Chapter 613: Every industry has its own hardships

Chapter 613 Every industry has its own hard work

"Not interested in."

Looking at the back curve of the long-legged female classmate who seemed to have started a second development, Xu Renshan unceremoniously rejected the other party's proposal, and didn't ask the other party if he wanted to go to work today.

If he agrees, even if the other party has to go to work, he can ask for leave temporarily.

And a biological theory that loses blood for a few days every month and can live more and more beautifully, there is no logic at all.

"It's really boring. I was thinking about not taking my annual leave, and going to see the snow scene with you, Sister Xuan, Qingqing and the others."

Hearing this refusal, Li Yanfei, who was a little disappointed, couldn't help muttering.

She didn't like the subsidy deducted from the annual leave at all, and wanted to take advantage of the end of the year to retire, but someone just didn't cooperate.

She is such a ripe peach that no one wants to taste it, it's simply abominable!

"Qingqing is still young, the top of the mountain is too cold."

Xu Renshan didn't expose the thoughts of the long-legged female student, and after explaining one sentence, he concentrated on the fitness exercise in front of him.

Since he was reborn, he has fallen in love with the effects of fitness. Not only has his wife's homework been completed beyond the standard, but he can also occasionally smell the fragrance of red flowers outside.

Compared to the ups and downs of his relationship with those girlfriends in his previous life, Xu Renshan felt that his relationship with his wife was getting deeper and deeper, without any cloying taste.

Stay outside for two more days, and I miss my wife and daughter at home.

"Then when it snows in the city, I'll take Qingqing to build a snowman."

With a smile on her face, Concubine Li Yan immediately changed her proposal, not caring about the previous disappointment at all.

With Xu Mutou, she was hit more times, so she didn't care.

If she didn't learn to regulate herself, how could she persist until now.


Xu Renshan did not object to this point.

After a little bit of sleet on the evening of the 17th and the early morning of the 18th, a week later, Hangzhou finally had a serious snowfall.

When we came together on the morning of the 25th, it was all white outside, which was a bit dazzling.

For Hangzhou residents who have rarely seen snow in the past two years, it was quite a surprise.

"Xiao Qingqing, Xiao Qingqing."

Early in the morning, Li Yanfei, who didn't go to the gym, arrived at the villa of the big sister next door before half past six.

"Qingqing hasn't woken up yet."

Xu Renshan, who had just come down from upstairs, looked at the long-legged female classmate who disturbed her dream, and replied casually.

"Well, I just built a snowman, and I want to take her to see it."

Hearing that her goddaughter didn't get up, Li Yanfei changed her words naturally and said: "That's just right, there is snow on the road today, I dare not drive, you can take me to the gym by the way."


Knowing that there is snow on the road today, Xu Renshan did not refuse this reasonable request.

A few minutes later, Xu Renshan, who was ready, drove an executive version of the Range Rover with anti-skid tires to the gym.

Along the way, you can see snow plows and sanitation workers on the road cleaning the streets, so that vehicles in the morning rush hour will not have accidents due to snow on the road.

"Those sanitation workers are working hard."

It was rare to sit in the co-pilot seat of Xu Mutou and go to the gym. Li Yanfei looked out the window and saw the thin sanitation worker, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

“Each industry has its own hardships. If we can, we can help.”

His eyes fell on the car with the red mark on the side of the road. Xu Renshan knew that it was a heating car sponsored by the SS Charity Fund. There was standing hot water in it. 200 cars were invested in the Hangzhou area, and 20,000 cars were donated in total by the southern provinces. .

"That is the heating car donated by the SS Charity Foundation. It's pretty good-looking. Otherwise, your SS Charity Fund is open for donations, and I'll donate some money too."

Li Yanfei, who also noticed the red car, knew the reason, and talked about the donation with a smile.

She works in the Education Bureau, and she is free on weekdays. Occasionally, she pays attention to the official website of the SS Charity Fund, where she has seen the expenditure of this donation.

If it weren't for the fact that the SS Charity Fund does not usually raise funds from outsiders, the donations received would definitely be a considerable number.

"No need, you don't have much salary yourself."

Smiled, Xu Renshan understood the kindness of this long-legged female classmate, but he didn't say it.

According to the latest regulations of the SS Charity Fund, except for the annual charity dinner, the rest of the time will not be open to the outside world.

He and his wife own a lot of property, and each donates 100 million yuan to the SS Charity Fund every year, which is enough to support most charity projects.

It is not enough, just add it temporarily.

Otherwise, what is the meaning of life as a Grandet with hundreds of billions of dollars in assets in the future.

"Hmph, I don't live on wages."

As if being underestimated by the other party, Li Yanfei couldn't help but snorted, but didn't continue the topic.

Soon, the Land Rover parked in the underground parking lot of the gym, and the two walked in together.

In the blink of an eye, it was the New Year's Eve time. On the evening of the 31st, the weather was clear, and Xu Jiaoqian's family of six arrived in Hangzhou by helicopter.

"Sister, brother-in-law, I'll take you to the house in the lakeside community."

After dinner, Xu Renshan was the first to talk about housing.

My sister and her family live in a villa that seems a little crowded, and they cannot be allowed to stay in a hotel. Anyway, there is a spare well-decorated house, and Shi Yuxuan specially asked someone to clean it twice the day before yesterday and today.

"it is good."

Knowing his younger brother's arrogance now, Xu Jiaoqian was not polite, so she immediately agreed.

Then, Xu Renshan and Shi Yuxuan took Qingqing to sit in the extended version of the Bentley, together with two little guys, Lele and Xuanxuan, and brother-in-law Xu Baoguo drove a Range Rover with Xu Jiaoqian and her parents. Behind.

A team of convoys drove steadily into the Huan Xiaofeng Community, which is not far from Taohuayuan and closer to the West Lake, mainly with large-scale suites.

When the real estate was delivered in June, Xu Renshan bought a 460-square-meter large flat, which is quite suitable for relatives and friends to live in.

"So big?!"

Walking into the door and looking at the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, Xu Jiaoqian couldn't help but sigh.

She heard her brother talk about the suite before, but she didn't expect it to be so big. Just looking at the layout of the living room, it was much larger than the flat floor of Jinjiang Huating, their hometown in Lizhou, that her brother gave them.

Even in terms of decoration, it also made her eyes shine.

"Wow, there is a lake there, isn't it the West Lake?"

Lele and Xuanxuan came to the side of the floor-to-ceiling windows, pointed to the West Lake not far away and shouted.

"That's the West Lake. You can go for a walk by the lake tomorrow morning. But you have to let your parents accompany you."

Shi Yuxuan, who was holding Xiao Qingqing, smiled and explained to the two little guys.

“Wow, we live so close to West Lake.”

Opening their hands, the two little guys excitedly pulled their grandparents to see the scenery.

On the other side, Xu Renshan, who turned on the central air conditioner, took his sister and brother-in-law to briefly look at the layout of the room, and gave them the spare key and door code by the way.

"Tonight, you can go shopping casually. There are many activities in the shopping mall by the West Lake. You can take Lele and the others to have a look."

Xu Renshan, who still had work to do next, took his wife and daughter home first after settling down with his sister and family.

After that, he hurried to Baida Hotel by car.

(end of this chapter)