Chapter 618: You are not a liar, are you?

Chapter 618 You are not a liar, are you?

"Sorry, someone secretly leaked the news."

Rubbing between his eyebrows, Shangguan Mingli said apologetically.

He didn't expect that Wan Yinfeng from Hong Kong City suddenly went abroad and transferred all the money in his personal and company accounts, obviously running away.

And that Song, who was going abroad for inspection, was supposed to take a flight back to China today, but he changed his ticket temporarily and went to Ottawa.

Obviously, his actions leaked the news in advance.

Assessment is an afterthought. Shangguan Mingli can only remedy it in time and try his best to recover the loss of state-owned property.

Although private shares account for the majority of Song’s industrial shares, state-owned enterprises also have a lot of shares. For a large group with a market value of 100 billion, more than a dozen points also involve tens of billions of funds.

"It's okay, nothing is perfect in the world."

For this, Xu Renshan did not blame the other party, but felt a little regretful.

Not only regretted that Song had escaped from the net, but also regretted his previous bet. Presumably, there was only an empty box left for Yinfeng Entertainment and Yinfeng Group.

On the contrary, the contract of Chen Jingru, who has returned to the top, may still be worth a little money.

It's just that he has to be on guard, whether that Song, who is abroad, will take the risk and hire someone to kill him.

When domestic laws cannot restrain the other party, the demons in some people's hearts will be completely released.

Because the other party still had scruples, he would only do some small tricks behind the scenes, but Xu Renshan didn't encounter any immediate danger.

This point requires strengthening the security of him and his family.

"What's wrong?"

Shi Yuxuan, who was playing with her daughter on the ground, saw her husband come back, and asked casually.

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of the company."

smiled, Xu Renshan didn't want to upset his wife.

Outside the world, let men resist, this is the responsibility of the head of the family.


After hearing her husband's answer, Shi Yuxuan didn't ask any further questions, and continued to tease her daughter.

"Sir, madam, the little princess's bath water is ready."

After a while, Aunt He, the housekeeper, knocked on the door and came in, reporting.


replied, Xu Renshan picked up his little princess and walked outside.

In the dedicated bathroom at this time, the heating was fully turned on, and there was a faint heat in the small bathtub of a few square meters, and two professional nurses were waiting there.

Qingqing, who took off her small clothes, shouted excitedly when she saw the small bath.

Playing in the water with a swimming ring is one of her favorite games.

"Baba, Baba."

Seeing her father splashing water by the pool, Qingqing excitedly swam towards him with her hands and feet, and subconsciously yelled the vocabulary that adults often teach.


Hearing his daughter's cry, Xu Renshan couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then unspeakable joy welled up in his heart.

He didn't expect that the first clear word his daughter yelled was 'Dad'.

"Husband, my daughter is calling you!"

Shi Yuxuan, who tied her long hair behind her head, smiled and called her stunned husband.

As for the daughter who was the first to call out 'Daddy', she wasn't jealous, at most she was a little jealous.

From the time her daughter was born, she spent more time with her daughter than her father, but who made her daughter a caring little padded jacket for her father?

"Oh, Dad is here."

In response, Xu Renshan grabbed his daughter's little hand and played with her happily in the water.

After her daughter took a shower and had a lower back massage, Xu Renshan hugged her and walked around the villa, no matter how she looked at her, she liked it.

As the end of the year approaches, all companies have entered the year-end finishing work, and the companies under Xu Renshan's name are no exception.

All day long on the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, Xu Renshan finally managed the business of the company directly under his and his wife's name, and leaned on the boss chair to enjoy the head massage of Jiang Jingwen, director of the president's office.

"Boss, tonight, the year-end party at Yuming Group will start at six o'clock."

Controlling the strength in her hands, Jiang Jingwen, who saw that the time was about the same, reported the boss's itinerary for tonight.

"what time is it now?"

Closing his eyes and resting his mind, Xu Renshan asked casually.

"Ten past five."

"Well, let someone arrange a car."


As a new-style tea drinking group with direct sales stores and franchise stores in parallel, Yuming Group held a year-end party, and it was naturally impossible for all members to attend.

In addition to most of the staff at the company's headquarters, each directly-operated store will select 1-2 people to participate, and those franchisees also have a quota for each person, who can participate in person or let their employees participate.

Calculated in this way, the number of Yuming Group's year-end gatherings reached as many as a thousand people, and the Kaiyuan Hotel, which has a spacious venue, was specially chosen.

When Xu Renshan entered the arena at 5:50, thousands of guests stood up at the same time, and there was warm applause in the banquet hall.

When walking to the stage, Xu Renshan shook hands with some franchisees and employees cordially, feeling like a leader inspecting.

“In the past 2012, Yuming Group has made great progress”

Coming to the stage, Xu Renshan made a brief summary of the present and looked forward to the future. In less than five minutes, he handed over the stage to CEO Fan Deyi.

However, Xu Renshan, who was wearing a casual suit and trousers, still left the deepest impression on the hearts of thousands of guests at the scene, although the words were short.

After he walked off the stage, the applause rang out for more than ten seconds.

"Mr. Xu just summed up the development of our company"

Fan Deyi, who came second to the stage, wore a suit and leather shoes, very formal, and he must be called "Mr. Xu", and the dazzling achievements were all achieved under the leadership of "Mr. Xu".

By the way, Fan Deyi, who talked for a few minutes, also announced tonight's Sunshine Award, with 1,000 yuan in red envelopes for each person, and 1,500 yuan in red envelopes for employees who were not present.

Eating, drinking, and some cultural programs organized by the employees themselves, Xu Renshan stayed for an hour, drank a lot of red wine, and his face was flushed.

At 7:00 p.m., when everyone was eating, Xu Renshan took the stage to shake out tonight's grand prize—the winners of two BMW 3 Series: "Congratulations to No. 153 and No. 278."

Other companies may get the right to use luxury cars, but Yuming Group never plays tricks, and rewards the lucky employees at the year-end party directly after the full purchase of the car.

Hundreds of thousands of prizes, what kind of nonsense are you doing, it seems too petty.

"Wow, I'm number 278, and 278 is my number. I hit the jackpot, I hit it."

Looking at the big screen above, there was an excited cheer from a certain banquet table under the stage, which aroused the envy of the surrounding colleagues.

This BMW 3 Series is worth two to three years' wages of ordinary employees, it is simply a pie from the sky.

The employee of No. 278 excitedly stepped forward to receive the award. Xu Renshan personally presented the other party with a car key and took a group photo with the other party.

And No. 153 is a left-behind employee of a directly-operated store. Xu Renshan called the other party on the spot: "Hello, is this ***, I am Xu Renshan, chairman of Yuming Group."

"Who? You said you are our chairman, you are not a liar, right? I have no money in my card."

(end of this chapter)