Chapter 498: wife's girlfriend

Chapter 498 Wife's best friend

"Of course, Mr. Steve is not optimistic about Ruoxi Communications. If not, why would he try so hard to get it in his pocket?"

Facing the old fox's question, Xu Renshan followed the other person's words and replied without leaking anything.

Before the deal is reached, he will not easily reveal the knowledge in his mind, let alone talk about the future prospects of Ruoxi Communications.

As long as he said that he was very optimistic about Ruoxi Communication's financial future, the former president of Microsoft's enterprise department would probably change his mind and seek other financing channels.

At the level of the president of Nokia, he has already stood at the pinnacle of professional managers in the world, and they are all ruthless masters.

Smiling on the surface, but doing everything behind his back.

In the field of capital, there is no so-called moral bottom line at all.

Moreover, in Xu Renshan's memory, Nokia will be able to acquire 50% of the shares of Ruoxi Communications held by Siemens in a few months, of course, with the cooperation of Siemens.

That is to say, without his involvement, the weak chicken and duck will eventually own all the shares of Ruoxi Communications in a few months, and will be reborn as the giant Nokia.

"There is a saying in Huaxia that heroes see the same thing. I respect Mr. Xu."

Didn't care about the other party's perfunctory answer. Feeling that his ideas were recognized by the wealthy Chinese thousands of miles away, Aipu was in a good mood and raised the red wine glass in his hand, toasting the other party.

Perhaps other white people have prejudices against yellow races, but Aipu does not have such an old concept, thinking that there is no distinction between races.

The most important thing is that he knows that this young Chinese rich man has a fund of tens of billions of euros in assets, and that huge wealth is enough to make the other party have no fear of facing the royal family of any country.

When wealth reaches a certain level, power will also bow to it.


Respected by the president of Nokia, Xu Renshan, who is now rich and free but doesn't have much ambition, is very calm.

In his eyes, the Nokia president is no different from other middle-aged white men.

An expensive lunch in the eyes of ordinary people ended in the chat between the two.

Xu Renshan, who was planning to go to the hotel to rest, received a call from Meng Lier and diverted to the bar on the 118th floor of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

At this time, it was not yet the peak period of the bar's business. Under the leadership of the waiter, Xu Renshan walked all the way to the box, and did not see any other guests, but it was not unusual.

Based on the local tyrant who is rich and beautiful in England, maybe the bar on this floor is taken over.

Walking into a large private room, you can see the unobstructed scenery of the port city outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. Drinking red wine while looking at the scenery here is indeed a great enjoyment in life.

"Xu, long time no see."

Seeing her friend's young and handsome husband come in, Meng Lier, who was wearing a black shoulderless long dress, stretched out her arms and hugged her.

"Menglier, we just met at my house a few days ago."

The embrace with the other party was instant, and Xu Renshan, who felt the strong scent of perfume on the other party's body, kept an appropriate distance.

In any case, the wife's best friend is an insurmountable bottom line.

What's more, he has no feelings for this British white and rich beauty. Xu Renshan prefers white beauties like Tomb Raider heroine Angelina Jolie and Edge of Tomorrow heroine Emily Blunt, or A beautiful woman like Scarlett Johansson, but the latter's private life makes people disagree.

However, he just thought about it, and didn't mean to put it into practice.

"Oh, I almost forgot."

Smiled playfully, Meng Lier felt the polite distance from the other party, and didn't care, and introduced another female friend present: "This is Lin Dailing, my good friend in Taiwan Island Province."

"Ms. Lin, hello."

Looking at the beautiful woman from Taiwan who was in decent shape, Xu Renshan smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Xu, hello."

After shaking hands with the other party, Lin Dailing, who was wearing a golden suspender skirt, showed the elegance and intelligence of a beautiful woman from Taiwan: "I have heard that Yuming Group, founded by Mr. Xu, can reach 100 in less than a year. The market value of 100 million is admirable."

"Oh, Miss Lin has heard of my company?!"

Hearing this beautiful woman from Taiwan and Island province who met for the first time mentioned Yuming Group, Xu Renshan raised his eyebrows slightly unexpectedly.

Under normal circumstances, there are not many people who know that he is the boss of Yuming Group. After all, after Yuming Group became famous, it is basically Fan Deyi, the vice president, who represents the group.

However, this kind of thing can't be hidden from people who are interested, but if this beautiful woman from Taiwan Province knows it, it will be a little different.

"I have a little share in a little bit of milk tea, and I'm half a colleague with Mr. Xu."

Seeing the other party's doubts, Lin Dailing explained with a smile.

"A little bit has a bright future, Miss Lin has a good vision."

Hearing the other party's self-reported family name, Xu Renshan understood the key point, and he was a little more concerned.

He doesn't think that the other party is just a small shareholder.

A person who can be called a good friend with Menglier, the top Bai Fumei in England, can be regarded as either rich or expensive.

"Xu, have you settled with Steve?"

Inviting the other party to sit down and drink coffee, Meng Lier smiled and asked the other party the purpose of this trip.

Her family has some shares in Lloyds Bank, and this time it was also entrusted by the elders of the family to provide some loan business for the bank.

There are not many high-quality customers like SS Fund in the whole of England and even the whole of Europe.

"It hasn't been negotiated yet, and there should be a result tomorrow."

After taking a sip of the iced Jiaoma with added sugar, Xu Renshan simply replied.

There is no need to talk about the specific situation with others. If you really need funds at that time, you can go to the bank introduced by the other party for a loan.

"You will do it yourself, I don't think Steve has any reason to refuse."

At this point, Meng Lier praised the other party very highly.

She naturally knew about this friend's husband, and she created a wealth of billions of euros in a short period of time, which is by no means comparable to ordinary people.

After the SS Fund adjusted its stock investment strategy last year, Monlier, who is close to the water, invested hundreds of millions, and has now recovered nearly 100 million euros in return.

Some people are destined to be wavers at the top of the wave.

"Meng Lier is too much, have you been in Asia recently?"

Hearing the other party's praise, Xu Renshan smiled and didn't answer, but changed the subject.

"The scenery here in Huaxia is unique, and I haven't seen enough of it. If I can meet a handsome Huaxia guy like Xu, I don't mind being like Yuxuan, get married and have children."

Talking about the reason for her stay in Huaxia, Meng Lier gave a very reasonable answer.

"Huaxia is outstanding, I believe you will not be disappointed."

replied noncommittally, Xu Renshan chatted about the local conditions and customs in the port city, and he wanted to ask more advice from the other party when he came here for the first time.

"Excellent young talents like Mr. Xu are rare in China."

Lin Dailing, who was sitting on the side, complimented this handsome guy at the right time.

"Just for Miss Lin's words, I offer you a toast."

Picking up the coffee at hand, Xu Renshan replied with a smile.

"By the way, when I was in Shanghai, I encountered something interesting. Mr. Pi, an important agent of Porsche in China."

After talking about the scenery of the port city, Menglier mentioned the interesting things she encountered in Shanghai some time ago.

(end of this chapter)