Chapter 593: Decades of Enmity and Resentment

Originally, he was thinking of going to the capital to give the old man some souvenirs in two days, but he didn't expect the old man to come to Lizhou all the way, which is really surprising.

However, Xu Renshan understood the old man's age and complexion.

"Well, are you free at noon today, let's have lunch together?"

Looking at the controlled traffic lights flashing by the car window, Shangguan Mingyan's voice was very calm.

No way, the old man has been a soldier all his life, with a stubborn personality, and the things that are settled cannot be questioned by the younger generation.

Even, the old man, who couldn’t sleep because of his urgent thoughts, even asked the special plane to take off at four o’clock, and arrived at Yiwu next door to Lizhou at eight o’clock in the morning.

In the past, the guilty old man was embarrassed to step into Lizhou, a county town that left a deep impression on him when he was young. Now that Xu Renshan has forgiven him, he has untied his knot a little bit, so he wants to come back and have a look, and he strictly ordered not to disturb the place. .

The cool autumn weather in October is just right.

In addition, Mr. Shangguan also wanted to see the unmasked child of the Xu family sooner.

However, with the level of the old man, leaving the capital shocked many people.

Jiang Province is even more prepared for battle. The deputy squad leader in the province personally led the team and escorted it from Yiwu Airport to Lizhou.

"Okay, where is the old man going to rest?"

After hearing the words of Sister Shangguan, Xu Renshan simply agreed.

The misunderstanding between the two families has long since dissipated. Naturally, he would not refuse such a proposal, and presumably the old lady would not hold on to old issues.

In the past, the elder sister did not want to honor the kindness of the Shangguan family and make it difficult for the underground elders to rest in peace.

With the growth of age and the improvement of family life, some so-called obsessions no longer matter, and it’s okay to see Mr. Shangguan.

"The Lizhou Hotel is tentatively scheduled, and I will send someone to pick you up when the time comes."

After saying the address, Shangguan Mingyan, who was sitting in another car, received a message and quickly changed her words: "The old man wants to visit your grandfather's grave. Are you and your sister free?"

"This...let me talk to my sister."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Shangguan was so impatient. Xu Renshan thought of the old lady who was still at home preparing to take their family to climb the mountain, so he hesitated for a second before agreeing.

Putting down the phone, when Xu Renshan found out the old sister's number, he explained it to his wife next to him.

With Mr. Shangguan as an unexpected figure, today's National Day holiday activities will be postponed.


Xu Jiaoqian, who was packing travel supplies at home, received a call from her younger brother, couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Okay, let's go there together later."

Hung up the phone, Xu Jiaoqian said to her husband with the baby next to her: "The old man from Shangguan's family came to Lizhou suddenly, and said he was going to visit his grandpa's tomb. Xiaoshan and I will accompany him there."

"That old man?!"

Briefly listening to his wife talk about the origin of the two families, Xu Baoguo nodded without asking any further questions.

Given his level, he is still considered a small person in the small county of Lizhou, but if he tries to cling to the Shangguan family, he will definitely be looked down upon.

Besides, Xu Baoguo is very satisfied with his current situation, and he is not going to study hard in his official career.

Be a human being, be content and be happy!

Starting at nine o'clock in the morning, the atmosphere in the entire Lizhou Hotel became tense in an instant. The original guests were persuaded with good words and temporarily arranged to the nearby Pearl Hotel, and the relevant personnel began to take over the security work.

The team members from Lizhou gathered around the deputy squad leader of Wuzhou who had arrived ahead of time, looking forward to it. Naturally, the squad leader from Wuzhou rushed ahead to accompany and lead the way.

Around half past nine, a line of low-key black domestic cars slowly drove into Lizhou Hotel.

The benevolent old man Shangguan got out of the car, chatted with the team members who were waiting there, and then went to the room to rest.

Soon, a black domestic car brought the Xu Renshan siblings into the Lizhou Hotel.

Xu Renshan, who got off the bus, saw the inconspicuous Squad Leader Ying, smiled and nodded, and then walked in led by Shangguan Mingyan who came out to greet him.

As for the others, he is not familiar with them, and it is not convenient for him to have more conversations.

"Who are those two young people?"

The squad leader in Wuzhou was just about to wait in the reserved lounge, when he saw two young people who came in suddenly, he curiously asked the person next to him.

"It should be the local Xu's siblings. The young man is the younger brother Xu Renshan, who has opened several companies in our province. The older sister, Xu Jiaoqian, is a staff member of Lizhou **."

Hearing the question from the superior squad leader, Squad Leader Ying, who knew the details, answered quickly.

Originally, he had made an appointment with the young rich man to have dinner the day after tomorrow, but he didn't expect a big surprise just today, the National Day.

He had vaguely heard about the relationship between the Xu family siblings and the Shangguan family, but he didn't know that the relationship was so deep. Even the old man came to Lizhou in person to meet him immediately.

Sure enough, it was a very wise decision for him to transfer to Lizhou to serve as a small squad leader for another term instead of pursuing to go further to Wuzhou as a team member.

Only when the background is abundant, can the future go further.

"Well, Squad Leader Ying has done a very good job of preparation."

Nodding in satisfaction, the squad leader of Wuzhou didn't ask any more questions in front of everyone, and went to the lounge to chat with the class committee of the provincial class.

"Xiaoqian, it's the first time we've seen each other in more than 20 years."

Seeing the siblings coming in, Mr. Shangguan's cloudy eyes became clear, as if he saw the younger brother of the Xu family back then, and his heart was full of emotion.

After so many years, he set foot on the land of Lizhou again.

"Yes, Grandpa Shangguan."

Xu Jiaoqian is also full of respect for this old man who never forgets her grandfather.

Times have changed, right and wrong back then are no longer so important, the best is now.

"Okay, okay, I'm so happy to see you two grown up."

Nodding with a smile on his face, Mr. Shangguan talked about the past: "I think back then, when the father of you two little guys was born."

Unknowingly, half an hour passed while the old man was thinking about bitterness and sweetness.

Old people always like to recall the past, even if the past is full of ups and downs.

"Grandpa, you can pass."

Shangguan Mingyan, who was reported by others, took the initiative to come to Grandpa and said something softly.

The weather this morning is just right. If the afternoon passes, it will not conform to the customs here, and the weather will also change.


After hearing what the granddaughter said, the smile on the old man's face disappeared, and he stood up on crutches: "Xiaoqian, Xiaoshan, come with me to see your grandpa."


The group of people soon arrived at a certain cemetery, and the irrelevant personnel were isolated. Xu Renshan and Shangguan Mingyan supported the old man, and Xu Jiaoqian followed.

The four of them came to Grandpa Xu's tomb, and all the tributes had been placed on the ground.

Lighted a piece of incense with his own hands, Mr. Shangguan stood up straight, and then bowed to greet him: "Brother Xu, I'm here to see you"

At this time, Mr. Shangguan's eyes were dim with tears, but no one stepped forward to dissuade him.

The kindness and resentment of decades ago seems to be slowly melting in the tears of the old man.