Chapter 439: Inquire about the 'military situation' in advance

Chapter 439 Inquire about the 'Military Situation' in advance

"I believe you."

Regarding the selection of the second secretary, Xu Renshan didn't take it seriously.

As long as she is not some beautiful assassin, looks good, and can handle affairs, that's enough.

After dealing with a few things, Xu Renshan checked his watch, got up and left the company, and drove to pick fresh cherry tomatoes for his wife.

As the due date approached, Shi Yuxuan's taste gradually changed. Recently, there is a kind of lovely cherry tomato on the market, which is sour and sweet, which is quite her favorite.

It's just that not many people grow this unique cherry tomato.

Among them are vegetable growers in the suburbs of Shaocheng, and greenhouse vegetable plantations in the suburbs of Yushan. These two areas have relatively large planting areas.

Simply, Xu Renshan contracted the production of the three planting areas with known appearance and good taste, but the price is only three times the market price.

After the survival of the fittest, the remaining ones are provided to Nanshan Bamboo Garden as cold cut fruits for guests.

As long as the wife eats happily, this small amount of money is nothing to worry about.

In addition, another advantage of chartering is that you don’t have to worry about eating fruits with pesticide residues.

"Today's sweetness is good."

In the constant temperature storage room of Nanshan Bamboo Garden, Xu Renshan tasted the tomatoes delivered today, and he felt pretty good.

Without asking the waiter to help, Xu Renshan, who is always hands-on, picked out a small basket of the best-looking cherry tomatoes, washed them in water one by one, and put them in boiling cold water twice.

How can you pretend to be someone else's wife's matter.


Shi Yuxuan, who was chatting with Jin Yinghui in the living room, saw her husband come back, smiled and waved.

"Honey, this is a freshly picked tomato today. Try it. Kim Young Hye, stay home for lunch."

After nodding with his wife, Xu Renshan, who put down the small basket in his hand, looked at Li Yanfei, who was sitting next to his female junior high school classmate, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, but he just greeted Jin Yinghui.

Li Yanfei, who was sitting on the sofa, didn't care, anyway, the two met every day.

When Xu Mutou's eyes were focused, Li Yanfei moved her position slightly, revealing the black silk with letters specially prepared today, confident and public.

In order to match the black silk effect, Li Yanfei specially bought a black tulle long-sleeved and short skirt to cover up her little shortcomings.

"I left them for lunch just now, by the way, these cherry tomatoes taste pretty good, you should try them too."

Knowing that the tomatoes brought back by her husband had been washed, Shi Yuxuan picked one up and put it in her mouth, and then invited two guests to taste it.

"Really good."

Li Yanfei, who was not polite, picked up a tomato, slurped it into her stomach, and nodded in approval of the taste of this 'pre-meal fruit'.

If Xu Mumu picks the washed fruit by himself, the taste is different, and I don’t know when she will be treated like this.

"Sister Yuxuan, your husband and wife are really enviable. Like some couples I know, they rarely call each other 'husband' and 'wife', and they always call each other by their names."

Eating fruit, Kim Young Hye made no secret of her envy.

She has been running a clothing store for almost two years, and she has seen many female customers and couples who come into the store to buy, and when they are calling or chatting, they are always calling each other's name.

Scenes like that had a great impact on Kim Young-hye, who has not yet had a boyfriend after graduation, and was full of worries about her future married life.

And the couple relationship between the junior high school male classmate and this beautiful and temperamental sister is as beautiful as Jin Yinghui imagined in his mind, which makes people envy and yearn for it.

Of course, she is also envious of the living environment and conditions of the two of them, but she doesn't have any pink eyes.

As long as you work hard, Kim Young Hye believes that her future life will not be bad, and there is no need to compare with others.

"What's there to envy about this? After getting married, shouldn't everyone be called husband or wife?"

Concubine Li Yan didn't feel much about this point, so she answered the question as it should.

Because, her parents have been yelling like this for decades, and Li Yanfei, who has heard it since she was a child, has no other distracting thoughts or too many worries.

Although the older female colleagues in the unit also called their other half's name, it did not affect Li Yanfei's beautiful fantasy about the future in the slightest.

Just like when she sees her beloved become someone else's husband, and she calls her a sweet name every time, Concubine Li Yan is not discouraged and plans to take it back even when she is sad occasionally.

Sometimes, a good childhood can really heal a lifetime.

"Li Yanfei, don't you go to work today?"

Noticing the slightly embarrassed look on the face of the female student with short hair in junior high school, Xu Renshan interrupted the topic and asked about Concubine Li Yan who did not go to work for fishing on Monday morning.

When the two of them worked out together in the morning, he didn't hear the other party mention that he would come to the house in the morning, and his ability to keep secrets improved.

Xu Renshan, who was in his thirties in his previous life, is clearly aware of the problem of addressing between husband and wife, which changes with the quality of life.

Romantic, most of them exist among young couples, and couples who are not yet married and in love will use the intimate titles of 'husband' and 'wife'.

The so-called immortality of romance is just the wish of young people who have not experienced the beatings of society.

When everyone gets used to the trivialities of life after marriage, the romance will gradually be wiped out by money, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, leaving only complaints about life and the rush to make money.

When you are in your fifties or sixties and slowly have some savings, and you can enjoy your life, the address between husband and wife has already become a habit, and it is even more impossible to change it.

So, only when basic financial freedom is achieved at a young age will the romance last for many years.

"I accidentally sprained my waist today, so I took a day off. Just in time, Yinghui said that she would come to see my sister, so I also came to see my sister by the way. I hope my sister doesn't think I'm here to eat."

Hearing Xu Mutou's question, Li Yanfei, who had already had a plan in mind, explained her reasons, and rubbed her slender waist to attract the other party's attention.

Hmph, the big sister next door is pregnant for many months, she doesn't believe that Xu Mumu can bear it.

As for the hundreds of dollars that could be exchanged for one day's annual leave, Li Yanfei, who is worth barely over 200 million, doesn't care.

It is rare to have such an opportunity to go to the house of the big sister next door openly, and have to rely on everything else.

In addition, when she called one of them "sister", she deliberately omitted her surname, showing a little bit of her inner intentions.

"I'm too busy at home, I'm very happy if you come to chat with me, how can I hate you."

Smiled, the magnanimous and tolerant Shi Yuxuan didn't care about the other party's small thoughts at all, and chatted with the two enthusiastically.

Facing several business issues raised by Jin Yinghui, Shi Yuxuan also answered the other party without any reservation, and gave some suggestions.

After the last communication, Jin Yinghui did not have any ambitions to establish her own brand. After discussing with her partner Li Yanfei, she carried out a certain range of publicity on the existing Jingjing clothing export clothing products, and achieved good results.

Especially the original videos on certain video sites, the total number of hits has exceeded tens of thousands, and the number of customers who come to the store is increasing day by day, and the middle and low-end brand clothing is very popular among female college students.

Jin Yinghui, who used to be busy alone, also hired two nearby female college students to help with part-time jobs. In nearly half a month, she made last year's profit.

This time, Jin Yinghui, who has made a lot of money, came here to express her gratitude, and bought some fruit to see this big sister.

"Sir, madam, dinner is ready."

Not long after Xu Renshan sat down, Aunt He came over to greet lunch, and the four chatting in the living room and Aunt Xue who had just come down from upstairs went to the restaurant together.

"Sister, are you going to confine yourself at home?"

While eating lunch, Li Yanfei asked about the other party's arrangements after giving birth.

Although she doesn't have a boyfriend yet, she is going to have a baby sooner or later, and it's okay to learn some relevant knowledge in advance.

Li Yanfei will never admit that she is inquiring about the military situation in advance in order to formulate relevant plans in the future.

(end of this chapter)