Chapter 525: lady chat group

As the first male and female protagonists of a domestic film with a box office of 1 billion, Liu Fei and Hu Ge are more sought after than all the previous celebrities.

In particular, Hu Ge, who is the first cross-border big screen, broke out an astonishing box office at once. He is definitely the No. 1 among domestic male artists. Those hard fans are already clamoring that Hu Ge will become a new generation of superstars. .

Comparatively speaking, Liu Fei, who has already gone to Hollywood, is just described as "Phoenix Nirvana" and "Goddess Return", without that kind of exaggerated excitement.

After standing on the red carpet for more than five minutes, Liu Fei walked into the hotel gate together.

"I heard that Mr. Xu's wife will come today, have you seen it?"

"No, but I heard that Mrs. Xu has a good temperament."

"Nonsense, Xu Dong's wife must have a good temperament."

"I heard from Sister Feifei that Mrs. Xu is more beautiful than her."

"Really, Sister Feifei is not modest, isn't Mrs. Xu giving birth to a child?"

"Aren't women who have given birth more mature and attractive?!"

"If I have a handsome husband like Xu Dong, I can become more beautiful."


"Sunye, Sunmi, you don't have to be polite, eat whatever you want, these are arranged by the company."


Compared to those older first-line artists, the young female artists under Qingguo Entertainment have naturally become a beautiful landscape.

Because of their fame and status, these young artists obediently stayed in the corner so as not to cause trouble for the company.

Especially when discussing topics related to the chairman's wife, they are all cautious.

Especially a few girls from the Southern Dynasties National Girls Group who are not very good at Chinese, they just follow closely beside the kind-hearted Zhang Fan and others, not daring to wander around at all.

The youth team has already returned to Nanchao to make an announcement. The five members of the W.G girl group are really unfamiliar in China. They usually go to major cities for commercial performances, and they dare not wander around casually. They are only accompanied by their managers. Go to scenic spots on weekdays when there are few people.

However, compared with the domestic environment, they already feel very happy.

Enjoying a relaxed rhythm completely different from those in China, members of the W.G girl group also feel the humanized management of Qingguo Entertainment, and have a sense of belonging to this company.

However, on this important occasion today, the W.G girl group also ate obediently and did not dare to talk nonsense.

You know, today is the celebration banquet for the movie produced by the company to break through 1 billion box office. In exchange for their Nanchao currency, it would be 170 billion, which is too exaggerated.

Compared with the current company, the strength of the domestic company they worked in before was simply childish, and the total assets were not as good as a movie box office of Qingguo Entertainment.

"Look, Mr. Xu is here."

"Wow, that Mrs. Xu is so beautiful!"

"It's better to be famous than to meet!"

"That's it, all the female employees in our company can't beat it together."

"Mrs. Xu's temperament is beyond words."

"No wonder Xu Dong's heart has always been with his wife. The little girl in the company didn't succeed."

"If I have half of Mrs. Xu, this life will be worth it."

"Wake up, we may not be able to earn the clothes and necklaces on Mrs. Xu's body in our lifetime."

"Nana, half of what do you want? Including Mr. Xu?"

"Don't you want to?"


"Honey, your appearance has overwhelmed all the female guests today."

Xu Renshan, who came out with his wife in his arms, noticed that everyone's eyes were focused on him, and whispered something in the other's ear.

Today, Shi Yuxuan is the first time to officially appear in a banquet related to Qingguo Entertainment. She is wearing a light blue custom-made long dress, showing elegance and luxury in every way, and the lace design on the arms is full of details.

This long dress was airlifted from Paris to Hangzhou two days ago, and a team of designers came to fix it, which cost almost seven figures of euros.

In comparison, the price of jewelry is relatively common. The necklace and earrings were specially designed by Xu Renshan, and the cost before and after was only 3 million US dollars.

"As long as my husband thinks it looks good, that's enough."

Didn't care about other people's eyes, Shi Yuxuan only cared about her husband's perception.

A woman looks like someone who pleases herself. When she tried on this dress two days ago, the light in her husband's eyes was enough to make her happy.

"Brother Xu, congratulations."

Huachen's Zhou sisters were the first to greet her. Zhou Yanan praised Mrs. Xu unceremoniously: "Standing in front of Mrs. Xu makes us women feel that we are here to make up the numbers in this life."

"Sister Zhou is overrated. You are a senior in the entertainment industry with extraordinary achievements. My husband should look up to you."

Hearing Mr. Zhou praise herself in front of her husband, Shi Yuxuan smiled back.

If Qingguo Entertainment under her husband's name wants to continue to develop, it is still necessary to establish a good relationship with these seniors in the industry. As a wife, she always has to share some communication.

"With younger brothers and sisters as good helpers, after two years, brother Xu will have to be looked up to me."

Knowing the identity of the other party, Zhou Yanan's emotion is full of sincerity.

Considering the current development speed of Qingguo Entertainment, in two days, it will really fly into the sky.

"President Xu, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Xu Dong, congratulations."

"President Xu, Mrs. Xu is good."

After the two Huachen sisters took charge of their family, the bosses or vice presidents of several domestic film and television companies came forward to say hello, giving this upstart in the circle enough face.

Compared with capitalists, there are fewer artists who come forward to say hello, and there are only a few first-line big names who have been promoted to capital.

Compared to the celebration banquet of "Charlotte Annoyance" at the beginning of the year, the grade of guests at the banquet tonight has obviously improved by several levels.

In the face of big capital, ordinary first-line celebrities are only a little better than ordinary artists.

The time came to seven o'clock, and the celebration banquet came to a small climax. The company executives of Qingguo Entertainment and the main creative team of "I'm Waiting for You at the End of Time" came to the stage to knock on the ice together.

The above is not an integer of 1000000000, but a number of 1035000000, which represents the box office of 1.035 billion as of last night.

Although "I'm Waiting for You at the End of Time" has a chance to exceed 1.1 billion, but breaking through the 1 billion node will have more advertising effect.





As an intellectual hostess of CCTV counted down, Xu Renshan and the rest of the staff waved down the little red hammers in their hands at the same time, and the ice figures shattered in an instant.


The audience burst into prolonged applause, and Shi Yuxuan, who was also in the audience, looked at her husband, who was all the attention, without concealing the light of admiration in her eyes.

"Mrs. Xu, hello, I am Zhou Yachen, the vice president of Huachen."

When the activities were going on on the stage, the vice president of the Huachen sisters came to the side of the dazzling beauty and introduced herself with a smile.

The appearance of the major shareholder of the Huachen sisters also made other first-line female artists who wanted to strike up a conversation cry secretly, so they had no choice but to stop.

"Mr. Zhou, hello."

Looking at the vice president of the number one film and television company in China, Shi Yuxuan greeted him with a smile.

"The last time I met Mrs. Xu at Guiqianjin's full moon wine. See you today. Mrs. Xu's figure has recovered really well, which is enviable."

They were all women, Zhou Yachen immediately complimented each other's good figure.

"Sister Zhou's figure is also maintained very well"

While the two were talking, the female boss of Hu Ge's company also came over and joined the lady's chat group with a smile.

Xu Renshan, who came down from the stage after knocking out the digital ice sculpture, saw several female bosses surrounded by his wife, who made eye contact with each other from a distance, and went to the side to socialize.

As the host of tonight's celebration banquet, Xu Renshan was quickly greeted by the bosses of other film and television companies. Everyone sat together and imagined the increasingly prosperous market prospects. It was very lively.

"Mr. Xu, hello."

While Xu Renshan was chatting with Huachen sisters boss Zhou Yanan and others, a slightly handsome first-line male star came over and greeted the banquet host with a smile on his face.