Chapter 589: Strategize

Chapter 589 Strategizing

When she heard that Jingxi Mall and TM Mall were real buyers who had paid, Zhang Yi immediately thought that it might be the effect brought by the live broadcast of the charity gala.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Yi, the general manager, immediately ordered: "Contact the factory right away, and try our best to catch up with the work. In addition, after the shipment of the European branch next week, one-third, no, take half to make up for it." Go to the two shopping malls. After the North American goods are shipped next month, take out one-third first and make up for the shopping malls."

With such a good opportunity to quickly expand the influence of the JS brand in China, Zhang Yi immediately began to allocate inventory.

Anyway, the sales volume in both European and American markets is very stable, temporarily withholding part of the goods volume is enough for the factory to work overtime to catch up.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yi went back to the sofa and said to the chairman, "Chairman, the sales of our JS brand in two domestic online shopping malls have exploded."


After hearing this unexpected good news, Shi Yuxuan couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

“It seems that the comments are saying that the SS Charity Fund does not accept private donations, so netizens spontaneously want to buy up our JS brand clothing.”

Speaking of those lovely and enthusiastic netizens, Zhang Yi is in a good mood.

She didn't expect that the anniversary celebrations of JS brand clothing in the past few years did not arouse much response in the country. As a result, this year it was changed to a charity dinner, and the sales immediately exploded.

"That's it, that can't let the enthusiasm of netizens be in vain. Let's hold an anniversary promotion, and the follow-up inventory will be 50% off within three days."

Soon it occurred to her that the webcast arranged by her husband played a publicity role, and Shi Yuxuan generously gave away the profits to those enthusiastic netizens in China.

She doesn't care about the profit, the important thing is to let her husband's heart not be wasted.


After hearing the order from the proprietress, Zhang Yi didn't have any objections.

A few female friends next to him couldn't help but praise this old classmate or girlfriend for such a happy decision.

Sitting in the extended Rolls-Royce on the way home, Shi Yuxuan and her husband sat on one side, and Aunt Xue sat across from Xiao Qingqing who was sleeping soundly, chatting about the interesting things they had encountered in the hotel before.

Among them, the hot sales of the JS brand has become the biggest topic.

Although the staff replenished the goods under the order of general manager Zhang Yi, they were still all sold out within an hour.

Only in the two hours from 9:00 to 11:00 tonight, the sales volume of JS brand clothing exceeded 100 million, breaking the single-brand sales records of the two major online shopping platforms.

This is because Shi Yuxuan ordered all follow-up orders to be discounted by 50% off, and users who have already paid before have given a half-price value of the original clothing "Xueyuxuan Series" cosmetics coupons without threshold.

Even the sales of other brands under the name of Jingjing Clothing Company have skyrocketed, reaching more than 50 million according to preliminary estimates.

If you add the Xueyuxuan series of cosmetics that have not been fully counted, it is estimated that the combined sales of the two companies' products will reach 200 million tonight.

"So, our Chinese netizens are still very kind."

After hearing what his wife said, Xu Renshan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It’s like a loss-making domestic clothing brand many years later. Because it was “exploded” by someone, the company has been donating silently behind its back, and it was directly put on the hot search by netizens for wild consumption.

After that, with the enthusiasm of countless netizens and those anchors shouting "rational consumption", the company came back to life and staged a wave of comeback.

Similarly, tonight Xu Renshan asked the relevant team to formulate a series of countermeasures to prevent the public opinion on the Internet from going astray.

At present, everything is under control.

Of course, his wife's atmosphere was beyond his expectation, but it was also reasonable.

"This is much better than other brands spending money on hard promotion. Originally, I was thinking about how the JS brand can open up the domestic market."

Leaning on her husband's shoulder, Shi Yuxuan smiled and talked about the things she had considered earlier.

She naturally knew that the situation tonight was fueled by the secret team, which just showed that her husband is excellent, and he has a lot of strategies in the mall.

"Recently, you've been taking care of Qingqing while handling affairs, are you tired?"

Hearing that his wife was still thinking about this kind of business problem, Xu Renshan asked with concern.

"Not tired."

Shaking her head slightly, Shi Yuxuan's face was full of smiles: "The affairs of the three companies have already been sorted, and Shengnan just picked some things that need my signature to report. By the way, I heard from Manager Li of the Charity Fund that , We encountered troubles in investing in the construction of primary schools and canteen subsidies in **, and it has been resolved in the past two days."

"Well, I said hello to a friend earlier."

Speaking of this, Xu Renshan admitted it naturally.

Sometimes, doing charity is not all smooth sailing, just like the SS Charity Fund used to build a school in a remote county and provide subsidies to poor teachers and students, but was obstructed by some local small associations, and half of the project was stranded. half a year.

It is not clear that those who want to take advantage of the opportunity will stay there for a few years. Xu Renshan just had a private chat with a shareholder in the future new energy shareholder group, and the project progressed smoothly.

"Sometimes when I think about it, there are too many disturbances in this world."

Mentioning that there are still troubles in doing good deeds, Shi Yuxuan feels that she is very happy now: "Fortunately, you will be here in the future."

"We are always here."

Hu Qingxue, who was hugging Qingqing, saw the sweet appearance of the two, and unknowingly ate several tons of dog food, so she simply closed her eyes and fell asleep.

However, she is more and more satisfied with her daughter's current life.

Originally, after confirming that the girl was safe, Hu Qingxue wanted to go back to the wine estate in Europe to recuperate early, but seeing Qingqing's small eyes grabbing her clothes, she couldn't make up her mind.

The life in Europe is leisurely and apologetic, but it lacks a lot of human touch and is a bit deserted.

Struggled several times in her heart, Hu Qingxue never mentioned the matter of returning to Europe.

Perhaps, when Qingqing grows up, she will be able to leave.

"I'll take Qingqing back to the room first."

The Rolls-Royce stopped at the door, and Hu Qingxue, who understood the thoughts of the young people very well, got out of the car with Qingqing in her arms, and went back to the room accompanied by the aunts who greeted her.


Looking at his wife in a black waist-cut evening dress, Xu Renshan couldn't help feeling the urge to check the quality of the evening dress.

Although she gave birth to a daughter, after half a year of recuperation, Shi Yuxuan's figure quickly returned to the level before pregnancy, and even some places that should be fat have gained a little fat.

In the world, there are two types of beauties that men can hardly refuse.

One is stockings with beautiful legs, all kinds of black silk, white silk, meat silk, purple silk, etc., have different sensory stimuli; the other is uniforms, including business suits, skirts, dresses, evening dresses, etc. Normal clothing has a greater visual impact.

As Shi Yuxuan, who is worth a lot of money, the quality of the waist-cut evening dress she chose is definitely top-notch in the country. The texture of the dress at the heart and slender waist attracts men to explore it.

The dignified and generous temperament, paired with a tight but **** dress that shows off the figure, makes people even want to tear it up, showing the broken ultimate beauty.

(end of this chapter)