Chapter 581: old man, get me $60 million

Chapter 581 Old man, prepare me $60 million

"no comment."

Looking at each other, Shen Fang and the others nodded in agreement.

Compared to Shen Fang who is familiar with the young rich man, Zheng Yi and Xiong Ge have only met this rich man once or twice, and it is considered good luck to be able to enter the game.

You know, there are quite a few investment institutions in the country with a scale of tens of billions, but the big capitals invited tonight are only three of them, and the rest have not even received an invitation letter.

As the most dazzling star project in the financial circle this year, getting admission tickets is virtually a few steps ahead of others.

"Three uncles, drink tea."

Smiling slightly, Xu Renshan toasted.

Unexpectedly, apart from the familiar Shen Fang, the other two capital managers are quite easy to talk to.

Of course, he is also very clear that today's game is mainly because the initiative is completely in his hands, which makes it appear so harmonious.

"it is good."

Compared to the strong smiles in the original banquet hall, Xu Renshan and the others who were sitting in the small box drinking tea at this time, after negotiating the shareholding plan, were actually chatting and laughing.

For Zheng Yi and the others, they are willing to buy shares in the new company at a super high price, not only for the prospect of the new company, but also for the energy contained in it.

As the heads of large capitals, they understand the rules of investing in China far better than ordinary people.

As the specific person in charge of the project, Xu Renshan felt that the initial investment of 750 million US dollars in 10 points, plus the subsequent bank loan, was enough to complete the blueprint in his mind.

In this project, adhering to the principle of not seeking personal gain, Xu Renshan will not keep too many shares for himself.

At most, it is enough to retain about 10 points of shares before the branch company goes public.

"Initial financing, completed, $750 million in 10 points."

After the dinner was over, Xu Renshan sat in the Bentley on his way home and reported the progress of the incident to all 41 original shareholders in the newly established Weiwei group.

In addition to the 39 shareholders on the original list, Xu Renshan also gave 2 points to Shangguan Mingyi, and sold 1 point to Huang Cong.

Including himself, there are a total of 42 people in the Weiwei group.

Among them, 1 point of shares agreed to be given to Huang Cong will be paid into the SS Charity Fund after tonight's financing meeting at 80%, which is 80% of the 75 million US dollars - 60 million US dollars.

The original 25 points belonged to Xu Renshan himself. He took out 10 points of financing as the company's initial capital, which can definitely be called generous.

Since he is going to be the person in charge of the project, Xu Renshan will not really do any empty-handed white wolf tricks. It is impossible to rely on the contract to get a bank loan for the initial start-up funds.

Being a person and doing things must have a bottom line.

With the start-up capital of 750 million U.S. dollars, the loan from the bank is also smoother.

The remaining 15 points are naturally distributed freely by Xu Renshan, and the rest of the people will never have any second thoughts.

"Brother Xu is mighty!"

"Brother Xu Niubi!!"

"Brother Xu, you are my idol! The one for a lifetime."

"Brother Xu, I want to warm your bed!!"

"Brother Xu, I'll give you one!"

"Brother Xu, 666!!"

"Brother Xu, cow is just one word!!"

"Cousin Niubi!!"

Hearing this great news, the entire Weiwei group exploded instantly.

This is not 750 million Chinese yuan, but 750 million U.S. dollars.

10 points for 750 million U.S. dollars, which means that the new company has just been established and is directly worth 7.5 billion U.S. dollars, which is nearly 40 billion Huayuan.

The so-called 100 billion market value, no matter how hard you work, it will be in front of you.

The vision promised by the young rich man turned out to be so close.

Then, the so-called 100 billion market value is naturally not their ultimate goal. In the future, it will be 400 to 500 billion, or even hit the trillion mark.

"I really dare to think about it."

Watching the lively discussion in the group, and some people chanting trillion slogans, Xu Renshan, who silently watched the screen after sending a message, couldn't help shaking his head.

However, it is not impossible to acquire the shares of several energy storage companies listed by him, plus the market share of charging piles. In the two years when new energy broke out, it is not impossible to hit the market value of trillions together.

Do the math, that is eight or nine years.

It's just that, in this project, he can't reduce his holdings indiscriminately, so as not to be targeted by interested people.

"I want the moon in the sky and the frost on the ground"

The phone rang, and the number of Young Master Huang was displayed on the screen, and Xu Renshan immediately picked it up.

"Old Xu, send me the account number of your SS Charity Fund, and I will ask the old man to transfer the money to you."

Also chatted in the Weiwei group for a while, remembering Huang Cong who hadn't paid yet, and immediately called.

According to the previous verbal agreement, his father only needs to pay 80% of the money, which is 60 million U.S. dollars, and he can get a share of one point, earning 15 million U.S. dollars for nothing.

In other words, a small target fell from the sky.

Compared to those young talents who exchange resources for shares, Huang Cong feels that the shares he can buy with money are more comfortable.

If this brother repents, he will be so heartbroken that he can't breathe.

"No, it happens that this Saturday night, there will be a charity party, and then you can use this amount to buy something at the party."

Hearing what the other party said impatiently, Xu Renshan, who had been prepared for a long time, expressed his request.

As the public debut of the SS Charity Fund, Xu Renshan must prepare more grandly.

The Bara charity dinner mentioned by my senior just raised more than 40 million Chinese yuan, which occupied a lot of space in the entertainment section. He has already arranged 60 million U.S. dollars in advance.

How to compare, what to compare! !

In the future, no one will compare the SS Charity Fund with the so-called Barra Charity Dinner.

"no problem."

Huang Cong patted his heart and assured him that this kind of thing made him famous after spending money.

"Okay, let's have supper together when we have time."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Huang Cong immediately called his old man: "Old man, prepare me $60 million in cash."

Before asking for money, he deliberately didn't say what the large amount of money was for, and waited for the old man to ask questions before answering him calmly.

He, Huang Cong, is also a serious investor.

"Well, I'll have the money transferred to your account tomorrow morning."

After hearing his son's unreasonable request, Huang Zhihan, the boss of Baida Group, responded directly without any nonsense.

"Old man, why don't you ask me what I want so much money for?"

After being stunned by his father's straightforward attitude for two seconds, Huang Cong asked in astonishment.

"Why, I didn't ask you what it's used for, but you served it."

As if he could guess his son's expression at this time, Huang Zhihan, who was holding Zhizhu, laughed and joked.

Today he was also invited to attend the bidding dinner. Based on the relationship between his son and the other party, he naturally knows the purpose of the 60 million US dollars.

Not to mention, this friend my son met was really lucky.

Compared to other old friends who lost the election, he overtook on a curve and walked ahead.

Having a son is still useful.

"Okay, remember to call tomorrow morning."

After being swallowed by the old man, Huang Cong didn't say much.

Wait until you get the 1-point share, and then go to the other party to show it.

Now, let's keep the old man's appetite first. If the other party doesn't ask, Huang Cong will definitely not take the initiative to confess. Let's see who can't help it first.

On Friday, after hearing the report from the female secretary, Xu Renshan contacted him again from the provincial office. Xu Renshan ignored it, but spent half a day dealing with affairs, and half a day going home to accompany his wife and daughter.

In a blink of an eye, Saturday is here.

The anniversary celebration of the JS brand and the charity dinner of JS and SS Charity Fund were held in the banquet hall of Jiangsheng International Hotel.

(end of this chapter)