Chapter 548: Raising money takes just...hours

"Is the investment fund enough, I can also invest in it."

Upon hearing this, Li Yanfei asked with bright eyes.

If you invest in the same project as Xu Mutou, wouldn't it be justifiable to ask the other party to understand the progress of the project in the future.

Even if you sell some shares in advance and earn tens of millions less, it doesn't matter.

Money, enough is enough, the most important thing is to live happily.

“No, the initial $2 billion has already been raised.”

The fitness physique maintained over the years allowed Xu Renshan to run while talking without disturbing the rhythm of breathing.


Hearing that there were no more investment opportunities, Li Yanfei responded with some disappointment, and slowly increased the frequency of her running.

"$2 billion????"

Compared to Concubine Li Yan who was calm and disappointed, Bao Jiahui, the female personal trainer who was standing beside her at any time, her eyes widened slightly, and she was extremely shocked in her heart.

When did $2 billion become a commonplace number for someone?

Even if other rich second generations brag in front of her, they can at most brag about tens of millions of business, and if they brag about hundreds of millions, they will be ridiculed by others.

And this super rich man who doesn't show his face, just casually talked about a business worth tens of billions.

The problem is that the other party is still so handsome and stylish, which makes people have no doubt about the other party's talent (financial resources).

No wonder her personal trainer, Li Bai Fumei Yanfei, never forgets her. Even though she has a family, she still secretly likes her.

If she was herself, Bao Jiahui felt that she had already rushed forward and made sacrifices many times.

It's a pity, although she thinks she has a good figure, her appearance is not as good as that of Li Yanfei, and she is usually pursued by some second-generation rich people who drive BMWs and Mercedes-Benz, and even enroll tens of thousands of yuan in her private lessons.

But Bao Jiahui knew that those people were just interested in her appearance and figure, just for fun, and they didn't really talk about marriage with her at all, so she was basically playing it perfunctory.

If she wants to play with others, it's not good for her to play with this handsome young man and super rich man in front of her.

At least, the small favor that the other party throws out is a dream that other young rich second generations can hardly achieve.

"Jiahui, come and show me, why can't this treadmill stop?"

Just as Bao Jiahui was in a daze, a voice from a distinguished female member came from beside her. She hurried over and fiddled with the stop button a few times.

As a result, the treadmill may have malfunctioned, and the stop button is useless.

This kind of situation rarely happens, but Bao Jiahui, who can charge thousands of dollars as a private teacher, didn't panic, but said to Bai Fumei: "Sister Concubine, don't be nervous, hold my hand , slowly."

"no problem?"

At this time, Xu Renshan, who had just finished running, naturally came over to prevent the long-legged female student from being injured.


Placing one foot on the edge, Li Yanfei turned around quickly, and jumped towards Xu Mumu behind.


Caught off guard, Xu Renshan subconsciously stretched out his hands and hugged him.

Fortunately, he has been trained for a long time in recent years, and his lower body is relatively stable. Otherwise, he would have to sit on the ground if he was jumped by the long-legged female classmate.

If you accidentally protrude the lumbar disc or damage the lumbar muscles, it will be bad.

"Wood, thank you."

Holding Xu Mumu's neck tightly with both hands, Li Yanfei, who had a pair of long legs around the other's waist, leaned close to the other's ear and whispered something, the tip of her tongue accidentally touched the other's earlobe.

"It's okay, you come down first."

Seeing that the female personal trainer had turned off the power of the treadmill, and looked out of the window pretending not to know, Xu Renshan, who was a little angry in the morning, said something softly.


After listening to the other party's words, Li Yanfei, who knew that the place and time were inappropriate, didn't pretend to be entangled, and her legs slid down slowly, and they were stuck for two or three seconds because of the unsmoothness.

"Jiahui, let's go to practice yoga."

Li Yanfei, whose face was slightly red, looked at Xu Mumu proudly, and said to the female personal trainer with a smile, she didn't take the matter of the broken treadmill to heart at all.


After contacting the equipment regularly for about 20 minutes, Xu Renshan looked at the long-legged female student who was practicing with a yoga ball not far away, and planned to go back for breakfast early.

"Brother Xu, let's have breakfast together."

At this moment, a figure walked up not far away, and shouted with a smile.


Seeing Mr. Chen's invitation, Xu Renshan, who hadn't had breakfast with him for a long time, didn't refuse either. He picked up his mobile phone and reported to his wife at home.

"Why, report the itinerary to your hostess?"

Seeing the other party typing on a mobile phone, Chen Tianhe in sportswear asked with a smile.

"Well, tell her so that she won't wait for me at home."

Acknowledging his behavior without hesitation, Xu Renshan followed the other party into the familiar small restaurant.

Unsurprisingly, there were more than a dozen breakfasts on the table, which were richer than the eight breakfasts at his house, which made Xu Renshan sigh with emotion at Mr. Chen's extravagance.

In the past, he, his wife, and Aunt Xue had breakfast for breakfast. Basically, they had told Aunt the night before that they would have seven or eight kinds of Chinese-style breakfast the next morning, plus some common Western-style meals.

If there is any black silk sister-in-law borrowing, there may be two or three more.

Although there are few styles, the skill of the chef is no worse than that of a five-star chef. After all, there are two master chefs and two assistant chefs with a combined monthly salary of more than 300,000.

"The $80 million fund, I have already had someone transfer it."

While eating breakfast, Chen Tianhe talked about the fundraising event last night.

"Brother Chen is straightforward. When a new car is built, I will definitely send you one as soon as possible."

Hearing what the other party said, Xu Renshan smiled and praised him.

In other words, when he first woke up in the morning, he had already received a report from the female secretary that 1.15 billion US dollars had been credited to the exclusive account for the new car project, and only three payments had not arrived.

It is estimated that all 1.4 billion US dollars can be raised in the morning.

Those bosses are really impatient. They clearly agreed to pay within a week, so they are afraid that the investment share will be lost.

He, Xu, is an imposing billionaire on the surface. Could it be possible that he will break his promise and become fat, and the investment share that he promised will definitely not be less than a penny.

At most, if the payment is not received within a week, I will get my share back.

Xu Renshan, who is very confident in the future of new energy vehicles, does not mind having more original shares in his hands.

"Haha, then I will wait."

After talking about this investment matter, Chen Tianhe casually chatted about homework, and finished a fairly simple breakfast.

As Xu Renshan expected, just after eight o'clock, he was still at home with his wife and children, when he got a report from the female secretary that the remaining three sums totaling 250 million US dollars had already been paid.

From nine o'clock after dinner last night to eight o'clock in the morning now, in less than 12 hours, all the funds raised of 1.4 billion US dollars were in place.

On the contrary, Xu Renshan’s own 400 million US dollars of funds and Musk’s 200 million US dollars both need bank loans and have to wait for a while.

However, since those bigwigs are so confident, Xu Renshan thinks that Mr. Liu can start building momentum earlier.