Chapter 587: for friends

Chapter 587 Going both ways for a friend

In order to prepare the singing stage for the big boss, the stage design team behind the scenes specially produced a naked-eye 3D animation, which is displayed beautifully.

A young man, from an ignorant boyhood to a generation of promising young people, let people feel the profound connotation of this song with the 'unusual' baritone.

Money or not, it doesn’t matter, as long as the big boss is happy.


When the young rich man on the stage finished singing, there was warm applause.

Whether it is respect for wealth, or because of the handsomeness of the other party, or the beauty of the stage design, everyone applauds sincerely.

On the webcast page, in the comment area, the full screen of '666666' floated by.

"Do you want to hear Mr. Xu sing again?"

Before the young rich man stepped down, Jin Wei and Zhang Lei stepped onto the stage quickly, and the left and right stopped the 'National Handsome Husband' who was about to step down.

Wearing suit trousers and a long-sleeved shirt with half-rolled sleeves, Xu Renshan stood beside two beautiful hostesses in evening gowns, like a harmonious picture reflected in the eyes of countless audiences.


The guests at the scene saw such an interesting scene, especially those sharp-eyed female guests who noticed a trace of Hao Ran on the mature and steady Mr. Xu's face, and shouted excitedly in response.

The female artists under Qingguo Entertainment didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement. They put their hands together by their mouths to make their voices louder.

Even Shi Yuxuan, who was sitting in the front row, was enjoying watching.

It is rare to encounter such an occasion, and it is really good to see a 'shy' husband.

"Mr. Xu must have felt everyone's enthusiasm. In addition, President Huang Cong of Maomao TV also sponsored a charity fund of 65 million US dollars, allowing you to sing another song."

At this time, the host Jin Wei also expressed the deep meaning of the next song at the right time, which attracted the guests present to cry secretly.

Unexpectedly, Young Master Huang, who had lost the auction before, would once again donate more than 400 million in this way.

Well, what a deep and good friend!

"Since Mr. Huang asked so, I also want to sing another song for charity."

The scheduled plot began to be staged, Xu Renshan naturally would not ignore the audience's kindness, and agreed to it.

He can be regarded as stabbing for his friend, otherwise, why would he have time to perform another song for money.

Not being a star, Xu Renshan doesn't need to show off on stage, it's really for friendship.

"it is good"

After thunderous applause, under the watchful eyes of the audience and the audience in front of the network TV, the lights on the stage dimmed and then brightened.

"Meeting is an accident,

My heart is swaying in the wind,

Your smile is haloed by Xia Tian. "

Accompanied by the music, Xu Renshan's baritone sounded steadily.

KTV little prince, it's not for nothing.

The most important thing is that with the help of the sound repairer behind the scenes, you can sing whatever you want.

"Rehearsal in front of the mirror,

I practice confession repeatedly,

often wanders in my dreams. "

The voice that came out after that was not Mr. Xu's, but Zhang Ruola's recognizable female voice.

The first song has a male solo, and the second song naturally has a chorus.

"If the name of the rose is love,

Why withered into a sea of ​​flowers. "


A song "I'm Behind the Time", performed by Xu Renshan and Zhang Ruola, successfully ended.

After   , the auction items were quickly sold, and the prices were not low.

Finally, the three hostesses came to the stage at the same time, announcing the donations raised tonight, a total of 1,388,800,000 yuan.

The top three are TX Mr. Chen's 105 million US dollars, Maomao TV Mr. Huang's 65 million US dollars, and Yuming Group's 100 million Huayuan.

In this donation, 20 million yuan was also donated to Jiangxi Provincial Charity Federation to help those out-of-school children return to school.

This is also the largest donation that the Jiangxi Charity Federation received after the Guo XX incident last year.

The remaining 1.3688 billion yuan will be charged to the SS Charity Fund to expand several charity projects that were originally established.

"1.3688 billion, the SS Charity Fund has made a lot of money."

"It's just a sensational dinner, but there are so many bigwigs in attendance, the relationship behind it is very strong."

"It's fake, if one-tenth of the 1.3 billion can be used for charity, it will be a high incense."

"The structure is small, small, and the real use of charity is at most a fraction."

"Do those upstairs suffer from persecution paranoia? The SS Charity Fund was established 7 years ago and invests at least 100 million yuan every year. It's just that it has never raised funds outside and has no reputation."

"What the upstairs said is true. I just went to the website of the SS Charity Fund, and the use and results of every donation are announced."

"I just read it too. I didn't expect that the hundreds of children in the mountainous areas of our county will be donated by the SS Charity Fund all the way to college tuition."

"Oh my god, the primary school in our town is actually donated by the SS Charity Fund, and the teacher is also subsidized every year. In addition, the daily meal allowance of 3 yuan for all elementary school children is paid by this charity fund."

"I just researched the webpage of the SS Charity Fund, and there are detailed records of the use of specific donations. Since 2005, 1.15 billion donations have been used so far, and none of them have been solicited externally."

"I also proved upstairs that the SS Charity Fund is private in nature. The previous 1.15 billion donations were all paid by the companies behind it, and there were no private donations from outside."

"Kao, the SS Charity Fund does not accept private donations."

"I can't even donate my lunch money, so I can only save it for myself tomorrow morning."

Some cool-natured netizens are already maliciously speculating whether the more than 1.3 billion charitable funds will be pocketed by someone. After all, the Guo XX incident last year is still fresh in everyone's memory.

It's just that these malicious remarks were quickly slapped in the face by "enthusiastic netizens", and some people published the web page link of the SS Charity Fund.

The SS Charity Fund webpage, which was originally running smoothly, did not suffer from any lagging or inability to open due to the influx of too many netizens in a short period of time.

After agreeing that the charity dinner would be broadcast live on the music channel and TX video, Xu Renshan, who considered the relevant situation, asked Sanxia Technology to take over the operation of the SS Charity Fund website to ensure that there would be no problems.

With huge server support, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of netizens visit, and there will be no phenomenon that it cannot be opened.

The netizens who were brought over by Amway can clearly see the final destination of each donation, and they have mixed feelings for a while.

Of the 1.15 billion yuan that has been donated before, none of the money is an expenditure other than charity, not even the expenditure of the fund staff.

Impulsive netizens want to donate online, but find that there is no account for donating at all.

The only way to contact the entire charity fund's webpage is the reported report mailbox, so that netizens can monitor whether the donations have been really implemented.

In these years, there is such a charity fund, which simply refreshes the upper limit of everyone's understanding of charity.

Such an enterprise is a truly conscientious enterprise!

"These days, even if you want to donate money, you can't donate it."

Netizens who always feel a little uncomfortable can only go back to the TX video page where the live broadcast has ended, and continue the awesomeness of the Amway SS Charity Fund.

Such a truly charitable organization cannot be buried!

The benevolent boss behind the fund wants to keep a low profile, but enthusiastic netizens must let the charity of the SS Charity Fund be highlighted.

Compared to the rumors on the Internet, Xu Renshan, who had been prepared for a long time, was not worried. At this time, he was sitting in a luxurious box with Xiao Chen, Huang's father and son, drinking tea.

"Uncle Chen, Uncle Huang, tomorrow I will ask someone to transfer a share of Future New Energy Company to you TX Group and Baida Group."

After taking a sip of tea, Xu Renshan directly talked about the purpose of entertaining several people alone.

Since both bigwigs donated hundreds of millions of dollars at the dinner just now, he couldn't help but express that it was his due intention to give up a share of each.

(end of this chapter)