.

"Today's MBA class is the first class after the new year, you won't ask for leave."

After talking about stocks, Li Yanfei talked about the MBA class on Saturday.

It's time to go to class with Xu Mutou again, it's really exciting! !


Answering in the affirmative, Xu Renshan got off the treadmill and walked towards the equipment area.

Li Yanfei, who got the correct answer, also started soft body training with a happy smile on her face.

As the first MBA class of the new year, Xu Renshan, as the class monitor, would naturally not be absent. It was a rare time that he went to Jiangda Zijin Campus without taking a 30-minute walk with his wife in the morning.

But before he left home, he saw his senior sister bringing his daughter over, so he didn't have to worry about his wife being bored at home today.

"Fellow students."

A rare new head teacher—a professor in his fifties appeared in the class, made a simple speech, and then left quietly, with a very low sense of presence.

"Mu, Sister Huang won't be able to come on leave because she has to ask for leave. She will come back to class after giving birth next month and confinement."

Poke Xu Mumu's arm lightly with her finger, Li Yanfei whispered: "Sister Huang will give birth next month, should we send a fruit basket?"

"Okay, when the time comes, organize a few students in the class to go and have a look."

After listening to Li Yanfei's words, Xu Renshan agreed casually.

Huang Ziyi's due date is more than a month earlier than his wife's, and it will be almost two weeks later. It is also reasonable to buy some fruit baskets to see her.

"Then let's go together then."

Seeing Xu Mutou's agreement, Li Yanfei laughed at the thought that she would be able to walk together at that time, and then began to gossip: "Have you heard that Fang Lenghe is going to be engaged to You Buqun!"

"So fast."

Raising his eyebrows, Xu Renshan glanced unexpectedly at You Buqun who was separated by a row of tables, and found that the two of them were indeed inseparable, and it seemed that a good thing was about to happen.

"But, let me tell you."

Putting up her palms, Li Yanfei moved close to the other party's ear and whispered softly: "Feng Yumeng, the life committee member, seems to be very close to You Buqun. Fang Lenghe even quarreled with her once because of this, and the relationship between the two is troubled." broke."

"Is You Buqun so popular?"

Xu Renshan was a little surprised to hear that the two more good-looking girls in the class except Li Yanfei were related to the second generation You.

When did this idle second-generation Youer actually grow to the point where two good-looking rich girls competed for each other.

"It seems that You Buqun's dream bicycle has entered the North China market, and the future prospects are very good. Dream bicycle will soon start the next round of financing, and its value is likely to rise a lot."

Regarding the ins and outs of this matter, Li Yanfei is still very clear.

It’s just that no matter how good the development of Dream Bike is, it’s not enough to look at in front of her Xu Mutou.

Dream Bike raised 100 million last time, and the valuation was about 400 to 500 million. This time, even if it raised 500 million, the valuation is only about 2 billion.

Even less than one-fifth of the Yuming Group under Xu Mutou's name, it's nothing.

"How do you know so much?"

Looking at the long-legged female classmates who are so precious, Xu Renshan asked in surprise.

"Hehe, I won't tell you."

The corner of her mouth curled up, Li Yanfei mysteriously refused to answer this question.

Gossip is their girls' nature. Occasionally, they invite a few female students in the class to dinner, and they know everything.

In order to have more topics to chat with Xu Mutou, Li Yanfei calculated clearly which channels the other party would like to hear.

One day, sooner or later, she will be able to hold Xu Mutou in her hands, so that the other party cannot escape her palm.


Seeing the long-legged female student look so proud, Xu Renshan, who is not strong in exploring, didn't ask.

"Everyone wait a moment."

Soon, the morning classes ended, and after the old professor left, Fang Lenghe, the cultural and entertainment committee member, came to the stage and stopped everyone who was going to have lunch: "Today is our first class of the new year. Jiang Province International Hotel invites everyone to have dinner. After that, we will sing a song, which is an advance banquet for the two of us to prepare for our engagement, and please do not hesitate to show us your appreciation."

After finishing speaking, Fang Lenghe's eyes unconsciously and provocatively aimed at Feng Yumeng's direction.

(end of this chapter)