Chapter 432: you are my queen alone

Chapter 432 You are my queen alone

"Senior sister, Mu Xu Mumu, good morning!"

When she came to the big sister next door and Xu Mutou, Li Yanfei, who was dressed in sportswear, greeted her with a smile.

Yesterday, when I learned that Xu Mutou would not go to the gym this morning, Li Yanfei also temporarily changed her itinerary, jogging in the community, and even asked for an hour off with the section chief.

Not for anything else, just to meet Xu Mutou by chance.

Xu Mutou walked with the big sister next door to see the orchids in the garden, and she accompanied them to enjoy the sea of ​​flowers. Rounding it up, it was about the same as she accompanied Xu Mutou to enjoy the flowers together.

It's a pity, if Xu Mutou really only prepared such a surprise for her alone, Li Yanfei felt that she must be happy to death, and wished to overwhelm the other party on top of the flowers.

"Good morning, little concubine."

Shi Yuxuan, who was in a good mood, and the little sister next door smiled and nodded in response.

"Sister Concubine, the orchids in the community are so beautiful today, let me take a walk with you."

Facing the graceful and majestic big sister next door, Concubine Li Yan made up her mind and said without showing any weakness.


Never caring about the hidden thoughts of the other party, Shi Yuxuan responded generously.

Now that she and her husband's baby are about to be born, they are already on the other side of victory, so why not give each other a little more friendship.

Little sisters with simple minds and lack of means are far less dangerous than some women who secretly have strong wrists.

"Sister Xuan, today is just an ordinary Women's Day, Xu Mutou spent so much time for you, it's really hard work."

Immediately, Li Yanfei praised Xu Mutou's hard work.

I don’t know if Xu Mutou became enlightened after graduation. He was really like Mumu in college, otherwise her current children would be able to play soy sauce.

"Ren San said, today is Queen's Day, and we are all queens at home."

Speaking of this, Shi Yuxuan couldn't help but glint in her eyes when she thought of her husband's love words.

Because, my husband said, she was his queen alone.

"Sister Xuan, I really envy you. Someone can be so attentive to you."

Walking side by side with the other party, Li Yanfei, who heard this reason, made no secret of her envy in her words, and glanced at Xu Mutou as if there were 40-meter-long machetes in her eyes.

When will Xu Mutou talk so sweetly, I really like it!

"Don't worry, little concubine, you will meet such a caring partner in the future."

Listening to the sincere words of the little sister next door, Shi Yuxuan smiled and comforted her.

Although in her heart, her husband is the best man in the world, it does not prevent her from comforting him with false lies.

If Concubine Li Yan can really find a good partner, she will sincerely bless him.


Raising her eyebrows, Li Yanfei glanced at the silent Xu Mutou, and changed the subject: "Sister Xuan, when is your due date?"

"Around the 20th of next month."

Speaking of her baby's due date, Shi Yuxuan blurted out the memorable number.

"Look, how about I be the baby's godmother then?"

Squinting her eyes, Li Yanfei smiled and made a good suggestion.

Now the relationship with Xu Mutou has broken through to a certain level, but it has not reached a deeper level. After being disrupted by her younger brother last time, Li Yanfei, who has not found any opportunities recently, is preparing for a rainy day.

Regardless of whether she can break through Xu Mutou's last insistence in a short period of time, Li Yanfei thinks that starting with the baby, she should be the baby's nominal godmother first, and then she can become a full-time official whenever she has a chance.

"Yes, it is her blessing to have you as the baby's godmother."

Regarding the volunteering of the girl next door, Shi Yuxuan agreed without much hesitation.

Leaving aside the fact that the little girl next door covets her husband secretly, with her family background, upbringing, and appearance, she must be qualified to be their baby's godmother.

"Then it's settled."

Seeing that the big sister next door agreed, Concubine Li Yan, who had achieved her goal, showed a cheerful smile.

Hmph, Ming Xiu plank road, dark Chencang, in the future it will definitely be Li Yanfei who will occupy the 'Guanzhong'.


As the baby's father, Xu Renshan, who had a great say in this matter, didn't have any opinions, so he silently stayed by his wife's side.

The silence speaks.

After taking a walk with his wife after dinner, Xu Renshan didn't go to the company to deal with any business, but spent a day with his wife at home.

This Sunday is Shangguan Mingli's wedding day. Xu Renshan will rush to the capital on Saturday night. After two days, he couldn't be with his wife, so naturally he needs to spend more time with him now.

"Mr. Xia, you can renew the loan for a while, and come to the bank in the afternoon to complete the formalities."

"Mr. Xia, I have had someone check your batch of materials carefully, and there is no problem for now. I will pay you in the afternoon."

"President Xia, I will transfer your final payment to you in the afternoon."

For Xia Jinghai, who was in a state of desperation, March 8th Women's Day seemed like a magical festival. The industry that had many problems before had less trouble.

After answering a few phone calls, Xia Jinghai, with a scruffy beard, suddenly collapsed on the sofa, rejoicing, but also regretting his previous recklessness.

Of course he knows that someone has been targeting him for more than a month, and it is nothing more than the young billionaire who lost face last time.

It's just that Xia Jinghai underestimated the other party's determination to retaliate, and almost blocked all the properties under his name in a short period of time, and even the promised bank loan renewal was withdrawn.

And Mr. Chen of Civic Capital, who he helped with before, has delayed the 200 million capital injection that he had promised, obviously planning to renege on his promise and lose weight.

But Xia Jinghai, who has been in the mall for a long time, knows very well that he no longer has the capital to argue with the other party, so he can only suffer from this dumb loss.

As a last resort, Xia Jinghai borrowed 5 million in the name of his daughter in order to survive the crisis, but the future was bleak.

Even, Xia Jinghai was already ready for his daughter to study abroad. He secretly left a million-dollar private money in an overseas account, which was a way out for his family.

Unexpectedly, when he was desperate, he suddenly turned around and all the blocked industrial channels returned to normal.

The first reaction, Xia Jinghai thought it was Civic Capital who made a move, but he immediately denied it; if Civic Capital is really willing to fulfill the previous agreement and inject 200 million into the company under his wife's name, all problems will not be a problem.

In the second reaction, Xia Jinghai thought of his cousin and niece whom he had always taken good care of.

Now that hard-working cousin is also working in a Fortune 500 company. The funds may not be too much, but the connections are not small.

Thinking of this, Xia Jinghai sat up again and called his cousin.

"Uncle, what's the matter?!"

Suddenly received a call from his cousin, Xu Wenshan, who was at work, asked directly, feeling a little embarrassed.

He works in a Fortune 500 company and has an independent office, so he is doing well.

However, in the face of the predicament encountered by his cousin, Xu Wenshan has nothing to do. He is just a deputy manager of the department.

However, his sister came forward in person, and she was ready to sacrifice something.

Although the younger sister's strategy failed, Xu Wenshan, who strongly opposed his younger sister's actions at the beginning, didn't feel too much guilt in his heart.

It’s a big deal, I will take care of my cousin’s house in the future, Xu Wenshan thought in his heart.

"Wen Shan, thank you, my problem is solved."


(end of this chapter)