Chapter 621: phantom shares

Chapter 621 Phantom Shares


Hearing this condition, Zhou Yanan smiled and agreed.

Anyway, it's not her own private shares.

No matter how you calculate it, she earns more.

"Sister Zhou is refreshing, I offer you a toast."

Holding up the red wine glass with a smile, a smile appeared on the corner of Xu Renshan's mouth.

After the cooperation was negotiated, everyone was in a good mood, and the atmosphere soon became lively.

What follows is naturally the exciting part of the annual meeting, the programs and song and dance performances carefully prepared by the artists of Qingguo Entertainment Company, each showing their talents.

Compared to the unprofessional employee programs at the annual meeting of the other two companies, the artists of Qingguo Entertainment are well prepared.

The male artists are alright, they only focus on singing, and the female artists all show their most beautiful side in order to impress a certain young boss.

Some female artists even learn to hug each other to keep warm.

If one is not enough, several people should unite.

As for the dance of the Seven Fairies, both the costumes and the props are quite professional, which makes people dizzy.

"Feifei, it's a good thing you debuted early, so you don't have to compete with these people for resources."

Liu Xiaochen, who was sitting at a certain table, saw those talented female artists on the stage, and felt lucky for her daughter's current status.

If my daughter just made her debut now, she would have to compete with so many unique female artists, and she might not be able to make it out of the tight encirclement.

"You can't take it lightly now."

Looking away from someone at the main table, Liu Fei was not so optimistic.

Having participated in the production of international blockbusters, Liu Fei is well aware of how much prejudice she needs to break through if she wants to enter Hollywood as a Chinese female artist.

Before that, she must stabilize her position in the domestic film and television industry, and these female artists in the company may become her opponents.

"It's good that you have such a clear understanding."

Hearing her daughter's modest answer, Liu Xiaochen nodded in satisfaction.

Different from Liu Fei, who was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, the rest of the female artists paid close attention to the movements of the young boss in private, and no one dared to take the first step when they wanted to go forward to toast.

"Sister Fan, didn't you say you want to be the first to toast Mr. Xu?"

Gu Yourong, who was sitting there, began to encourage her good sister at the same table.

At critical moments, a good sister must take the lead.

"Just go."

Being provoked by the other party, Zhang Fan, who was already interested, immediately stood up and walked towards the main table.

The young boss doesn’t know how to eat people, so what are you afraid of, the first one to toast will definitely leave a deeper impression on the other party.

However, halfway through Zhang Fan's walk, he found that he was preempted by the seniors who were new to the company.

"Mr. Xu, I offer you a toast."

Chen Liusu, who was wearing a blue long dress, came to the main table with a red wine glass in his hand, and said to the young chairman. The silk dress on his body seemed to be shining, attracting the man's attention to the high slit Look at the space.

Although the position of the heart is not too prominent, Chen Liusu, who is very good at choosing clothes, avoids short and long, which fully demonstrates that she maintains a good slender figure and highlights her mature charm.


Seeing this well-qualified female artist, Xu Renshan smiled and clinked glasses with her, and took a sip.

Cleanly drank the red wine in the glass, and the reddish Chen Liusu returned to his table with graceful steps.

"Mr. Xu, I offer you a toast."

Seeing being preempted, Zhang Fan, who didn't dare to delay any longer, stepped forward to toast.

"it is good."

Smiling slightly, Xu Renshan took another sip.

With the first and second ones, artists came to toast one after another. Xu Renshan, who was tired of coping, simply got up and toasted table by table.

Even so, when he returned to the main table, Xu Renshan's face was still hot.

Red wine is just slightly sweet when you first drink it, but it is a bit strong afterward.

"Boss, I need you to go up and draw the prize."

In the middle of the annual meeting, Jiang Jingwen came to the boss and reported softly.

"it is good."

Hearing this scheduled project, Xu Renshan got up and came to the stage.

At this time, the uninvited chairman of the leading entertainment company had already left the stage early with excuses.

"Next, we, Chairman Xu, will draw tonight's grand prize. The winner can have a movie tailored by the company with an investment of tens of millions."

Chen Jingru, who played a guest hostess, finished speaking in fairly standard Mandarin. Together with Zhang Ruola beside her, she came to the stage and reached out to support the handsome young chairman.

Following her old club Wan Yinfeng on the run, Chen Jingru, who knew her future ending, contacted Qingguo Entertainment and joined her new club in advance.

Just entering this big family, Chen Jingru naturally had to perform well, and took the initiative to take the job of guest host of the annual meeting, and formed a team of two Asian queen hosts with her former competitor Zhang Ruola.


With the backdrop of the two Asian queens, Xu Renshan came to the stage, pressed the button in his hand, and a name appeared on the big screen, which was 'Zhi Xinlei'.

"Congratulations to Xinlei Zhi."

Looking at the big screen, Zhang Ruola and Chen Jingru smiled and called each other's name.

Zhi Xinlei, dressed in red, covered her mouth excitedly. After being reminded by her friend Su Li, and under the envious gaze of many female artists, she walked towards the stage with tears in her eyes.


Shaking hands with the female artist with flaming red lips, Xu Renshan smiled and congratulated each other.

Although the other party's qualifications are not very outstanding, but the acting skills are still remarkable, and it is not a big problem to play the heroine of a certain movie in the company's script library.

As for the amount of investment, it is not a problem at all. In the next few years, which movie will be released in theaters will not be invested by tens of millions.

"Thank you Xu Dong, thank you."

Holding the hand of the young boss with both hands, Zhi Xinlei seemed to see a better life in the future and beckoned to her.

Sure enough, fate will not keep teasing her, hard work will always be rewarded one day.

At the same time, the audience burst into warm applause.

In the same company, everyone has more or less heard of Zhi Xinlei's encounter, and admires this strong female colleague.

"come on."

Smiling, Xu Renshan walked off the stage with the other party.

"Boss, do you want to go to the room to rest?"

During the second half of the annual meeting, Jiang Jingwen, who noticed the fatigue on the boss's face, took the initiative to ask.


Nodded, Xu Renshan didn't want to go back smelling of alcohol, he needed to drink some tea to sober up.

However, when he sat down in the living room of the hotel's presidential suite, the doorbell rang.

Looking at the female artist in red and her two friends, Xu Renshan's eyes became a little sober.

".The company will issue virtual share subscription qualifications to contracted artists and contracted studios with a market value of 9 billion. This time, 100,000 shares will be issued at a price of 10,000 yuan per share. Each contracted artist is limited to 1,000 shares, and each contracted studio is limited to 3,000 shares. .The subscription time starts from the seventh day of the first month of 2013 and ends on the 16th day of the first month of 2013"

On the morning of the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, which is the day after the annual meeting, Qingguo Entertainment issued a subscription notice for virtual shares among internal artists and signing studios.

Issuing an internal notice ten days in advance is to give artists a time to raise funds in advance, and also to give them sufficient time to think about it.

After all, no one can guarantee the profit dividend of Qingguo Entertainment in the next year, and whether it will be listed in the future.

The virtual share subscription for ordinary employees will be announced after the sixteenth day of the first lunar month.

This time, Qingguo Entertainment will take out a total of 15% of the company's virtual shares for subscription, of which artists and studios account for about 11%, and the remaining 4% will be subscribed for other employees of the company.

"Sister Fan, Sister Fan, have you seen the company's announcement?"

Early in the morning, Xiao Fengdi and Gu Yourong, who had just received the notification, knocked on the door of Zhang Fan's dormitory next door, and then asked the sleepy-eyed eldest sister.

"What announcement?"

Zhang Fan, who was a little tired, opened the door to let the two of them in. He lay on the sofa with a pillow and squinted his eyes, asking casually.

Last night, she who has a good relationship with Zhi Xinlei, together with Su Li, accompanied each other to thank the big boss.

Now she is still a little tired.

(end of this chapter)