Chapter 442: The accumulation of three generations!

Chapter 442 The accumulation of three generations!

"Hey, I heard that newborn babies have wrinkled skin and are a bit ugly. Miss Zi Yi's baby is so cute, with slippery skin!"

Looking at the fair-skinned baby in the small cradle, Li Yanfei asked curiously, wanting to reach out to touch the baby's face, but afraid of waking him up.

It would be fine if she and Xu Mumu's baby were so cute in the future.

Not much, she and Xu Mumu's baby is definitely cuter than this one.

"This baby should have been delivered by caesarean section, so there are no wrinkles on the face. When the baby is born normally, the skin will be wrinkled after being squeezed, and it will recover after a few days."

Fang Lenghe, who knew something about it, heard it and explained.

She is already engaged, but she is concerned about the matter of giving birth, and she will soon enter the ranks of pregnant mothers.

After all, the You family has only one heir, her fiancé, and it is the top priority to give You the next generation heir as soon as possible.

"It turns out that babies born by caesarean section look better."

After hearing this explanation, Li Yanfei nodded to express her point of view.

Who wants to give birth to an ugly baby, it must be good-looking.

"But after a cesarean section, there is a risk of having a second child within two years. And the baby born naturally will become beautiful in a few days."

Looking at Bai Fumei, who is addicted to vegetables, Fang Lenghe pointed out the hidden dangers with a smile.

"Well, it's better to have a normal delivery."

As soon as she heard this, Li Yanfei immediately stood on the view of natural delivery.

How can you stop having a baby? It must be better to hold the two for three years.

She has already thought about it, and Xu Mumu's first child is called...

Compared to the fact that the women were having a good time watching and discussing the baby, Xu Renshan and the rest of the male students were chatting with Huang Ziyi and his wife about foreign customs.

"Squad Leader Xu, your wife is about to give birth, are you planning to go abroad or stay at home?"

Speaking of household registration after childbirth, Yang Yong smiled and asked the young rich man.

With the capital of the other party, it doesn't matter which country the child settles in.

Like his wife giving birth abroad, in addition to avoiding being disturbed by domestic entertainment reporters, it is also to allow the children to settle abroad and enjoy higher education and benefits in the future.

Moreover, he can also transfer part of the domestic assets to the child's name, which will be guaranteed in the future.

"Yes, monitor, with your family's conditions, it doesn't matter what country's household registration it is."

The accompanying You Buqun and Li Nanjiang agreed with this point of view.

In their view, it is a good choice for their children to settle abroad after they have money. In addition to the different educational environment, it can be regarded as leaving a way out.

After all, it has become a trend for many well-known and rich people in China to settle their children’s nationality or even their own nationality abroad. Even many wealthy celebrities do this.

There are many reasons, and everyone knows it.

"No, my wife and I have discussed that it is good for the child's household registration to be in China. If you really want to get a foreign household registration, then you can buy a small island country in the Pacific Ocean, and you can have dual citizenship."

In this regard, Xu Renshan doesn't have so many worries, as long as the child is happy.

His child must be of Chinese nationality. In addition, for the sake of insurance, the big deal in the future is to buy some small island country, let the child be the king directly, and enjoy the joy of dual nationality.


Hearing that the squad leader was about to buy an island country, everyone looked at each other and silently did not refute.

They are really worrying unnecessarily. With the other party's wealth, it is not a big deal to spend hundreds of millions to buy a small island. They don't need to worry at all.

"Squad Leader Xu, some students, let's have some afternoon tea first."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Yang Yong invited everyone to the restaurant for afternoon tea.

"No group, how is the cooperation project in our class going?"

Sitting in the restaurant, Li Nanjiang, who was eating snacks, asked the second generation downstream.

"I'm doing business, but you don't feel at ease. I've already talked with the managers of several theater chains. When the first batch of small jukeboxes come out at the end of this month, they will be released."

Speaking of this, You Buqun patted his heart and promised.

Before, several of their MBA classes held a fun competition. The small jukebox provided by the class leader was also the mini KTV project, which was unanimously approved by the students in the class.

As a new business elite, You Buqun took the initiative to assume the identity of the project manager, and organized several students to set up a project management committee to jointly supervise and manage the implementation and operation of the project.

"I think the competition in this industry will become more and more fierce. If the early response is good, we can increase investment. We can start from theaters at the beginning, and we can expand to large supermarkets to quickly occupy the market. Whether we continue to operate in the future, or If you resell it to other companies, you will make a steady profit.”

When it comes to making money, Feng Yumeng is quite positive.

When she saw the plan given by the squad leader, she felt that the project was good. The most difficult part was to contact the major theaters and supermarkets, and the squad leader had already contacted the management of several major theaters by virtue of her own relationship. Floor.

After taking the most difficult first step, as long as you quickly occupy the market, whether you continue to operate or cash out in the future, you will be able to make a profit without losing money.

For this reason, Feng Yumeng also offered to join the project management committee and contribute his own strength.

As for the small conflict with Fang Lenghe before, it was nothing in front of the charming Piao Piao.

"Student Feng's point of view, I agree. If this mini jukebox is popularized, the future profit will be relatively stable, and the possibility of loss is very small."

Yang Yong on the side listened and nodded in agreement.

Some time ago, he accompanied his wife abroad to wait for childbirth, and he only invested a symbolic amount of 50,000 yuan.

After returning to China this time, Yang Yong read the project plan in detail in his spare time, and felt that this small jukebox project had great potential.

If this is a fund-raising project of his wife's MBA class, he would like to invest 5 million in it to test the waters.

Sometimes, whether the profit in the early stage is not profitable is secondary, and the key point is to open up a new industry.

As long as the prospect of this industry looks bright, you can make a lot of money by changing hands at any time.

"Well, we only invested 50,000 each before, the purpose is to compete with other classes' cooperative projects, there is no need to make it so big."

After listening to Feng Yumeng's words, You Buqun, the person in charge, said worriedly.

After the initial proposal, the 40 people in the class contributed 50,000 yuan each, raising 2 million yuan as the start-up capital of the project.

In the process of collecting money on his behalf, You Buqun knew that not all of the 40 students in the class were very rich, and some of them were just ordinary leaders of small companies who came purely for gold plating. Small amount.

If there is additional investment in the future, it will definitely not be as simple as 50,000 per person, and some people may not be able to afford it.

Once deviating from the original intention of the original competition project, it may cause disharmony among the students in the class.

The reason why You Buqun actively became the project leader is because he listened to his fiancée's opinion. With this position, he can better contact the students in the class and accumulate contacts for future development.

As for how much money to make later, now that Dream Bike is about to start its B round of financing several hundred million yuan, You Buqun really doesn’t have such a strong desire.

“It’s not reasonable to think about it. We can’t just consider the future benefits of the project and ignore the original intention of the project.”

Xu Renshan acknowledged You Buqun's concerns.

As the class leader, he naturally knows the real position and status of the students in the class in society, and also knows that after the initial investment of 50,000 yuan, additional investment is not a small burden for some people.

I have to say that after hosting the Dream Bike project, the second-generation Youer, who used to be ignorant, idle, eating, drinking, and having fun, has begun to learn to think about all aspects of society.

Recalling the arrogance of You Erdai when he first entered school, Xu Renshan can only feel that the experience of the upper class is far beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

Even a young man like You Buqun, who is as inconspicuous as You Buqun, matures quickly after experiencing big projects, it is impossible for ordinary people to have such an opportunity.

This is also the truth that the rich get richer.

As some people said on the Internet, why can your own struggle be worth the accumulation of three generations of others.

"Squad leader, if we don't want to increase the investment, we can let the students in the class transfer their investment shares to each other. It can not only improve the construction progress of the project, but also take care of the friendship of the students. What do you think?"

Facing the consideration of the young rich squad leader, Feng Yumeng made a proposal that he had thought about long ago.

She was serious about making a small jukebox.

(end of this chapter)