Chapter 536: Cao thief's heart

Zhang Ruola's album sales have already driven the entire industry crazy enough, but Chen Jingru's new album sales under Yinfeng Entertainment are as high as 220 million.

Not only that, the sales of Chen Jingru's new album in North America also reached nearly 4 million US dollars. The sales in North America in the previous month were less than a fraction of last week.

I have to say that the courage of the other party to spend money is indeed commendable.

It seemed that the other party wanted to show off his 'talent' in front of him.

"Mr. Xu, I heard that your company Zhang Ruola's new album has sold nearly 200 million. Congratulations."

Wan Yinfeng, who hurried over from Hong Kong City, looked at the other party's disgusting handsome face, and wished he could step on the other party.

The other party's promotion is good, so it's not like being trampled on by him.

The original difference of less than 20 million has increased to 60 million again, and he has the advantage.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wan, Zhang Ruola's new album will definitely surpass your company's Chen Jingru."

Facing the provocation of Young Master Wan, Xu Renshan replied calmly, and then added: "At that time, Chen Jingru will also be considered a member of Qingguo Entertainment."

In the bet between the two, if he wins, he will get the shares of Yinfeng Entertainment and Yinfeng Group in the hands of the other party, especially more than 80% of the shares of Yinfeng Entertainment.

At that time, Chen Jingru, the queen of Yinfeng who invested huge sums of money, would naturally be their Qingguo entertainment.

Speaking of which, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Hahaha, what, Mr. Xu wants to make sales? How many million? Do you need my help?"

Seeing that the other party still didn't give up, Wan Yinfeng laughed complacently and asked a few words.

He didn’t think the other party was doing something secretly. Otherwise, how could it be possible for a Chinese album to exceed one million sales in North America? It’s funny.

At least half of the other party's 180 million sales last week were generated by swiping, which is only a little less than their Yinfeng Entertainment.

"The production of Qingguo Entertainment does not need to falsify the data. But Mr. Wan, I don't know how much water your diva has."

With Young Master Wan's complacent appearance, Xu Renshan wanted to beat him up, but he held back.

Be outside and be presentable.

Last week, their company had just launched their efforts, but the other party had invested nearly 500 million in funds. It can be said that the new album of the new Chen Tianhou is at least 70% moisture.

From the intelligence of the chairman of the Yinfeng Group, he knows the other party's capital output like the back of the palm of his hand.

"Xu, you will die if you don't brag."

Unexpectedly, the other party was at a disadvantage and would speak boldly. Wan Yinfeng, who was angry from it, couldn't maintain his superficial demeanor, and cursed viciously.

Everyone is a face-to-face enemy, so there is no need to maintain any demeanor.

In terms of the opponent's posture, the remaining more than one billion funds in his hand are enough to smash the opponent to the ground.

"Whether you are bragging or not, we will wait and see."

Seeing that the other party was so unfocused, Xu Renshan, with disdain on his face, signaled the female manager to lead the way to the VIP room for experience.


Wan Yinfeng couldn't help but swear when he saw the person surnamed Xu pretending to be better and leaving.

"Old Wan, is this the boss from the Mainland who bet against you?"

Wait until the young rich man from the mainland left, the chubby young man standing next to Wan Yinfeng asked with a smile.

"As for his boy, Lao He, what hall did they go to?"

Seeing the other party leave with that beauty, Wan Yinfeng asked casually.

"That is Chu Fei, the manager of Feifeng Hall."

As a well-known local wealthy third generation, He Gaocai naturally knew the well-known ace manager in the VIP room in Macau City.

"Let's go meet that Xu."

Thinking that the guy surnamed Xu is going to play big games, Wan Yinfeng, who thinks of electronics, slightly curls his mouth, ready to teach him an unforgettable lesson in advance.

"it is good."

He Gaocai, who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, also led the other party to the VIP room in a hurry.

Rich men like them don’t need to say much at all. The manager of the VIP room has been waiting for them early on, and they can go wherever they want.

Anyway, those managers' commissions will not fall into other people's pockets just because the big customers go to which hall.

"Cut, what a big man, and still grabbing the fruit machine."

Walking into the Feifeng hall, blocking the noise outside, Wan Yinfeng casually scanned half a circle, saw the previous Xu in the fruit machine area, and couldn't help but sarcastically.

Just like the other party, he has no interest in comparing with the other party at all.

"Mr. Wan, our boss asked if you are interested in gambling on the fruit machine?"

Just when Wan Yinfeng wanted to see other games, Kong Xinci, who was wearing a small women's suit and skirt, came over and talked about her boss's invitation.

"How to compare?"

Unexpectedly, the person surnamed Xu would not think of himself as a veteran compared with him, Wan Yinfeng's eyes flashed a glint.

"Both sides have 1 million chips each, and everyone is playing on the same row of online fruit machines. After two hours, let's see who has the most remaining chips at the end."

Seeing the other party's response, Kong Xinci revealed the specific bet.


Wan Yinfeng, who didn't care about this method of betting, walked over and said to Xu who was sitting in front of a certain fruit machine: "If I win, let her accompany me for three days."

While talking, Wan Yinfeng pointed to the female secretary who just conveyed the news and said.

He is not interested in other bets.

On the contrary, this female secretary, who seemed to have not had much personnel, seemed quite sensible. Wan Yinfeng felt excited when he thought that he could take the opportunity to trample on someone Xu's dignity, and the excitement that required some preparation work began to run on its own.

It seems that this female secretary of someone else's family is really his best medicine! !

"Sorry, my secretary is not an item and cannot be used as a bet."

Looking at the female secretary whose face changed drastically, Xu Renshan smiled and rejected the other party's proposal.

Regardless of whether he has a chance of winning, it is impossible to treat others as a commodity.

This is the basic respect for human nature.

What's more, there is nothing between him and the secretary.

"I lost, I can let the two of them stay with you for three days and three nights."

Hearing the other party's refusal, Wan Yinfeng, who didn't want to let go of such a good thing, pointed to the two young beauties he had brought, and talked about his bet.

Men, there is no resistance to wild flowers.

In his opinion, this female secretary with a good figure and temperament must have been exploited by the other party.

"Forget it, the bet you just said is over."

Seeing what the other party said, Xu Renshan took the initiative to end the previous bet.

Originally, he thought that the other party would not let it go, and ended today's meeting in such a slightly peaceful way, but he didn't expect the other party to have such a strong taste.

This young master Wan, could it be that he has a hobby of Cao thief? ? ?

"Heh, don't play if you can't afford the bet."

Not in the mood to listen to the opponent's other bets, Wan Yinfeng sneered, turned around and left.

He wanted to take advantage of the excitement and try the unique fun with the two girls he brought.

"So simple?!"

Looking at the handsome back of the other party who turned and left, Xu Renshan's eyes flashed a trace of doubt.

However, his doubts were quickly shattered by a voice.