Chapter 417: :trade

Lu Bu just stared at Liu Bei without saying too much. If Liu Bei had such knowledge, he would not have known that the Mi family had a good relationship with Bingzhou. He also ordered Chen Deng to go to Mi Mansion. He believed that Liu Bei had other things to come. Purpose, no matter how you interact with people like Liu Bei, you must be cautious. As for investigating the assassin, even the flying eagle soldiers can't detect it, let alone Liu Bei.

"It's just that Cao Jun has a deep grievance with Xuzhou. Cao Jun has a strong army. Now he has gained most of Yuzhou. He is strong and ready to come here for the sake of forming an alliance with Bingzhou." Liu Bei said slowly, since Cao Cao captured Yanzhou. After that, he was very anxious. Cao Cao coveted Xuzhou for a long time. Sooner or later there would be a battle between the two. Xuzhou's wealthy man was the strength of the four battles, which was easy to attack and difficult to defend.

"Thank you Jinhou for selling the Xuzhou warhorse. I am grateful. When I was in Xuzhou, Bei and Jinhou had some misunderstandings. At the beginning, Bei had misunderstood the words of others. I hope Jinhou will not be surprised." Seeing Lu Bu was silent. , Liu Bei said sincerely.

Lu Bu smiled and said: "The matter is over, Xuan De must not mention it again."

"Marquis Jin is generous and admire it." Liu Bei saluted.

Lü Bu replied: "The alliance matters are of great importance, so I will inform Xuande after discussing with his subordinates."

"The Marquis of Jin also knows the current situation in Xuzhou. Cao Cao occupies Yanzhou and Yuzhou. He will definitely not give up. He is prepared as a pastoralist of Xuzhou, but he is anxious. Now Xuzhou is unstable. There is no county official who does not listen to orders. , Xuzhou is in danger."

"Bingzhou is separated from Xuzhou by Jizhou. Jizhou and Bingzhou have a deep hatred. Although the beneficiary has intentions, he is also powerless." Lv Bu sighed. If Bingzhou and Xuzhou were close, I am afraid that Lv Bu could not help Xuzhou long ago. Xuzhou's Zang Tyrant is a powerful force.

"Jin Hou can have this heart, I am very grateful." Liu Bei said slowly and silently for a while: "Xuzhou lacks the cavalry, and the elite cavalry in Xuzhou is well known in the world. Jin Hou led hundreds of cavalry to go deep behind the enemy and prepare for it. Thinking of it, if Xuzhou also has such cavalry, He Chou can't compete with Cao Cao. I don't know if Jin Hou is willing to inform the cavalry training method."

Lv Bu laughed, "Xuande has winged virtue under Xuande's command, and the two powerful generals in Yunchang. It is natural to train cavalry, and the Xuzhou warhorses are also from Bingzhou, and they can become elites with strict training."

From the war to the present, Lu Bu also knew that among the vassals, the cavalry secrets were not a few. The cavalry under Yuan Shu's suddenly increased in strength. This is the best explanation. Perhaps Liu Bei discovered something. He came to the army to get more. The exact news, if this is the case, I must think about blackmailing some grain from Xuzhou. Anyway, these secrets have been leaked out. If the benefits are not obtained, it would be a pity.

"Bei asks Jin Hou to tell the secrets of the Bingzhou cavalry." Seeing Lu Bugu talking about him, Liu Bei said truthfully.

"The secret of the Bianzhou cavalry?" Lu Bu looked thoughtful, and seeing this, the generals in the army also asked to resign from the big account.

"Xuzhou is willing to send two thousand stones to Bingzhou." Liu Bei began to bid.

Lu Bu curled his lips secretly, two thousand stones and grass? I don't know what Liu Bei thinks, even the price code is so stingy.

"With 100,000 stones of grain and grass, Benhou will tell Xuande the secrets of the Bianzhou cavalry." Lu Bu said slowly.

Liu Bei was silent. From Lu Bu's words, he already knew that the cavalry really had a secret. This was also why he wanted to get the exact secret of the cavalry before heading to the Bingzhou Army.

Guo Jia also watched in amazement at Lu Bu and Liu Bei's bargaining, and finally set the price at 50,000 shi forage.

Liu Bei feels fooled. Is the secret of buying cavalry worth 50,000 stones, food and grass? 50,000 stones, food and grass, and 10,000 troops will save enough points for four months. What you get is the secret of the cavalry in Xuzhou, but if Xuzhou can do so It's worth it to get a strong cavalry.

And Lu Bu knew that the secret of the cavalry was difficult to keep, so he might as well make a fortune while he still had some value.

Guan Yu behind Liu Bei was even more dissatisfied. They were both courtiers of the Han Dynasty, so they should help each other.

"It's not that Ben Hou doesn't believe in Xuan De. After all, fifty thousand stones, grains and grass are not a small amount. Can Xuan De set up written evidence as a proof?" Lu Bu said.

"Documents?" Liu Bei asked in confusion.

"Oh, just write on the paper Xuande owes 50,000 stones and grains to Binzhou, when will it be paid, write Xuande's name, put Xuande's seal on it, or put a fingerprint on it."

Liu Bei pondered for a moment and said this is of course.

Looking at the handwriting and fingerprints written by Liu Bei on the paper, Lu Bu smiled. As long as he had this handwriting, he would not be afraid of Liu Bei's denial.

Seeing Lu Bu's smile, Liu Bei was a little disturbed.

"Xuande will follow Benhou to the army, and Benhou will tell the secrets of the Xuande cavalry."

"I don't know if I can bring my second brother, and my third brother will go together." Liu Bei said.

"Of course you can." Lu Bu smiled. He didn't expect that when he left, someone would send food ~ such a good thing is hard to find.

After leaving the camp, Lu Bu ordered: "Bring a horse."

After a while, a flying knight sent his horse.

Lu Bu said: "Look at Xuan De, this thing was originally named a stirrup, which is good for the cavalry to stabilize the figure on the battle horse. Even if they are holding swords in both hands, they don't have to worry about falling from the battle horse."

Liu Bei said on the surface that he was, but in his heart he was looking forward to the fact that the horses of Bingzhou could have more secrets. He had ordered the craftsmen to build equipment into the cavalry with the stirrups.

Guan Yu snorted coldly: "The princes know about the stirrups. Could it be that the Jin princes thought it worth 50,000 stones for food and grass."

Dian Wei had long seen Guan Yu displeased. From the first time he saw Lu Bu, Guan Yu was very arrogant. He stepped forward and glared at Guan Yu and said, "How can you be arrogant here when Jinhou is doing things."

Seeing Guan Yu's eyes slightly narrowed, Liu Bei hurriedly said, "Don't be surprised by Jin Hou."

"Ben Hou Jingyun is a fierce general. If he is presumptuous in the Bingzhou Army, please leave, otherwise I can't blame Ben Hou for disregarding the old friendship." Lu Bu said coldly.

Guan Yu's face became even more red, but to outsiders there was no change.

"Chang Yun, don't hesitate to apologize to Jin Hou." Liu Bei said.

"No, Benhou is not a petty person."

Liu Bei's complexion was slightly stagnant, and he smiled and said, "Jin Marquis is generous."

"In addition to the stirrups, there is another thing that is indispensable for defeating the enemy." Lu Bu looked at Guan Yu with a smile.

Guan Yu arrogantly revealed that it was drooping a bit, while Zhang Fei stared at Lu Bu with piercing eyes. The cavalry in Xuzhou has always been trained by him, and he can upgrade his soldiers.

"What is it?" Liu Bei said in surprise. It seemed that the 50,000 stones were not in vain.

Lu Bu nodded, Dian Wei raised a horse hoof.

14 more.

(End of this chapter)