Chapter 532: a ray of light in life

"Mr. Zhang, hello, I'm here to apply for a job as a designer. Because of the age limit, can you give me a chance?"

"I have accepted your resume, and HR will contact you later. By the way, I will have someone take you to the reception room to sit down and fill in some relevant information."

Standing at the gate of the company, Zhang Yi, the new general manager of Jingjing Clothing, looked at the job seeker who suddenly appeared in front of him. Instead of immediately looking for the responsibility of the personnel department, he accepted the resume in the hands of the other party with a smile, and passed it to the personnel department. department manager.

As the general manager, she naturally has to show enough tolerance, especially when facing newcomers. As for the scene of privately admonishing the middle management, it is another scene.

I don't know how the personnel department handles things, but they lost the chain on such a critical occasion.

Of course, now is not the time to let the other party leave without hesitation. If the elevator bumps into the big boss, wouldn't it affect the big boss's inspection.

If it wasn’t for the gentleman acting as the big boss’s strict order not to disrupt the normal operation of the company, Zhang Yi would have personally gone to the first floor to greet her.

"Xiao Qing, come and take her to the reception room."

Facing the general manager's order, HR manager Huang naturally called one of the front desks immediately, and took the rejected job applicant to the reception room.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Zhang, thank you Mr. Zhang."

Hearing the reply from the general manager of the company, the job seeker in his thirties bowed down to thank him. His pretty face showed the vicissitudes of time and the traces of pressure.

Knowing that there must be something important on this occasion, the anxious young woman hurriedly followed a staff member inside, so as not to leave a bad impression on the company's senior management.

Whether this opportunity is real or not, she will firmly grasp it.

At this time, the sound of the elevator stopping was heard crisply, and the young woman who followed the staff member couldn't help turning her head to look, and shouted in surprise: "Xu Renshan."


Xu Renshan, who had just nodded with Mr. Zhang and others, suddenly heard a shout, and couldn't help but look behind the crowd, and saw a somewhat familiar figure.

"Teacher Chen?!"

After watching carefully for two seconds, Xu Renshan's memory flashed a somewhat impressive face.

The other party was Chen Yike, his counselor in college.

I still remember that when he first saw a female counselor when he first entered college, Xu Renshan was not too surprised, but the male student next to him was full of emotion.

After all, a female teacher in her twenties, who is still pretty, but has a boyfriend and is not married, and there is no generation gap with them at that time.

Combined with the difference in identity between the two, Counselor Chen naturally has a kind of halo on him, which adds to his invisible appearance.

Unfortunately, in the third year of junior year, this teacher Chen was transferred from Jiang University, which made many male students who wanted to have a teacher-student relationship secretly hate him.

Never would have thought that this teacher would have aged like this in just over four years.

Unexpectedly, the job seeker even knew the big boss. Zhang Yi, who was standing beside her, motioned for the receptionist to lead him over, and recalled the surname she had casually glanced at before: "Mr. Xu, do you know this Ms. Chen?" ?"

"Yes, she was my teacher in college."

Regarding this, Xu Renshan said it directly, and then said to the counselor who was almost unrecognizable: "Mr. Chen, I haven't seen you for many years. Let me buy you a cup of coffee."

Without questioning the other party's experience in front of outsiders, Xu Renshan warmly invited the other party into the chairman's office.

"Mr. Chen, are you not in the education system?"

After the female secretary brought coffee and went out, Xu Renshan asked with some doubts.

Just now, he had a brief understanding, but the other party came to Jingjing Clothing to apply for a position in the design department.

And this Mr. Chen, who was also a postgraduate student majoring in fashion design at Shanghai Metropolitan University, worked as a counselor at Jiangda University right after graduation.

I still remember that when Xu Renshan first entered university, the female counselor he saw was quite bright and beautiful, and her clothes were very fashionable.

Didn't realize it, haven't seen each other for a few years, and the other party has changed so much.

"Well, a few years ago, something happened to my family, so I quit my job to start a business. However, I lost all my capital due to lack of experience, so I had to find a job to support my family."

Speaking of her failure experience, Chen Yike's face was still a little unnatural, with a little helplessness in the vicissitudes of life.

She also didn't expect that the company she was applying for turned out to be a former student's industry.

At the beginning, when she was working as a counselor at Jiang University, she remembered that Xu Renshan's family background was very ordinary, and her background in a small county town was also very ordinary, and she had changed so much in a few years.

As for why she remembered it so clearly, it was because when she first met him, she was a little surprised. After all, Xu Renshan, who is a handsome guy himself, stands out even more against the other male classmates.

At that time, she still remembered that several girls in the class and other classes were jealous of this.

"Yeah, that's a pity."

Seeing that Mr. Chen was unwilling to go into details, Xu Renshan didn't ask any further, but called Mr. Zhang directly: "Mr. Zhang, help Mr. Chen go through the entry procedures."


After hearing the order from the big boss, Zhang Yi naturally wouldn't have any disagreement.

It’s just an ordinary employee position in the design department. As long as the major you study is the counterpart’s ability is outstanding, the difference is not very obvious.

The reason why the HR department declined the other party before was just to recruit newcomers who had just graduated, so that they could be trained.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu."

Unexpectedly, the entry into the job went so smoothly, Chen Yike quickly got up to thank him, but couldn't help but get stuck on the address.

"Mr. Chen, you're welcome, just call me by my name in the future."

Seeing the embarrassment of the other party, Xu Renshan said something politely, and asked Mr. Zhang to take the other party away.

Afterwards, Xu Renshan specially ordered a few words to the female secretary, and temporarily put the matter on the back of his mind.

"Chen Yike, here is your badge and access control card. When you go to work tomorrow, you need to swipe your card to get in on the first floor."

Handed the quickly completed badge and access control card to the other party. Manager Huang, also in his thirties, smiled and said, "Do you live in Hangzhou or rent a house?"


Chen Yike, who was holding the badge, felt a sigh of relief. Hearing the manager's question, he quickly replied.

"Don't be nervous. There are rental benefits in our company's employee benefits. In addition, I think you may have a little difficulty in life. First, you will be paid in advance for one month's salary, and there will be a quarterly rental subsidy. Later, the finance will be transferred to your account. .”

Smiling and telling the other party about the company's employee benefits, Manager Huang naturally cared about the former university teacher of the big boss.

The benefits that these regular employees can enjoy after three years of employment must be fully arranged.

As for the advance payment of wages and subsidies, that special assistant Jiang greeted, and it must be done as soon as possible.

"Thank you, Manager Huang."

Seeing that the company arranged so humanely, Chen Yike, who was really a little nervous about living expenses recently, knew that the former student was behind the effort, so he didn't refuse for the sake of self-esteem.

Life is a mess, and she finally sees a ray of sunshine, and she will never give up this hard-won hope.

"You're welcome, we're all colleagues from now on. If you need anything in the future, feel free to tell me. By the way, we Weiwei haven't added friends yet, so I'll add you."


When Chen Yike walked out of the office building again, the slightly hot sun shone on her body, but it wasn't hot at all, just like the gentleness of a warm sun.

Turning around and looking at the office building with dozens of floors down, Chen Yike, who saw the hope of life, walked towards the subway station with a relaxed smile on his face.