Chapter 5202: : Ping'er, come and see Taishan

The speed of development of the Jin that emerged from the war is obvious to all. Not only did the country's development not be more affected by the impact of the war, but on the contrary, in this process, the country has a faster development speed.

The strong rise of the Jin Kingdom is shocking. It is precisely this kind of Jin that is still not satisfied with the current achievements. On the contrary, after seeing opportunities, they will fight on the battlefield again and again and obtain more from the hands of the enemy. Multi-city pools.

The vast territory of the current Jin State is unmatched by the past dynasties. If it is placed on the past emperors, if the territory of the aliens can be occupied, there will be many difficulties, but after such things are placed on Lu Bu's body, it has become In reality, the Xianbei, the Japanese, the people of the Western Regions, the Wusun, the Kangju people, the Huns, and the Dawan people on the grassland have all become subjects under the rule of Jin. Rule.

In governing these places, the ability of the officials of the Jin State is also commendable. If there is no due diligence of the officials of the Jin State, it is only by the order of the imperial court to give these places a real governance. , It is simply impossible.

When governing the territories of aliens, many aspects need to be paid attention to. If some things are not handled properly, more problems will arise, and even the local people will have the rule of Jin. A lot of resistance.

When the officials of the Jin country administer the cities of the foreign races, they adopted a combination of strict system and tolerance, in order to make the cities of the foreign races stabilize faster. When the foreigners adapt to the lives of the people of the Jin country, They will not have more resistance to the people of the Jin country, and will not violate the system of the Jin country more.

When the way of life of the aliens gradually changed, after they adapted to the life of the people of the Jin country, they would have an important help for the future of the Jin country. Let these cities completely become the territory of the Jin country. Not much credit yet.

From the previous actions of the Jin country, it can be seen that it is only the current achievements that it is not easy to satisfy Lu Bu. Lu Bu led the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield and gained from the wars. Victory made the enemy bear more of the price of failure.

However, Lu Bu was not satisfied with the current achievements. The Jin army soldiers might have conquests in the future. The Jin army soldiers' conquests were accompanied by nightmares that were often the enemy's.

"Ping'er, take a look at Mount Tai." Lu Bu smiled.

Lu Ping followed the Feng Chan team, and it took a long time for him to be in the same carriage with Lu Bu. Although he was set up as the crown prince, there was no canonization ceremony, but Lu Ping’s mentality has changed a lot. There will be more observations about things, and he has to gradually adapt to the role of the prince. If the officials in the DPRK cannot be satisfied with the performance in the ordinary handling of things, his position as the prince may be dangerous. NS.

Normally, Lu Ping doesn’t come into contact with many things, so he’s learning now, and it’s best to grow faster in this process. In this way, he won’t say anything when dealing with some things. There will be more problems.

The development of the Jin state requires that the prince must have the corresponding ability, and the future development of the Jin state can be guaranteed. If the prince of the Jin state does not have the corresponding ability, even if Lu Bu agrees, the officials in the DPRK will have A lot of opposition, how many officials’ efforts, have achieved the strength of the state of Jin nowadays, such strength, but with the efforts of many officials, these officials are naturally to enable Jin to have a good development, so that Jin The future development of China can be more guaranteed.

If the prince’s ability is not enough, he doesn’t have the corresponding ability when dealing with affairs, even the son of the queen, it’s difficult to inherit the great treasure.

The emperor must have the corresponding ability. In this way, when dealing with things, it will not be said that there will be more mistakes, and will not make unforgivable mistakes in the ordinary.

Jin’s current development situation is the result of the efforts of many officials. The efforts of these officials should be respected. If even the results of their efforts cannot be preserved, how many officials will have an interest in Jin’s dynasty. Don't be disappointed.

It can be seen from Lu Bu's past actions that more often, Lu Bu is a simple person, and will make changes in time if he finds inappropriate places. This is also no exception in the matter of the prince.

The existence of the prince is the future of a country. If the prince cannot grow quickly when dealing with things, it will make the emperor feel dissatisfied. In this case, can the position of the prince be more stable?

Lu Bu has worked hard for many years to bring about the prosperity of Jin. If it is because of the prince’s affairs that the development of Jin has been more affected, such things are absolutely intolerable for Lu Bu.

Lu Bu hopes that his own efforts can make the results continue more, instead of letting the results be destroyed in the hands of future generations.

After announcing that Lu Ping became the prince, Lu Bu paid more attention to Lu Ping, and taught Lu Ping a lot on the way to Mount Tai.

When Cai Yan saw these scenes, he remained silent more often, but there was still a lot of joy in his heart. How could it be the pride of a mother that his son can grow up to where he is now?

It can be seen from Lu Bu's teaching that Lu Bu has a lot of expectations for Lu Ping.

For Lu Ping to grow up as soon as possible, it has many benefits for Jin.

Cai Yan is a person who knows books and is reasonable. When teaching children, she also has her method. He has developed Lu Ping's tenacious character and will not say that he is cowardly when dealing with others.

Lu Bu was a military commander on the battlefield. The aura that he usually showed on his body had a great impact on ordinary people. Even Lu Ping could feel the killing intent emanating from Lu Bu.

Not only Lu Ping, but Lu Bu’s children, they always have a lot of fear when facing Lu Bu. Lu Bu is a military commander who fought on the battlefield. He has won victories from the battles. This kind of feat is not an ordinary military commander. Comparable.

It is precisely because of the **** battles led by Lv Bu's lieutenant generals in the war that the stability of the Jin country is now available. If the stability of the Jin country cannot be guaranteed, even if they are the children of the royal family, they will suffer a lot of hardships. .

In many wars, Lu Bu led the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield and took the lead in the charge. Isn't it to make the territory of the Jin country more stable, so that his family can enjoy a more stable life?

If you can't even win the battle against the enemy, the impact on Jin is often great. As long as you think deeply about the problems, you can discover how much Lu Bu has paid for the development of Jin. , In order to let the family can enjoy a stable life, how much has been paid.

Such a thing is exactly what Lu Bu, as the emperor, should stand out from the battles of the princes. When facing the enemy, he will never retreat. Through the method of war, the enemy will be defeated on the battlefield. wipe out.

This kind of dedication is for the stability of the Jin country and the family can enjoy a stable life.

There are many difficulties in becoming an emperor. If there is no proper way to deal with some things, more problems will arise. How many bad conditions have occurred in the Jin country when it is stable. Could it be said that these things are Lu Bu's responsibility?

When Lü Bu succeeded in the battle for hegemony of the princes and ruled the world, all he could get was more praise, and how many unfavorable remarks against Lü Bu disappeared at this time. This is the treatment that the victor should enjoy.

When victory comes, as a monarch, you will enjoy more benefits.

After becoming the emperor of the Jin country and dominating the world, the Jin army has not stopped in its march. Instead, it has set its sights on more distant countries. The fierce attack of the Jin army and soldiers brought the defeat of the war to these countries.

When the armies of these countries cannot win the battle against the Jin army, their cities will fall into turmoil.

However, after the turbulence, it will gradually stabilize, because after the arrival of the officials of the Jin State, there will definitely be corresponding means in governing the city. This aspect can be well seen from the past performance of the Jin State officials. The problem is.

Jin’s army fought on the battlefield, and obtained many victories from the battlefield. Such a victory actually had a great influence on the long-term development of Jin, and even made the territory of Jin even wider. The prestige of the country is more known to future generations.

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, Lü Bu's actions like this are a bit of a brutal force, but after truly understanding the situation of Jin, they will find that Jin has not made the people endure a difficult life because of the impact of the war.

On the contrary, after the end of the wars, the people of the Jin country have been able to lead a stable life, and the quality of life of the people of the Jin country has been largely guaranteed. Only the soldiers of the Jin army have achieved this. The success of this is enough to make more people feel shocked.

Who could have imagined that the generals of the Jin army could achieve such achievements in the process of facing the enemy forces in the Han Dynasty, and could make the enemy forces bear so many defeats in wars.

The success of the soldiers of the Jin army has a great impact on ordinary people, and what these people understand is the powerful strength of the Jin army.

When the enemy is fighting against the Jin army, it is often not an easy task to win the war. If there is no corresponding means and strength during the battle, it is simply a matter of wanting to win from the hands of the Jin army. Fantastic Nights.

It can be seen from the performance of the Jin soldiers against the enemy. When the Jin soldiers appear in a confrontation, they will often cause much impact on the enemy, no matter how powerful the enemy is. In front of the generals of the Jin army, they were so vulnerable.

It is precisely because the army of the Jin Kingdom can win in the confrontation again and again, can the soldiers of the Jin army have more pride when facing the enemy. Regardless of the strength of the enemy army, as long as the soldiers of the Jin army appear in the war Among them, it is bound to be able to win from the confrontation, which is also the belief of the soldiers of the Jin army.

The strength of the enemy army is strong, even if it can have a certain influence on the soldiers of the Jin army, but such influence is often not enough, because after the soldiers of the Jin army appear on the battlefield, the pain caused to the enemy army is often great. .

The success of the Jin army soldiers in the war is the pride of the people of the Jin country. When Lu Ping thinks of the Jin army soldiers' record and Lu Bu's dedication on the battlefield, his blood boils with enthusiasm.

As the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Lu Bu was able to appear on the battlefield in battles, allowing the lieutenants to have more confidence in the enemy in the Han Dynasty. Who can make irresponsible remarks for such an emperor. ?

If it wasn't for Lu Bu's reasons, what kind of situation is currently neglected by Jin, and what will the life of the Han people be like?

A powerful monarch allows the people under the rule to enjoy more stable lives. This situation is the most important for the people.

As for Lu Bu's treatment of the family's wealthy family, the means made the family's wealthy people feel dissatisfied, why do these family's wealthy family still live under Lu Bu's rule?

In general, it is because of Lu Bu's powerful strength that these so-called families have to give in more. Besides, they have no more confidence when facing Lu Bu. Yes.

From Lu Bu’s previous style of work, we can see more how much influence it will have on the wealthy family after Lu Bu is angry. The emperor of Jin is incomparable. When the emperor of Jin is angry, it will have a great influence on their family.

Although the development of the Jin country has a lot of reliance on talents from the wealthy family, after the current strength of the Jin country is strong, the wealthy family will be subject to considerable restrictions when doing things. This is also the Jin country. The system determines that even if some families have a lot of dissatisfaction with such a system, what choices can they have at this time? Can it be said that they dare to violate Lu Bu's order?

Lu Bu didn't have much patience when facing the wealthy family. If the performance of the wealthy family couldn't make Lu Bu more satisfied, Lu Bu would let the family and wealthy people understand what a sharp means is.

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